CotCT Supporter 0
Traits: Human Soldier
Display. While displayed:
You may bury to draw a new weapon or armor.
[ ] You may bury to draw a new Attack spell or Healing spell.
It breaks my heart to see Korvosa tear itself apart. Heroes of your caliber are exactly what we need now.
Amin Jalento (1A):
Traits: Aristocrat Human
Display. While displayed: * On any check to acquire, you may bury to add 1d6. * ? You may bury to draw 2 new items, then banish 1 of them.
Vencarlo Orisini (1B) :
CotCT Supporter 1
Traits: Expert Human
Display. While displayed:
On any combat check, after the roll, you may bury to add 1d6.
[] On any combat check, you may bury to reroll.
Thousand Bones (1C):
CotCT Supporter 1
Traits: Human Shaman
Display. While displayed:
You may bury to heal a character 1d4+1 cards.
[] You may bury and spend 1 hero point to let a dead character return from death; they heal 10 cards from their bury pile and reset.
Trinia Sabor (1D):
CotCT Supporter 1
Traits: Bard Human
Display. While displayed:
On any non-combat check, you may bury to add 1d4+#.
[] You may bury to heal a character a card and/or remove a scourge from them.
Ishani Dhatri (2A):
Traits: Cleric Human
Display. While displayed: * You may bury to heal each local character a card. * You may bury to remove a scourge from each local character. * ? You may bury to draw a new blessing.
Keppira D'bear (2B):
Traits: Cleric Human
Display. While displayed: * On all checks against Undead banes, add 1d4. * ? You may bury and spend 1 hero point to heal each character 1d4+1 cards and/or remove a scourge from them.
Laori Vaus (3B):
Traits: Cleric Elf
Display. While displayed: * After you discard cards as damage, you may draw a card. * ? When you would fail your combat check, you may bury to add 1d8.
Neolandus Kalepopolis (3D):
Traits: Aristocrat Human
Display. While displayed: * You may bury to draw a new ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire. * ? On your check against a story bane, you may bury an ally to add 1d6.
Truthspeaker Akram (4B):
Traits: Human Skald
Display. While displayed: * You may bury to examine all cards in a location, then shuffle the location. * ? On any non-combat check or any check on which you played a Respect card, you may bury to reroll.
Krojun Eats-what-he-kills (Respect Reward):
Traits: Barbarian Human
Display. While displayed: * On any Strength check or any check against a monster, you may bury to add 1d10. * ? When you defeat a monster, you may bury to heal 1d4+2 cards, then draw 2 cards.