EbonFist's Year of the Shadow Lodge (Inactive)

Game Master EbonFist

RPG Chronicles
Maps and Slides

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Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

Greeting's and salutations.

While we're waiting for things to begin on September 4th, feel free to introduce yourselves here and your characters in the Gameplay Thread.

Also, please fill out the RPG Chronicles with your information as all reporting is being done out of there for this Gameday.

That link is also in the Campaign description.

Grand Lodge

Female LN Half-Elf Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade & Noble Fencer) 5 / Investigator (Sleuth) 5 / Sleepless Detective 1 | HP: 93 / 93 | AC: 25 (T 17, FF 19, (+1 vs traps) CMD: 24 (+1 vs G/D/S) | F: +8, R: +17, W: +9 | | Panache: 6 / 6, Inspiration 5 / 7; Active conditions: Speed 50, AC +4, Reach

Hello, All! Nomadical here, playing Amestra "Amy" Veen. She's mostly skills and knowledges, and though she can hold her own in combat, she prefers not to be in the front line as she's a little squishy.

This is her last regular scenario before she becomes my first Seeker. Or goes out in a blaze of squishy glory.

@GM: When I tried to register her on RPG Chronicles at Level 11, I got an error: "Level must be between 1 and 10." Rather than have to re-enter everything later, I submitted it at level 10 and will update it once you say it's fixed and ready to accept level 11's.

Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

While we're waiting, the slide deck is now attached to the campaign.

Feel free to fill out the pertinent info (initiative and perception) on the first tab.

Envoy's Alliance

Hello ,

I'll be playing "El duende Muerde" is translating mostlyas "Bitting goblin"

Alchemist and Vigilante he'salso about knowledge and ranged attacksas well .with bomnd there . will be playing alongside his partnerin crime Noir, that would be posted later


Grand Lodge

Male CG Human (Kellid) Shaman 13 | HP 96/96 | AC 24 (T14 FF 22) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +14 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 20ft |Tree Limb 4/4, Spirit Ridden 1/1, Powerful Smash 4/4, Shirt Reroll 1/1, Pin 1/1, Nature's Gifts 1/1, Guiding Spirit 1/1 |Spells: Updated in Profile | Active conditions: Darkvis, Planar Adap, delay poison, life bub, hunt bless

Just checking in, will get everything filled out tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

Now signed up on RPG Chronicles and info filled on the first slide.

Anthys is a fighter with solo tactics and a number of teamwork feats. This means that his statistics are very dependent on positioning.

If he is adjacent to 3 allies, he gains (all include increases from his Ring of Tactical Precision):

  • +3 AC if one of them has a heavy shield, or +2 for a light shield or buckler (Shield Wall);
  • +3 to any attack, save, skill check, or ability check 1/round (Scion of the Lost Empire);
  • +4 sacred bonus to AC and saves vs evil foes (Lastwall Phalanx, shareable);
  • +4 untyped bonus to saves (Shake it Off); and,
  • +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves (from Heart of the Streets human option).
    Even summoned creatures or Shadow Conjurations count as allies.

    So from AC 27 and saves +9/+5/+5 he goes to, against an evil foe, AC 34-35 and saves +17/+14/+13 with an extra +3 on a save 1/round. That's with no Cloak of Resistance. He really benefits by being adjacent to allies.

    He also gets +3 to hit and damage vs any foe damaged by an ally within the past round (Blood for the Empire). He moves through the squares adjacent to allies without provoking AOOs (Escape Route, shareable).

    He also has Difficult Swings, so if he is between a caster and an enemy and makes a full attack, the enemy cannot simply 5' step around him to attack the caster.

    He will purchase Gloves of Dueling for 15,000 GP, which will boost his attack, damage, and daily uses of Barroom Brawler (as he has the Abundant Tactics option for Advanced Weapon Training). He's got 4,786 left for other purchases depending on our identified needs.

  • Sovereign Court

    Female Human Vigilante 10 Monk 1

    Hi all!

    I will playing C.C. Ravenmore, a Taldan noble with a really troubled mind, she is a noblewoman by day and a spy/cat burglar/enforcer by night, called Noir, she is a vigilante (Vigilante class) and expert hand to hand combatant (Monk, Unchained with the Scaled fist archetype), as mentioned, altough aware of Noir existence, Celine its not aware she and Noir are the same person, however, Noir does, and she is usually the one taking the reins in mission.

