GM Nomadical's Honorbound Emissaries (Inactive)

Game Master Nomadical

Maps, slides, and handouts

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Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

It's not long after your last mission through Aballon and to the Shadow Plane that you receive an urgent summons from Luwazi Elsebo again. She asks that you join her for a mission briefing on Absalom Station and provides the time, date, and conference room number. You arrive, only to be asked to wait in the anteroom until the First Seeker is ready.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

Back'Up contemplates cosmic vastness and listens for sounds of universe strings when he Recives the message.

Recent space fights and this huge conflict likely over and the kish hopes that now his cheif provides less violent mission. Shaman starts engine and in a couple of days already sit in anteroom wainting for First Seeker's time and cleaning his Spellcaster Aegis in a colours of solar, moon and paganish symbols upon.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm arrives to the antechamber still slightly damp from the shower he got out of. Considering he was armpits deep into working on the new power armor he is ALMOST ready to field--another day perhaps--he had to get a shower in. His second skin armor is immaculate though, with some strong accents of emerald green on the white uniform.

Smiling at the people already in there, showing almost no larger tusks that is usual for half orcs, he goes to sit in a chair to wait to hear from Luwazi about whatever she called him in for. Pulling out his datapad he verifies that the crate that has his working power armor is ready for loading if neccessary, including all the weaponry that has been recently recalibrated and cleaned.

Seeing that somebody is currently working on polishing their power armor, he nods appreciatively, though mentally wondering if maybe he should look into hybrid tech when finishing up his might be worth looking into.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

The door to the conference room suddenly slides open, and a familiar voice beckons you to enter. This private conference room is devoid of furnishings aside from a set of blue leather chairs surrounding a round glass table at the center of the room. First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo rises from her seat and smiles as her hand-picked team (that’d be you) enters. A male vesk clad in military equipment sits to her right, while an android with silvery skin dressed impeccably in a suit occupies the place to her left. The Vesk nods to Carlos in recognition.

“Please, join us,” Luwazi says, indicating the unoccupied chairs across from her. “I’m pleased you could make it on such short notice. With agents and resources diverted to other endeavors, I feared it would be difficult to get a team together. Still, it worked out that you were my first choices for this mission, especially given your recent success with the Laoites.” Luwazi gestures first to the vesk on her right. “This is Captain Yuluzak, of the Veskarium salvage vessel Honorbound.” She turns to indicate the android sitting to her left and continues, “I’m sure you remember or have heard of Iteration-177. They’ve been indispensable to the Society, especially in helping with our return to the Scoured Stars. It’s time for us to return the favor.”

Luwazi taps the screen of her datapad, and a hologram of a demolished ship appears suspended above the center of the table. “Let’s get you up to speed. Recently, Captain Yuluzak stumbled upon some unusual flotsam in the Drift. Captain?”

“The unidentified vessel was completely destroyed,” Yuluzak begins, taking his lead from Luwazi. “But my crew found a strange object within the wreckage.” The holographic image at the center of the table morphs into an egg-shaped obsidian sculpture ringed by interlinked disks of various metals. “My contact, a local pawn broker named Julzakama, said it was a piece of alien art. He assured us his buyers would pay top dollar for the piece. We logged the location of the wreckage, sold what we could, and called it a day. But it wasn’t that simple. I think Iteration-177 can explain this part better.” Yuluzak waves a claw toward the android.

“Thank you, Yuluzak. It’s good to see you again, Ceolor Xusha, and you also Back’Up,” Iteration-177 begins with a nod to the red-skinned solarian and the tall bald humanoid. Turning to the group, he begins his briefing. “When Julzakama reached out to me, I instantly recognized this piece of artwork as unique to the Kreiholm Freehold, a federation of several races that once occupied several worlds in the Scoured Stars system. There are no extant records of the freehold since their mass exodus from that system centuries ago. Discovering evidence of the Kreiholm Freehold is certainly cause for excitement, but the fact that Yuluzak found the piece on a destroyed vessel concerns me. Sadly, I can’t see to this urgent matter myself, so I contacted my friend Luwazi, and here we are.” Iteration-177 folds their hands on the table in front of them and smiles.

Luwazi nods. “Here we are, indeed. If Iteration-177 is correct, the Kreiholm Freehold could provide us with valuable information about the Scoured Stars, and perhaps the jinsuls. Of course, as Starfinders we always jump at the chance to explore a new system. You’ll leave Absalom Station as passengers on the Honorbound with Captain Yuluzak. He’ll retrace his steps back to the Drift wreckage and confirm the ship’s origin, then transport you to that system to investigate.” As Luwazi speaks, the holographic projection cycles through an image of a three-dimensional star chart. “We may be dealing with an unknown alien civilization, so please be diplomatic.

“To recap: travel to this system, establish contact with their leaders, and obtain any intel they have about the Scoured Stars or those damned jinsuls. Any questions, Starfinders?”

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Akiton Human Tempered Pilgrim Solarion 7 | SP 0/56 HP 34/53 | RP 7/7, 1st level spell 2/2 | EAC 25; KAC 25 | Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +8 | Speed 50ft | Unaligned | Active conditions: none

The red-skinned hylki sits in the chair and gives an amicable nod to Iteration 177 as he acknowledges the solarion. He beams through the meeting with a smile that could give a light bulb a run for it's money in luminosity.

After the briefing from the three leaders, Ceolor gives Luwazi a smile and asks, "have you ever known me to be less than diplomatic? Weeelll there was that incident a few missions ago on that planet, but otherwise..."

He then stands up and gives Croaker a teasing smile. "Croaker! It's good to see you again. Still going out on missions I take it? I'm surprised they let someone your age still go." It's subtle but the ysoki can likely tell that Ceolor looks to have aged a few years in the few months since you last met him and his cheer seems more forced than usual.

The human then gives everyone in the room a flash of teeth and starts to pull out small rectangles of cardstock. "Everyone else here, I don't think I've had the pleasure. I'm Ceolor Xusha, you've possibly heard of me from my holonovels that have garnered some fame such as Around Verces in 80 Parsecs or An Akitonian Abroad. Please, take a copy of my business card. It has my contact information on it, and a small data chip that can automatically upload them to your comms or data pad with a tap. And as a special for Starfinders, you it gives you credit for a free copy of one of my books. Perfect reading for an especially long Drift trip."


Male Ysoki Mercenary Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17

Croaker chuckles on Ceolor comment, he was standing during the briefing.

"My age? What happened to you? My granny, may gods shine on her soul, looked better than you when she was dying. I went after your mission to that asteroid. I saw you left no creature alive when you got out, I don't think you were like that before..."

He stretches his wings that expand from his back "Oh yeah, it seems that the radiation had an effect on me, but no worry Luwazi promised to be able to handle it."

His wings wrap him and he looks more like a bat than Ysoki now.

"But anyways, Join captain Yuluzak, explore the wreckage, establish contact with anything that may or may not be there. Got it."

