[PACS] Curse of the Crimson Throne [Gimry]

Game Master Gimry

7A: The Inevitable Betrayal
1. Balazar/Iceman91
2. Varian/Bigguyinblack
3. Kyra/Gimry
4. Amiri/Matsu_Kurisu

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Hero Point
Banked - 3 Remaining

Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 678

Interested in Thundering Earthbreaker Loot

Not enough Respect Points

deck handler

5 respect total.
Save the hero point 5 remain.

Lyrune-quah Truthspeaker just isn't working out but Sklar-quah Thundercaller can be used more often so I'm interested in it.

No upgrades.

Deck Handler

Save the hero point. Have three.

Not interested in the scenario loot.
Or, at least, happy to let Varian use the Thundercaller.

Maxed out the respect rewards -> Supporter feat on Truthspeaker Akram
Will make use of the Silver War Paint as long as we have the besieged wildcard. The other three are not worth it.

Vote for C, B, D, A

No upgrades.

deck handler

I vote C, B, A, D. It doesn't specify after move step.


Deck Handler


Scenario Reward
- Loot: weapon Thundering Earthbreaker, armor Totem Klar, item Blue War Paint, ally Sklar-Quah Thundercaller.

Adventure Reward
- Nope. No respect

Tier 4.4
- Hero point = Saved
- Available HP = 2

Card Upgrade
Blessing 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 489
The Lady of Mysteries (AD3) in, Blessing of the Gods out

Banished Cards
- Nil

- lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 486 in, Korvosan Guard out
- lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 68 in, Priest of Pharasma out
- lt Returning Totem Spear: 1d1000 ⇒ 76 in, Giantbane Greataxe out
- lt Shoanti Barbarian Hide: 1d1000 ⇒ 57 in, Helm of the Valkyrie out
- lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out

CoCT-5C:The Shrine of Midnight

Things I need:

  • Whether you're interested in the Loot Spell
  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and current remaining Hero Points.
  • Upgrade preferences from the pool:

    Ally - 3
    Armor - 3
    Blessing - 3210
    Item - 34
    Spell - 4

  • Deck Handler

    Spend hero point on power feat: "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may draw it (☑ and you may shuffle a new monster into your deck) instead."
    Have three remaining.

    Not interested in the loot.

    Going with the assumption that Amiri grabbed the Spell 4 for Balazar. Thanks, babe!


    Deck Handler
    Balazar & Padrig wrote:
    Going with the assumption that Amiri grabbed the Spell 4 for Balazar. Thanks, babe!

    Yes, moldy paper was for you :-)


    Deck Handler

    - CoCT-5C:The Shrine of Midnight

    Scenario Reward
    - Loot: Spell. Pah !! :-)

    Adventure Reward
    - n/a

    Tier 5.1
    - Hero point = Card Feat(armor)
    - New Slot = Sable Company Hide (AD3)
    - Available HP = 2

    Card Upgrade
    Blessing 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 108
    Blessing of Abadar (AD3) in, Blessing of Lamashtu out

    Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 178
    Hellknight of the Nail (AD3) in, Korvosan Guard out

    Banished Cards
    - Nil

    - lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 973 in, Pit Gladiator out
    - lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 942 in, Priest of Pharasma out
    - lt Returning Totem Spear: 1d1000 ⇒ 665 in, Giantbane Greataxe out
    - lt Shoanti Barbarian Hide: 1d1000 ⇒ 219 in, Helm of the Valkyrie out
    - lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out

    Deck Handler

    Anything that's fresh and not moldy gets eaten by the murder-chicken, so it was a good call. =D

    deck handler

    Taking power feat (☐ or your check) in
    ☐ On another character's check (☐ or your check), when you play an ally that would add 1 or more dice, you may add 1d12 instead of the normal dice.

    4 HP remaining.

    spell 4 for Ice Storm: 1d1 ⇒ 1
    item 4 for Belt of Physical Might (Core): 1d1 ⇒ 1

    No interest in the new loot.