    She is a frontliner through and through, fights with her claws and using precise strikes, witts and quickness to come out on top of most combat situations, she has a decent knowledge and is good with traps and doors

    As mentioned, she comes with her partner in crime, "El duende muerde" (Bitting goblin hahahahahahah!*laughs into oblivion*)

    BTW, I had the same problem as Amestra, got an error when trying to add my character level as 11

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    I will be posting the statblock once i get home. . sorry this thread was mised by me last week when i checked

    Rpg chorniolces is fileld woth level . the rest of the info will be given once i got home as well

    Duende muerde , has Preicse bombs which means can shoot bombs without harming most of his allies as well.

    Sovereign Court

    Female Human Vigilante 10 Monk 1

    Here is the stat block:

    Celine Catrina Ravenmore/ Noir
    Female Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral human
    Vigilante 10 Monk (unchained/Scaled fist) 1

    Strength: 18 (+4)
    Dexterity: 20 (+5)
    Constitution: 14 (+2)
    Intelligence: 10 (+0)
    Wisdom: 10 (+0)
    Charisma: 16 (+3)

    Acrobatics: +13 Appraise: +0 Bluff: +22 Climb: +10
    Diplomacy: +21 Disable Device: +25 Disguise: +10 Escape Artist: +5
    Fly: +5 Handle Animal: +6 Heal: +0 Intimidate: +6
    Knowledge (arcana): +2 Knowledge (dungeoneering): +10 Knowledge (engineering): +10 Knowledge (geography): +2 Knowledge (history): +10
    Knowledge (local): +10 Knowledge (nature): +2 Knowledge (nobility): +20 Knowledge (planes): +7 Knowledge (religion): +10 ( If time all knowledge +2 due Pathfinder chronicles )
    Linguistics: +0 Perception: +20
    Ride: +5 Sense Motive: +0 Sleight of Hand: +9 Spellcraft: +0
    Stealth: +15 Survival: +0 Swim: +8 Use Magic Device: +17 ( +2 circusntance use scrolls and wands )

    Hit Points: 101 HP
    Hit Dice: 10d8+1d10+22+10+11
    Initiative: +12
    Attack Bonus: +8/+3
    (melee: +12/+7 or +14/+9 if finesse, using Power attack)
    (ranged: +14/+9)

    Fortitude Save: +10 Reflex Save: +17 Will Save: +10

    Armor Class: 30 (touch: 20) (flat-footed: 25)

    CMB: +14 (+4 if flanking, additional +2 if enemy is unaware) CMD: 32 (flat-footed: 27)

    Feats & Traits & Special abilities: Weapon Focus, Feral Combat, Dragon Style, Stunning fist, Startling appearance, Ancestral Enlightment, Favored Maneuver, Improved dirty trick, Dragon Ferocity, Greater Dirty Trick, Deceitful trick, Skill familiarity, Expert Duelist, Friends in high places, Cunning feint, Toughness

    Claws (First attack dragon ferocity) (+15/+10, 1d4+23 + 5d4 if flat footed/flanked or 5d8 if unaware damage, crit ×2)
    Claws (Second attack dragon ferocity) (+15/+10, 1d4+21 + 5d4 if flat footed/flanked or 5d8 if unaware damage, crit ×2)
    +1 Returning Chakram (+14/+9, 1d8+4 damage, crit ×2)
    Unarmed strike (First attack dragon ferocity) (+14/+9, 1d6+23 damage, crit ×2)
    Unarmed strike (Second attack dragon ferocity) (+14/+9, 1d6+21 damage, crit ×2)

    Magic Items: Circlet of Persuasion, Belt of incredible dexterity +4, headband of Alluring Charisma +2, Eyes of the eagle, Swarmbane clasp, Cloak of Resistance +3, Corset of the Vishkanya, Gauntlets of skilled maneuver, Ring of protection +2, Ring of Feather falling, Boots of Speed, Wands of CLW, Heightened Awarenes, magic fang, Shield, Mage Armor, Trapspringer gloves, Amulet of mighty fist Ghosttouch

