Game Master S |
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apologies. Work emergency. Will post in 8 hours.

Game Master S |

"Attention! Attention! all agents report to your ships. Find your seats and prepare for departure. Mission briefing en route to Mazdrun. After a bit of confusion, we start TOMORROW. Feel free to board and introduce yourselves to the agents next to you.

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A rock in jatembe park starts to beep. Then yawns.
The rock shifts aside and rolls over as a green crocodilian head emerges from beneath it. The frilled head is followed by a long neck, two bat-like wings, and the square chunky body of an earth dragon widening the hole on his way out. After a brief struggle the drake pushes through, freeing his rump and spade sporting tail. He turns about, gathering up a small pile of gold coins.
"Thanks for letting me crash here Mrs. badger. Hope you like the new room" he then slowly places the granite boulder back over the hole as if it were made of fine china and tries to see whats setting off his alarm.
"Attention! Attention! all agents report to your ships
"Well THAT can't be good...Are we going in one big ship like the Master of Stars? Or are we all taking drakes? I better hurry before they're down to pegasi or worse, the Azata's" his shudder sets several pebbles raining down onto the path.
Once at the starfinder dockyards he spots a Kitsune in a ridiculously ruffled golarion world princess dress and flops on his belly next to her. She keeps typing away on a blackcherry while vaulting onto the dragons back and sitting sidesaddle. She baps his horn lightly with the ancient tablet "Dock Six B" Beady makes very slow going trying not to step on anyone in the crowd but eventually makes it to the designated ship without squishing anyone. He pads over to the meeting room and curls up on the floor in the corner
"I wonder if this is going to be one of those go go go things or one of those hurry up and wait things... "
TLDR Its a big green druid dragon(kin) with a princess Diplomat follower

GM Numbat |

House GM post
At last the time has come. Com units everywhere chime with incoming boarding orders. Senior Starfinders and leaders shepherd the various teams, ensuring everyone finds their correct berth, despite the buzz of activity and seeming chaos.
Ships launch and the mission is underway. Each individual experiences the time through their own perspective and anxiety. For some the journey is almost instantaneous, others feel like it is taking forever.
Table GMs, the game has begun. Please begin with the introduction and remember to report when your table is ready to proceed. Thank you.

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Pete wanders by with 3 or four banadanas tied around his head all bearing the spider-herringbone of the Obsidian Spiders. Peet is clearly kitted to the gills with a machine gun and doshko in the other.
He lets out a raucous laugh at the assignment The Society is finally gonna let us go on offense for a change? Its about time. Peet here. Used to have a clan but dont anymore, grew up on Akiton as he then rattles off about the 12 worst curses in akitonian he can think of
But lets just say its about time we re armed and thought sbout taking charge around here

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Charva hears the comm unit go off, sighs, puts away the latest Bounty Reports, smooths down her long white hair and grabs her gear pack, already packed and ready to go.
"Hmmm, Mazdrun hey? Well, hopefully we can find some Bounties there to hunt as well."
She kisses her Besmaran symbol lying around her neck, says a quick prayer and heads towards her assigned ship.

Game Master S |

“We’re headed back the Bulwark, Starfinders!” declares Ixthia the Unbreakable. The copaxi’s image appears on the viewscreen as it’s being broadcast across the fleet from the expedition’s lead ship, the Thunderous Transgressor. Ixthia’s coral-like features convey little expression, but the excitement in their voice is undeniable. “The resolve to return to Sangoro’s Bulwark, former headquarters of the Exo-Guardians, existed years before we became leader of that stalwart faction. Years before we even joined the Starfinder Society. Indeed, the resolve was spawned the moment that all contact with Sangoro’s Bulwark was lost and our brethren stationed there failed to return.”
“The Starfinder Society lacked the capacity and resources to mount an earlier return, having already suffered heavy losses during the Scoured Stars Incident. Yet, amid the pounding waves of loss, the resolve of the Exo-Guardians and its allies remained steadfast. It led to the recovery of the Bulwark’s coordinates, and it has led to the formation of this fleet. Just as the passage of time sees the atoll rise over the waves of the sea, so too has the Society over these past several years risen above the waves of adversity, growing in its strength, in its ranks, and in its capabilities. The Society’s resolve and readiness have been made evident through the formation of this fleet as well as the drills and exercises conducted over the past few weeks.”
“As we approach our objective, assemble your gear, finish your preparations, and send any last messages. Today, we reclaim Sangoro’s Bulwark.”