    Hero Point
    Card Feat: Weapon
    3 HP remaining


    CoCT-5B:Shadows on the Wing

    Things I need:

  • Whether you're interested in the Loot Item
  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and current remaining Hero Points.

  • Upgrade preferences from the pool:
    Ally - 55554443
    Armor - 55443
    Blessing - 331
    Item - 54443
    Spell - 54
    Weapon - 33

  • deck handler

    Taking the card feat Item. 3 HP remaining.
    No interest in the loot item.

    item 5 for Ring of Regeneration: 1d1000 ⇒ 340

    spell 5 for Disintegrate: 1d1000 ⇒ 174

    Deck Handler

    Spend hero point on card feat: Item (filling the spot with Mist Horn to start)
    2 remain

    No interest in the Staff

    Deck Upgrades:
    Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 116 Steal Soul
    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 530 Headband of Mental Superiority
    Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 870 Mantle of Life
    Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 671 Shaman


    Deck Handler


    Scenario Reward
    - Loot: item Staff of Greater Necromancy.

    Adventure Reward
    - n/a

    Tier 4.4
    - Hero point = Power(Hand Size +1 = 6)
    - Available HP = 2

    Card Upgrade
    Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 268
    Stone-shard Breastplate(AD5) in, Helm of the Valkyrie out

    Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 84
    Mountaineer (AD5) in, Korvosan Guard out

    Banished Cards
    - Nil

    - lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 338 in, Korvosan Guard out
    - lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 608 in, Priest of Pharasma out
    - lt Returning Totem Spear: 1d1000 ⇒ 192 in, Giantbane Greataxe out
    - lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out

    Hero Point
    Skill Feat: Wis (3 Remaining)

    Take the second Armor 5


    Things I need:

  • Whether you're interested in the Loot Item
  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and current remaining Hero Points.

  • Upgrade preferences from the pool:
    Ally - 55544
    Armor - 433
    Blessing - 211100
    Item - 3
    Weapon - 5553

  • deck handler

    Taking skill feat +1 to wisdom. 2 HP remaining.

    No upgrades.

    No interest in the loot.


    Deck Handler


    Scenario Reward
    - Loot: Kazavon's Shield

    Adventure Reward
    - n/a

    Tier 4.4
    - Hero point = Skill(Str)
    - Available HP = 2

    Card Upgrade
    Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 47
    Shock Greatsword +2 (AD5) in, Giantbane Greataxe out

    Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 567
    Mountaineer (AD5) in, Korvosan Guard out

    Banished Cards
    - Nil

    - lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 33 in, Korvosan Guard out
    - lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 702 in, Priest of Pharasma out
    - lt Returning Totem Spear: 1d1000 ⇒ 747 in, Shock Glaive out
    - lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out

    Hero Points
    Power Feat: Auto Recharge Divine non-Attack spell

    Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 639

    Deck Handler

    Spend hero point on skill feat: +1 Strength

    Not interested in the Shield

    Deck Upgrade: Ally 5 Shaman

    COCT - 5D: Ashbringer's Roost

    Things I need

  • Whether you're interested in either of the Loot Weapons
  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and current remaining Hero Points.
  • Whether you want to Rally Shadowcount Sial or not

    Upgrade preferences from the pool:
    Ally - 433
    Blessing - 332110
    Item - 4443
    Spell - 55430
    Weapon - 65

  • deck handler

    Saving the hero point. 3 HP remain.

    spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 595

    Not interested in Shadowcount Sial.