Croaker got the chronicle from Time lost tear, and wings as he was missing a personal boon ;) And I like Ysoki with Wings


sp77 | hp68 | rp 11 | EAC 31 KAC 31| fort +7 ref +13, will +12 | init +14| Perc 23 (31v Traps) (DV)/ Ysoki Op (Detective) 10 Forensics Master Hireling - Life Sci/Physical Sci/Mysticism (+19)

Theme music

The streetwise Ysoki looks like he just came in from the rougher gangland districts of the Spike. He takes in the scene, clearly reading the room and taking mental notes. He then greets Ceolor and hands over some business cards "Name's Roquefort..." the ysoki extends a paw to shake in greeting "Psychic Detective" he offers with a smile "If things go bump in the night with no clear cause, or if you want to know if your partner has run off with either the pizza guy or a forbidden cult of Urgathoa, give me a call"

"Most of the rest of you I know"

Roquefort turns back to Luwazi "Travel to the system, establish contact with their leaders, and obtain any intel they have about the Scoured Stars or those damned jinsuls - clear as day"

"Any intel on the Freehold?"


m CN halfling (necrograft) Shadow Mystic 13 [Spacefarer] | sp 111/111 | hp 80/80 | rp 9/12 | EAC 28 KAC 29 | F+8 R+10 W+16 [+2 mind effects or +4 vs fear] | resist Sonic 5 Cold 10 | Init +5 [DISADV] | Perc +24 | DV60' | Stealth +25 [+4 in shadow] | Spells L1 3/6 L2 5/6 L3 5/6 L4 3/4 L5 3/3 | Shadow Weaver 11/12 | Concealment 20% (+), Resistant Armor (DR10/-) & See Invis (130 min both)

Name's Carlos.

Grim blond-haired halfling in dark armor says it as he lights a cigarette. His voice is low and slightly husky. His face looks somehow pale and lifeless, and his attentive eyes are unpleasantly empty and indifferent.

I move stealthily and shoot far. I'm not a diplomat, but at the same time I don't care about what we do, while mission is done and credits will come to my card. No 'infamy' in Pact Worlds - the only rule. That's all...

He nods to those with whom he is already familiar and blows a ring of cigarette smoke at the ceiling.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm listens attentively to Luwazi, Yuluzak and Iteriation-177 as they give the briefing.

"Interesting that you have knowledge of this federation Iteriation-177. Can you give us more information on the races involved? And anything that will help our more, shall we say diplomatically inclined," he smiles slightly to Luwazi, as if showing he knows he isn't one of those," than myself. Anything that will help us show that we are peaceful will be an advantage"

He punches a few things into his datapad, sending the acknowledgement that it will indeed need to be moved to a docking bay in a few minutes.

"Yuluzak, it sounds like we will be spending time on your ship. If you need any assistance in the engineering or science department, I wouldn't mind lending a hand, or shoulder if it needs to be moved."

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

Luwazi returns Ceolor’s smile but she’s clearly tense. She acknowledges the summation and intros of the others as well. At Roquefort’s and Azzirm’s questions, she shrugs and exchange a look with Iteration-177. “We know precious little,” Iteration-177 explains. “I found no records of contact—military or otherwise—in several centuries of data. Their current location is unknown but is likely an uncharted system somewhere in the Vast. The freehold has no known allies or trade partners.”

Yuluzak lets out a hearty chuckle and interjects, “I think what they’re trying to say is, be ready for anything.”

The android’s normally genuine smile turns cold before they continue. “I’ve been reading up on the Scoured Stars in light of the Society’s recent activities and came across it in a footnote. It’s a long shot, but the two may in fact be related.”

DC 26 Sense Motive:
You suspect that Iteration-177 is omitting information. But you can also tell from Luwazi’s posture and tone that she will absolutely forbid any attempts to interrogate her guest.

Azzirm T'sash wrote:
"Yuluzak, it sounds like we will be spending time on your ship. If you need any assistance in the engineering or science department, I wouldn't mind lending a hand, or shoulder if it needs to be moved."

The vesk nods and thanks Azzirm for his offer, and explains that he thinks it will take about 5d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 2, 5) = 18 days to reach the wreckage.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

You might know more about Capt Yuluvak from rumors, stories and social media.

Carlos automatically knows the DC 10 and DC 15 Culture items below from his encounter with Yuluzak.

Culture or Diplo to Gather:

DC 10+:
Yuluzak is the captain of the Veskarium salvage vessel Honorbound, and he is known for his exemplary degree of professionalism, loyalty, and persistence.

DC 15+:
Yuluzak observes ancient Veskarium codes of battle with unshakeable resolve, including the custom of the honor duel. A few months back, Yuluzak challenged a group of Starfinders to such a duel. The results greatly shaped his impression of the Society. Carlos knows the result of this duel.

DC 20+:
He respects strength but does not believe might makes right. Above all else, he values honor and loyalty. The Veskarium, family, and his allies are of the utmost importance to him, and he sees those who would betray such bonds as beneath vermin.

DC 25+:
As knowledge of the looming yet still mysterious jinsul threat spreads, Yuluzak reportedly has a dim view on these aggressive beings. He views the jinsuls as opportunistic, dirty fighters with no honor. Yuluzak makes no secret of his desire to fight the jinsuls and triumph.

DC 30+:
Yuluzak doesn’t like to talk about it, but he’s estranged from his own biological family after a feud with his sister Karinazak. The core crew of the Honorbound have been a lifeline for him. Yuluzak adopts family wherever he goes, seeing weaker friends as younger clutchmates to be protected, and more capable allies as friendly sibling rivals. Becoming a member of Yuluzak’s extended family is easy for anyone who acts with respect for rules, either planetary laws or a personal moral code.

You also might know aboiut jinsuls:

Roquefort, Back’Up and Ceolor automatically get the DC 15 and DC 20 spoilers below:
Life Science:

DC 15+:
Jinsuls are chitinous, six-legged creatures with a set of robust forelimbs. Three rows of pincers line their mouths, each with tiny hooks to grasp their prey.

DC 20+:
Starfinders who battled jinsuls hand-to-hand report that most of the creatures bear a peculiar cybernetic augmentation: long sabers implanted into their first set of legs. The creatures use them with incredible precision and can cause severe bleeding with these blades.

DC 25+:
Starfinder agents returning from a top-secret mission into jinsul space added significantly to the Society’s data concerning jinsuls. In addition to their deadly leg blades, some jinsuls are specialized to counter common types of combat training. So far, the Society has encountered anti-operative zealots and has reason to believe that other jinsuls may be skilled in fighting mystics and technomancers.

DC 30+:
The Jinsul Hierocracy is a religious and militaristic society that worships an old god from the Scoured Stars system. Their leaders are priests who often command dangerous supernatural or magical abilities. Jinsuls are evil fanatics who cannot be reasoned with.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Akiton Human Tempered Pilgrim Solarion 7 | SP 0/56 HP 34/53 | RP 7/7, 1st level spell 2/2 | EAC 25; KAC 25 | Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +8 | Speed 50ft | Unaligned | Active conditions: none
Spike 'Croaker' wrote:

Croaker chuckles on Ceolor comment, he was standing during the briefing.

"My age? What happened to you? My granny, may gods shine on her soul, looked better than you when she was dying. I went after your mission to that asteroid. I saw you left no creature alive when you got out, I don't think you were like that before..."

Ceolor's face drains of color to a pinkish red at the mention of missions and not leaving anyone alive as he grabs ahold of a small part of what looks like an SRO. His eyes shoot to Luwazi for a moment, wonder how she could agree to send someone back to that place before he realizes that Croaker was talking about the mission to the Izaalguun depository and not... THAT place.

It takes him a moment to start breathing normally again and a few more before an extremely forced cheerfulness is back in place. "Didn't quite realize that a Vaccine was going to act like a cure until we had it analyzed in a lab. But yeah the wings suit you. I'm kind of jealous my armor protected my to be honest." Around the cracks in his face, it's clear he almost seems ready to puke.

