For your exploration at any location other than the Base, encounter the top card of the siege pile as if it were the top card of your location. If it is not defeated, shuffle it into the siege pile.
While using a power that examines cards, you may treat the siege pile as your location.
When you suffer damage that is not reduced to 0, banish the top card of your location and each unoccupied location; when a location has no cards, it closes automatically.
If you defeat Kazavon and the siege pile has any cards, banish 1d4 cards from it then shuffle Kazavon back into it.
Given the BYA, I'm going to stay away from people
Monster 6
To Defeat:
Combat 24
Immune to Acid and Poison.
Resistant to Cold, Electricity, and Fire.
Before acting, each local character must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 11 check or suffer the scourge Exhausted.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Plagued.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the (☑ start or ) end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Sarenrae's Light Hour Power:When this is the hour: When you heal, you may heal an additional card. Location:Bridge Location Power:Non-story banes cannot be evaded. Adventure Powers: Scenario Powers:
On all non-combat checks, add 1d4.
For your exploration at any location other than the Base, encounter the top card of the siege pile as if it were the top card of your location. If it is not defeated, shuffle it into the siege pile.
While using a power that examines cards, you may treat the siege pile as your location.
When you suffer damage that is not reduced to 0, banish the top card of your location and each unoccupied location; when a location has no cards, it closes automatically.
If you defeat Kazavon and the siege pile has any cards, banish 1d4 cards from it then shuffle Kazavon back into it.
Flanking Attack:
Barrier 1
To Defeat:
None 0
Before acting, a random other character summons and encounters the danger; the difficulty to defeat is increased by #.
Summon and encounter the danger; the difficulty to defeat is increased by #. Then banish this barrier; it is defeated.
A,B,V:1d3 ⇒ 3 Varian takes the Danger +#
Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Dragon Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 16+## OR Diplomacy 12+#
Roll 1d4. This monster gains the trait, is immune to, and all damage is: 1. Acid 3. Electricity 2. Cold 4. Fire Before acting, each local character must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 5+# check or suffer 1d4 damage and the scourge Wounded.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the (☑ start or ) end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Erastil's Eye Hour Power:If you are at a Wild location, you may discard a card to explore Location:Bridge Location Power:Non-story banes cannot be evaded. Adventure Powers: Scenario Powers:
On all non-combat checks, add 1d4.
For your exploration at any location other than the Base, encounter the top card of the siege pile as if it were the top card of your location. If it is not defeated, shuffle it into the siege pile.
While using a power that examines cards, you may treat the siege pile as your location.
When you suffer damage that is not reduced to 0, banish the top card of your location and each unoccupied location; when a location has no cards, it closes automatically.
If you defeat Kazavon and the siege pile has any cards, banish 1d4 cards from it then shuffle Kazavon back into it.
Warning Bells:
Barrier 5
To Defeat:
Fortitude 13
OR Intelligence
Perception 15
When examined or if undefeated, each local character suffers 1d4 Mental damage that cannot be reduced and the scourge Dazed.
If defeated, examine your location until you find a Curse or Undead card. Shuffle the rest of the location, then reload or recharge the card into the location.
Elect to examine my location as opposed to the Siege Deck
Discard Darb Tuttle to explore again
Soul Mistress:
Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 21
Immune to Cold and Fire. Resistant to Attack.
When you discard cards as damage, you must first choose items.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Plagued.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the (☑ start or ) end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the (☑ start or ) end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Iomedae’s Justice Hour Power:On your check against an Outsider card, add 1d4. Location:Swamp Location Power:When you fail a check to defeat a monster, suffer the scourge Wounded. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
When you advance the hour, if it is Proxy B, summon and encounter the non-closing henchman Taniniver, then banish the proxy.
Before you attempt to guard your location, advance the hour.
Venster Arabasti:
Ally 6
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 14
OR Banish A Harrow Card 0
Recharge to examine the top 3 cards of the hourglass, then you may reload any number of them into the hourglass and recharge the rest into the hourglass.
If the hour is a Harrow blessing, discard to draw it.
Discard the Twin to explore again Random Ally:1d2 ⇒ 1 Grab Darbs
Burning Tar:
Barrier 0
To Defeat:
Acrobatics 6+#
OR Constitution
Fortitude 7+#
Before acting, each local character suffers 1 Fire damage.
