[Gameday XII] Zero's #1-03: Escaping the Grave (Inactive)

Game Master Super Zero

RPG Chronicles
Slides Tabletop
Low Tier - 18 CP

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Larraz looks a little concerned about the mixed messages regarding Desert Wind, but his face falls when he learns about Gibb.

"Ah, Gibb. A lot of people don't trust goblins, but she was my mentor. I'm sure she went down blasting zombies to protect the town--but I guess I already knew that. If anyone was left alive we would've found each other.

"Yes. I can fight. If you can get me out of here, I'll do anything."

He looks at the notebook Bee presents to him, but shakes his head. "No, I didn't come to this building until after the attack. I didn't know anyone who worked here."

Radiant Oath

NG Female Leshy Champion (Redeemer) 2 HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield raised) | F: +8, R: +5, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Focus Point: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Marshal's Aura 10 ft. (+1 status vs. fear)

"If you don't have a weapon, take this," Bee says, offering her sickle to Larraz. "And Desert Wind is okay - he wasn't hurt when we found him, just hungry. But we found some feed that was still good inside what's left of the general store so now he's not as hungry. We found a wagon and got it repaired and our plan was to hitch Desert Wind to it to help us get what remains and artifacts we can out of here."

She looks around, still wary. "We've got a little more time before we have to leave this place. Stick with us while we finish looking around, it's safer that way."

Assuming there's nothing else to be found in the lounge and knowing that time is short, Bee heads back down the short hallway to the next set of doors that she can see. After looking it over for a moment for any obvious dangers (or waiting for anyone else who wants to check it out), she cautiously attempts to open the door.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

"I'm a spellcaster," says Larraz, "but I do have some weaponry..."

From under the sofa, he retrieves a staff. Stowed in the small closet, a shield and a sling and... three stones. "Though if any of you have any sling bullets, I'm pretty low on ammunition," he adds sheepishly as he readies his shield.

Bee opens a door. A dusty sofa and small chairs are the only furnishings that remain in this modest room. Two small windows to the east look out over the front lawn, and doors exit to the north, west, and south. A reception area?

Envoy's Alliance

M Ancient Elf Universalist Wizard/Witch 4 | Cook | Staff Nexus | HP 42/42 | AC 18 (mystic armor) | F +9 R +7 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 initiative)| Stealth +7 |◆◆◆◇↺ | 30" | Hero 1/3 | Drain Bonded Item 1 1/1 2 1/1| spells 1 3/3 2 3/3 | Search |

"That's good to know. I've no sling bullets tho. Was never good with them. Will keep an eye out... speaking of which..."

Aztryx looks out the window. what's there?

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

"No. No bullets. I'm a caster too." Macondi pokes his head into the other room and notices Qen there. "If you are searching the muck under the floor, I can help. And clean us both off again with magic."

Searching the hole in the floor with Qen in B6? B5?

Then noticing Bee heading further into the building, Macondi follows. Keeping his shield in hand in case it is needed.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺


But how do our heroes approach the hole, given that Qen has already identified the instability of the floor?
[ooc]And after that, a Perception check.

"Are any of you hurt? I should ask that. I can heal," Larraz offers.

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)
GM Super Zero wrote:
"Are any of you hurt?"

"Working on it," Macondi mumbles while looking at the unstable floor and contemplating just jumping into the pit.

Horizon Hunters

Female Ysoki (Tunnel Rat) Alchemist (Toxicologist) 4 | HP 46/46 | AC 22 | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+11), Will (+7) | resist poison 2, +2 saves vs. poison | Perception (+7) low-light | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice +8 | Reagents 1/8 | Bend Time 0/1 | Hero Points 0 | Active Conditions: Fatigued | ◆◇↺

"I've a rope, but most of my research has been in the field of biology, so I don't think I can offer much else."

Other than being really light, but hopefully they don't think of that.

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

"It is too bad Stabilize doesn't work on the floor," Macondi quips as he takes the end of the rope from Qen and starts out. He tries to stay along the outside wall of the room and climbs over the furniture when needed. "If the furniture hasn't fallen, maybe my weight won't be enough either. And if I do fall through, at least the furniture will break the fall."

Acrobatics (balance) (armor penalty): 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 5 - 1 = 24

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Most of what Macondi finds in the pit is detritus from the broken floor, and things one might expect to have found in a classroom that are now below it. But among those things is an ornate, ceremonial longsword with a golden, wire-wrapped hilt and a pommel set with large rubies.

