
Heather Brightflower's page

137 posts. Organized Play character for UncleFroggy.

Full Name

Heather Brightflower (and Scout)


HP 32/32 | AC 19 | F/R/W: 8/9/6 | Perc +8 Low-light | 25 feet | Class DC 18 |


Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +7, Athletics/Medicine/Nature/Survival: +6, Lore (PFS, Herbalism): +4, Religion(U): +2 | Exploration Activity: Scout |


NG Female Half-Elf | Herbalist | Ranger Lvl 2 | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1 | ◆◇↺ |

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Heather Brightflower

Female Half-Elf Ranger 2
N, Medium, Human, Elf, Humanoid
Heritage: Half-Elf
Background: Herbalist
Perception: +8 (E) Low-light Vision
Languages: Common, Elven
STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (0), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 10 (0)
AC 19, HP 32, Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6
Class DC: 18
Speed: 25 feet

PFS Info:

PFS#: 2396852-2011
PFS School: Swords
PFS School Item: Minor Healing Potion (Scenarios only)


Trained unless otherwise stated; Unlisted skills are untrained with a 0 modifier
Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +7
Athletics/Medicine/Nature/Survival: +6
Lore (PFS, Herbalism): +4
Religion(U): +2

Melee Strikes:

Shortsword +7/+3/-1 (1d6+2 P; Versatile S, Agile, Finesse)
Fist +6/+2/-2 (1d4 +2 Bludgeoning; Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal)
Dagger +7/+3/-1 (1d4 +2 Piercing; Agile, Finesse, Versatile S, Thrown 10')
Throwing Knife +7/+3/-1 (1d4 +2 Piercing; Agile, Finesse, Thrown 20')

Ranged Strikes:

Crossbow +7/+2 (1d8 P; 120' range)
Dagger +7/+3/-1 (1d4 P; Agile, Finesse, Versatile S, Thrown 10')
Throwing Knife +7/+3/-1 (1d4 +2 Piercing; Agile, Finesse, Thrown 20')

Feats and Abilities:

Ancestry Feats:
Natural Ambition
Background Feats:
Natural Medicine - Nature can be used to Treat Wounds in addition you may gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check to Treat Wounds using Nature, subject to the GM’s determination.
Class Feats:
Crossbow Ace - You have a deep understanding of the crossbow. When you're wielding a crossbow and use Hunt Prey or use Interact to reload your crossbow, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the damage roll on your next Strike with that crossbow. If the crossbow is a simple crossbow, also increase the damage die size for that attack by one step. You must make the attack before the end of your next turn or these benefits are lost.
Bonus Feats:
Animal Companion - Gain the service of a young animal companion.
Skill Feats:
Risky Surgery - When treating wounds, do 1d8 damage to patient for +2 to check. Treat successes as Crit Successes.
Class Features:
Hunt Prey - You designate a single creature as your prey and focus your attacks against that creature. You must be able to see or hear the prey, or you must be tracking the prey during exploration. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you Seek your prey and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your prey. You also ignore the penalty for making ranged attacks within your second range increment against the prey you’re hunting.

Precision (1d8) - Extra 1d8 damage to first hit on hunted prey each round
Other Abilities: Radiant Oath Champion

Focus Spells:

Focus Points: 1
Heal Animal Companion:

1-action: 1d10 healing
2-action: 1d10 + 8 healing (30' range)

Animal Companion:


Combat Gear: Dagger, Crossbow (21 bolts), Shortsword, Throwing Knife (6)
Armor: Studded Leather
Magic Items: Wayfinder
Other Gear: backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), flint and steel, rations (2 weeks), rope 50', soap, waterskin, Healers tools
Bulk: 4 (Encumbered at: 7; Maximum at: 12)
Coins: 42.56 gp