If undefeated, suffer 1d4 Fire damage. If you do not reduce the damage to 0, bury the cards you would discard as damage and suffer the scourge Wounded
Use Twin to evade that, recharge it and explore again
Spell 0
To Acquire:
Divine 6
On any check, freely banish to add 1d4+#.
If proficient, discard this card; you may succeed at a Divine 8 check to recharge it instead.
Divine 6 is an Auto
DiscardRecharge Darbs to explore again
Our Lord In Iron:
Blessing 3
Deity: Gorum
When this is the hour: On your combat check, you may reveal any number of weapons; for each, add 1.
To Acquire:
Ranged 8
On any non-Attack combat check, recharge to bless; reroll any dice showing 1.
Discard to explore. This exploration, on your combat checks, you may reroll any dice showing 1.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the (☑ start or ) end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The Paladin Hour Power:When another character avenges your encounter, heal 1d4 cards. Location:Reading Room Location Power:On your check, if the hour is Harrow, add 1. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
When you advance the hour, if it is Proxy B, summon and encounter the non-closing henchman Taniniver, then banish the proxy.
Before you attempt to guard your location, advance the hour.
I have a weapon, so in order to avoid the dragon, I'll move to Swamp
Guardian Zombie:
Monster 2
To Defeat:
Combat 11+##
Immune to Cold, Electricity, Mental and Poison.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Plagued.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the (☑ start or ) end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
OFF-TURN ACTIONS: On Varians turn, I will discard Venster Arabasti to Draw the Betrayal (Crowns Blessing)
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Iomedae’s Justice Hour Power:On your check against an Outsider card, add 1d4. Location:Reading Room Location Power:On your check, if the hour is Harrow, add 1. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
At the end of your turn, examine the top card of your location; if you examine a boon, either bury a card or summon and encounter the danger.
Giant Form:
Spell 4
To Acquire:
Divine 13
Display next to a local character.
While displayed:
* This character's Strength and Constitution skills are 1d12+4.
* On this character's Strength checks, add 1d4.
* At the end of the turn, banish.
If proficient, discard this card; you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 15 check to recharge it instead.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Incitation Hour Power:No effect. Location:Reading Room Location Power:On your check, if the hour is Harrow, add 1. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
At the end of your turn, examine the top card of your location; if you examine a boon, either bury a card or summon and encounter the danger.
Venster Arabasti:
Ally 6
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 14
OR Banish A Harrow Card 0
Recharge to examine the top 3 cards of the hourglass, then you may reload any number of them into the hourglass and recharge the rest into the hourglass.
If the hour is a Harrow blessing, discard to draw it.
Blessing 1
Suit: Stars
When this is the hour: At the start of your turn, summon and encounter a spell.
To Acquire:
Arcane 4+#
Recharge to examine the top card of your location. If it is encountered this turn, all checks against it are blessed.
Discard to examine the top card of any location, then you may explore.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Crowns Veteran
When this is the hour: At the start of your turn, examine the top card of your location; you may encounter it. To Acquire: Charisma Divine 4+#
On any check, discard to bless, and non-blessing Harrow boons may be freely played. Discard to examine your location, then you may explore; if the hour is Harrow, recharge instead.
The Marriage:
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Crowns Veteran
When this is the hour: At the start of your turn, summon and encounter an ally. To Acquire: Charisma Craft 4+#
On a local check, discard to bless. The character attempting the check may add another local character's die for the skill they are using. Discard to explore. This exploration, you may evade your encounter and a local character may encounter the card instead.
The Empty Throne:
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Crowns Veteran
When this is the hour: On your check, you may banish a boon to reroll a die. To Acquire: Charisma Divine 4+#
On any check, discard to bless. Discard to ignore a bane's before acting or after acting powers. Discard to explore. This exploration, you may ignore banes' before acting or after acting powers.
The Twin:
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Crowns Veteran
When this is the hour: On your check, the first item or ally played is played freely. To Acquire: Charisma Stealth 4+#
When you would encounter a card, discard to move to a distant character's location and move them to the location you came from; they encounter the card instead. Discard to explore. This exploration, you may evade your first encounter; recharge the encountered card into its location, then explore.
