About Shekla StyggShekla Stygg
Trait 1: Seeker (social)
Having discovered a secret source within that enhances the energy of some spells. They can, as a Free Action, when casting a spell that deals Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Void damage, enhance that spell with volatile energy. When they do, the spell deals 1d4 points of extra damage of the same energy type. They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). Languages: Keolan, Orc, Saurian, Hin Favored Class Bonus: half-orc sorcerer alt; +1/2 damage to fire spells. Times taken x3 (+1) SKILLS:
(X) = Class Skill; 2+Int, +2 background = 6/lvl Adventuring Skills:
Background Skills:
Spells Known (CL 3, concentration +6)
Traveler's clothes, 5 lbs. (free outfit)
Belt pouch, 1gp, 1/2 lb.
Hip Flask, 1gp, 1/2 lb.
Masterwork Backpack +2 (Lighten load, storage; 2gpx25), 50gp, 5? lbs.
Masterwork Potion Belt, 5gp, 1 lb.
At home until needed
Total: 3110.56gp, 21 lbs.
Attributes: Str +2, Con +2 Size: Medium Speed: 30ft Senses: Low-Light Vision Keen Senses: Gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Perception checks Intimidating: Gain +2 Racial Bonus on Intimidation checks Off-Putting: Receive a -2 Racial Penalty on Diplomacy checks Orc Blood: They count as both Human and Orc for any effect related to race. Weapon Familiarity: Gain proficiency with Bow (Short and Long), Great Axe, and Falchion. If already proficient with Martial Weapons due to their 1st-level class they gain the Feat Weapon Focus with one of these weapons. They treat any weapon with the word Orc in its name as a Martial Weapon. Sacred Tattoo: Many Uriak decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarring, which they consider sacred markings. Uriak with this racial trait gain a +1 Luck Bonus on all Saves. This replaced Orc Ferocity. CLASS:
Accursed (Story Feat) A curse weighs upon one's soul like a millstone around one's neck. Prequisite: When the character was born, a powerful chaos entity tainted their blood in some way and cursed them as an agent of chaotic prophecy. They gain access to the Chaos Blood Bloodline. Benefits: The character gains Spell Resistance equal to 5 + Character Level, as the curse interferes with all magic. Unlike most spell resistance, this cannot voluntarily be lowered, though their own spells and magic items still automatically affect them. Goal: Lift the curse or purge the corruption of their chaos blood (the circumstances of either vary widely based on the nature of the curse, and is up to the player and GM to determine the details). Completion Benefit: The character loses the Spell Resistance described under Benefit. They instead gain Spell Resistance equal to 11 + their character level, but only against harmful Enchantment, Necromancy, and Transmutation spells and spell-like abilities. Their aura now resists further attempts to be cursed. Harmless spells automatically bypass this Spell Resistance whether they desire it or not. This Spell Resistance can be voluntarily lowered. Chaos Blood Bloodline: Prerequisite: Consumes the Generic 1st Level Feat
Bonus Spells: Burning Hands (at 3rd), Glitter Dust (at 5th), Chaotic Aura (at 7th), Tentacles of Tindalos (at 9th), Lightning Arc (at 11th), Cold Ice Strike (at 13th), Banshee Scream (at 15th), Storm Bolts (at 17th), Winds of Vengeance (at 19th) Bonus Feats: Chaos Blood Conduit, Combat Casting, Furious Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Intensified Spell, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness Blood Havoc (1st-Level)
Blood Morph (3rd-Level)
Blood Piercing (9th-Level)
Abberrant Blood (Su) (15th-Level)
Alien Blood (20th-Level)
Shekla rarely says much about her upbringing; most in Dunwich only remember the scrawny teenager that wandered into town seven years ago, malnourished, dressed in ragged furs, and practically dragging a crude falchion in the dirt. She spoke broken Keolan back then and had no real education to speak of, but was willing to do odd jobs for a bit of bread or a place to sleep. Shekla was tough and knew her orcish combat drills well, but was hardly a great combatant. Armor never quite fit her right, and always made her clumsy. She was barely strong enough to lift a heavy orcish blade, much less fight with it. She may have been uriak, but it seemed her blood was thin. Her orcish bloodline, however, had run quite deep. Among her clan, an extension of the larger Dripping Blades tribe, Shekla had been the daughter of a shaman and a prized slave. Her birth offered her no privilege; only expectations. She was hardly fit for the life of a warrior but had attended the drills regularly, even if it only earned her spite, beatings, and failure. Shekla may have been weak and scrawny, but she was tough and took what she had to... Branded with the mark of Luthic by her own mother, Shekla might have earned herself a more comfortable life if she had resigned herself to a domestic role -- but her orc blood ran deep, and a powerful range had been buried inside her. What Shekla lacked in physical might, she made up for in magical. The first time her blood surged she set sheets of flame spewing from her hands; none were killed, but a few of her clanmates were hurt. Some thought she was a curse, too dangerous to let live; others a blessing, a sign from gods themselves. Shekla didn’t wait around to find out what her kin would decide; she ran. Now, Shekla lives in Dunwich, a regular fixture among the village. By night she keeps watch over the road and the village, and by day she sleeps, drinks, and does odd jobs here and there. She has done her time as a fisher, and even taken on a few bounties, caravan jobs, and other well-paying adventures. Hardly rich, Shekla lives modestly and most of the locals know what she’s capable of; nonetheless, she tries not to wield her magic around outsiders.
Shekla has gray-hued skin and dark eyes, with short tusks and stringy, black hair. Her skin is marked with tattoos and riddled with scars and piercings, with an orcish rune branded on her cheek -- “home,” to any who can read it, but also the holy symbol of the goddess Luthic for those educated in orc religion. She would be of average build for a human, perhaps even athletic; but for an Uriak, she is quite scrawny. Though she carries a falchion she wears no armor, favoring loose shirts and breeches, often adorned with her pack and potion belt. When she speaks, Shekla’s voice is typically a dry rasp. Shekla might seem quiet and unassuming at first blush; but when her orc blood boils she develops a clear sense of presence that can catch people off-guard.