    Serithtial: 1d1 ⇒ 1


    Deck Handler

    - 5D

    Scenario Reward
    - Loot: Ashbringer

    Adventure Reward
    - Loot: Serithtial
    - Rally Shadowcount Sial
    Uncheck supporter Laori Vaus

    Tier 4.4
    - Hero point = Skill(Str)
    - Available HP = 2

    Card Upgrade
    Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 676
    Ashbringer (AD6) in, Shock Glaive out

    Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 308
    Speed Battleaxe (AD5) in, Shock Glaive out

    Banished Cards
    - Nil

    - lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 714 in, Korvosan Guard out
    - lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 296 in, Priest of Pharasma out
    - lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out
    - lt Serithtial: 1d1000 ⇒ 497 in, Pit Gladiator out
    - lt Ashbringer: 1d1000 ⇒ 478 in, Dragonbane Greatsword out


    Deck Handler

    Card Upgrade
    [dice=Weapon 6]1d1000
    Ashbringer (AD6) in, Shock Glaive out

    [dice=Weapon 5]1d1000
    Speed Battleaxe (AD5) in, Shock Glaive out

    Correcting as not legal play to select AD6 upgrade, only AD5

    Deck Handler

    Save the hero point - have three

    Deck Upgrade:
    Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 199 Sage's Journal -> Climber's Gloves
    Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 729 Magistrate -> Nightspear

    Fine with keeping Laori.

    Hero Point
    Banked - 3 Remaining

    Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 767

    COCT - 6A: Rebellion in Korvosa

    Things I need

  • Whether you're interested in either of the Loot Weapons
  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and current remaining Hero Points.
  • Whether you want to Rally Shadowcount Sial or not

    Upgrade preferences from the pool:
    Ally - 654
    Blessing - 1111
    Item - 6665
    Spell - 6655
    Weapon - 4

  • deck handler

    Spending a hero point on power feat +1 to hand size. 3 HP remaining.

    item 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 148

    spell 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 166

    ally 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 617

    Deck Handler

    Spend hero point on card feat: +1 Ally (Monkey)
    Three HP remaining

    Deck upgrade:
    Spell 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 826 Giant Form -> Shape Change
    Item 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 382 Staff of Minor Healing -> Staff of Greater Healing
    Ally 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 133 Monkey -> Darb Tuttle
    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 848 Climber's Gloves -> Headband of Mental Superiority


    Deck Handler

    - 6A: Rebellion in Korvosa

    Scenario Reward
    - Rally the supporters Grandmaster Boule, Marcus Endrin and Sabina Merrin

    Adventure Reward
    - n/a

    Tier 6.1
    - Hero point = Skill(Con)
    - Available HP = 3

    Card Upgrade
    Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 600
    Mountaineer (AD5) in, Korvosan Guard out

    Banished Cards
    - Nil

    - lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 298 in, Sklar-Quah Thundercaller out
    - lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 412 in, Priest of Pharasma out
    - lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out
    - lt Serithtial: 1d1000 ⇒ 501 in, Pit Gladiator out
    - lt Ashbringer: 1d1000 ⇒ 954 in, Dragonbane Greatsword out

    Hero Point
    Card Feat: Ally

    Ally 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 46

    COCT - 6B: Assault on Castle Korvosa

    Things I need

  • What supporter you want to rally
  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and current remaining Hero Points.
  • Upgrade and Bonus Upgrade

    Upgrade preferences from the pool
    Ally - 66666555544
    Armor - 6644
    Blessing - 41111110
    Item - 665
    Spell - 6543
    Weapon - 663

  • deck handler

    Supporter feat Marcus Endrin.

    Spending my hero point on card feat Item. 2 HP remain.

    Item 6 for Staff of Greater Healing: 1d1000 ⇒ 792

    Spell 6 for Meteor Swarm (Core): 1d1000 ⇒ 198

    Ally 6 for Isiem: 1d1000 ⇒ 29

    Ally 6 for Toff Ornelos: 1d1000 ⇒ 563

    Hero Point
    Power Feat: [x] Or Start

    Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 58
    No Bonus

    Supporter Feat
    Amin Jalento

    Deck Handler

    Spend hero point on power feat: You may banish a monster from your hand (☑ or discards) to draw a card.