Balazar Discards:
The Cyclone:
CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Hammers Veteran
When this is the hour: The difficulty of your non-combat check against a bane is increased by 3. To Acquire: Strength Survival 4+#
On any check, discard to bless; after the roll, for each die showing 1 or 2, add 2. Discard to explore. This exploration, the first time you encounter a boon, you may evade it and explore again.
"OFF-TURN ACTIONS: Discard the Healing Light Draw Angelic Armor for Fire Damage Move to Arsenal on close
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The All-Seeing Eye Hour Power:When you would examine the top card of a location, you may examine the top 2 cards instead. Location:Arsenal Location Power:On your combat check, add 1 for each weapon played. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
When you would close your location, first search it for Evidence. If you find it, do not close your location; instead, either banish the Evidence or shuffle the location and reload the Evidence into it.
When Togomor is defeated, shuffle together the villain Sermignatto and a number of monsters equal to the number of locations, then shuffle 2 of these cards into your location and 1 into each other location.
Evidence (Proxy B):
Story Bane
Type: Barrier
Traits: Task Trigger Veteran
To Defeat: Intelligence Wisdom Knowledge Perception 10+#
When examined, encounter this barrier; add 1d8 to your check to defeat. If defeated, display this barrier next to the scenario.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Story Bane Monster 2
If you are at an Aquatic location, the difficulty to defeat is increased by 1d12.
If undefeated, bury a random card from your discards and suffer the scourge Frightened.
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Sands of the Hour Hour Power:No effect. Location:Arsenal Location Power:On your combat check, add 1 for each weapon played. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
When you would close your location, first search it for Evidence. If you find it, do not close your location; instead, either banish the Evidence or shuffle the location and reload the Evidence into it.
When Togomor is defeated, shuffle together the villain Sermignatto and a number of monsters equal to the number of locations, then shuffle 2 of these cards into your location and 1 into each other location.
Move To Cell
Returning Totem Spear:
CotCT Weapon 4
Traits: 2-Handed Magic Melee Ranged Respect Spear
To Acquire: Strength Melee 12 OR Dexterity Ranged Survival 14
For your combat check, reveal to use Strength, Dexterity, Melee, Ranged, or Survival + 1d8+2 and the Piercing or Slashing trait. If proficient, on a local combat check or your Acrobatics check, reload to add 1d8. After playing this weapon, you may not play an Offhand boon this encounter.
Melee 12:1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Roll Details:
Melee - 1d8+5
Discard Gods to explore again
Darb Tuttle:
CotCT Ally 6
Traits: Aristocrat Human
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 15 OR Divine 13
On a local check to close or to guard, recharge to add 2d12. Discard to explore; if you encounter a barrier or a boon, recharge instead.
Reload Tyrant to bless Tyrant:1d4 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0 Play Harrow lets me draw random Ally from Discards. Only have one
Divine 13:1d10 + 5 + 1d10 ⇒ (10) + 5 + (4) = 19
Roll Details:
Divine - 1d10+5
Blessed - 1d10
Discard Darb Tuttle to explore again
Trapped Chest:
Core Barrier 1
Traits: Cache Lock Trap Veteran
To Defeat: Strength Melee 11+# OR Disable 7+#
If undefeated, suffer 1d4 Acid damage and the scourge Dazed. If defeated, summon and encounter a weapon, a spell, an armor, or an item.
Weapon 4
To Acquire:
Ranged 13
For your combat check, reveal to use Strength, Dexterity, Acrobatics, Melee, or Ranged + 1d4+2.
On a local combat check, freely recharge to add 1d4+1. You may use this power even if you have previously revealed this card on this check.
After playing this weapon on a check, powers that reroll dice may be ignored.
Melee 13:1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Roll Details:
Melee - 1d8+5
"Kyra ends her turn. Auto Recharge non-Attack spells (Divine Insight) in Recovery into her deck Kyra resets her hand."
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Benefaction Hour Power:No effect. Location:Arsenal Location Power:On your combat check, add 1 for each weapon played. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
When you would close your location, first search it for Evidence. If you find it, do not close your location; instead, either banish the Evidence or shuffle the location and reload the Evidence into it.
When Togomor is defeated, shuffle together the villain Sermignatto and a number of monsters equal to the number of locations, then shuffle 2 of these cards into your location and 1 into each other location.
Limning Starknife:
Weapon 4
To Acquire:
Ranged 13
For your combat check, reveal to use Strength, Dexterity, Acrobatics, Melee, or Ranged + 1d4+2.