Game Master S |

Now is a great time to make sure you all know each other. You may also know a little something about the Bulwark already. Make a culture check to demonstrate your own knowledge, or a Diplomacy (Gather Information) check to see what you can pick up on the trip.

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"This is a LOT of starfinders... Oh Hello S...erm. There.. I'm Beady. " he extends a claw in greeting. If shaken, he holds it limp. The dragon is fitted with a backpack that looks more like saddlebags, some very shiny armor that looks like it's a part of his scales, and some spell gems that got stuck here and there. More like he's going for a hike than a battle "Where's Mazdroon? Yawwwn. What time is it? Where's Lunch. Why do I feel like nothing good ever happens when they get a bunch of us together OR wake us up at 3 am. Much less both." he Fidgets with a bronze Pathfinder medallion around his neck with a bit of engraving on it.
"So lets see...Usually I run up and chew on things. I'm pretty tough so don't worry if i get hit a lot...there's a lot of me and its hard to get out of the way. I'll be fine. I can increase my senses, and yours too if someone forgot to fix their night blindness problem. Oh right, I have enough extra life force to share with everyone " (channel healing that can spill over into stamina) "But thats a little slower than just fixing myself. I can make you a little extra dragony with senses, or turn you into a little dragonoid kobold if you need to climb or swim or be a little tougher or just fit in an airvent. I can't turn you into full dragons yet.. sorry. Apparently that's REALLY hard. "
"If we run into any critters while we're running around give me a chance to say hello. We ARE moving into their territory and I know I don't like it when heavily armed people show up at my lair with the possible intent to slay me " he looks at the resident paladin. "I'll try to make apologies but please knock them out when that doesn't work. the laser wolf followed me home I don't see why I can't keep it... "
Beady's princess will keep her rather expansive ears out for the good gossip Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14 ... that would involve getting off her blackcherry though. So no dice.
Beady is one of those new old fashioned earth dragons. Bites things with wrecking fists, mostly has utility spells, and is a bucket of stamina sponge.
"Oh right. Standard mission protocol. Group hug. LIFE BUBBLE "

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A tall and lanky Pahtra with pure white fur steps up carrying a rifle with a syringe strapped to the bottom, accepting the spell. The most iconic note about him is his massive visor with tools hanging off the sides of it that are grafted into the sides of his head with a screen that slides on over his eyes from atop his head.
"I am Urtica, former medic for the Veskarium military. I am very happy to be done with my services there, the soldiers were just so absolutely disgusting in that they never took care of themselves. But it turns out, being immediately put in a medical tent after it was realized that I could sniff out parasites that isn't a replacement for an actual medical degree. So I am working with the Starfinder Society now as a combat medic since there were few other places that would hire me. But I assure you all, I have years of experience administering medicine in combat situations."
He nods to Beady, thanking him for the Life Bubble. "I likewise have a request to make of you all. I need to run a 10 minute medical scan on each of you in order to make sure my components all work on your biologies."

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"You scan the FRONT end right?" the dragon backs against the wall a little and Aaaaaahhhhhhhs showing off an impressive row of teeth... and the need to floss better. He seems to have a scrap of nylon backpack stuck on one of the back ones.

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Charva accepts the Life Bubble gladly. "Ah, another who has access to the Mystic arts. Never fear, I can also cast this lovely Bubble if needed, so we will be always be covered!"
Charva knows that getting information out of people is important.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
However, Charva is used to Intimidating that information out of people...

Game Master S |

The party doesn't know much, they pick up some scuttlebutt and history along the way.
Sangoro was a vesk Starfinder who discovered the Bulwark and gave it to the Society. Many Starfinders distrusted him, as the Pact Worlds were in conflict with the Veskarium at the time, but he soon founded the Exo-Guardians faction and became a distinguished Starfinder.
You also know that Sangoro’s Bulwark is a massive fortress built by a forgotten alien race and is the only structure on Mazdrun, a world known for its toxic atmosphere, extreme temperatures, violent dust storms, and subterranean radioactivity. The Exo-Guardians kept the planet’s location secret due to theweapon stockpiles once held within the extensive passages and vaults beneath the fortress.