To distract himself, Ceolor instead decides to try looking up the captain they'll be traveling with and seeing if there's any good topics of conversation that'd be good to bring up with the captain. The solarion calms himself for a minute as small streams of light play through his hair and he messes around with his data pad.
Culture, Sidereal influence, Library Chip: 1d20 + 14 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 14 + 4 + (3) = 37

One of Ceolor's eyebrows shoots up at the information that he finds about the captain and how unexcpetedly open the man can be on social media. Combining all of the pertinent parts he finds, Ceolor sends everyone a dossier about the man, and includes a few topics to talk and not talk about, as well as his likes and dislikes up to and including underwear preferences.
Feel free to open the spoilers. Also given I beat the highest DC by 7 there, I'll be adding that the man likes plain, dark colored sensible underwear.


Male Ysoki Mercenary Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17

Croaker listens to Iteration-177

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

But gets nothing. His years of playing cards, and his great intuition told him nothing.

Seeing how successful was Ceolor in his research about Yuluvak, he tries to search a bit about Jinsuls.

Life science, master hireling: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18

But everything that he gets is a meme with jinsul chasing a cat.

"How were we able to travel through drift if what we are doing is, stupid 3d animations!"


sp77 | hp68 | rp 11 | EAC 31 KAC 31| fort +7 ref +13, will +12 | init +14| Perc 23 (31v Traps) (DV)/ Ysoki Op (Detective) 10 Forensics Master Hireling - Life Sci/Physical Sci/Mysticism (+19)

Sense motive 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34

Roquefort smiles politely at Iteration-177 "Seems like you are well versed, perhaps you could tell us more about it when you have some free time" - The Detective suggests with a polite enthusiasm that only barely masks the cynical undertone.


His eyes raise when he reads the doier from Ceolor "He wears what?"

Roquefort goes to tapping away information on the jinsul into his database...

Life Science - Take 20/Library chip
Everyone can open the Jinsul spoilers

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Sense Motive vs DC 26: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Life Science: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Azzirm nods at what Luwazi, Yuluzak and Iteration-177says. noting the slight pause Iteration-177 did.

"Thank you for the information."

Azzirm then does the quick look at the information that Ceolor and Roquefort sends to his datapad.

"Hmm....I wish the new armor was ready....would be a good mission to test it out. Oh well."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

—Jinsul kin increased their activity and many stars warn us about their presence. We will find the contact and return with intel from this federation. It is my pleasure to investigate and ask rather than fight and destroy.

Bald but relatively small kish with a large maw and strange skin pigmentation hurry to enter his Spellcaster Aegis powered armor as soos as more Starfinders and new faces arrive.

- I remember you, Iteration - 177. I remember Carlos and I have heard about Ceolor from my fellow Zeratool. For others - I will be glad to support you. I am one with Force. And in my dreams a saw all of you, including Yuluzak. A lot of dangerous and misterious events expect us......
The more you listen Back'up, the less you understand what particular does he mean.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Life Science: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

Back'Up carefully study his mates with the third eye (in the center of forehead), especially long watching both ysoki.

After Roquefort have shown wide range of knowledge regarding Jinsuls, the kish comments

Indeed! Even though my area of interest mostly stars and planes existance and I also have expertise in Azlanti Empire but last events provided me with experience which prove your knowledge, Roquefort. Ceolor, did you ever have close contact with Yuluvak? Or was all this been just gathered by AI?

After a while but before team depart, Backup notice:
- My wisdom says my Iteration-177 is not fully bring us knowledge of iterations though. Maybe having own intentions, interests or secrets. You are free to talk and to remain silent but both process may impact your future. And ours. -
Shaman makes a pause before adding to Luwazi:
- We will do our best. No one can withstand Starfinders ground operations.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

Capt Yuluzak proudly leads everyone to his ship, and with the able assistance of his crew you all set out for the 18-day journey through the Drift to the wreck of the Ardent Seeker. The Honorbound is a medium Veskarium transport ship with three cargo holds, a medical bay, and a recreation suite housing an extensive gym. Carlos notes that it has received some significant upgrades since its last encounter. Once underway, the crew gets together in the wardroom to welcome their new passengers, even greeting Carlos with cheers.

Over the next 2-plus weeks, you have a chance to interact with the crew of the Honorbound during the long journey through space in close quarters. The crew take to Carlos immediately, and while they treat everyone else indifferently, they respond eagerly to attempts at conversation with new people and eagerly listen to new stories.

The crew of the Honorbound include the following:

Yuluzak (LN male vesk envoy): The Honorbound’s captain, Yuluzak is a jovial vesk who recognizes that his occupation as a salvager, though not particularly glorious, serves the greater cause of keeping the Veskarium well-armed. He’s particularly excited to hear about Carlos’ adventures since they last met, but will listen to anyone with a good tale.
No check, just tell a good tale keeping in mind what you know of him from the spoilers above.

Joyozalva (LN female vesk soldier): A proud, stoic soldier with a pet kiziikii, a diminutive animal native to the Veskarium that resembles a rainbow-colored moth. Joyozalva invites you all to her workout routine in the ship’s gym, and lays down the challenge that she doesn’t think any of you are tough enough to handle it.
Attempting her workout requires 3 Acrobatics or Athletics checks followed by a Fortitude save.

Shaakar (N male pahtra mechanic): The ship’s highly intelligent engineer and cook enjoys competitive vidgames and cooking. Shaakar challenges anyone and everyone to play Farley’s Crossing, the latest retro-style 1-v-1 racing game. During the match, Shaakar engages in good-natured banter with anyone who accepts his challenge.
Profession (vidgamer) or Piloting check

Suwalnazka (LN female skittermander mystic): This hard- drinking skittermander is the ship’s unofficial chaplain. Suwalnazka enjoys philosophical debate and, while she reveres Damaritosh, respectfully listens to anyone who wants to talk about their religious beliefs. As she politely debates, Suwalnazka pours a shot of gol (a grain-based liquor distilled on Vesk Prime) for you and herself whenever anyone makes a cogent point.
After giving her a rundown of your beliefs, make a Fortitude save.

Each character may engage each crewmember once. Meaning that each of you could tell the Captain one tale, do the workout, play the vid-game, AND debate philosophy while getting drunk.

@Carlos, because of your experience with this crew from before, you get a +2 circumstance bonus to all checks made to interact with them.


sp77 | hp68 | rp 11 | EAC 31 KAC 31| fort +7 ref +13, will +12 | init +14| Perc 23 (31v Traps) (DV)/ Ysoki Op (Detective) 10 Forensics Master Hireling - Life Sci/Physical Sci/Mysticism (+19)

"So there we were, on board a ship full of servants of Grandmother Rat sitting around the table with them like it was some sort of assassins picnic, and there was this complete dreamboat ysoki - I mean, she was smokin', but then they start asking questions about the Society - questioning our loyalty and talking backhanded trash about our friends. Anyway, none of us were having any part of it, the Starfinder might not always be 'perfect', but we don't pretend to be, and no family is - the only perfect families are the ones who have done a better job than others at hiding the skeletons in the closet. Nope, not us, we play things straight and we stuck loyal"


Roquefort takes the vesk up on her offer, mostly as an opportunity to get to know her better, and partly as an opportunity to make friends with a heavily armed walking brick-wall because that is the sort of person it is good to have on-side.

Acro 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28
Acro 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21
Acro 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33
Fort 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 - Yay autopass!


"I love flying, don't get to do nearly enough of it - do you want to put cat-like reflexes up against rat-cunning?, A game of cat and mouse?" Roquefort jests when pointing at the vidgame console.