On a local combat check, freely recharge to add 1d4+1. You may use this power even if you have previously revealed this card on this check.
After playing this weapon on a check, powers that reroll dice may be ignored.
Melee 13:1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Roll Details:
Melee - 1d8+5
Discard Exalted to explore again
Verminbane Warhammer:
Weapon 4
To Acquire:
Melee 14
For your combat check, reveal to use Strength or Melee + 1d8+2; against a Red Mantis or Vermin bane, add another 1d12. If proficient, against a monster, you may additionally reload to ignore its after acting powers.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
OFF-TURN ACTIONS: End of Balazars turn. Auto Recharge non-Attack spells (Divine Insight) in Recovery into her deck
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The Tangled Briar Hour Power:When you close your location, instead of banishing its cards, shuffle them into a random other location. Location:Barracks Location Power:On your combat check, add 1d4. On your Diplomacy and Stealth checks, the difficulty is increased by 1d4. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
At the start of the scenario and when a non-Veteran story bane from a location is undefeated, uncheck a rallied supporter.
When you close your location, before banishing its cards, search it and shuffle each of its non-Veteran story banes into a random other location.
When you defeat and corner a villain, display it next to the scenario.
When you display the second villain, add the new location Plaza and shuffle the villain Dragon (Zarmangarof) into it; the Dragon always rolls Acid. To win, defeat and corner the Dragon.
Sczarni Thief:
Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 9+##
OR Stealth 5+#
Before acting, if you are the only local character, suffer 1d4-1 Ranged Combat damage.
If undefeated, bury either a random item from your discards or the top card of your deck.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Lady Despair Hour Power:On your turn, if you would suffer a scourge, a random local character suffers it instead. Location:Barracks Location Power:On your combat check, add 1d4. On your Diplomacy and Stealth checks, the difficulty is increased by 1d4. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
At the start of the scenario and when a non-Veteran story bane from a location is undefeated, uncheck a rallied supporter.
When you close your location, before banishing its cards, search it and shuffle each of its non-Veteran story banes into a random other location.
When you defeat and corner a villain, display it next to the scenario.
When you display the second villain, add the new location Plaza and shuffle the villain Dragon (Zarmangarof) into it; the Dragon always rolls Acid. To win, defeat and corner the Dragon.
Cast embiggen
Mantle of Faith:
Armor 6
Light Armor
To Acquire:
Fortitude 15
Display. While displayed:
* When you suffer Combat damage, you may draw this card to reduce it by the number of blessings in your discards.
* When you suffer any damage, you may bury to reduce it to 0.
* On a local check against a story bane, you may freely discard to add your Divine modifier.
Divine 15:1d12 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Roll Details:
Divine - 1d12+5 (1d10+5)
Discard Asyra to explore again
Shoanti Barbarian Hide:
Armor 4
Light Armor
To Acquire:
ConstitutionFortitudeSurvival 12
Display. While displayed:
* When you suffer Cold or Combat damage, you may recharge to reduce it by 2.
* On your combat, Constitution, or Fortitude check, after the roll, you may recharge to add your Survival.
Auto Fail this
"Kyra ends her turn. Auto Recharge non-Attack spells (Embiggen) in Recovery into her deck Kyra resets her hand."
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Fighter Gray Maiden Human Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 11+## OR Charisma Diplomacy 6+#
If undefeated, shuffle a new barrier into your location.
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The Brass Dwarf Hour Power:The first time you discard cards as damage this turn, recharge 1 of them instead. Location:Cell Location Power:You cannot move unless you either bury an ally or succeed at a Strength or Disable 6+# check. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
At the start of the scenario and when a non-Veteran story bane from a location is undefeated, uncheck a rallied supporter.
When you close your location, before banishing its cards, search it and shuffle each of its non-Veteran story banes into a random other location.
When you defeat and corner a villain, display it next to the scenario.
When you display the second villain, add the new location Plaza and shuffle the villain Dragon (Zarmangarof) into it; the Dragon always rolls Acid. To win, defeat and corner the Dragon.
Move to Barracks on close of Cell
Red Mantis Assassin (Proxy A):
Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Assassin Human Red Mantis Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 10+##
Resistant to Attack and Fire. Before acting, succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 4+# check or the difficulty to defeat is increased by 1d6. If undefeated, suffer the scourge Wounded.
