DM Kludde |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Starfinder Society travels to Castrovel to attend a museum gala celebrating the grand opening of its latest archaeological exhibit: a showcase of ancient civilizations of the Vast. With artifacts and belongings from the Scoured Stars in tow, the Starfinders prepare an exhibit display, network with esteemed archaeologists and organizations, and enjoy the event. But when a gang of violent thieves interrupts the gala, it’s up to the Starfinders to save lives, preserve priceless artifacts, and bring the thieves to justice!

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As Count-14 approaches, his sleek silver exterior and subtle hum of nanites catch the eye. A miniature spaceship-like object orbits his holo as he inquires in a robotic voice, "Hello, what is the mission, please?"

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Another android comes into view, looking around the place blankly, blinking. When they find some allies, they introduce themselves in a dual voice that syncs together. "Greetings. I am Iron-59 Felicis, but you can just call me Felix."
Paradoxes: 3d20 ⇒ (4, 8, 13) = 25

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A kasatha with a leaner than average build enters the room quietly. His demeanor is tranquil. His four hands are usually clasped together in front of his torso. His hairless grey skin may be off-putting to those more accustomed to human tones. He is most often dressed in business wear over blue skin tight light armor. And like almost all kasathas his lower face is masked.
"I am Kadef Hins Socriat of Clan Parsem, House Zebulan. Teammates usually simply call me Kadef. I hope our mission will be felicitously completed."

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Felicitously? Volitare asks I ... do not know that word. Erm ... I'm Volitare ... mystic xenodruid. And no, I do not know what the mission is
They scuttle over to a nearby hoverchair and clamber into it before starting it up.

DM Kludde |

...Fade to black. Panning shot of a large luxury starvessel, with the name 'Brass Clutch' written on its hull
The Brass Clutch clutch is a comfortable vessel, and the flight to Qabarat isn't particularly dangerous or long. The Brass Clutch is Radaszam(usually on video conference with the handle '@dealmaker')'s private vessel, and the group has been invited to join for a mission to Qabarat. The group has been told enough to know there is something going on with the Grand Museum of Qabarat, and that the group is supposed to help set up a museum display and attend a gala opening.
Welcome everybody! Please take a moment to get comfortable, introduce your character and fill the paperwork (please register your characters in RPG Chronicles.
Please also take a moment to write down your init and perception on the Handouts and upload a token. AbadarCorp Entertainment wishes you a safe flight and a pleasant journey!

DM Kludde |

Ehu swivels his chair to face the group. “I always love seeing Qabarat come into view. You see that glare on the walls there?” he gestures his head toward the windows. “Layers of shells. Decades of them, built up over the years and brought into the foundation of the walls.”
“These aren’t kids on a field trip,” Radaszam calls from the cockpit. “Save the tour for when the cameras can see them, eh? Knowing your history is all well and good, but we’re here to make an impression, not just look at pretty shells.”
“I’m sure they’ll have time for both,” Ehu calls back before turning to the group. “The museum’s gala is tomorrow, but we’ve arrived early to help finalize the exhibition. There will be a robo-taxi waiting for you once we land. Please, head over to the museum and meet with Zovi, the curator. Most importantly, take your time. Explore the museum, learn the history of this place and the people who live in it.”
“Most importantly,” Radaszam adds. “Don’t break anything. You’d be surprised how expensive those little rocks can be. We’re here to make a good impression, not rack up an enormous bill.”
The Brass Clutch makes its final descent into the spaceport with a soft thud. Ehu and Radaszam make their preparations to leave, pausing a moment to answer any questions.
You can ask questions or roll Culture or Life Science to know some background information

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Felicitously? Volitare asks I ... do not know that word. Erm ... I'm Volitare ... mystic xenodruid. And no, I do not know what the mission is
They scuttle over to a nearby hoverchair and clamber into it before starting it up.
Kadef inclines his head slowly to the raxilite. "The root word, felicitous, can mean 'suited to the conditions' or, 'pleasing and fortunate'. I personally also find it pleasant to say or hear."
A drow dressed in black armor smiles and says Greating, I'm Mizzrym', but you can call me Mizz.
"Greetings, Mizz. And to you Felix and Voltaire. "
Kadef nods respectfully to each of you in turn, and to the android who didn't provide a name.
Culture: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

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RK Culture (library Chip take 20): 20 + 3 = 23
Mizzrym' tries to recollect in its data files what he knows about the Qabarat University.
I just have my professional clothing, nothing fancy... do we need something more adequate?