    Other Gear: Backpack, masterwork (empty), Bedroll, Silk rope, Thieves' tools, masterwork

    Scrolls: Scrolls of Darkvision(2), Barskin(3), Greater Magic fang(3), Freedom of movement(2), Restoration(2), Heroism(3), See Invisibility(1), Deathward (1)

    Silver Crusade

    Male Nagaji Paladin 5 (Holy Guide & Oath of Vengeance) / Living Monolith 5


    Foresio here speaking

    I'll be playing as Eshkar Stonefair. A Paladin dark-scaled nagaji rised from the dunes of Osirion under the guidence of The Green Empress, Wadjet. He's following the path of becoming a Living Monolith, an eternal guardian of Osirion to confront the forces of evil that lurk beneath the water, sended by the Devourer of the Dawn, Apep.

    He's a 'Holy Guide' Paladin who search on lending his hand and aid on those who need it be it on the traveled roads or protecting old tombs from bandits, having Favored Terrain 'Underground' on it, and a follower of the Oath of Vengance against those who perpetrated evil acts.

    He tends to fight in the frontline, using the Ka Stone on his forehead to grant him the blessing of his goddess to flow over and increase his size

    On another note, it's been a good while since i played 1st edition with this character, but i'm trying to get the hang of it again. So i might be a bit rusty on the rules in some situations

    Was catched on the middle of some affairs, so i'll be posting as soon as everything gets clear by my side and retrieve his statblock as well, i apologize for this delay

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    Welcome one and all. I asked about the RPG chronicles error and haven't gotten an answer. I don't think it will really matter since level 10 and 11 are in the same tier and will get the same rewards and there's nowhere on the chronicle sheet that level by itself shows up.

    For anyone who has never played PbP or hasn't in a while, there are some differences from face to face. Probably the biggest is that it is more efficient to do initiative in blocks. That means if there are 2 or more PC's who have their turn before the next bad guy, they can go in any order (usually whoever checks the forum first goes first.) I will generally assume that any benefits that might have been lost by going out of order are in place, anyway. So, for example, someone casting Bless in a block of players would benefit anyone who posted after even if, technically the Bless caster's intiative came later.

    The other rule I use is the Rule of 3. As there is a time crunch and not everyone checks consistently and some people simply won't voice an opinion, any time I give you an option, the first 3 agreeing votes are what we're going to go with. If more than a day passes and there are 2 agreeing votes, I will likely push along with that choice.

    And finally, if you don't post for more than 24 hours (or 48 on the weekends) I may bot you. If you have instructions in your profile for what your character generally does, I will follow them. If not, I will do my best to figure out what the best option for your character is but I won't expend high level spells or single use abilities. You will have a fairly ordinary round.

    Silver Crusade

    M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

    I would have liked to have been able to buy gear with remaining gold once we had our full party complement - for example, buying scrolls of spells that we lack.

    It appears that we only have one full caster, so I imagine some scrolls will be necessary. I'm not all that familiar with what shamans bring to the table.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    I was wondering if at this moment we have met as a group of sorts. as per hhow this is writen its a bit odd, but i take that at least we are acknowledging each other.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    Its there any recall knowledge to be done on the artifact

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    An Arcana or Planes check would reveal some information.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    Thanks., did the roll already


    Sovereign Court

    Female Human Vigilante 10 Monk 1

    did we have time to cast buff on ourselves before entering? like long duration buff such as Mage armor of greater magic fang?

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)
    Celine Catrina Ravenmore / Noir wrote:
    did we have time to cast buff on ourselves before entering? like long duration buff such as Mage armor of greater magic fang?

    You may or may not have done it before entering the stadium (depending on how much you were expecting trouble) but it took a little bit for the attackers to make it into the stadium so you had enough time to do that kind of prepping before the battle.

    Sovereign Court

    Female Human Vigilante 10 Monk 1

    its the purple goblin adjacent to me? seems he should be...

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    I would like an upate after thse attacks on the clustered goblins in order to use my bombs more efficently would wait till tomorrow for update on that before throing the next one . if that is okay. Seems that purple and yellow took a lot of damage.