Piloting 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (17) + 21 = 38


"I'm not so sure about the gods - I have had way too many investigations into cultists and the supernatural and I find that every time the gods are even tangentially involved it has been at the detriment of us all. From cultists bringing Elder Gods from the Dark Tapestry through to our realm, a likely planet-killing event, through to others trying to rip holes in time and space to bring calamity on us all. Where are they when we need them? Why do they never interrupt the lives of mortals to send us joy and health, no - no thanks, not for me"

"My gifts are given to me by the Dreamers"

Fort 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

Back'Up love long adventures and spends much time enjoying contemplation somehere in a good spot near window.

Abroad kish usually nor wear powered armor and you can see bet his leg unusual anatomy, hear how he chuckles and most important more clear see his third large cloudy eye.

Once he visiting Yuluzak - he asks captain about rules for ship attennates and guests. After listening for some time, Back'Up decides to tell a story

-My destiny is twisted. Have you ever seen Startube show "Beautiful and Deadly? I am a big fan, and a reason why - because the crew of BaD visited our space island once and it changed everything for our tribe. Soon after I traveled to space and even found a new tribe or crew. We started expedition on a distant planet Nakondis. Chain of events brought us far out Pact Worlds close to Azlanti Star Empire where we extracted an ex-Steward from a prison-moon and thereafter invaded undercovered Azlanti laboratory on asteroid. When we were cautted from getting outside, we ewalised we can not reach Sunrise Maiden, our ship. We isolated all the tribe with a few scientists in a hall where we switched on experimental Runedrive. Which was desined to work connected to starship reactor and structure. Since than I feel a time collapse. But we appeared in Absalom lower level. For a long time I was not sure either it was a dream or reality, but since than I found stars are wonderful. And became a part of Starfinders.

Back'Up shows Yuluzak some pictures and hand draings and galdly listens for any stories about space travels the captain may share.


Shaman not in a best shape and relativelly smal for an average kish. But he is non hesiatating about visiting gym as he has to be powerful enough to control powered armor...
Acrobatics 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Acrobatics 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Acrobatics 3: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18


Male Ysoki Mercenary Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17

Croaker will suck at those, so let me have some fun with it.

Croaker heads to Suwalnazka first. Six-handed spiritual furball seems his style. He sits with her and pulls out a deck of cards

"Let's play poker, I will deal, you handle the liquor. You see, the leylines are everywhere and when you learn how to sense them you can also learn to hear other aliens' thoughts ... Another? Sure."

Fort save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Well, he is not bad at holding his alcohol but his small body quickly shows how much impact he got.

From the charismatic chaplain Croaker heads for some exercises

"Ok, show me what you have... hic. It would help to metablolize the alcoool" Croaker clearly have troubles speaking at that time

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Fort save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Whatever good it made, Croaker is still standing, altho barely.

Tired and still drunk he heads to play video games

"Ok, pal. I am no master... You know I played the snake game when my litter gave me comm unit, I was fairly good at it. How to you steer this thing?"

Piloting: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 I would prefer to use Gambling profession with +18 but I doubt it would fly.

After all of that he heads to Yuluzak

"Yuluzak!" yells going towards him in a not so steady paste "Man.... I respect you ... you are great! ... And your crew is out of this world. First with Suwalnazka, we solved all galaxy problems related to religions ... like all of them. I don't remember how, but I am sure Suwalnazka remembers. Then the training, could have gone better. I would have paid more attention if I would not have smuck my snout on the ground so much. And that Shaakar is also great, we spoke on every topic"

He sits and stops talking for a moment "It recalls my first mercenary team. You know I was born on Akiton in big litter. My parent died in mine, so our grandma was taking care of us. Lovely woman, but when angry even Shobhads would not cross her way. So you either were strong or cunning.... I was both. Hahaha" laughs out of his own joke

"Without better perspectives, I joined a mercenary team that was passing through the planet. I learned how to patch folks, great bunch."

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Might as well do them in order.

SPOILER! Storytime for Yuluzak….and for a VERY EARLY Season 1 scenario:
"Yuluzak, glad to be aboard this fine ship. When you have a moment, I can tell you the tale of why I joined my new family, the Starfinder Society. It started back on Apostae. I was a ‘worker’ for a pretty vile drow—not that there are a lot of non-vile drow—names Villyth, of the house Zeizeer. Yeah…that house. Needless to say half-orcs are not exactly treated like family, more like slaves. She had this weird ‘fetish’ on trying to figure how to make interesting weapon work…and had some of her minor allies do a breeding set to breed a Azlanti human with a half orc—to keep the Azlanti gene that sometimes is used in biometrics of their ships, armor andweappons—so that they can use Azlanti weapons and backwards compatibility to non-Azlanti’s. While there, one of the researchers thought it would be good to build up a stock of these half-orcs, and train them in infiltration. I was one of their ‘successes’. But I was also generally not liking being kept captive. So I was sent to work for Villyth as a loader and general security. Still not the best. That is until Villyth decided to steal from the Society—I didn’t know it but a lot of the weapons that we had coming in were originally marked for them—and pissed off Naiaj. BTW…even if she is a gnome….do NOT piss off Naiaj…that lady is tough as nails. Naiaj sent in a team of Starfinders to basically Kick ass and chew gum—but they were all out of gum. I was supposed to be helping guard the lower level. Another of Villyth’s experimentation named Grimillak pretty much ran the group there. He was a fleshwarped half-orc. Well…when the Society broke in….I was one of the few other half-orc fodders to rise up after Grimillak was taken down. They said they could get us off planet. So I happily helped them take down a few drow enforcers. I swore myself to the Society afterwards. And I haven’t been sad about it, as a whole Drow are craven underhanded sadists. Though I have met a couple lately that actually work for the Society…they don’t seem so bad. I guess every barrel of apples has a good one in there. ”

When hearing that Joyozalva wants to see how her workout regime is….Azzirm goes a head and tries it out. Though in his Second Skin….as using the power armored servos would not make it an actual work out.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Fortitude: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Deciding to go try his skill in a racing game, and talk shop with the pahtra about starships and general mechanic banter, Azzirm does his best.
Piloting: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

When the skittermander offers to talk about philosophical issues…and drink…Azzirm goes there mostly for drinking. He might go into a little bit about why he at least pays homage to the Black Butterfly…mostly pointing out his previous life in servitude with the drow but not as much detail as he went into with the captain. He does listen to her thoughts on Damaritosh, and will drink one back on each of her points on the importance of Damaritosh and other deities.
Fortitude: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

Back'Up finds some relief and spend several hours with Shaakar.
He is glad to practice some flight skill with more than realistic interface! Moreover kish enjoys Pathra company and wonder about life of cook-engineer...

Piloting: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18


Suwalnazka likely finds in Back'Up a good listener and wise talker. Shaman has some beliefes and some nasty stories about Shadow plane...
Backup is not a fanatic but gladly share some universe insights and Desna aspects and philosofy

Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15


m CN halfling (necrograft) Shadow Mystic 13 [Spacefarer] | sp 111/111 | hp 80/80 | rp 9/12 | EAC 28 KAC 29 | F+8 R+10 W+16 [+2 mind effects or +4 vs fear] | resist Sonic 5 Cold 10 | Init +5 [DISADV] | Perc +24 | DV60' | Stealth +25 [+4 in shadow] | Spells L1 3/6 L2 5/6 L3 5/6 L4 3/4 L5 3/3 | Shadow Weaver 11/12 | Concealment 20% (+), Resistant Armor (DR10/-) & See Invis (130 min both)


Azlanti. A paramilitary culture like the vesk, but with kinks. You cannot negotiate with them, you cannot enter into an alliance or a temporary truce. They took over the colony where my colleague was. A friend? I'm not sure. In any case, then I killed them for a long time all over the galaxy, and even on their territory. It was a glorious hunt... Some people sometimes think that war is hell. But no, hell is hiding in luxury hotels and a glass of expensive cocktail. Mu personal nightmare and horror began already in civilian life. But I'll tell you about it another time, my friend.