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"Hello, my name is count-14, are you in charge here?" Count-14 is asking Ehu and Radaszam, they then try to figure what he knows about that world.
how to roll please?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Uri_12, under text entry box it says 'How to format your text'. Press the 'Show' button beside that. Once that is opened you will see examples of the ways to format text, and how to roll. You can copy the examples and paste them into the text entry box to see what they do. Spaces are important. You have about 1 hour to edit posts after their initial submission.

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"Making good impression, the thing I am not good at..." Felix says monotonously.
Culture: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
"Any list of guests we need to impress?" they asks, as if they will impress them with words.

DM Kludde |

Radaszam snorts as Mizzrym asks about clothing "Have you seen the way these academics dress up? You want to presentable, yes, but no need to overdo it.
Ehu adds: “The majority of the guests will likely be staff and students from the Qabarat University of Xenoarchaeology and Xenoanthropology. Half the museum staff trained there, after all, and they like to keep those connections strong. I hear the Aspis Consortium will be sending a representative to showcase their latest expeditions. There will likely be some religious leaders in attendance as well. Talavet is a god of storytelling and legends, and some of her followers believe that museums are just another form in which she can be embodied.”
Radaszam cuts in, “Just assume the people you meet are important and try to make a good impression on them. Allies are worth their weight in credits. You never know when their help may be necessary.”
Everybody seems to know that The Scoured Stars is a trinary star system located in the Vast. Years ago, First Seeker Jadnura led an expedition into the Scoured Stars which resulted in many agents of the Starfinder Society becoming trapped in the system behind a magical, impenetrable barrier. Jadnura’s successor, First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo, worked tirelessly to lower this barrier and rescue the agents. Unfortunately, their rescue mission brought them into conflict with the jinsuls and their dangerous leader, Dhurus. The ensuing battles were hard won.
Count-14 manages to get some more details: The Scoured Stars consists of three star systems: Agillae, Bastiar, and Callion, which revolve around a common barycenter. Agillae is an orange dwarf star with five planets, all of which are terrestrial planets in the star’s habitable zone. Bastiar is the largest, brightest, and most massive of the three stars. It’s a yellow dwarf star with eight planets—five terrestrial planets, a gas giant with more than three dozen moons, and two ice giants. Callion is the smallest of the three stars. It’s a red dwarf star with two small, tidally locked planets whose orbits are synchronized so that they are always on the opposite sides of the star. The protective (some would say possessive) god Kadrical resides within the Scoured Stars.
Mizzrym remembers something about the inhabitants of the scoured stars. So far, the Starfinder Society has identified eight major species that lived within the Scoured Stars. One, the mentrasi, are extinct. The others include izalguuns, jinsuls, matohs, nelentus, syngnathrix, tekians, and thyrs. Many of these peoples left the Scoured Stars and emigrated to different planets ages ago, notably to the planets of Rax and Izalraan (known to much of the universe as Icefront) and to the planets of the Saaruq-Ruaan system, forming the multiplanetary federation known as the Kreiholm Freehold.
Felicis finally adds that the settlement of Izadamar was recently founded on Agillae-4, upon the ruins of an ancient and mysterious megacity. This site is fast becoming a home base and trading hub for visitors to the Scoured Stars system. Under the guidance of retired First Seeker Jadnura and newly promoted Venture-Captain Dezarin, a Starfinder lodge is being opened there, amid the remains of a jinsul military bunker.
Any other questions, or shall we move on? You can also make purchases now, in case you want to follow up on those fancy clothes

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A little robot looking creature shyly slips in, apologizing profusely for being late. It explains that it just got the assignment.
It introduces itself to you as Medbot. It tells you it does not yet have a personal name, but hopes to earn one someday.

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"Greetings, Medbot. "
Kadef listens to Count-14's suggestion. "Interesting. It might be a counterbalance to the Aspis presentations. If we do perform, it must come off well. Are any of us trained thespians? Do any of you have a notable mission to portray or other idea? My missions have been minor and lack luster. As a minor diplomatic functionary, I have not participated in any of the major Society campaigns over the last few years."
Kadef would be leaning on his charisma mod (+3) in performance. That's actually as good or better than any of his technical skills. He can talk to people all day long however.