Religion or Society DC 15:
The sword's normal function is to serve as an important ceremonial item in services held by the church of Iomedae. Although it does look sharp enough to be used in battle in a pinch.[/ooc]

[ooc]The sword counts as one relic.

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

Religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Macondi grabs the sword and one of the books that look like they are in better shape than the others. He leaves the scraps of paper once he checks them all for any intact magical writing.

Finding nothing else of interest, he climbs his way back out of the hole in the floor and carefully picks his way back across the furniture to rejoin the others. He cleans the muck off of himself as best as he can with magic.

"Ceremonial sword. It probably counts as artwork. In addition to being a usable sword - because Iomedae. And this book. Which may be able to be cleaned well enough to be read. Not sure on that."

Macondi heads over to where Bee is in the main room. "So, upstairs next? Or check out the lower rooms down here first?"

Radiant Oath

NG Female Leshy Champion (Redeemer) 2 HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield raised) | F: +8, R: +5, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Focus Point: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Marshal's Aura 10 ft. (+1 status vs. fear)

"Hm...the statue we need to find is upstairs but we should at least clear the rest of this floor in case there are any empty vessels wandering around," Bee replies. "Let's do a quick look into the rest of the rooms down here and then make our way upstairs?"

Envoy's Alliance

M Ancient Elf Universalist Wizard/Witch 4 | Cook | Staff Nexus | HP 42/42 | AC 18 (mystic armor) | F +9 R +7 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 initiative)| Stealth +7 |◆◆◆◇↺ | 30" | Hero 1/3 | Drain Bonded Item 1 1/1 2 1/1| spells 1 3/3 2 3/3 | Search |

"Empty vessels? Are you referring to the undead? If so, I've never heard of them spoken of so politely."

"Good job on getting the sword Macondi. It looks important. Let's check the rest of the rooms as you've said."

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

"Those rooms have really been through it," says Larraz, "I haven't been through there much. Upstairs is mostly residential, dean quarters and dormitories for a few students who lived here."

Dirty rugs, shattered desks, and smashed-in doors are what remains of these small offices. Papers and long-dried inkwells are scattered among the detritus.

Nothing moves in these small offices and classrooms--nothing larger than vermin, anyway. There is an item of some interest in the north-westernmost space, however--a body.

Heavy claw marks and deep rips mar this corpse, which lies sprawled and partially covered by the broken desk in the northwest corner. The desiccated flesh of zombies litters the floor around it. Scraps of cloth hang tattered around its mangled hands, which even now are locked into fists.

The Pathfinders might try...
...identifying the tattered cloth (Crafting),
...examining the body (Medicine or Perception [Medicine is easier]), or
...searching the offices (anyone who does this, make two Perception checks).
Or something else?

Envoy's Alliance

M Ancient Elf Universalist Wizard/Witch 4 | Cook | Staff Nexus | HP 42/42 | AC 18 (mystic armor) | F +9 R +7 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 initiative)| Stealth +7 |◆◆◆◇↺ | 30" | Hero 1/3 | Drain Bonded Item 1 1/1 2 1/1| spells 1 3/3 2 3/3 | Search |

Aztryx will examine the tattered cloth. Crafting: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Horizon Hunters

"Barak Blue" | 820-2012 | Male Sylph Gnome Fighter / Wyrm-Blessed Draconic Sorcerer 2 | ◇ ◈ ↺ | | HP 29/32 | AC 19 | F +8 R +7 W +4 | Perc +6 | 25 Speed | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coins 1/1 | Active Conditions: Darkvision, ---

Medicine: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

With his only basic First Aid training, Barak isn't great at being a forensic scientist, but he's perfectly willing to try. He kneels down and examines the body with great care, checking to see what he can find. Once he's examined the full crime scene and sketched some of the details, he takes a moment to move the broken desk out of the way.

Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

"Someone should search this too."

Horizon Hunters

Female Ysoki (Tunnel Rat) Alchemist (Toxicologist) 4 | HP 46/46 | AC 22 | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+11), Will (+7) | resist poison 2, +2 saves vs. poison | Perception (+7) low-light | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice +8 | Reagents 1/8 | Bend Time 0/1 | Hero Points 0 | Active Conditions: Fatigued | ◆◇↺

Qen joins Aztryx in examining the cloth held by the victim.

Crafting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

Macondi follows the others into the rooms. He leaves the investigation of the body to those who know what they are doing. He checks out the rest of the room.