Carlos finishes his cigarette in the dimness of the cabin and gulps down a glass of strong liquor.


Above the art of war, I value the art of secret murder. Assassins are the true kings of war. They eliminate someone who shouldn't be there - a general, a leader, a commander - and that's it, the enemy is demoralized. Our Lady in the Shadows teaches us to do such things beautifully and gracefully. She teaches that we are our own masters, and nothing can prevent us from turning our weapons tomorrow on those who hired us yesterday. And maybe even right away - why not? The most dangerous warrior is an unpredictable warrior. And we are unpredictable as primordial chaos, silent as a shadow in the dark and do everything in style, like the best artists from your favorite movies. This is the way of Nocticula, Our Lady in the Shadows, as I understand it.

Carlos gulps down a glass of the drink that chaplain offers. And another and another.

Fort: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 2 = 25

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Akiton Human Tempered Pilgrim Solarion 7 | SP 0/56 HP 34/53 | RP 7/7, 1st level spell 2/2 | EAC 25; KAC 25 | Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +8 | Speed 50ft | Unaligned | Active conditions: none

Ceolor takes his time trying to get to know everyone on the ship, spending time with people in order.

With Captain Yuluzak, Ceolor talks about the (recently declassified) time that the Starfinders sent him to the Jinsul home world. Season two, I know, but seems to fit the Captain's interests. "We got sent in with multiple other groups of agents to gather as much Intel as we could. It seems that the place had been ruled by a group of dictators that ultimately got overthrown by some diety or other. The diety took all of the able bodied with them when they left the planet, leaving only the weak, the young or the infirm which made the place collapse into complete disrepair. It's a bad place to be as you're more than likely to get jumped by a group of scavengers. To escape we had to go and rescue another group of... "

With Joyozalva, Ceolor relishes the challenge, the speedy agile human somewhat proud of his speed and agility.
Acrobatics 1: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Acrobatics 2: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
Acrobatics 3: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 He fumbles slightly on the last stunt but feels pretty satisfied at how well he performed overall and how he's barely broken a sweat by the end of it all. "Ha! Not all humans are out of shape or incapable of feats of athleticism!"

Ceolor tries to give Shaakar a run for his money with the vid-game but the author is much more of a reader than an gamer and doesn't quite know how well his skills will transfer over.
Piloting, untrained: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
"Huh this is much more realistic than I expected... I wonder how heavily done vid-game themed novels are?...Shaakar, look out or I'm going to pass you by!"

Finally with Suwalnazka, Ceolor gives a big grin and settles down to talk about the intersection of faith with Desna and the Cycle that all solarians follow in some manner. "... The constant wandering is jsut another representation of the continual cyclical nature of the universe and how it continues despite the changes that happen to the material of it's being. Much like Desna has been there from the very early stages of creation so to has creation itself..."
Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
He stays pretty coherent through the process, despite the number of drinks. Seems someone might be a heavy drinker in their free time... Or been drinking heavily recently in response to some trauma.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

As the days wear on, each of you spend some quality time with the crew, and none more so than with Capt Yuluzak. He loves hearing your stories; his reactions ranging from slaps on the back for Roquefort, Azzirm, and the inebriated Croaker, to thoughtful expressions of understanding for Carlos and Back’Up. He seems to have heard Ceolor’s story already (wink), and hangs on the edge of his seat for the tale of heroic escape from the planet of misfit jinsuls. After about the second week, he approaches your group as you sit in the wardroom and offers you a spare black force field armor upgrade that he found in a storage locker.

To say that Joyozalva’s workouts are intense would be the understatement of the journey. But Roquefort, Azzirm and Ceolor all handle the routines with ease, not even feeling slightly sore afterwards. Croaker and Back’Up don’t fare well at all during the training, dropping weights, tripping over ropes, and generally flailing about the gym. But surprisingly, neither of them seem to suffer any ill affects the following days. Joyozalva invites Roquefort back for her special “tail day” workout (yes, a workout). After the session, she offers a yellow star plasma longarm to the Detective, though she understands if it’s not his specialty.

Shaakar handily beats all comers, though he’s a fun and pleasant sport about it. All comers, that is but one: Roquefort uses his rat-cunning to fly circles around the pahtra, in spite of his cat-like reflexes. At the end, the mechanic who also serves as the cook offers to prepare the meal of his choice for the Detective.

If Roquefort partakes of the meal:
If he does, he feels particularly energized, as if he’d just eaten the healthiest and most nutritious meal in the galaxy. You get a +1 (untyped) bonus to your Strength and Constitution scores that lasts until the end of the scenario. Which bumps up your 11 Con to 12!

Suwalnazka pours out more gol than she ever has for this hard-drinking, iron-livered team of Starfinders. She listens to their tales and theories, politely debates and makes excellent counterpoints, and jokes and laughs at the silliness only grain alcohol can induce. As you leave, whether barely affected or barely walking, she gifts each of you with a veracity serum. In addition, she gives Carlos and Ceolor a spell ampoule of mystic cure (3rd level).

About halfway through the voyage, Capt Yuluzak invites your team to one of the cargo holds. Therein lie the big pieces of the Ardent Seeker that they brought with them. ”You’re free to poke around it, see what you can find, if you want. We were pretty thorough, but no tellin’ what a fresh set of eyes will turn up.”

Ceolor gets a +4 to this check. Roquefort and Back’Up get +1

DC 30 Culture or Engineering check:
You recognize that a jinsul starship caused the damage to the Ardent Seeker!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Akiton Human Tempered Pilgrim Solarion 7 | SP 0/56 HP 34/53 | RP 7/7, 1st level spell 2/2 | EAC 25; KAC 25 | Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +8 | Speed 50ft | Unaligned | Active conditions: none

If Ceolor doesn't beat this check I will be surprised.

Ceolor takes a moment to refocus and meditate, the photon streams of red-light retuning to his deep red hair. He the pulls out a data pad and library chip as he takes his time over the wreck.

Culture, Library chip, Sidereal Influence, Scenario bonus: 1d20 + 17 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 17 + 4 + (6) = 47

Pointing to various parts of the wreck and adding hologram tags to them, Ceolor moves around the wreck denoting all of the various damages that could only be caused by a Jinsul ship's unique weaponry. "... this rip here is indicative of the Jinsul's preffered ship ram given the distinctive jagged edges. And if you look here a particularly cheeky wanker of a Jinsul has graffitied 'Death to all Traitors and Infidels!' across this small wall here. Either someone is really trying to frame the Jinsul for this attack, or more likely given what we know of them, a Jinsul warship attacked this poor ship."


sp77 | hp68 | rp 11 | EAC 31 KAC 31| fort +7 ref +13, will +12 | init +14| Perc 23 (31v Traps) (DV)/ Ysoki Op (Detective) 10 Forensics Master Hireling - Life Sci/Physical Sci/Mysticism (+19)

LOL what a roll!

Roquefort pocketed the serum and collected the plasma rifle out of a general interest in seeing how it works (or perhaps someone else might want to use?), then took the master chef up on the spectacular meal.