Wisdom 10:1d10 + 2 + 1d10 ⇒ (10) + 2 + (8) = 20
Roll Details:
Wisdom - 1d10+2
Blessed - 1d8
Bless with eclipse and draw Asyra for Harrow Bonus
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Sands of the Hour Hour Power:No effect. Location:Cell Location Power:You cannot move unless you either bury an ally or succeed at a Strength or Disable 6+# check. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Crowns.
Add 1d4 to Charisma non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may draw a random ally from your discards. Scenario Powers:
At the start of the scenario and when a non-Veteran story bane from a location is undefeated, uncheck a rallied supporter.
When you close your location, before banishing its cards, search it and shuffle each of its non-Veteran story banes into a random other location.
When you defeat and corner a villain, display it next to the scenario.
When you display the second villain, add the new location Plaza and shuffle the villain Dragon (Zarmangarof) into it; the Dragon always rolls Acid. To win, defeat and corner the Dragon.
Move to the Cell
Ally 5
To Acquire:
Divine 13
On your combat check, reload this card and bury up to 4 cards to add 1d10 for each card buried. If Shadowcount Sial is a rallied supporter, treat the word bury in this power as 'discard.'
Discard to explore. This exploration, when you suffer any damage, reduce it by 2. After the exploration, if Shadowcount Sial is not a rallied supporter, bury your discards.
Disacrd Asyra to explore (I have Shadowcount Rallied)
Monster 4
To Defeat:
Combat 21
When examined, encounter this monster.
Cannot be evaded.
If undefeated, recharge this monster into its location.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Rovagug's Destruction Hour Power:On your check, you may banish a random blessing from your discards to bless. Location:Oubliette Location Power:Damage you suffer is increased by 1. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When you close your location, a random character summons and encounters the danger.
Add Wildcards: Deadly DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Move to the new Tower, bury Pearl.
Spell 5
To Acquire:
Arcane 14
For your combat check, banish to use Arcane + 4d6. If it is against a non-villain monster and all checks to defeat it are successful, after the encounter, banish the monster.
On a local check against a Lock or Obstacle barrier, banish to add 3d10.
If proficient, discard this card; you may succeed at an Arcane 16 check to recharge it instead.
Auto Fail this
Discard Lyrune-quah Truthspeaker to explore again
Erastil's Eye:
Blessing 1
Deity: Erastil
When this is the hour: If you are at a Wild location, you may discard a card to explore.
To Acquire:
Survival 4+#
On any check, discard to bless.
On a Dexterity or Survival check, freely discard to bless.
Discard to explore.
Divine 9(4+5):1d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Roll Details:
Divine - 1d10+5
Discard Eye to explore again
Enormous Reefclaw:
Monster 3
To Defeat:
Combat 19
Before acting, each local character suffers 1 Combat damage.
If this monster would be defeated, reroll.
Everyone suffers 1 Combat Damage. I recharge Wyrmsmite for 1
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Flaming Mace, Raccoon, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Greatclub +1, Blessing of the Gods, Embiggen, Augury, Exalted
Recharged: Major Cure, Divine Insight, Divine Fortune, Divine Blaze, Wyrmsmite,
Discard Pile: The Eclipse, The Father of Creation, Holy Symbol, Lyrune-quah Truthspeaker, Erastil's Eye, Buried Pile: Pearl of Wisdom,
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
End of Turn Summary Everyone suffers 1 Combat Damage. I rehcarge Wyrmsmite for 1 Recharge Amiri's Our Lord In Iron to bless
End of Balazars turn. Auto Recharge non-Attack spells (Divine Insight) in Recovery into my deck
Devil:1d3 ⇒ 2
Sentinel Devil:
Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 23
Immune to Fire and Poison.
If the check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, suffer the scourge Wounded.
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Asmodeus's Tyranny Hour Power:When you fail a check, you may bury your hand and discards to reroll. Location:Oubliette Location Power:Damage you suffer is increased by 1. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When you close your location, a random character summons and encounters the danger.
Add Wildcards: Deadly DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Start of turn bring down Divine Fortune Start of turn wounded - Discard Holy Symbol
The Father of Creation:
Blessing 3
Deity: Torag
When this is the hour: When you would discard a boon to bless a Strength or Constitution check, you may recharge it instead.
