GM Valen |
whats the thing Reslove,? Use Reslove to get up,?
A PC knocked unconscious from nonlethal damage, like Hesori, can spend 1 Resolve Point at the start of the PC's turn to heal 1 Hit Point. Once this is done, the PC is immediately conscious and can take a turn as normal. The mechanic is called "Staying in the Fight". The rules are found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook and are also published at that Archives of Nethys.
GM Valen |
Ill do that and then Mystic Heal myself
Hesori, Mystic Cure M1: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Hesori, Fort save v falling stars: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7Hesori heals then takes a hit.
So, no need for Vega to take the fall.
BOTTING Celebryn - No post in 24+ hours and to move us along
Celebryn, Fort save v falling stars: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
The meteor storm seems to let up for the time being, giving all the Starfinders an opportunity to get further into the ruins. There, the pinned, green-skinned creature continues struggle and moan in pain.
The falling star hazard only lasts for 5 rounds. After that, the PCs can take 10 on their checks, so everyone can make it to safety, so I am going to handwave the rest of THE CROSSING.
Party Status - Post-Crossing THE CROSSING
Celebryn Edasseril -5 SP | -8 HP
Gold-Flecked Black -5 SP
Hesori Zou -7 SP | -1 HP
Kalhoun, Tac Officer -7 SP
Rover Yi -1 SP
Vega Capella -2 SP
PCs are free to take a 10 minute rest if they wish and spend Resolve Points for Regaining Stamina Points.
Safely freeing the native from the debris requires a PC to be adjacent to the creature and succeed at an Engineering or a Medicine check. Failure could cause the native to take damage and remain stuck.
What do you wish to do, Starfinders?
Kalhoun, Tac Officer |
Kalhoun will be happy to take a rest once the trapped creature is free. Unfortunately, he lacks the skill to do so himself.
Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 20 +0 on either check
Gold-Flecked Black |
I, too, will take a 10 minute rest to restore stamina.
Regarding the trapped local, Vega has Engineering (+8), Rover has Medicine (+4), and Hesori has Mystic Cure. Looks like Vega is probably our best bet?
GM Valen |
Vega tries to get what remains of a telescope equatorial mount off the alien
Vega is successful. The green-skinned local has female features, much like others encountered earlier in teh village. She appears severly injured, but extremely grateful. She utters several phrases in her native tongue.
She tries to remove a satchel strapped over her shoulder, but winces in pain. She pauses for a few moments, as if to rest. She begins again to remove the satchel, this time with more fluid motion.
She hands the satchel to Vega.
Appearing more steady now, the woman makes it to her feet. She points pas the ruins where the outpost can be seen upon a low hill rising in the distance.
What do you wish to do next, Starfinders?
Gold-Flecked Black |
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11.
Gold-Flecked Black remains oblivious as to what she is trying to communicate.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27.
It would appear that she is part-troll? She is healing quite fast.
I guess we should head to the outpost?
Vega Capella |
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Ugoki - gotcha
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
She takes the offered satchel and looks inside.
Wow!. There's some gems, a fusion seal and a ring in here
Celebryn Edasseril |
Ugoki - gotcha[dice=perception]d20+1
She takes the offered satchel and looks inside.
Wow!. There's some gems, a fusion seal and a ring in here
"I would be glad to examine that ring to see if it is magical or not."
Kalhoun, Tac Officer |
Kalhoun makes a gesture that he hopes conveys appreciation, then points at the half-troll, the Starfinders and the outpost to show a desire to accompany her there.
GM Valen |
Vega hands the satchel over. Go for it
The weapon fusion also has a magical aura.
Another Mysticism check is required to identify.
Kalhoun makes a gesture that he hopes conveys appreciation, then points at the half-troll, the Starfinders and the outpost to show a desire to accompany her there.
The troll-kin native gestures in return, as if providing a warning. She tries to convey a message.