"I love this ship!"


Astounded by Ceolors highly informed comments, Roquefort looks closely.

"The most obvious answer is probably the right one, Jinsuls"


Male Ysoki Mercenary Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17

Nice Ceolor!

Croaker looks at the weapon in Roquefort's paws "Oh wow, look at that baby. I have Nova Rifle, Yellow Star, a bit different model but a rule is the same. Point and fire, and it is better to not be in the line of 40 ft from you. Oh it looks great!" Croaker uses longarms, and he has Nova Rifle, Yellow Star which is precisely the same as above, but mine does 2d6 dmg and not 2d10 as it is lvl 7 item. Line damage and unwieldy. Great for the occasional fights in tight spaces where enemies cluster!

"So Jinsuls huh? How likely is it that it was a coincidental meeting? "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

Watchig space oceans and listening cosmic pulses and feloow stories Back'up finds he has lot common with others. Another mystics and another Desna followers. Creators and destroyers. Shaman remebers Carlos from other Shadow time-dimension or a dream he had recently.
And most of us had contacts with Azlanti. -thinks Shaman

So as far as it possible, kish ask his fellows about these events and exchange some expertise around Empires culture, tactics and technology.

But now Jinsuls again... Backup ovserves remains of Ardent Seeker with some regrets, chuckling.

And yeah, Ceolor has some idea )).


m CN halfling (necrograft) Shadow Mystic 13 [Spacefarer] | sp 111/111 | hp 80/80 | rp 9/12 | EAC 28 KAC 29 | F+8 R+10 W+16 [+2 mind effects or +4 vs fear] | resist Sonic 5 Cold 10 | Init +5 [DISADV] | Perc +24 | DV60' | Stealth +25 [+4 in shadow] | Spells L1 3/6 L2 5/6 L3 5/6 L4 3/4 L5 3/3 | Shadow Weaver 11/12 | Concealment 20% (+), Resistant Armor (DR10/-) & See Invis (130 min both)

Carlos listens indifferently to what Seolor says. Well... these are some more imperials that we will kill. These time ... jinsuls.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm will stay in Engineering quite a bit helping where he can.

Seeing all the interesting things that the crew seemed to supply the group with, Azzirm shrugs, "I can't fit the forcefield into this armor...maybe the new one I was building...but it just doesn't have the room. The Yellowstar plasma rifle would be an upgrade in the to this old desperation cannon, but it loses the range and pinpoint accuracy....Croaker if you want to use it, go ahead. If not...then maybe I will mount it in the place my old Aeonguard rifle..."

Hearing more about Jinsuls form Ceolor, Azzirm shrugs," least we have confirmation that Jinsuls might be a problem...."

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

Following its long journey through the Drift, the Honorbound approaches the scattered wreckage of a ship of unidentified origins. ”Yep, this is the ship we found,” Yuluzak confirms as he rechecks the sensor data. ”We left the main hull behind, and only took those major pieces that we thought had any technological relevance or resale value.” He turns from the console. ”It’ll take a half day - with your help - for us to penetrate the wreckage field and extract the coordinates from what remains of the ship’s computer. We wouldn’t be able to do it at all except Iteration-177 provided us with decryption codes. Don’t ask me where they got them; they didn’t want to say,” he finishes with an eye roll.

The recovered navigation files reveal that the Ardent Seeker was a military scouting vessel returning from a routine patrol of the nearby region. It was apparently attacked here where it was found, though there is no sign of any jinsul ships in the area now. The ship’s navigation logs point to the nearby Saaruq-Ruaan system as their original point of departure.


It’s another 2 days until the Honorbound exits the swirl of colors and half-formed images that is the Drift and emerges into open space above a blue-green planet. Numerous ships with designs completely unknown in the Pact Worlds form a protective grid around the world below. Around them, hundreds of sleek fighters wheel in tight formations. Three massive rhomboid battleships position their guns to lock on to their targets while smaller black-and- purple ships with triangular frames dart among them, firing mercilessly at their foes. Although unfamiliar to some, Ceolor knows exactly who the rhomboid battleships and small triangular ships belong to: Jinsuls!

It’s initially difficult to tell which side has the upper hand, or even how many sides exist, in the chaotic battle. A Drift portal opens near Honorbound’s starboard side, and dozens more of the dark, triangular jinsul ships pour through, completely ignoring Honorbound in favor of other targets closer to the surface. These ships appear to be outnumbered but not outgunned as a flash of light signals a crippling explosion in the side of one of the battleships.

Captain Yuluzak’s attempts to hail nearby combatants are met with radio silence until a loud burst of static signals an incoming transmission. The vesk salvager hurriedly flips a switch and a frantic message filters through the ship’s intercom. The brief message repeats twice in an unfamiliar language, before playing a third time in perfect Vesk: “Hospital bombed. Ground troops overwhelming our position. Request for immediate aid!”

“Starfinders!” Yuluzak barks, addressing his passengers. “I don’t know what this battle is about, but you want to meet this system’s inhabitants, yes? Someone down there speaks our language, and they need help. If the Veskarium has allies here, it’s our duty to intervene. Honor demands it.”

The Captain orders his crew to prepare for landing on the nearby planet. With the planetary defense force distracted by jinsul ships, the Honorbound enters Saaruq 5’s atmosphere uncontested. Shaakar locks onto the message’s exact origin: a hospital on the outskirts of a large city that appears to have endured a recent bombing. A few jinsul dropships patrol the skies above the area but do not engage the Honorbound. Captain Yuluzak directs his ship to safely land west of the ruined hospital.

”How about you Starfinders head out to investigate while me and my crew keep the ship ready in case these jinsuls get any ideas and decide to attack us.” he requests as he puts the ship down only a 5-minute walk away from the hospital.

The Hospital

Watching the arrival and scanning the area near the hospital, several of you notice jinsul patrols surrounding the building. The only visible uncontested entrances are the normal front door (Green Arrow) and the bombed out and ruined southern wing of the hospital (Red Zone)

The Red Zone is passable, but the area is Difficult Terrain and requires a series of skill checks to traverse.

What I need to know is which entry do you choose, or do you split the team to cover both entrances? Of course, knowing you’re going into a combat zone during the atmospheric entry, you have time to buff, prep, put on powered armor, and have weapons out.


m CN halfling (necrograft) Shadow Mystic 13 [Spacefarer] | sp 111/111 | hp 80/80 | rp 9/12 | EAC 28 KAC 29 | F+8 R+10 W+16 [+2 mind effects or +4 vs fear] | resist Sonic 5 Cold 10 | Init +5 [DISADV] | Perc +24 | DV60' | Stealth +25 [+4 in shadow] | Spells L1 3/6 L2 5/6 L3 5/6 L4 3/4 L5 3/3 | Shadow Weaver 11/12 | Concealment 20% (+), Resistant Armor (DR10/-) & See Invis (130 min both)

1. What kind of lighting is there?
2. Is there someone in our team who can't see in the dark?

I suggest we go in from the side of the blockage. This can give the effect of surprise. Carlos smokes thoughtfully, looking at the hospital from above. A sniper rifle with a bolted silencer is hanging on his shoulder.


sp77 | hp68 | rp 11 | EAC 31 KAC 31| fort +7 ref +13, will +12 | init +14| Perc 23 (31v Traps) (DV)/ Ysoki Op (Detective) 10 Forensics Master Hireling - Life Sci/Physical Sci/Mysticism (+19)

Roquefort takes a moment to check the database on Jinsul.
Lifescience - Take 20 = 30
Pretty sure the Jinsul also have Darkvision?
@Carlos - looks like we are all good to go
Perhaps Carlos and Roquefort sneak down and take a closer look?

