Warden's in Wonderland (Inactive)

Game Master Kazmanaught

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HP: 24 | AC: 18 (T13, FF15) | Init: +3 | Perception: +9 | Saves Fort: +3 Ref: +6 Will: +4 *+2 vs fear | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Lionel's face pales for a brief moment before he takes a deep breath and regains his composure.

He gives a brief bow, partially out of a desire to but partially from the overwhelming majesty this woman radiates. His stoic demeanor seems...inappropriate and he speaks candidly and humbly, "Good evening, fair lady. I am new to this strange and wonderful land. There is much of it I do not know and even more that I wish to. But for now, I have but one request," he extends a hand to the woman, "Shall we dance?"

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The lady lifts a hand to her mouth, barely hiding a smile. "I see that Englishmen are as bold as ever. There are many who would wish to dance with me tonight, but few who have the courage to ask. Does your courage come from bravery or ignorance I wonder?" She takes hold of your hand, allowing you to lead her to the dance floor. When you approached her, you could have sworn she was taller than you. Now, as you begin to dance, she seems to be slightly shorter than you, the ideal height for a dance partner. As you begin, she whispers in your ear, "Tell me, Good Hunter, what brings you to a rather magnificent gala in a rather insignificant realm?"

Make a perform dance check, with a +5 bonus.

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HP: 24 | AC: 18 (T13, FF15) | Init: +3 | Perception: +9 | Saves Fort: +3 Ref: +6 Will: +4 *+2 vs fear | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16

Perform (dance): 1d20 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 2 + 5 = 27

Lionel smiles to the woman, "Neither, fair lady. It is curiosity." He leads the fey woman onto the dance floor and finds that the atmosphere of the ballroom allows his feet to move as if he were one of the fey.

As he dances he speaks softly to the emissary of the fairy queen, "It is exploration in service to England that brings me here. I must say though, I find a greater purpose in the wonders that this place holds. If the wilds of Earth were proof of something greater than the works of man," he pauses for a moment, taking in the sights of the fantastical ballroom before looking the woman in the eye, "then Fair Lady, the beauty of this place is proof of something even greater than that."

Ooooooh yeah, nat 20!

For the sake of moving along, I'm going to bot Margarette for a little bit.
The Guard shrugs at Angus's statement. ""Suit yourself. I certainly wouldn't follow this one. Let's go and get yourself an audience with the Queen."


Median, you see Margarette and Angus come up the stairs. A guard with a spear is following behind them, one of the veiled guards from outside. "Attention if you will!" He clears his throat, addressing the gathered fey, who turn to listen to him. "This one has demanded entrance, despite not being on the list. In addition to that, they offered thinly veiled threats (no pun intended), against our Queen if we did not acquiesce to her demands. So then see the Queen she shall! For a judgement no less! Just remember, that if our good Queen is late to the festivities, and the carousing, you know who to blame!" He takes a deep bow, as if he's said something very clever. "This way Viscountess and Scottsman. He leads Angus and Margarette further into the castle, leaving only the grumbles and grousing of the revelers.


Lionel, the woman looks at you sharply at your mention of greater powers. For a second the feeling of drowning returns to you. Then she laughs. The sound is like water bubbling over smooth stones on a lazy summer afternoon, taking all ill feeling with it. "Greater than the works of man, yes!" she laughs. "And to imply that your God-And our Lieges-Oh yes!"

"I chose my dance partner well, it seems. Tell me Good Hunter, are you a pious man?"

NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None

Median tags along after the guard that is threatening Margarette. Even though they had gone off by themselves against her advice, she wasn't going to let her best friend get beheaded or something if she could stop it. Now wasn't the time to step in, but perhaps when they were before this queen. If Margarette couldn't talk her way out of it herself of course, which was quite possible, and worth seeing if so.

HP: 24 | AC: 18 (T13, FF15) | Init: +3 | Perception: +9 | Saves Fort: +3 Ref: +6 Will: +4 *+2 vs fear | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16

"Pious? No, I wouldn't say so. Certainly not in the way of many Englishmen. But faithful...that feels right. Faith in the rule of the wild. Faith that strength and cunning and resilience is the one true law. Faith that the untamed places of the world are proof of something greater than what the limited minds of man can comprehend."

'Somehow I'm not surprised.' Nodding to the guard as the fellow explains he'd abandon Margarette, Angus follows his sister's friend up the stairs. Frowning as the guard calls for the entire parties attention, he curses under his breath as the guard describes how he'd taken Margrettes 'veiled threats.' Raising an eyebrow as the guard bows. 'Clearly there was something clever there that I missed.' Frowning, he watches the guard, 'Did I tell him I was a Scotsman?'