Perception #1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Perception #2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Radiant Oath

NG Female Half-Elf | Herbalist | Ranger Lvl 2 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F/R/W: 8/9/6 | Perc +8 Low-light | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +7, Athletics/Medicine/Nature/Survival: +6, Lore (PFS, Herbalism): +4, Religion(U): +2 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Heather checks the body for a possible cause of death.

Medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Radiant Oath

NG Female Leshy Champion (Redeemer) 2 HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield raised) | F: +8, R: +5, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Focus Point: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Marshal's Aura 10 ft. (+1 status vs. fear)

"I know it's more complicated than I make it sound but the ones we've run into here? They're empty. Their spirits have gone and all that's left are the empty vessels they used to call home," Bee remarks quietly as they come across yet another body. "Sometimes the vessels return to the earth like they're meant and other times...something else moves in and uses what's left behind. Something dark."

As the others examine the body and clothing, Bee joins Macondi in looking around the room itself.

Perception #1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Perception #2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Aztryx and Quadennillia recognize the tatters to be the remains of ruined hand wraps, such as those used by brawlers.

Barak doesn't notice any clues on the body, but Heather takes note that the mouth has large, broken-off tusk stumps.

Technically you both failed the first check to search, but given that the treasure is described as being behind the broken cabinet I am absolutely counting that as an Aid check (or circumstance bonus, but you only needed +1.

Macondi finds an amulet of some kind behind the collapsed cabinet after Barak moves it out of the way, along with a pair of gloves. They're both fine items, and surprisingly free of dust.

He and Heather also both spot a glint of metal in the caved-in portion of the room. A wayfinder! Perhaps dropped as someone retreated into this room, someone who was unable to retrieve it later...

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

"These look suspiciously clean." Macondi meditates over the gloves and amulet for a couple of minutes, casting Read Aura on both of them.

Radiant Oath

NG Female Leshy Champion (Redeemer) 2 HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield raised) | F: +8, R: +5, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Focus Point: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Marshal's Aura 10 ft. (+1 status vs. fear)


Bee studies the caved-in section of the room, trying to determine how to retrieve the wayfinder without risking any further structural collapse.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Macondi determines that both items are indeed magical--the amulet abjuration and the gloves necromancy.

The wayfinder isn't particularly out of reach, and retrieving it isn't dangerous or difficult. It's engraved to Bryrigar Hassen.

Envoy's Alliance

M Ancient Elf Universalist Wizard/Witch 4 | Cook | Staff Nexus | HP 42/42 | AC 18 (mystic armor) | F +9 R +7 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 initiative)| Stealth +7 |◆◆◆◇↺ | 30" | Hero 1/3 | Drain Bonded Item 1 1/1 2 1/1| spells 1 3/3 2 3/3 | Search |

"Ah. I see." says Aztryx when he sees the engraved wayfinder. This job gets more depressing by the minute.

"So far, we've 'found' three of the ten whom we were tasked to find. Hopefully there will be more alive like sir Larraz."

"Where else here have we not examined?"

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)
Aztryx wrote:
"Where else here have we not examined?"

"Upstairs," Macondi answers simply. He hands Aztryx the amulet. "When we get a few minutes, can you see if you can identify that better? I'll take the gloves here. Both are magic."

Macondi cleans Bee off with magic if needed after delving down under the floor on this side of the building. "Ready to see what is upstairs?"

Horizon Hunters

"Barak Blue" | 820-2012 | Male Sylph Gnome Fighter / Wyrm-Blessed Draconic Sorcerer 2 | ◇ ◈ ↺ | | HP 29/32 | AC 19 | F +8 R +7 W +4 | Perc +6 | 25 Speed | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coins 1/1 | Active Conditions: Darkvision, ---

"Yes, let's go, Bro. I'll lead the way?" Flickmace in hand, Barak walks up the stairs.

Radiant Oath

NG Female Half-Elf | Herbalist | Ranger Lvl 2 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F/R/W: 8/9/6 | Perc +8 Low-light | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +7, Athletics/Medicine/Nature/Survival: +6, Lore (PFS, Herbalism): +4, Religion(U): +2 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Heather follows, crossbow (and Scout) at the ready.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Via the big spiral staircase?

This room is lined with bookshelves and sitting mats. Two smaller rooms branch from the main hallway, serving as private study nooks. There could be some valuable books here if someone wanted to take the time to look...