DM Kludde |

Ehu laughs "That's a great idea, but you have another role to play.
He explains “The museum is holding an exhibition on the archaeology of the Vast. Pottery, tools, relics, and who knows what else collected from all sorts of far-flung ancient cultures.”
“We are contributing material from the Scoured Stars, primarily. We’ve discovered information and belongings from numerous ancient and long-destroyed civilizations across the many worlds of the Scoured Stars systems, and we’ve received permission to display some of it here. Nothing related to the izalguuns, of course. Their descendants preferred we keep their history quiet to protect their current lifestyle. But there’s plenty on the mentrasi and a few ancient jinsul civilizations. Some of the other cultures of the Scoured Stars are represented to a lesser extent, as our research on their home worlds is only in its beginning stages. There are belongings from an ancient syngnathrix waystation, a tekian industrial site, a matoh bathing pod, a nelentu farm, and a thyr religious site.
Your task is to help finalize the exhibition, and to help our team together with Zovi, the curator. You'll have a free hand in setting up the display, but remember that it's a museum, not a Newspark parade!

DM Kludde |

A soft thuds marks the landing of the Brass Clutch in the Castrovel spaceport of Qabarat. A robo-taxi is waiting, and drives through the winding streets of Qabarat. The sunlight bounces off the layers of iridescent shells layered inside the city walls, casting a spotlight towards the city center.
The full extent of Qabarat’s architecture rushes past the windows. Ancient universities stand side-by-side with cutting-edge cultural centers. Rows of academic buildings give way to the Grand Museum of Qabarat, a large, ovoid sandstone building that takes up the center of the district, rising out of the ground with a low dome to its right side.
Which to me looks an awful lot like Dongdaemun plaza in Seoul
Its exterior resembles the same species of seashell that covers the city walls. The robo-taxi halts and pulls to the side of the entrance, kneeling to the side to allow its passengers to disembark. Sitting outside the entrance is a less-than-patient nelentu, who practically hops in excitement.
Hi! Hi! the nelentu says, perking up my name is Minqalli, I'm also a starfinder, I just joined. I am here, because I was born in the Kreiholm Freehold, and my ancestors are from the Scoured Stars, so my personal connection with the belongings you'll be displaying will be very useful, don't you think? Minqalli adds with excitement as they almost drag the group into the museum, rushing past the entrance security checks to just barge into the galleries.
Minqalli rushes off through the galleries, clambering up the stairs into a cordoned off exhibition space marked by a sign that indicates a new display will soon be opening in this area. “You have GOT to see this!” they call back. “Come on, come on, come on!” The nelentu scrambles into a large room filled with arrowheads, pottery shards, and other archaeological finds. The far side of the wall is taken up by a floor-to-ceiling diorama of archaeological strata, depicting the various eras on display in the hall. Minqalli climbs up the diorama, eagerly pointing out various pieces of pottery built into the display. “You see this mark here? My ancestor made this one. Oh, and that one, and this one over here!” Their showcase of their ancestors’ belongings is cut short by the stomping footsteps of an incoming vesk, hand on her radio and an angry sneer on her face.
The Vesk approaches breathless, eyes wide as she sees Minqalli hanging from the display. “Get down from there!” she barks at Minqalli, then turns her scrutinizing eyes upon the group....

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Mizzrym' smiles at Minqalli enthusiasm. Impressive indeed. he says looking at the pieces that the nelentu shows them.
When the vesk arrives, he bows and says Greeting, I'm Mizzrym' I'm from the Starfinder Society. We have been sent to the museum to assist Zovi for the coming exhibition.

DM Kludde |

Well, Mizzrym from the Starfinder Society, I am Ayikesh from security Amyikesh from security says with a sarcastic tone and I don't appreciate people blasting past security to go ballering in my museum! You guys have some explaining to do! The vesk doesn't look amused and shouts at Minqalli YOU!Get down from there! NOW!
I need a Diplomacy or Bluff to explain yourselves. You can also try your luck with Culture, or a Profession check relevant to this museum (Curator, Archaeologist, Professor)

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"It must be a mistake from you. We have been invited here and are here to set things up. Just our friend here got a little too eager. Let's find Zovi. I'm sure that he will explain everything."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Profession Actor could have been relevant? (Just curious...)

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 8 + (6) = 30
"Minqalli, come down. Hello, Ayikesh. I am Kadef, also of the Starfinders. I assure you that Minqalli's behavior is merely the product of enthusiasm for his history and culture. I quite took all of us by surprise. I assure you that he'll be more careful in the future.
We are here to work on the Starfinder display. Can you guid eus to it, and let us know where Zovi is please?"
Kadef speaks quietly but with a disarming confidence.