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"Hmmm lets see. I've got one rad out serum. One spell gem of feel better and one of get better (lesser resto and remove condition). I didn't pick up one of those radiation badgers and this armor isn't that great against radiation. he rummages through his bags, setting aside some antiquated navigation equipment, a small worm chewing on a battery, and swim fins.
"For the atmosphere we have armor and life bubbles, and I can adapt people to hot and cold. I hate to say it but as long as we're above ground we should be ok. " he grumbles And here I was looking to spend some time with sensibly solid stone over my head. he blushes a bit, scales turning pink. "I'm OK with magic.. I AM a dragon after all. But some of it is applied shape shifting and some of it is just asking the planet nicely not to punch you in the face TOO hard. "
Since it looks like he'll be getting regular check ups while here he'll spend some of his last few reaming credits on a dragon hygiene kit and be a little more thorough flossing the remains of the last adventure off his fangs. And ooo! at the included scale polish. "Shiny..." some ysoki will probably be missing their floor buffer tomorrow...

GM Numbat |

House GM post
Every screen aboard the Starfinder fleet broadcasts lxthia the Unbreakable standing on the bridge of the Thunderous Transgressor. They are accompanied by Radaszam, the Deal maker leader of the Acquisitives faction, and Venture-Captain Naiaj.
"Here lies our objective,"* recounts lxthia. Their image is replaced by a star chart displaying a solitary world orbiting a dim star. Focusing in on the planet, the image reveals a barren landscape marked by the occasional rocky summit, volcanic ridge, or deep crater.
"This is Mazdrun," Naiaj explains. "An inhospitable world with a toxic atmosphere that experiences irregular planar anomalies. Save for one special crater, near the planet's equator, which is protected from the planet's hazards." The image of the planet's surface continues to spin before focusing upon a sizable crater containing a dark, shadowy shape that obscures its center.
Radaszam nods. "Inside this dark shroud is Sangoro's Bulwark. We don't know what the shroud is, but to reclaim the Bulwark, we need to get through it, get beneath it, or get rid of it."
"First, we need to know what it is," adds lxthia. "To that end, we're forming reconnaissance teams to conduct initial fact-finding and to gather intel. Let us determine who, or what, has overtaken the Bulwark. Identify the source of this darkness shroud and find a way into Sangoro's Bulwark." With a final nod, lxthia declares, "The hour has come! The Battle for the Bulwark has begun!"
Table GMs, Part 1 has begun.

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========= Earlier ============
Arriving late is a male kasatha with a shining armor, painted in gold and red. The holy symbol of Iomedae clearly visible on the plastron of his armor. On his back an old reaction canon light and at his side a Longsword with a hilt decorated to look like Iomedae representation.
With a baryton voice, the Kasatha presents himself to his comrades Greetings, I’m Eselar, actually on my fifth year of the Tempering. I’m a Knight Errant for the Knights of Golarion and I hope to that my presence will uphold the tenants of the Society, Explore Report and Cooperate.
Please pardon my lateness and I'm pride to be part of this expedition to take back Sangoro's Bulwark.
Culture: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Eselar has played #2-06 and #2-08

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Upon seeing a knight enter the dragon curls protectively around their follower.
"Well yes we did swear to work with anyone..." the low grumble he's emitting shows how happy he is about it. He makes an -I'm watching you- sign with his claws and accidentally pokes himself on the nose with the tip "ow" . The kitsune in a big poofy dress accompanying him swats him with her tail for being a doofus.