    Supporter Feat: Sabina Merrin

    Deck Upgrades:
    Item 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 504 Staff of Minor Healing -> Staff of Greater Healing
    Ally 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 713 Monkey -> Darb Tuttle
    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 21 Climber's Gloves -> Headband of Mental Superiority
    Spell 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 270 Haste -> Winds of Vengeance
    Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 471 Gray Maiden Plate -> Angelic Armor


    Deck Handler

    - 6B: Assault on Castle Korvosa

    Scenario Reward
    - Bonus Upgrade

    Adventure Reward
    - n/a

    Tier 6.2
    - Hero point = Power(Hand size +1)
    - Available HP = 3

    Card Upgrade
    Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 48
    Ashbringer (AD6) in, Dragonbane Greatsword out

    Armor 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 879
    Hellknight Plate (AD6) in, Sable Company Hide out

    Banished Cards
    - Nil

    - lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 775 in, Sklar-Quah Thundercaller out
    - lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 620 in, Priest of Pharasma out
    - lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out
    - lt Serithtial: 1d1000 ⇒ 658 in, Pit Gladiator out
    - lt Ashbringer: 1d1000 ⇒ 461 in, Dragonbane Greatsword out

    CCT-6C: Death to the Queen

    Upgrade preferences from the pool
    Ally - 6665554
    Blessing - 62111
    Item - 66554
    Spell - 6654440

    deck handler

    Spending my hero point on skill feat Wisdom. 2 HP remaining.

    ally 6 for Isiem: 1d1000 ⇒ 489

    Interested in Shocking Sawtooth Saber.

    Dark Archive

    Finess Ranged Occult packs Radovan's Deck Handler

    - CCT-6C: Death to the Queen

    Scenario Reward
    - Loot: weapon Shocking Sawtooth Saber, ally Venster Arabasti.

    Adventure Reward
    - n/a

    Tier 6.3
    - Hero point = Card(Item) - Belt of Giant Strength in
    - Available HP = 3

    Card Upgrade
    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 927
    Magic Spyglass (AD3) in, Belt of Giant Strength out

    Ally 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 398
    Hippogriff (AD6) in, Priest of Pharasma out

    Banished Cards
    - Nil

    - lt Ausio Carowyn: 1d1000 ⇒ 899 in, Sklar-Quah Thundercaller out
    - lt Lyrune-quah Moon Maiden: 1d1000 ⇒ 607 in, Priest of Pharasma out
    - lt Red War Paint: 1d1 ⇒ 1 in, Topaz of Strength out
    - lt Serithtial: 1d1000 ⇒ 177 in, Pit Gladiator out
    - lt Ashbringer: 1d1000 ⇒ 326 in, Thundering Earthbreaker out

    Deck Handler

    Spend Hero Point on Skill Feat: Strength
    3 left.

    Not interested in loot.

    Deck Upgrade:
    Spell 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 79 Haste -> Winds of Vengeance
    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 180 Climber's Gloves -> Headband of Mental Superiority

    Deck Handler

    Actually, only one skill feat in Strength available, so make that Int.
    And will swap Good Omen instead of Haste - we don't need more loot.

    Hero Point
    Skill Point - Wis - 3 Remaining

    Deck Upgrades
    Spell 6

    CCT-6D: Legacy of Blood

    Things I need

  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and current remaining Hero Points.
  • Upgrade
  • Interest in Loot Item

    Armor - 65
    Blessing - 31
    Item - 665
    Spell - 6650
    Weapon 664

  • Deck Handler

    Save the hero point. Have 3.

    Deck upgrade:
    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 62 Climber's Gloves -> Headband of Mental Superiority
    Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 440 Gray Maiden Plate -> Angelic Armor

    Would be interested in the loot.

    Hero Point
    Banked - 4 Remaining

    Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 146 (Will downgrade to weapon 5, so will defer if both Amiri and Varian want Weapon 6s)
    Spell 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 470

    deck handler

    Saving my hero point. 3 HP remaining.

    No upgrades.

    Powerful reload loot is appealing since I draw both at the beginning and end of my turn.

    rolling off for new loot: 1d1000 ⇒ 341

    Deck Handler

    Ahh, but the mad gnome draws many times during the turn!
    Thumb Wrestle for Ring: 1d1000 ⇒ 657

    deck handler

    Fair point :)

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