"That blocked area looks difficult but may well be passable with patience, I agree with Carlos that it would be the least expected approach. Perhaps a couple of us could scout it first to better understand what we are dealing with before we all get stuck in what then turns out to be trapped or otherwise horrible conditions? You can cover us if we need to make a fast exit"

"Twitchy nose, twitchy nose, leave a block..."

What is it with this party being a bunch of small creatures with nasty blades and cruel intentions?

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Akiton Human Tempered Pilgrim Solarion 7 | SP 0/56 HP 34/53 | RP 7/7, 1st level spell 2/2 | EAC 25; KAC 25 | Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +8 | Speed 50ft | Unaligned | Active conditions: none

Ceolor flips down the visor of his armor and seems jsut fine in any lighting with a reasonable range. He takes a moment to focus on being quite as the space around him gets weird. The air and area right near his body seems to get lighter and less dense, but all of the gravity pushed directly out of his personal space seems to hover just outside it making a dense air bubble. The effect mutes Ceolor's foot steps and other noises moderately well.
Sidereal influence for Graviton (Stealth)

"I'm good with scouting ahead if you need me to. I've got darksight goggles in my armor, and can be fairly quiet when needed."


Male Ysoki Mercenary Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17

Croaker nods to captain Yuluzak "We will not leave the hospital without protection. We will take care of it, honor demands it." Saying 'this is the way' would be to cliche ;)

Ysoki holds his new rifle looking at the field in front of them. He turns towards the others and protects them with magic Life bubble on everyone that agrees.

I should get an Invisibility spell for such occasions.

Croaker looks around "I could make a diversion to lead them away from your path."


m CN halfling (necrograft) Shadow Mystic 13 [Spacefarer] | sp 111/111 | hp 80/80 | rp 9/12 | EAC 28 KAC 29 | F+8 R+10 W+16 [+2 mind effects or +4 vs fear] | resist Sonic 5 Cold 10 | Init +5 [DISADV] | Perc +24 | DV60' | Stealth +25 [+4 in shadow] | Spells L1 3/6 L2 5/6 L3 5/6 L4 3/4 L5 3/3 | Shadow Weaver 11/12 | Concealment 20% (+), Resistant Armor (DR10/-) & See Invis (130 min both)

May Our Lady in Shadows bless us all. Carlos makes gestures as if he connects the various members of the squad with invisible threads among themselves, although he has nothing in his hands. At the same time, he whispers charming and dizzyingly vile words in abyssal. The spell cast on two creatures works amazingly - each of the pair gets the ability as if to feel the world not only with his own skin but also with the skin of another person, practically anticipating what is about to happen with a partner. Done. Halfling nods. I'm ready to go exploring. I can disappear into the shadows... But do we want to separate the squad? I think we should combine stealth as much as possible and an organized quick strike against the enemy.

1. See Invisibility (self, 90 min) 2. Battlemind Link (Lesser), 9 min: Carlos & Roquefort, Spike & Ceolor, Azzirm & Back'up. GM Nomadical, please pay attention to this spell - it will greatly affect the result of the initiative rolls.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

"I am good going in loud and obvious to draw attention. I am also good with going in quiet and stealthy, good at both. I might also be able to think of anything I know about how this building might be designed."

Going to roll a General Contractor roll to see if I can figure out anything about it...any ducts that small or medium people can get into, what about service access areas for maintenance crew? Maybe to know about the structure in general (how safe it seems, etc)?

General Contractor: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32


sp77 | hp68 | rp 11 | EAC 31 KAC 31| fort +7 ref +13, will +12 | init +14| Perc 23 (31v Traps) (DV)/ Ysoki Op (Detective) 10 Forensics Master Hireling - Life Sci/Physical Sci/Mysticism (+19)

Good stuff team, this is exactly what I was hoping for - getting sone intel before we go tearing in :)

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

This star system’s red sun tries to shine through the broken cloud layer and provides enough light to see outdoors, but it’s clear that power is likely out inside the building and the hallways will be dimly lit from newly broken emergency lights. Roquefort looks up at the dim sun and recalls that jinsuls have no problem seeing in the dark (Correct. Jinsuls have darkvision.)

As you hide in the trees on the edge of the hospital grounds, you get a better look at the ruined building. This area bears little resemblance to the functional hospital ward that stood here only an hour ago. Fires smolder throughout the heaps of twisted metal and chunks of building material. Tangled wires spark and writhe like snakes amid the rubble. The acrid smell of burning plastic fills the air as plumes of inky black smoke curl up toward the exposed sky.

Jinsul bombing runs have destroyed most of the southern wing of this hospital, and what once served as additional patient rooms, a lobby, and a small recreation area are now demolished beyond recognition. Azzirm can easily see how the building was constructed and what hazards now await within the devastation. The rooms in most of the hospital were built with 15 feet high ceilings. Furthermore, he can see the remains of several interior doors and can tell that they are made of commercial nanocarbon (hardness 35, HP 60, break DC 35). However, he’s also certain that any you do encounter will be unlocked due to the generator malfunction.

It looks like there’s an office in the middle of the building that provides the only access to the rest of the structure beyond. (The room marked with a Green “OK”)

This area is difficult terrain, and successfully traversing the ruined building’s hazards requires several skill checks.

Clear a Path: Moving through the debris to the office requires a successful DC 27 Strength or Engineering check to break through the partially caved-in ceiling. Only one party success required, not one per character.

Climb Through the Rubble: The rooms and halls of this part of the building are demolished. You must succeed at a DC 25 Athletics or Acrobatics check to scale the piles of rubble. A creature failing this check by 5 or more takes 4d6 bludgeoning or piercing damage (determined randomly) from collapsing debris.

Live Wires: The ungrounded electrical lines throughout the area pose a hazard. Anyone moving through the area must succeed at a DC 18 Reflex save to avoid stepping on live wires. Anyone who fails this save takes 2d6 electricity damage.

@Carlos: Nice spell! Duly noted for the next initiative.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Akiton Human Tempered Pilgrim Solarion 7 | SP 0/56 HP 34/53 | RP 7/7, 1st level spell 2/2 | EAC 25; KAC 25 | Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +8 | Speed 50ft | Unaligned | Active conditions: none

Unable to help with clearing a path, Ceolor wait for a moment to let someone else take the lead, but then as soon as the group gets past the rubble, takes a moment to try springing up the side of the rubble.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17

He fails to get up the first time.
Dangit: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 3) = 15
ACROBATICS TAKE 2: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

After getting up, Ceolor drops down a cable line so that others might not have to deal with the dangers of the cliff.

Manifold Host

Male LN Half-Orc (Aeon) Tinkerer Mechanic (armor prototype-power armor jockey)8 /Soldier (guard) 1 | SP 26/64; HP 61/61 | RP 9/10 | EAC 30; KAC 31 (DR 5/-, A/C/E/F 5) | Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +15, SM: +8 | Speed 25ft| Shirt Reroll: Used (Coin: Not Used ) | Active conditions: See Invis (constant).

Azzirm gives the area a quick look, and then does what all good general contractors do...give quick instructions to the the rest on how to help, and then puts his back into it.

Engineering to clear the path: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23
Grr....1 to 7 and I would fail...really dice....rerolling, and since it isn't official yet...only +4 to this roll
Engineering to clear the path: 1d20 + 20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 20 + 4 = 44

Helping to get the area clear, and seeing that climbing is going to be a thing--and knowing that this power armor can climb, Azzirm will go ahead and take a cable with him to help others over.