Game Master S |

Eselar also offer sup some additional points:
After Sangoro’s Bulwark fell, no one knew its location—except for Guidance, the Starfinder Society’s amalgam digital consciousness. Guidance ignored all requests to provide the fortress’s location. In the years after the Bulwark fell, a team of Starfinders found the Struggle’s Scholar, the only ship known to have escaped the fall of Sangoro’s Bulwark. Unfortunately, the ship’s crew was dead. It took the Exo- Guardians and Dataphiles working together for several months to unscramble the data recovered from the Struggle’s Scholar and determine the location of Sangoro’s Bulwark.
A variety of interplanar anomalies surround Mazdrun and the planet itself is inhospitable. The crater containing Sangoro’s Bulwark maintains a normal atmosphere and is miraculously protected from the planet’s frozen dust storms and radioactive volcanic fallout. During the last expedition to Mazdrun, mounted by the Exo-Guardians and based upon the recovered data revealing the Bulwark’s location, the crater was found cloaked within a shroud of darkness of unknown origin. Starfinder leadership decided to leave the site alone until a larger, better equipped force could mount an assault. The force you now find yourselves a part of.
Days before the fall of the Bulwark, many of the weapons held in the fortress were moved to a satellite facility known as the Arsenal. A battalion of angels was stationed at the Arsenal to prevent the weapons within from being used for evil purposes. During the fall of Sangoro’s Bulwark, these angels suffered psychic injuries that robbed them of their memories and angelic powers. The weapons once held in the Arsenal were subsequently stolen by a criminal named Datch as part of her efforts to discredit the Starfinder Society. These stolen weapons have since been recovered. The surviving angels that had stood guard over the Arsenal were recalled to Heaven.

Game Master S |

You're summoned to the bridge of the Thunderous Transgressor.
Starfinders, I’m glad you were available for this mission,” says Ixthia. Visible through the viewport behind them is a crater containing a billowing dark mass that stands in contrast to the planet’s otherwise stark and desolate surface.
Ixthia continues. “Whatever is creating the shroud covering Sangoro’s Bulwark is also wreaking havoc with our starship scanners and communications systems, causing computer glitches and blocking communications between the fleet and our agents on the planet’s surface. Fortunately, we’ve prepared a series of signal boosters and amplifiers for deployment on the surface to cut through this interference.
“Unfortunately, the equipment is fragile and quite sensitive. Mazdrun hosts frequent, violent dust storms, among other hazards. The equipment can be shielded against those effects, but the hardening process can only be completed once the equipment is in place.
“We’ve identified a suitable site for deployment on Mazdrun’s surface. The equipment has already been stowed onto an all-terrain transport, which already sits on a waiting shuttle. Take the shuttle to the surface and transport the equipment to the deployment site. Deploy and calibrate the equipment. Install the protective seals and environmental shielding. Then, safely return to the fleet.
“Our precogs have identified a short upcoming window between dust storms where the weather will be relatively mild, so you should launch quickly. Stay safe, Starfinders.”

Game Master S |

You find your shuttle craft in the launch bay with its cargo prepped and ready for departure. As you fly down to the planet, you catch the tail end of that dust storm passing over the coordinates of the equipment site as still more storms brew in the distance.
As you reach the designated landing zone and deploy the already beat-up, all-terrain transport (affectionately nicknamed “Bumpy”). You'll have limited time to reach the designated location, set up the equipment, take calibration readings, and harden the equipment before the developing dust storms render said equipment inoperable and the mission must be aborted.
the terrain is pretty rough. Piloting check to drive the off-road vehicle and navigate to the designated equipment site (only one PC can attempt this check. you can Aid Another with Computers, Perception, or Survival check. Go!

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"I don't think they want me driving. Something about not testing the idea that you can't make it worse"
Beady will crane his head out of Bumpy's window, loll his tongue and Assist with navigating.
survival assist: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26

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Peet appears to be our best pilot so in the interest of the soldier having a trained skill at all to roll I'm going to just roll Perception.
Urtica keeps himself halfway out the skylight as if he were spotting ins a tank. "All clear up ahead!"
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

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Charva makes sure the Radiation Badge she has is securely fastened. She also pats her new Level 7 Armour. "At least this will protect me from most Radiation, happy to go where we need, happy to be the first one into the breach if required."
Meanwhile, she helps the Pilot by looking around:
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35

Game Master S |

Lots of awesome Aiding... but still need one of you to be the pilot.

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Peet hops in the front seat and goes Lets burn Aucturn folks yee haw
[dice=Piloting, no aids] 1d20+16
This ole girl bumpys got some junk in the trunk, what a great ride
Beady, from the trunk HEYS!

Game Master S |

Peet makes it look easy, delivering the team to the site. Unfortunately, the site is a mess. To adequately balance the equipment, level the site, and clear it of large rocks and debris that could damage the equipment or interfere with its readings, make an Acrobatics, Athletics, or suitable Profession check (such as, dockworker, general contractor, maintenance worker, or miner). Or, and this is a bit harder, try Engineering or Physical Science check to fabricate support struts and structures to keep the equipment level on difficult terrain.