As the crowd responds with low grumble Angus sees Median following along nearby. As they walk he turns towards the group leader, turning his hands up he asks in English, "Can Pine help any? I haven't seen him."

sense motive is to figure out what the guard said that he felt was clever
sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None

Not sure, but he has an uncanny way of knowing when he is wanted, so I am sure we'll be able to call upon him if things take a really bad turn. I'm willing to let it play out a little bit longer. The viscountess is quite talented. She might be able to get out of it herself. If not, I'll step in, and we'll see.

Human Savage Technologist Barbarian 2/Constructed Pugilist Brawler 1| 30/30 HP| AC: 19/21 (T12/14, F17)| F: +7/9, R: +5/9, W: -2/2(3/7)| Init: 2| Perc: +3| CMB: +6/8, CMD: 18/22| Rage 7/7| Speed: 40 ft| Active conditions: N/A.

What color is the grinning/cheshire cat?

Cash does a triple take when the feline starts speaking to him, having an easier time adjusting to the sentient cloud of gas than the grinning creature before him.

The cat's statement about America catches him doubly off guard, but he laughs and shakes his head, crouching down to speak to the animal on its own terms. "I doubt I've ever heard such an opinion of my home. What word of this nation has reached you, small one?"

Dip: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
SM on the Response: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

For those with Margarette: Going to wait a little bit longer, see if they show up. If not I'll bot them, and consider looking for a replacement. Since we're still pretty early, this would be a good time for her to go home for a while.


"Faith." The woman repeats the word, almost tasting it as it comes out of her mouth. "Yes indeed." As the dance draws to a close, she looks at you. Perhaps during one of your blinks she's back to her original stature. "You are an interesting man, Good Hunter. I will remember this little talk. Is there anything that you would ask, either of myself, or of the court of Titania?"


The cat is ginger tabby

The cat licks it's paw languidly as it answers you, scorn in it's voice as if your questions were very stupid indeed. "Cat's know everything worth knowing. For if a cat doesn't know something, than it can't be very important at all, can it?" It pauses it's grooming, following up with a flick of it's tail at you. "My home is in "your country" as you put it, but everyone knows that the cats really own the land. We're just letting you borrow it, and letting you feed us."

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HP: 24 | AC: 18 (T13, FF15) | Init: +3 | Perception: +9 | Saves Fort: +3 Ref: +6 Will: +4 *+2 vs fear | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16

”I long to know more of this land that is new to me, and grow to know it’s denizens. I am woefully unschooled in your tongue though. Can you or your queen aid me in that pursuit? If we meet again, after all, I would wish to greet your properly.”

Human Savage Technologist Barbarian 2/Constructed Pugilist Brawler 1| 30/30 HP| AC: 19/21 (T12/14, F17)| F: +7/9, R: +5/9, W: -2/2(3/7)| Init: 2| Perc: +3| CMB: +6/8, CMD: 18/22| Rage 7/7| Speed: 40 ft| Active conditions: N/A.

Cash vaguely holds his hand out for the cat to sniff or rub or decline. "Funny, considering there were already people there in America before there were cats. And yet despite that, you clearly have no trouble getting around, for I had to cross an ocean and take a train to get here from America, while you," he gestures languidly with his (intentionally deniable) outstretched hand and pauses. "How did you get here?"

Dip, Make Request: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

The woman ponders your question for a minute. "I offer you this, Good Hunter. Let me listen through your ears, and I shall whisper the meaning of the words to you, as long as it is a language I, or any member of Titania's court, can speak."


The cat sniffs your hand, then rubs it. "Cats, Corvids, and a few others besides are blessed with the gifts of both travel and sight. While you humans and fey may be able to open doors for us, we have no issues wandering between worlds, as long as they are close by." It blinks slowly at you. "Get me a fish. The owners of this ballroom swat at me when I jump on the tables, envious of my grace no doubt."

HP: 24 | AC: 18 (T13, FF15) | Init: +3 | Perception: +9 | Saves Fort: +3 Ref: +6 Will: +4 *+2 vs fear | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16

"Though I appreciate the offer, I must decline. There may be secrets I come across that can be mine alone. Rather, I have a simple question for you rather than a bargain. As a boy I heard of the Wild Hunt and was inspired by their example. I never though they could have truly existed, but in this realm...well, anything seems possible. Do you know anything of them?"

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