DM Kludde |

Aargh the Vesk guard snarls You're here to help, so let me help you with this paperwork. If you just gives me your names, I think I can fill in the other details. And you! Amyikesh points threateningly to Minqalli we're not through yet!
After calming down, the vesk says As I said, the name's Amyikesh, she says I'm the head of security. If you need anything in the future, just holler. Amyik will do.
As Amyik leaves, a blue-tinted Lashunta woman arrives.
“Welcome to the Grand Museum of Qabarat! I hear you’ve already met with our head of security, Amyik, and received a comprehensive tour of our dig-site diorama by your little Starfinder friend. Minqalli is quite exuberant! My name is Zovi. I’m a curator here at the museum. And you are?”

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"Count-14 reporting to duty. Nice to meet you, Zovi. We were instructed to try to leave a good impression of the Society. How should we proceed with our assignment?

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Kadef clasps his hands and inclines his head toward the curator.
"Greetings, Zovi. I am Kadef Hins Socriat of Clan Parsem, House Zebulan. I am a diplomatic functionary of the Starfinder Society. In addition to Voltaire and Count-14, our team consists of Mizzrym', Iron-59 Felicis, Medbot 47 and our enthusiastic nelentu representative Minqalli. We are happy to assist you in any way possible."

DM Kludde |

Wonderful! Let me give you a short tour, before we move to our exhibit.
Welcome, everyone, to this fascinating exhibit hall. As a curator here at the Grand Museum of Qabarat, it's my pleasure to guide you through this collection. Please keep in mind that the artifacts we're about to see hold great historical and cultural significance.
This gallery is where we keep and display fragile materials. Things that are important to our people and history but cannot survive with too much light or jostling. As you’ll notice, our museum has no corners. As an institution that must serve a multitude of cultures, we must be mindful of these cultural beliefs. The makers of this dance regalia, for example. She presses a button beside her, momentarily lighting up a display case holding a dress with faded colors. They believe that the things they make have an energy, and that energy can become trapped. Not too many sharp edges in nature, you see. While these belongings are in our care, they’re free to glide around the space and flow through the curvatures of the building. And, as the tour guides are fond of saying, it keeps us well rounded. She gestures for the group to follow her as she steps into the next gallery. Please feel free to ask questions or share your observations as we explore this remarkable exhibition. Let's proceed to the next gallery, where more wonders await us.
As the group enters, they are greeted by a multitude of displays showcasing an array of belongings ranging from everyday items to weaponry. Each object is accompanied by a small button, inviting visitors to interact with the exhibit. When pressed, these buttons project holograms depicting individuals from the respective cultures, showcasing how they used the items on display.
Welcome, everyone, to the captivating "Life Within the Gap" gallery. Here, we delve into the rich cultures that flourished during the enigmatic Gap era. Our museum's experts have meticulously pieced together their best conjectures to offer glimpses into the daily lives and practices of these remarkable civilizations.
As we explore this gallery, take a moment to engage with the exhibits. Press the buttons beside each artifact to witness holographic projections of people from those cultures, vividly demonstrating how these objects were utilized in their daily routines.
This gallery serves as a bridge connecting us to the past, shedding light on the diverse societies that navigated the mysteries of the Gap. Let us embark on this journey together, unraveling the secrets and embracing the unique stories of those who lived during this intriguing era.
Zovi's voice resonates with enthusiasm and reverence as she guides the Starfinders through the gallery.
We used to have full-scale dioramas, but with our ever-increasing knowledge of the Gap cultures, and our rapidly evolving knowledge, these holograms allows us to swiftly apply new findings.
Feel free to investigate the galleries if you want...
Finally, Zovi leads the group into the gallery with the temporary exhibition.
The temporary gallery space is filled with a variety of display cases, platforms, and pedestals, all separated into distinct sections for the exhibitors to utilize. Most displays are empty, but a few already contain belongings and are ready for the public exhibition.
This is the temporary exhibition. You'll soon have your artifacts here, and our conservation staff will assist you will all handling and and physical movement of artifacts. Thank you very much for your interest in our galleries. Zovi says, as she bids the group farewell.
There are two researchers aready in the room, carefully unpacking artifacts assisted by the conservators. There's a male damaya lashunta, and a male half-elf. Two unattended displays have already been completed and are ready for exhibition. One contains beautiful statuettes and the other impressive jewelry.