Once completing her effort, she turns to head away from the outpost and toward the village.
Celebryn Edasseril |
Vega Capella wrote:Vega hands the satchel over. Go for it
** spoiler omitted **
Kalhoun, Tac Officer wrote:Kalhoun makes a gesture that he hopes conveys appreciation, then points at the half-troll, the Starfinders and the outpost to show a desire to accompany her there.The troll-kin native gestures in return, as if providing a warning. She tries to convey a message.
** spoiler omitted **
Once completing her effort, she turns to head away from the outpost and toward the village.
GM, a Take10 will not ensure Celebryns Success, a Take 20 would. Is that possible at this juncture?
Kalhoun, Tac Officer |
Oops, misunderstood. Kalhoun wanted to go with the troll.
GM Valen |
GM, a Take10 will not ensure Celebryns Success, a Take 20 would. Is that possible at this juncture?
Taking 20 would require about 2 minutes of time and the native isn't giving you that long before she decides to leave and head back toward her village.
Oops, misunderstood. Kalhoun wanted to go with the troll.
I am not sure that I understand. The troll is not going to the outpost, but heading back to the village. As the SRO hireling pointed out in the prior post, it would appear that she already attempted to enter the outpost and has since thought the better of it.
Party Status - Post-Crossing & Post-Rest
Celebryn Edasseril -8 HP | -1 RP
Gold-Flecked Black -1 RP
Hesori Zou -7 SP | -1 HP
Kalhoun, Tac Officer -1 RP
Rover Yi -1 RP
Vega Capella -2 SP
Does the party wish to follow the troll-kin native or head to the outpost?
Does Hesori wish to rest and spend 1 RP to regain full Stamina Points?
Vega Capella |
Vega is keen to investigate the outpost even if the point defense lasers are on. She was brought up on a more modern version.
Aw! Come ON. How bad can it be? Besides, it's raining rocks out here.
Kalhoun, Tac Officer |
"I hope we can visit your people once we are finished, but our work takes us to the outpost."
Kalhoun knows he is not understood, but feels it worth saying anyway.
GM Valen |
Does Hesori wish to rest and spend 1 RP to regain full Stamina Points?
After the troll-kin native departs and some of the Starifnders have taken a rest, the party makes its way to the coordinates of the outpos.
A door leading into the nearest structure stands halfway open.
You find that debris litters the floor of tan otherwise empty chamber. The floor paneling has been ripped up in several areas, revealing the same ground as the exterior. The door to the west sits halfway open, leading outside. The doors to the north and south remain securely closed.
Map of chamber now revealed on Slides. Please move your PCs's tokens accordingly.
Vega Capella |
Vega squees seeing the intact telescope. Ooooh look. It's an old half metre Zeiss. I'm surprised it hasn't been pulverized by now. We'd better retract it into it's done before it gets smashed.
GM Valen |
Gold-Flecked Black looks around...
...then tries to open the door to the left.
Moved PC token of Gold-Flecked Black on the map accordingly.
Upon entering the outpost, the Starfinder finds that debris litters the floor of tan otherwise empty chamber. The floor paneling has been ripped up in several areas, revealing the same ground as the exterior. The heavy blast door to the west sits halfway open, leading outside. The heavy blast doors to the north and south remain securely closed. Trying the blast door to the north, on to their “left”, Gold-Flecked Black finds that it is locked.Perhaps more concerning, Gold-Flecked Black notices that there is a security camera at the top of the chamber’s ceiling and a set of motion sensors traversing the remains of the chamber's floor.
Disabling the motion sensors requires a successful Engineering check. Must be within the chamber to attempt to disable.
Unlocking the door requires a separate, successful Engineering check. Must be adjacent to door to attempt to unlock.
Please move your token adjacent to the door.
Map of chamber now revealed on Slides. Please move your PCs's tokens accordingly and include any accompanying skill checks with your post.