To Acquire:
Divine 8
On any check, discard to bless.
On a Strength or Constitution check, freely discard to bless.
Discard to explore. This exploration, when any character suffers damage, reduce it by 2.
Divine 8:1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + 5 + (3) = 18
Roll Details:
Divine - 1d10+5
Harrow Bonus - 1d4
Discard Father of Creation to explore again
Blackjack's Daggers:
Weapon 4
To Acquire:
Stealth 11
For your combat check, reveal to use Strength, Dexterity, Melee, Ranged, or Stealth + 1d4+2.
On a local character's combat check, freely recharge to add 1d4+1; if they fail the check, they may evade their encounter. You may use this power even if you have previously revealed this card on this check.
Melee 11:1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Roll Details:
Melee - 1d8+5
Kyra ends her turn. Auto Recharge non-Attack spells (Divine Fortune) in Recovery into my deck Kyra resets her hand. Recharge Divine Blaze to remove Wounded
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Angelic Armor, Desna's Freedom, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Flaming Mace, Blessing of the Gods, Raccoon, The Healing Light, Embiggen, Augury, Exalted, Greatclub +1
Recharged: Major Cure, Divine Insight, Divine Fortune, Divine Blaze,
Discard Pile: The Eclipse, The Father of Creation, Holy Symbol, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The Inquisitor Hour Power:You may not use powers to reroll dice. Location:Rooftops Location Power:When you would encounter a barrier, draw a new one; encounter 1 and banish the other. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When you close your location, a random character summons and encounters the danger.
Add Wildcards: Deadly DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Move group to the Oubliette when Spiders Nest closes
Cast Divine Fortune
Guardian Zombie:
Monster 2
To Defeat:
Combat 11+##
Immune to Cold, Electricity, Mental and Poison.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Plagued.
Barrier 5
To Defeat:
Wisdom 13
OR Arcane
Divine 15
If undefeated, display this barrier at your location and move to a random other location. While displayed, at this location:
* At the start of your turn, you may encounter this barrier.
* When you would explore, move to a random other location and explore it instead.
* When this location is closed, banish this barrier.
Displayed:Divine Fortune,
Deck: 15 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Current Location: Oubliette
Hero Points: 2
Used: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Characters at the Oubliette add 1d6 to all checks
Other: Paizo reroll used: Available
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Holy Symbol, Blessing of Sivanah, Blessing of the Gods, Greatclub +1, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Desna's Freedom, The Healing Light, Embiggen, Lyrune-quah Truthspeaker, Raccoon, Augury, Angelic Armor, Exalted, Flaming Mace
Recharged: Major Cure,
Discard Pile: The Eclipse, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
End of Turn Summary Recharge Amiri's Our Lord in Iron to bless Use Balazars Healing Light to bless Recharge Major Cure to cure Amiri of Drained All checks at the Oubliette add 1d6 from Divine Fortune
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Incitation Hour Power:No effect. Location:Spider Nest Location Power:Monsters you encounter gain the Vermin trait and all their damage is Poison. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When you close your location, a random character summons and encounters the danger.
Add Wildcards: Deadly DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Core Monster 1
Traits: Ghost Incorporeal Mental Undead Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 11+## OR Divine 6+#
Immune to Mental and Poison. All damage is Mental damage that may not be reduced. If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, this monster is undefeated.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Lady Despair Hour Power:On your turn, if you would suffer a scourge, a random local character suffers it instead. Location:Spider Nest Location Power:Monsters you encounter gain the Vermin trait and all their damage is Poison. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When you close your location, a random character summons and encounters the danger.
Add Wildcards: Besieged, Deadly DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Cave Bear:
Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 11+##
OR Survival 6+#
Before acting, succeed at a Combat 6+# # or Survival 3+# check or suffer 1d4 Combat damage.
After acting, if you suffered damage from this monster that was not reduced, suffer the scourge Wounded.
Go ahead and Hero Point that Combat 21(11+5+5):1d8 + 5 + 1d8 + 1 + 1d8 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (8) + 1 + (6) = 24
Discard Exalted to explore again
Ally 3
To Acquire:
Survival 12
On a local Dexterity non-combat or Disable check, recharge to add 1d8.