Ahead, the hallway opens to the left and right. Directly across from the stud area is a set of double doors that have been knocked off their hinges, and the dark space beyond them.

Envoy's Alliance

M Ancient Elf Universalist Wizard/Witch 4 | Cook | Staff Nexus | HP 42/42 | AC 18 (mystic armor) | F +9 R +7 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 initiative)| Stealth +7 |◆◆◆◇↺ | 30" | Hero 1/3 | Drain Bonded Item 1 1/1 2 1/1| spells 1 3/3 2 3/3 | Search |

Aztryx will take a look at the books. He is on the look out for something that deals with something magical in nature (magical treatise, alchemical formula books, spellbooks, etc.).

Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Radiant Oath

NG Female Leshy Champion (Redeemer) 2 HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield raised) | F: +8, R: +5, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Focus Point: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Marshal's Aura 10 ft. (+1 status vs. fear)

Went ahead and put everyone's tokens on the upstairs map.

"Thanks," Bee smiles at Macondi as he uses a bit of magic to get the dirt and cobwebs off of her. She dutifully follows everyone else as they carefully head up the spiral staircase to the second floor. As Aztryx begins nosing through the books, she takes a few steps ahead into the hallway and looks around before moving up to the space where the double doors once stood. Sword in hand, she peers into the darkness...

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The double door to this suite has been knocked off its hinges and shattered, leaving the exit open to the hallway outside. A broken four-post bed stands against the eastern wall. A circular table and an accompanying chair occupy a nook in the southwest. A large statue depicting a marble chariot wheel sporting flames of gold occupies the northeast corner.

Aztryx begins looking through the books, but identifying anything worth keeping might take some time. 10 minutes.

Radiant Oath

NG Female Leshy Champion (Redeemer) 2 HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield raised) | F: +8, R: +5, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Focus Point: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Marshal's Aura 10 ft. (+1 status vs. fear)

"Oh! Here's the statue," Bee calls back over her shoulder. "Seems strange to have it in someone's bedroom but what do I know about human taste and customs?"

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

Macondi hurries up to Bee and peeks in at the statue. "Yeah, I would think somewhere more visible for displaying it. I just hope it will fit in the wagon. I'm not sure I want to carry the thing the whole way back while being chased by zombies - even if zombies are kinda slow."

Horizon Hunters

"Barak Blue" | 820-2012 | Male Sylph Gnome Fighter / Wyrm-Blessed Draconic Sorcerer 2 | ◇ ◈ ↺ | | HP 29/32 | AC 19 | F +8 R +7 W +4 | Perc +6 | 25 Speed | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coins 1/1 | Active Conditions: Darkvision, ---

"We'll be slower than the zombies if we are carrying statues of that size. Do we really need it?"

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The statue certainly looks hefty, though its large size also means several people could work together to carry it.

The wagon can certainly hold it, thanks to Quadennillia's expert repairs.
Bulk 16, but up to six creatures can share the load between them.
The wagon being strong enough to carry the statue without issue is the reward for critically succeeding at the check to repair it (or taking extra time).
As for whether you need it... you aren't sure whether you've found quite enough relics to satisfy the Venture-Captain yet, though you're certainly getting there.

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

"I wonder what ripped these door up so well," Macondi muses. He thinks for a moment more. "Actually, I probably don't want to know."

"It seems that this statue is really well known. Larraz thought of it first when I mentioned a famous statue being here." He looks at it for a moment. "Maybe we can take it out after we finish searching the rest of this building. It hasn't gone anywhere for a while, a few more minutes won't change that."

Envoy's Alliance

M Ancient Elf Universalist Wizard/Witch 4 | Cook | Staff Nexus | HP 42/42 | AC 18 (mystic armor) | F +9 R +7 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 initiative)| Stealth +7 |◆◆◆◇↺ | 30" | Hero 1/3 | Drain Bonded Item 1 1/1 2 1/1| spells 1 3/3 2 3/3 | Search |

are we taking time to look at the books or moving on? I've made the roll, its just a question of declaring time spent

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The other rooms in this hallway look smaller--student dormitories, most likely. Searching them should be relatively quick. Someone could probably search two of them in the time it would take someone to go through the books in the study area.

A PC can search two student rooms in 10 minutes.

Radiant Oath

NG Female Half-Elf | Herbalist | Ranger Lvl 2 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F/R/W: 8/9/6 | Perc +8 Low-light | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +7, Athletics/Medicine/Nature/Survival: +6, Lore (PFS, Herbalism): +4, Religion(U): +2 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Heather heads off to search one room. Scout follows, though a bit hesitantly...