Hesori Zou |
Yes shell rest and heal up
Hesori rests up heals and then gets up holding her staff. She follows ready to help where she can. For now she waits lettinf the more technical inclined members do thier due diligemce as she keeps watch.
Kalhoun, Tac Officer |
Kalhoun moves to the center of the room and keeps his eyes open for danger.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
GM Valen |
Kalhoun moves to the center of the room and keeps his eyes open for danger.
Kalhoun also spots the security camera at the top of the chamber’s ceiling and the set of motion sensors traversing the remains of the chamber's floor.
Vega attempts to open the south door
[dice=engineering]d20+8Huh. Unlocked
As no Engineering check was required to open the door to the south where Vega moved, I will assume the Engineering check was an attempt to disable the motion sensors...
Vega manages to carefully manipulate the motion sensors and render them nonfunctional. Opening the door to the south, she spies an open corridor ending in a closed door.
The door to the north viewed by Gold-Flecked Black is locked.
Requires an Engineering check to unlock.
Please move your PCs's tokens accordingly and include any accompanying skill checks with your post.
Kalhoun, Tac Officer |
Kalhoun sticks with Vega, not wanting anyone to be alone here.
GM Valen |
Vega goes to the closed door and checks to see if it is locked.
The door is unlocked and opens readily into a fifty-foot-wide circular chamber.Here, curved plastic walls lead up to a transparent ceiling, partially obscured by chunks of random debris atop it but still clear enough to admit sunlight. The lower portions of the chamber are adorned with the remains of starcharts and banners bearing a butterfly motif.
Rows of greenery line the southern and northern spaces of the chamber, while the center is dominated by a massive telescope.
Doors exit the area to the north and east.
Rover Yi |
Rover moves in and then ducks behind the flowers. He can't stealth cause he would have been seen moving towards them. But he ducks down afterward for concealment assuming something is in the room.
GM Valen |
Oh by the stars, it's BEAUTIFUL Vega squees. She them goes to examine the telescope to see if it is still in working condition.
Despite its clear age, the telescope appears to be functional. However, the thick atmosphere and the relative glare produced by the cascade of falling meteors burning up within the atmosphere makes it quite difficult to view many nonterrestrial objects through the device.
The telescope sits on a large rotational platform, which is powered by a series of large, rusting gears. Similarly sizeable and neglected gears supply the motion for retracting the telescope and closing the roof.
Any attempt to rotate the telescope, retract the telescope, or close the roof is likely to cause significant vibration of the structure and alert any within the outpost to the activity.
What do you wish to do, Starfinders?
Gold-Flecked Black |
Gold-FLecked Black cautiously gives the telescope room a once-over...
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21.
...and then moves to try the door on the opposite side of the room.
Vega Capella |
The optics are okay but the mounting drive is .... erm .... stuffed. Probably needs to be replaced ... and that's precision equipment. I'm ... not gonna even try.
She leaves the telescope as it is and collects what's left of the starcharts.
Probably needs at least a couple of litres of the local equivalent of WD-40
Kalhoun, Tac Officer |
Kalhoun remains vigilant as the others examine the telescope. He certainly would like to restore it - later.
GM Valen |
I will take a moment to look at Token Spell ... but in principle, could it be used to clean any of the rust?
Yes, but only within a 1 foot area and only for a period of one hour.
Gold-FLecked Black cautiously gives the telescope room a once-over...
...and then moves to try the door on the opposite side of the room.
The greenery here, much of which is overgrown, contains a few varieties of plants generally considered edible among most cultures within the Pact Worlds. Further, the roots and the relatively rich soil around the unkempt growth houses some of the native molluscs, annelids, and other local fauna, which must have wormed their way into the outpost. All are in sufficient quanity to provide an ongoing supply of food for several persons.
Otherwise, the stellifera does not spot anything else of relevance with respect to the telescope room.
The door is unlocked and opens upon another corridor leading to yet another door.
Corridor now revealed on Map.