Discard to explore. If you encounter a barrier, you may evade it and explore.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
☑ On your check to recharge a Divine non-Attack spell, you automatically succeed
Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Skeleton Undead Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 11+##
Immune to Cold, Mental, and Poison. Vulnerable to Bludgeoning. Before acting, either recharge a Divine card or suffer 1 Combat damage.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The Locksmith Hour Power:On your check, you may recharge a card to replace all d4s with d8s. Location:Barracks Location Power:On your combat check, add 1d4. On your Diplomacy and Stealth checks, the difficulty is increased by 1d4. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When an Undead bane is undefeated, each character discards the top card of their deck.
Add Wildcards: Besieged, Deadly BESIEGED - After you move, suffer 1 Ranged Combat damage. DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Move to Island. Revel Totem Klar for damage
Blessing 0
When this is the hour: No effect.
To Acquire:
Divine 5
On another character's check, discard to bless.
To avenge, discard.
Discard to explore.
Lame. Two blessings in the deck and they're both Benefactions
Divine 5 is an auto
Cast Augury for Monster Card 6 - Assassination Squad - TRIGGER. Elect not to encounter Card 7 - Mandraivus Card 8 - Trapped Chest
Place Madraivus on top and shuffle the deck
Discard Benefaction to explore
Story Bane 5
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 23
OR Divine 13
Immune to Mental and Poison.
If the check to defeat is either not blessed or does not have the Magic trait, this monster is undefeated.
Damage suffered from this monster cannot be reduced.
After acting, suffer the scourge Drained.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
End of Turn Summary Use Balazars Healing Light to bless Use Balazars God Omen Healed Balazar for 3
On Close Move to Barracks. Reveal Totem Klar for damage
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Gozreh’s Growth Hour Power:On your check against an Animal or Elemental card, add 1d4. Location:Barracks Location Power:On your combat check, add 1d4. On your Diplomacy and Stealth checks, the difficulty is increased by 1d4. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When an Undead bane is undefeated, each character discards the top card of their deck.
Add Wildcards: Besieged, Deadly BESIEGED - After you move, suffer 1 Ranged Combat damage. DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
The Inquisitor:
Blessing 1
Suit: Books
When this is the hour: You may not use powers to reroll dice.
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 4+#
On any check, discard to bless and ignore immunities and resistances.
Discard to explore. This exploration, you may ignore immunities and resistances.
Weapon 3
To Acquire:
Melee 14
For your combat check, reveal to use Strength or Melee + 1d8+2; against a Dragon bane, add 1d10. If proficient, you may additionally reload to add another 1d4.
When a local character suffers damage, recharge to reduce it by 4.
Melee 13:1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Roll Details:
Melee - 1d8+5
Recharge Staff to heal Cure Light Wounds:1d4 ⇒ 1 Kyra is healed for 1: (The Healing Light). Deck shuffled.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
Per discussion, also heal Divine Insight from playing Harrow
Danger:1d4 ⇒ 2
Ashwing Gargoyle:
Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Gargoyle
To Defeat: Combat 23
Resistant to Melee. Vulnerable to Magic. Before acting, if you have the Human trait, suffer the scourge Wounded. If evaded or undefeated, reload this monster into its location.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
Move to Arsenal on Castle close. Discard Zellara and Desna's Freedom as damage
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Incitation Hour Power:No effect. Location:Arsenal Location Power:On your combat check, add 1 for each weapon played. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When an Undead bane is undefeated, each character discards the top card of their deck.
Add Wildcards: Besieged, Deadly BESIEGED - After you move, suffer 1 Ranged Combat damage. DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Recharge Mute Hag to examine top of Arsenal - Still Totem Klar.
Playing Harrow lets me Heal a Blessing/Divine Card Heal Blessing/Divine:1d3 ⇒ 1 -> Blessing of Gods
Take Free Explore, with checks blessed
Totem Klar:
Armor 4
To Acquire:
Survival 11
When you suffer Combat damage, freely reveal to reduce it by 2.
If proficient, on your Melee combat or Survival check, freely recharge to add 1d6+1 and the Magic and Piercing traits.
After playing this armor, you may not play a 2-Handed boon this encounter.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The Forge Hour Power:On your check, add 1 for each type of boon played. Location:Castle Location Power:You may avenge by recharging a card. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
When an Undead bane is undefeated, each character discards the top card of their deck.
Add Wildcards: Besieged BESIEGED - After you move, suffer 1 Ranged Combat damage. DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1.