Armor has Climb 15,so will add the +8 to the roll for having it

Climbing in armor, trailing a line: 1d20 + 14 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 14 + 8 = 35

After helping people over....Azzirm sees the live wires...and knows his armor is relatively resistant to he does his best to bat away the wires to make it easier for the others.

GM, will voluntarily fail this to either use General Contractor or something else to make it easier for others....he has Resist 5 to electricity....figure he will at least take 2 'rounds' of electrical to help others...

Electrical damage take 1: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4 (-5 to damage because of electrostatic shield mk1)
Electrical damage take 2: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6(-5 to damage because of electrostatic shield mk1)
1 damage unless you otherwise think he needs to take more rounds to help others


Male Ysoki Mercenary Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17

Croaker moves after Azzirm "Come on, you can do it!" He looks as he tries to clear the path. Croaker to not be useless moves to the side to cover the ground, observing for danger or any approaching creatures.

When the path is clear he looks at Azzirm and nods in appreciation. 5 novas? Nice mate! Well done!

Az Azzirm shows up options of his armor Croaker stretches his wings and flies over the rubble. So, the rules for flying says that unless I try to do some crazy maneuvers or the wind is strong I wouldn't have to roll. Acrobatics- fly

When they come to tight tunnels Croaker knows that here his wings will not gonna help him.

Reflex save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Electricity: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

"Darn it! No electricity for the doors or lights. But plenty to lighten up our mood!"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

After landing during everyone makes some preparations - Back'Up opens his Eye and heightened sensors, performig connection ritual to Scan Environment 10 minute

He shares what he knows before processing...


-I will cover your back, Carlos and Ceolor. Not as good as Nocticula may able to but still... - kish is proud to be improved with aditional spells.

Later on, Backup is going and climbing one of the last, feeling a bit odd in his large but spectacular Spellcaster Aegis. Although he is tryin to evade wires at his best...

Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6


sp77 | hp68 | rp 11 | EAC 31 KAC 31| fort +7 ref +13, will +12 | init +14| Perc 23 (31v Traps) (DV)/ Ysoki Op (Detective) 10 Forensics Master Hireling - Life Sci/Physical Sci/Mysticism (+19)

Took ages for my 5 Nova to pop onto the system, had to wait until the following months Blog update. And congrats fellow campaign coin holder!

Roquefort admires the capability of the party as he begins to make his way through the obstacle course...

Acrobatics 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23
Attempt 2 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33
Reflex 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28


m CN halfling (necrograft) Shadow Mystic 13 [Spacefarer] | sp 111/111 | hp 80/80 | rp 9/12 | EAC 28 KAC 29 | F+8 R+10 W+16 [+2 mind effects or +4 vs fear] | resist Sonic 5 Cold 10 | Init +5 [DISADV] | Perc +24 | DV60' | Stealth +25 [+4 in shadow] | Spells L1 3/6 L2 5/6 L3 5/6 L4 3/4 L5 3/3 | Shadow Weaver 11/12 | Concealment 20% (+), Resistant Armor (DR10/-) & See Invis (130 min both)

The halfling waits until the passage is open, after which he decides to turn to magic. The ways of Darkness are inscrutable. Apparently Carlos is praying again. During this prayer, he himself seems to begin to exude darkness... His figure, shrouded in impenetrable darkness, is barely visible. The outlines of a halfling are hardly discernible in it, and something have changed - frightening and outstretched hands, long nails (or claws?), and white insane smile, sparkling with a guiding star of absolute horror. In the next moment he becomes invisible... And then you hear a whisper. I'm on the spot.

Shadow Shroud + Shadow Weaver + Shadow Jump spell to simply teleport without checks acrobatics and other things .)

More detailed:

1) Shadow Jump

2) Shadow Shroud (Su): As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to shroud yourself in dim light for 1 minute. Darkvision provides no benefit against this gloom, and nonmagical light can’t change this light level. Magical light can change this light level only if from a source with a CR or level higher than yours. You can dismiss this dim light as a move action, and it ends automatically if you lose consciousness.

3) Shadow Weaver (Su): If you have concealment from dim light or darkness, you can become invisible as a standard action. This invisibility lasts for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level. This duration needn’t be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can dismiss this invisibility as a move action, and it ends automatically if you lose consciousness.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On!

Azzirm uses his extensive knowledge to clear a path through the rubble to what used to be an interior office door. He leaves a line behind for others to follow and to help them climb and knocks aside several hot wires. Along the way he realizes that this hospital resembles ones he’s worked on in the past, so he’s able to cobble together a rough map of what he thinks the facility looks like. (Cause I’m too lazy to cover up the map, and he’s rolling so well on his Contractor and Engineering checks.)

Croaker makes an astute observation about the lack of lights but a persistent electrical hazard as he simply flies over the wires on his fledermaus wings. However, he’s surprised when he lands to find that Carlos is already there, having walked through the Shadow Plane. (Though Carlos didn’t meet any more crazy ysoki assassins on this trip.)
@Croaker: No damage to you. You flew over the wires.

Ceolor has a little trouble, but does finally make it, and Roquefort takes advantage of the lines left by the others and makes it across on his first try.
(Let’s call it a +2 to the Acro check for Azzirm & Ceolor’s lines, so you succeeded)

Back’Up studies the environment for a while. He finds that the weather will remain the same for the next two days - mild temperatures, low humidity, and light winds with no storms. He does note that there is an area on the far side of the building with much higher humidity and temperatures than the surrounding building and environment, and quickly surmises that it is likely a greenhouse within the hospital complex.

The orderly office workstation that occupies the northern half of the room you find yourselves in stands in stark contrast to the wreckage to the south, where the partially collapsed ceiling crumbles to meet the mountain of smoking debris that you just climbed though.

There is a door to the west (Blue Arrow), or a blasted hole in the wall leading to a corridor to the northeast of the office (Green Arrow).

I placed your tokens in the Office. Azzirm’s power armor isn’t Large yet, right? What about Back’Up, are you Large?


m CN halfling (necrograft) Shadow Mystic 13 [Spacefarer] | sp 111/111 | hp 80/80 | rp 9/12 | EAC 28 KAC 29 | F+8 R+10 W+16 [+2 mind effects or +4 vs fear] | resist Sonic 5 Cold 10 | Init +5 [DISADV] | Perc +24 | DV60' | Stealth +25 [+4 in shadow] | Spells L1 3/6 L2 5/6 L3 5/6 L4 3/4 L5 3/3 | Shadow Weaver 11/12 | Concealment 20% (+), Resistant Armor (DR10/-) & See Invis (130 min both)

I'll check what's left there after the shots.

You don't see it, but through the gap Carlos teleports directly into the next room.

Shadow Jump spell remains active all the time while I maintain concentration and 4 more rounds after. And I maintain it now. Plus I'm invisible. Plus I'll roll stealth. And last of all, I see the invisible myself if anything.

Stealth: 1d20 + 23 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 23 + 3 = 38
Perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (17) + 21 = 38

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Kish| Mythic (Star Shaman) 10 Xenoarcheologist | SP=110, HP=65| EAC=25, KAC=29| F=7, R=6, W=14 | | Perception +23 (Darkvision 90), Trap Spotter , Third Eye | Initiative=3 (Roll Twice, chose worse))

Yeah, large powered armor

Perception: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33

Backup slowly follows, struggling to locate Carlos he look around...

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