    Silver Crusade

    M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

    We're going to need a chance to buy scrolls of there is any possibility that we will fight a dragon in this scenario.

    Our party seems very melee-heavy with little ranged expertise aside from our alchemist.

    I think we will be very capable in melee combat, at least.

    Grand Lodge

    Male CG Human (Kellid) Shaman 13 | HP 96/96 | AC 24 (T14 FF 22) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +14 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 20ft |Tree Limb 4/4, Spirit Ridden 1/1, Powerful Smash 4/4, Shirt Reroll 1/1, Pin 1/1, Nature's Gifts 1/1, Guiding Spirit 1/1 |Spells: Updated in Profile | Active conditions: Darkvis, Planar Adap, delay poison, life bub, hunt bless

    Sorry, bad weekend--will post in about 12 hours, or please feel free to bot me if needed.

    Sovereign Court

    Female Human Vigilante 10 Monk 1

    How far apart are they from us? so I can place my token accordingly in the map

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    Oops. Sorry guys, you start on the right side of the map.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    So, on las troiund and as per the hitpoitn counts . . The arrows hot Eskar ony isn't it?

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    Eskar has been hit with 2 arrows, the second one was a crit but he's got DR2/- so he's absorbed a total of 4 of the HP damage from the two arrows.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    Thank you for the clarification!

    Silver Crusade

    Male Nagaji Paladin 5 (Holy Guide & Oath of Vengeance) / Living Monolith 5

    I also have 20% Fortification against crits and sneaks, although this were just 4 HP damage so it's not a big fuss either way

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    Fortification: 1d100 ⇒ 86

    No problem. I always respect a durable character. It got through, this time, though.

    Grand Lodge

    Male CG Human (Kellid) Shaman 13 | HP 96/96 | AC 24 (T14 FF 22) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +14 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 20ft |Tree Limb 4/4, Spirit Ridden 1/1, Powerful Smash 4/4, Shirt Reroll 1/1, Pin 1/1, Nature's Gifts 1/1, Guiding Spirit 1/1 |Spells: Updated in Profile | Active conditions: Darkvis, Planar Adap, delay poison, life bub, hunt bless

    For the gates, is there any more information, like how tall they are? I might be misunderstanding the situation--are there active defensive wards, for example, that we as Pathfinders would know about and need to bypass? Otherwise, no simple gate is going to keep out any self-respecting party of Level 11 PCs :)

    Grand Lodge

    Female LN Half-Elf Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade & Noble Fencer) 5 / Investigator (Sleuth) 5 / Sleepless Detective 1 | HP: 93 / 93 | AC: 25 (T 17, FF 19, (+1 vs traps) CMD: 24 (+1 vs G/D/S) | F: +8, R: +17, W: +9 | | Panache: 6 / 6, Inspiration 5 / 7; Active conditions: Speed 50, AC +4, Reach

    Kind of stuck too. I'll try skills, of course. Not sure if Engineering or Disable Device is correct, so I'll try both....

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    Yes, I have 3 Fly "memorized" so the rope plan is still there if you want to go with that .

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    The walls are about 30' high. There are no active defense wards.

    They are very jammed closed, however. The DC's to disable device or force open are mathematically impossible for even you guys to hit.

    But keep in mind you're also trying to help all the other Pathfinders get past the gates.

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    For reference, with Amy's bonuses, if she maxed out all her dice, she'd still be 10 points too low to hit the Disable Device check.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    So, the idea of they fly potion and the ropes might be possible to do,. ro oes the fly got dispelled or something like that?


    Grand Lodge

    Female LN Half-Elf Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade & Noble Fencer) 5 / Investigator (Sleuth) 5 / Sleepless Detective 1 | HP: 93 / 93 | AC: 25 (T 17, FF 19, (+1 vs traps) CMD: 24 (+1 vs G/D/S) | F: +8, R: +17, W: +9 | | Panache: 6 / 6, Inspiration 5 / 7; Active conditions: Speed 50, AC +4, Reach

    Amy can UMD the wands at +17, so it's not a given. But Gurkagh is a shaman, and Eskar is a paladin, so they should both be able to use them without having to chance UMD.

