Game Master S's "Yesteryear's Sorrow" (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh

TACTICAL MAP | Handouts |
Starfinder Ships | Ship Roles




Burnham: 4/4
K.I.N.A.A.: 6/6
Twila-5: 3/4
Ysh'yaal: 4/4
Zoey: 6/7
Zynn: 2/3

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female LN dwarf mystic (star shaman) 3 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 7/7 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +13 (darkvision 60 ft.), SM: +11 | Speed 25 ft., climb 25 ft. (handholds in zero G), fly 20 ft. (in space) | Active conditions: None | Spells 2nd-3/3 1st-5/5| Healing Touch1/1 | Starlight Form 3/3 | 1 Reroll

K.I.N.A.A. will assist the others in removing the curses from their weapons. It's tricky work, but Kadrical grants her the patience to continue the work until it's done. She also field-strips her chair to make sure all the parts are goo-free.

She thanks her companions for their help, and makes sure to pick up a good ticket for Zoey's next show.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pirate 5 EAC21 - KAC23 | SP30/35 HP 29/29 RP6/6 | Init +2 | Perc +0 SM +0| F +2, R +3, W +4 | Speed 25ft.

Ysh' is quite happy to have been able to help the Gibrany into recovering these weapon of mass destruction and make sure they will be not use by evildoer.
She also quite happy to have been able to get her hands on such weapon of mass destruction!

She throw away the bits and part that was her makeshift weapon and its now cursed by some ancient magic. Finding garbage is free and that's the reason she's happy to create her weapon with magic!

Great job all! We are a good team. Nice to have you on board Klarima. May Besmara's blessing be upon you in your travels! See you soon.

She's happy to provide Zig all the information they have gathered during their exploration.


Ace Pilot Human Soldier 4// Init +2 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 // F 5 (*check toughness) R 3 W 4 // EAC 20 KAC 23 // Stamina 36/36 HP 32/32 Resolve 5/5 // Speed 25 Fly 25
Zynn Megavoom wrote:

"Nicely done, Burnham."


Twila-5 wrote:
"Well done, Burn!" ...

"Ah, thanks?" The exo-guardian is clearly a little surprised and embarassed at both his success and the compliments.

Nice way to end a dry streak, but I was looking forward to a couple rounds of gang-pummeling Skorusko.

During the trip home, Burn resumes his quiet ship-board demeanor, spending time working out and maintaining his gear. He offers to help KINAA with her chair, and takes advantage of her offer to remove the curse on his rifle.

On Absalom Station, he's gratified that Ziggy is taking such a close personal interest in the case. HE parts warmly with the other team members. "Happy to ship out with any of you anytime."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female N android death touched operative 6 | SP 40/48 HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EA8C 21; KAC 21 | Fort +7*^; Ref +10`; Will +6* | Init: +7 | Perc: +13 | low-light vision; darkvision | Speed 40ft; 30 ft Fly | PRR: 4 | SAP: 20 | TRP: 19 | CF: 10/10 | HC: 1/1 | Active conditions: none

As everyone is leaving the briefing, Twila-5 remarks. "Normally I am uninterested in clubbing, but after all that gloom and doom, I want to revel in being alive right now. Anyone else want to join me? Zoey, you know some of the more fun clubs to go, right?" I might as well use those party clothes I bought for that one job, and this group meshes well together.


Lashunta Solarian (Scholar) 4 SP 26/32 HP 32/32RP 6/6 | EAC 15 KAC 15 | F+4 R+1 W+3 | Init+1 | Perc+8, Diplomacy +13 + 1d6, SM+3

"I am not very good at dancing, but I would join you for a little revelry to celebrate our success."

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pirate 5 EAC21 - KAC23 | SP30/35 HP 29/29 RP6/6 | Init +2 | Perc +0 SM +0| F +2, R +3, W +4 | Speed 25ft.

Good idea! I need also a break from all this doom and gloom!


Ace Pilot Human Soldier 4// Init +2 Percept +0 SenseMotive +0 // F 5 (*check toughness) R 3 W 4 // EAC 20 KAC 23 // Stamina 36/36 HP 32/32 Resolve 5/5 // Speed 25 Fly 25

"Count me in. I just need to drop off my heavy gear before appearing in public privately."

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