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

As Aztryx looks through the books, Macondi takes a closer look at the gloves.

10 minute identify magic. Religion +4

Horizon Hunters

Female Ysoki (Tunnel Rat) Alchemist (Toxicologist) 4 | HP 46/46 | AC 22 | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+11), Will (+7) | resist poison 2, +2 saves vs. poison | Perception (+7) low-light | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice +8 | Reagents 1/8 | Bend Time 0/1 | Hero Points 0 | Active Conditions: Fatigued | ◆◇↺

Qen will start looking through student rooms.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Radiant Oath

NG Female Half-Elf | Herbalist | Ranger Lvl 2 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F/R/W: 8/9/6 | Perc +8 Low-light | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +7, Athletics/Medicine/Nature/Survival: +6, Lore (PFS, Herbalism): +4, Religion(U): +2 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Horizon Hunters

"Barak Blue" | 820-2012 | Male Sylph Gnome Fighter / Wyrm-Blessed Draconic Sorcerer 2 | ◇ ◈ ↺ | | HP 29/32 | AC 19 | F +8 R +7 W +4 | Perc +6 | 25 Speed | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coins 1/1 | Active Conditions: Darkvision, ---

Perception (E): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Perception (E): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Barak starts searching the rooms thoroughly.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

These small rooms seem to have housed students who elected to not live in separate residences. Much of the furniture has fallen to disrepair over time.

Heather finds that most of the personal effects are gone from the rooms she searches, but she does find a drawer filled with dusty jewelry. None of the pieces look especially valuable, but the entire set should be worth a bit.

Macondi determines that they are a set of healer's gloves.

Qen finds a dirty vial of holy water in one of the small chests.

Aztryx finds an antique copy of [i]The Acts of Iomedae, the religious text of the faith. This aging and beautifully illustrated tome should certainly satisfy the Venture-Captain.

Was Barak also searching the dean's room?

Secret Check:
Macondi Religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Macondi's Religion (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Barak Blue's Religion (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Aztryx's Religion (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Good-News Bee's Religion (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Radiant Oath

NG Female Leshy Champion (Redeemer) 2 HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 (21 w/shield raised) | F: +8, R: +5, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +3 | Speed: 25 ft. | Senses: Low-Light Vision | Focus Point: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Marshal's Aura 10 ft. (+1 status vs. fear)

As the group splits off a bit to search and to investigate some of the things they've already found, Bee decides to remain in the dean's room and help look around there.

"Be careful to stay in hearing or eyeshot of someone else," she advises. "The building seems clear for now but someone could still fall down a hole or something."

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Grand Archive

"Huh? Wait, what?" | CG Male Gnome Oracle 2 | HP 26 | AC 18 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; | Perception +5 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Spell DC 18 | Exploration (search)

From the hallway, and distracted by analyzing the gloves, Macondi replies to Bee, "Mud is muddy, but at least it is soft to fall into. You won't get that up here."

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

While Bee doesn't notice anything, Barak spots a few hints that something is amiss. The ceiling over the dean's room has a bare spot with exposed, damaged boards. They almost seem to quiver, as though something is moving above them.

Disturbing this room might risk bringing it down on one's head.

If the Pathfinders still want to safely search this room or claim the statue, they could try to reinforce the ceiling with some of the boards from the broken door (Crafting to disable the hazard). Or they could just hit it with something, let it crash down when nobody is inside...

Radiant Oath

NG Female Half-Elf | Herbalist | Ranger Lvl 2 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F/R/W: 8/9/6 | Perc +8 Low-light | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +7, Athletics/Medicine/Nature/Survival: +6, Lore (PFS, Herbalism): +4, Religion(U): +2 | Exploration Activity: Scout |

No crafting. But Heather has a loaded crossbow she can shoot at whatever trigger there is to bring the ceiling down

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Ysoki (Tunnel Rat) Alchemist (Toxicologist) 4 | HP 46/46 | AC 22 | Fortitude (+10), Reflex (+11), Will (+7) | resist poison 2, +2 saves vs. poison | Perception (+7) low-light | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice +8 | Reagents 1/8 | Bend Time 0/1 | Hero Points 0 | Active Conditions: Fatigued | ◆◇↺

Qen has had enough of these archaic structures falling when they are not supposed to.

Crafting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

"It's no titanium alloy, but it'll do."

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