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Urtica, knowing his strength's do not lie in his physical prowess opts to try and calculate the best land masses on this difficult landscape for the equipment to hold itself within place.
Physical Science: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

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Charva pushes her Tech Nerd to the front, "Time to show everyone how good you are at these things"
The aforementioned Tech Nerd uses Engineering to fabricate Support Struts and Structures.
Hireling Engineering: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13
The Hireling looks sheepishly at Charva, who just sighs. "Darling, please, be better next time" and rolls her eyes as they walk off.

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Athletics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13
Eselar starts working, but, quickly, it seems to have 4 left hands! and fumbles some of his work and he's finally unable to help.
Sorry guys, I must be tired.

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"Nice to meet you Darling! It's ok, everyone screws up on their first day. I accidentally sneezed on an ambassador and didn't think to have brought a fire extinguisher and then dunked him in the fountain and then it turned out they were hydrophobic in both senses of the word and....I'm sure you'll get a lot of other chances to mess u...do better!"

Game Master S |

Even though Eselar is tired from the travel, the party has no problem at all. There's still a lot of work to be done though, as the equipment has to be set up. Computers, Engineering check will make it go pretty quickly. If you want to read the directions and look at the parts try Perception. If you want to guess, check, and force the necessary adjustments and connections to the equipment try Athletics or Sleight of Hand.

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Beady picks up pieces of metal, puts them close and lets out a slow gout of flame to weld them together. "Anyone seen a metal L all i See are a bunch of 7's...Weird gnomish furniture "
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
he's.. probably joking.
The dragon grabs the tower in all four claws, flaps his wings frantically "Alley OOOP" and up he and the tower go....

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Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Eselar, as a lawful follower of Iomedae, starts reading the instructions manual.
We need to start with this piece. No! Wait!

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"I don't know HOW these are supposed to go together but I know how they're going together. The directions never hel..oh THAT's what this is for...Ok just put it under ...no no no the other under!!"

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Urtica walks over and tries to also read the instructions over Eselar's shoulder.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
"Well I can at least confirm that we have all the pieces needed. But piece A12 connects to part E12 not C12!"

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IKEA time!
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
"Ah, but you see, you need BOTH the Left Handed Allen Key AND the Right Handed Allen Key to build these things!"

Game Master S |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My work insanity is almost done. (I'm a Dean at a school, but we're moving buildings and it's the most ridiculous complex project I've ever been in.) Which means my posting will skyrocket starting Monday once classes resume.
If someone was recording the effort, the party's work would be an instructional Vid on the sphere racking up millions of views in no time!
Great! Now to calibrate the equipment. Easily doable with Mysticism, Physical Science, or suitable Profession check (such as electrician, lab technician, maintenance worker, or miner) to take initial readings and measurements to calibrate the equipment, filtering out ambient natural and extraplanar emissions. With some serious know-how you could try Computers or Engineering check to speed up the automated calibration settings.

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Mysticism: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26
From his many travels trough the Pact World and beyond Eslear has some knowledge on different things and is able to calibrate the equipment.

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"Okay... calibrations calculating between the atmospheric pressures and gravity interactions..." Urtica keeps a close eye on his visor's scientific readouts, and plugging in the numbers to the machine.
Physical Science: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

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Beady clambers up on the Tower "ROAAAARRRRrrRRR" turns south "ROAAAARRRRrrRRR" turns east "ROAAAARRRRrrRRR" and then sits listening with his earsails out
Mysticism: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
He "whispers" to the party. Which means for him you can only hear him HALF a mile off .. "hey guys I think there's a dragon out there..."

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Charva pulls out a Mystical looking Device and starts to take initial readings and measurements.
Mysticism: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
"Ah yes, I think I know somewhat how to tune this" Charva says, clearly giving the Dragon a weird look.

Game Master S |

The team continues to strut their stuff, easily calibrating the equipment. This isn't a classroom though, a lot could go wrong out here, and you'll need to harden the equipment. Achieve this with an Engineering, Mysticism, or Physical Science check to adequately seal critical circuits and juncture boxes from sources of environmental and extraplanar disruption. You could go low tech and try an Athletics or Survival check to wedge protective coverings and panels into place.