    Grand Lodge

    Male CG Human (Kellid) Shaman 13 | HP 96/96 | AC 24 (T14 FF 22) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +14 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 20ft |Tree Limb 4/4, Spirit Ridden 1/1, Powerful Smash 4/4, Shirt Reroll 1/1, Pin 1/1, Nature's Gifts 1/1, Guiding Spirit 1/1 |Spells: Updated in Profile | Active conditions: Darkvis, Planar Adap, delay poison, life bub, hunt bless

    One time someone handed Gurkagh a wand prior to an encounter, and he threw the "magic stick" at an enemy as an improvised weapon, rolling a natural 20 and confirming it for a critical hit! But inexplicably, no one gave their wands to Gurkagh any more afterwards . . .

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    I have an Occultist who is designed to be a healer, but Infernal Healing is not on the Occultist list. So anytime someone hands one to her she tells them it doesn't work.

    I also have a Ranger that could use healing wands right up until the level where he could actually cast spells, then took an archetype that gave up spellcasting so suddenly he couldn't make them work any more.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    Its funny when happensm but i take taht yellow moved thru Duende's threatning squares so is he entitled to an attack of oportunity with the cestus? Its unlikely that might hit, but those are are golbins , you never know heh

    Please just confirm


    Sovereign Court

    Female Human Vigilante 10 Monk 1

    Is Noir and Duende allowed to act again?, our names are in bold

    Sovereign Court

    Female Human Vigilante 10 Monk 1
    Gurkagh wrote:
    One time someone handed Gurkagh a wand prior to an encounter, and he threw the "magic stick" at an enemy as an improvised weapon, rolling a natural 20 and confirming it for a critical hit! But inexplicably, no one gave their wands to Gurkagh any more afterwards . . .

    I can't wonder why... that's totally aceptable use of a wand

    Grand Lodge

    Male CG Human (Kellid) Shaman 13 | HP 96/96 | AC 24 (T14 FF 22) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +14 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 20ft |Tree Limb 4/4, Spirit Ridden 1/1, Powerful Smash 4/4, Shirt Reroll 1/1, Pin 1/1, Nature's Gifts 1/1, Guiding Spirit 1/1 |Spells: Updated in Profile | Active conditions: Darkvis, Planar Adap, delay poison, life bub, hunt bless

    @GM: Is there a particular place on Slide # 3 we start for this encounter? It really matters for us slow folks :)

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    Yes, the goblin passed through Duende Muerde's AoO zone.

    We are on slide three. Everyone please begin on the right edge of the map.

    And yes Celine and Duende Muerde can go again for round 2 (though Duende Muerde has already taken his round 2.)

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    If Eskar doesn't post by this evening I'll bot him.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Nagaji Paladin 5 (Holy Guide & Oath of Vengeance) / Living Monolith 5

    Forgot to mention that i attacked at the black goblin in front of Noir

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    So, we need tp vpte on theapprach here right?

    I would go to fight the dragon . but i am the one with ranged attacks , So i'll leave tot rest ofthe group to see what we want to do

    An i take that we could take the tiem to use wans adn such? To ehal ?

    Serpent's Fall Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    Yes, you would be able to heal between the last fight and this and use any reasonable combat preparations.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    And how tall is the building where the dragon is currently?

    Grand Lodge

    Male CG Human (Kellid) Shaman 13 | HP 96/96 | AC 24 (T14 FF 22) | CMB +12, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +14 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 20ft |Tree Limb 4/4, Spirit Ridden 1/1, Powerful Smash 4/4, Shirt Reroll 1/1, Pin 1/1, Nature's Gifts 1/1, Guiding Spirit 1/1 |Spells: Updated in Profile | Active conditions: Darkvis, Planar Adap, delay poison, life bub, hunt bless

    I've played a lot of Specials via PBP, and the pace of this one seems super fast! It must have a lot of content we have to get through . . .

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

    For the record and for clarity

    I read that Eskar wants to fight as well, I would like to figth the dragon as well but i am the one with ranged attacks, I uess for clarity sake we should state here what twe intent do do .

    Unfortuamtely i can't give pots of flying sincei don' have the Infusion to make this work for some one else, So i understand the concers of getting to melee .

    I can say tat at least Duende muerde can fly if needed.

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