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"Hello, do you need assistance? While I'm intrigued by pre-Gap android history, we have an exhibit to prepare, and it seems there's work left to be done.
Count-14 is ready to lend a hand in setting things up as efficiently as possible."

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Kadef follows Zovi closely and listens attentively. Periodically, he promises that he will be sure to examine the exhibits later, but that he doesn't want to hold up the group right now. (He completely means this and will be back to check out the other exhibits in his spare time.)
The Gap exhibit is simply too irresistible. He finds himeself punching buttons to see what happens.
For the gap exhibits, I'm imagining the scene from The Little Mermaid when the gull is telling Ariel what her artifacts from the surface world are for.
Ooo. is this scene interactive? Can we try exhibits and see what happens?

DM Kludde |

Kadef presses some buttons on the 'life in the Gap' dioramas. They're quite initricately and cleverly made: the buttons summon holograms of people from various cultures: a lashunta weaving on a loom, a ysoki maintaining their gun, and a half-elf using a carved stick to remind them of details as they silently recount a story to a crowd.
Zovi notices the interest of Kadef and before leaving, she explains A people and their culture aren’t the same thing—even in our modern world, with countless planets linked in a galactic communication network by the Drift, people aren’t a part of a single monolithic culture, but every group has its own expressions.
Why, this museum alone currently displays belongings from over fifty different lashunta-centric cultures that were located on Asana. It’s a fraction of our history. A single tree in the jungle.
Kadef can of course also look around in the temporary exhibition hall, to gather inspiration for setting up the starfinder's display case
Count-14 offers some help to the two researchers. They are each setting up their own exhibit. Of the two, the lashunta seems to be the most accesible, and he immediately reacts when Count-14 offers help.
Hi! Nice to meet you. The lashunta introduces himself, My name is Wheloss, and I'm a a postdoctoral student at the Qabarat University of Xenoarchaeology and Xenoanthropology.
Whaloss’ display consists of ancient bone carvings, stone statuettes, and other artwork focused on stars and other celestial bodies. Signage indicates these belongings are from the ancient elven civilization of Oatia.
You can make a perception or sense motive check with regards to Wheloss' display case.
Meanwhile, the half-elf keeps working on his display case, and the finished display cases can be inspected as well.

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Felix's expression is blank as always while they are being guided to different galleries. This expression though does not mean they are not taking down notes mentally. They then follow their fellow android Count-14, and while the envoy helps the lashuntas, Felix spends their time examining the displays to see if they can recognize them.
They scan to the display case.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

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Zovi notices the interest of Kadef and before leaving, she explains A people and their culture aren’t the same thing—even in our modern world, with countless planets linked in a galactic communication network by the Drift, people aren’t a part of a single monolithic culture, but every group has its own expressions.
Why, this museum alone currently displays belongings from over fifty different lashunta-centric cultures that were located on Asana. It’s a fraction of our history. A single tree in the jungle.
"Thank you Zovi. I will certainly avail myself of the opportunity."
But right now Kadef needs to work on the Starfinder display. Stepping up to the temporary exhibits he asks his fellow Starfinders, "I am no technical expert. Tell me what to do and I'll try my best."
Acrobatics (D) 7 ; Athletics (S) 7 ; Bluff (Ch) 8 ; Computers (I) -1 u ; Culture (I) 5 ; Diplomacy (Ch) 8 + 1d6 ; Disguise (CH) 3 u
Engineering (I) -1 u ; Intimidate (Ch) 3 u ; Life Science (I) 3 ; Medicine (I) 3 ; Mysticism (W) 1 u ; Perception (W) 5 ;
Physical Science (I) -1 u ; Piloting (D) 5 ; Sense Motive (W) 6 +1d6 ; Sleight of Hand (D) 1 u ; Stealth (D) 5 ; Survival (W) 1 u ; Profession (I,W,Ch) ?