Cast Augury for Ally
Card 1 - Zellara Card 2 - Madness Mist Trap Card 3 - Blue War Paint
Place Zellara on top
Ally 5
To Acquire:
Divine 12
OR Bury A Harrow
Card 0
Display. While displayed:
* Harrow boons may be recharged instead of discarded.
* You may ignore powers that happen when you examine cards.
* At the end of the turn, bury.
Bury to explore; you may recharge a Harrow boon to reload instead.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
Story Bane
Type: Barrier
Traits: Skirmish Veteran
To Defeat: Charisma Diplomacy 6+#
If undefeated, each character summons and encounters the story bane Thug.
Story Bane
Type: Barrier
Traits: Skirmish Veteran
To Defeat: Charisma Diplomacy 6+#
If undefeated, each character summons and encounters the story bane Thug.
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Iomedae’s Justice Hour Power:On your check against an Outsider card, add 1d4. Location:Stable Location Power:When you acquire an ally, you may shuffle a new ally into a random other location. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
While marked with the scourge Drained, your hand size is reduced by 2.
Add Wildcards: Besieged, Deadly, and Withering BESIEGED - After you move, suffer 1 Ranged Combat damage. DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1. WITHERING - At the end of your turn, bury a random card from your discards.
Magic Spiked Full Plate:
Armor 3
Heavy Armor
To Acquire:
Fortitude 12
Display. While displayed:
* When you suffer any damage, you may draw this card to reduce it by 1.
* When you suffer Combat damage, you may draw this card to reduce it by 2.
* If proficient, when you suffer any damage, you may discard to reduce it to 0; you may succeed at a Fortitude 6 check to recharge instead.
* If proficient, on your Melee combat check, you may recharge to add 1d4 and the Magic and Piercing traits.
Auto Fail this Close Check
Diplomacy 10:1d8 + 1 + 1d8 ⇒ (3) + 1 + (8) = 12
Roll Details:
Diplomacy - 1d8+1
Blessed - 1d8
Recharge Bals Peacock to bless
Move to Throne Room - Take 2 damage. War Paint prevents 1 and recharge Glorious Warhammer for the other
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
End of Turn Summary Recharge Bals Peacock to bless
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: The Betrayal Hour Power:When you acquire a boon, bury it. Location:Stable Location Power:When you acquire an ally, you may shuffle a new ally into a random other location. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
While marked with the scourge Drained, your hand size is reduced by 2.
Add Wildcards: Besieged, Deadly, and Withering BESIEGED - After you move, suffer 1 Ranged Combat damage. DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1. WITHERING - At the end of your turn, bury a random card from your discards.
Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 20
THEN Combat 20
Immune to Mental and Poison.
Before acting, if the hour is not Harrow, summon and encounter an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire; if you acquire it, this monster is defeated.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Drained.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).
Kyra starts her turn.
Hour: Abadar's Law Hour Power:On your check to close or to guard, add 1d4. Location:Storehouse Location Power:Treat your hand size as 1 larger. Adventure Powers:
The Harrow suit is Stars.
Add 1d4 to Wisdom non-combat checks.
When you play your harrow, you may heal a blessing and/or a Divine card. Scenario Powers:
When you move to or from the Base without playing a boon to move, bury a boon.
While marked with the scourge Drained, your hand size is reduced by 2.
Add Wildcards: Besieged, Deadly, and Withering BESIEGED - After you move, suffer 1 Ranged Combat damage. DEADLY - When you suffer damage, it is increased by 1. WITHERING - At the end of your turn, bury a random card from your discards.
Move to Stable Recharge Hide armor to prevent 2 damage Recharge the Mute Hag to examine the Wraith, and bless all checks against
Wraith (Proxy A):
Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Incorporeal Undead Veteran Wraith
To Defeat: Combat 13+## OR Divine 8+#
Immune to Mental and Poison. If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, this monster is undefeated. Damage suffered from this monster may not be reduced. If undefeated, suffer the scourge Drained.
Favored Card: Blessing Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Armor,Divine, ☑ Weapon POWERS:
On a local check against an Outsider or Undead bane, add 1d4 (☑ 1d6) and the Magic trait.
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a Divine card to (☑ remove a Scourge from a local character) or heal a local character a card (☑ or 1d4 cards).