DM Kludde |

Medbot inquires of Wheloss what sorts of creatures' bones the carvings are made from while looking around.
Ah, that's a good question! The elves of Oatia initially carved these from the bones of their domestic animals, but on rare occasions from the predators that they needed to kill to survice. See these he taps on the display are made from a type of buffalo that is very common in their livestock, but these he taps at another set were probably carved from an Azata! Quite a dangerous animal indeed!
Medbot also notes, together with Felicis, that Whaloss is clearly here to
increase the prestige of the university’s archaeological findings and aid Whaloss in securing funding for future fieldwork.
Whaloss also explains The people of Oatia have their roots in their city of Loskialua, located on Castrovel’s continent of Ukulam, but they later traveled to distant solar systems using magic. Oatian belongings have thus far been discovered on Astevint, Helfen-Thel, Preluria, the Tabori Cluster, and even the recently explored Weydana-4.
The Oatians were intensely interested in astronomy and distant worlds. They developed supernatural and magical techniques for surveying the sky beyond their own galaxy, discovered countless new constellations and worlds, captured eons-old messages from distant galaxies, made contact with bizarre and powerful aliens, and communed with cosmic demigods. Eventually, Loskialua was abandoned.
I suspects that the Oatians used powerful magic to travel closer to the distant sites that they most desired to study, skipping across the universe in a never-ending quest for astronomical enlightenment.
Does anyone want to talk to the half-elf or look at the other display cases?

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Volitare is interested in all the displays but fascinated by the ones that involve cultures interacting with Nature. They also make notes to wander back and have a closer look at those ones in particular.
They also stay in their hoverchair as it's safer.

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Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Mizzrym' having a Xenoarcheologist background back on Apostae is quite interested in the exposition and starts looking at the other display case to find inspiration and confirmed some theories he had when younger some centuries ago.

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MedBot 47 wrote:Medbot inquires of Wheloss what sorts of creatures' bones the carvings are made from while looking around.Ah, that's a good question! The elves of Oatia initially carved these from the bones of their domestic animals, but on rare occasions from the predators that they needed to kill to survice. See these he taps on the display are made from a type of buffalo that is very common in their livestock, but these he taps at another set were probably carved from an Azata! Quite a dangerous animal indeed!
Medbot also notes, together with Felicis, that Whaloss is clearly here to
increase the prestige of the university’s archaeological findings and aid Whaloss in securing funding for future fieldwork.Whaloss also explains The people of Oatia have their roots in their city of Loskialua, located on Castrovel’s continent of Ukulam, but they later traveled to distant solar systems using magic. Oatian belongings have thus far been discovered on Astevint, Helfen-Thel, Preluria, the Tabori Cluster, and even the recently explored Weydana-4.
The Oatians were intensely interested in astronomy and distant worlds. They developed supernatural and magical techniques for surveying the sky beyond their own galaxy, discovered countless new constellations and worlds, captured eons-old messages from distant galaxies, made contact with bizarre and powerful aliens, and communed with cosmic demigods. Eventually, Loskialua was abandoned.
I suspects that the Oatians used powerful magic to travel closer to the distant sites that they most desired to study, skipping across the universe in a never-ending quest for astronomical enlightenment.
Does anyone want to talk to the half-elf or look at the other display cases?
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Count-14 when he heard about stars and star travel become interested "Pre-Gap star travel? Did they use some sort of technology, or did they rely on magic and rituals alone"

DM Kludde |

Count-14 when he heard about stars and star travel become interested "Pre-Gap star travel? Did they use some sort of technology, or did they rely on magic and rituals alone"
Exactly! Whaloss says Those are the questions I want to answer in my research!
Mizzrym and Volitare make a tour of the completed display cases. Both are marked as belonging to the collection of the Grand Museum of Qabarat, with a little card that marks Zovi as the curator. They have been completely set up already, with meticulous precision and, as Mizzrym notes upon closer inspection, items placed in such a way that they almost mirror each other on opposite end of the entrance. There are beautiful statuettes in one case, and impressive jewelry in the other. Zovi clearly intends these cases to be aesthetically pleasing, and wants them to attract as many patrons as possible.
At this point you can also start setting up your display case. You'll need to decide on the following:
Location: Where do you want to place your display case (e.g. in a visually prominent location, a central location that sees a lot of foot traffic, a secure but less visible location, between Whaloss’ and Jeletal’s displays)
Organisation: Choose how to display the belongings. Conservation staff is on standby to assist with the physical placement and handling of the items. You can ask any of the available people (Wheloss, Jeletal, Zovi, Amyik, Minqalli) for advice. on how to arrange.

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"Should we go with my suggestion and perform an act? I propose a journey through the Pack Worlds and beyond. At each stop, one of us can share something related to Starfinder Society or recount an experience from our missions. We'll try to match each exhibit to the respective member. What do you think,It could work?"

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Count-14 is looking with a puzzled look, don't understand why agents that prepared to risk life and limb are afraid of some social interactions..
Hope I'm not stepping out of line..