A Test of Chaos - Genericum Test Game (Inactive)

Game Master JonGarrett

The Cantankerous Website
Tests Completed: 1
The Great Wyrm's Horde - Ground Floor
The Great Wyrm's Horde - Upper Floor

Reputation: Ured +6, Adventurer's Guild +1

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Cool, I shall look it over in a bit.

Thread is up for dotting purposes.

Hello all! We've successfully completed the first Test, but we have sadly lost some of the players due to real-world issues and the like. As a result, I'd like to grab some new players.

As you can see in the first post, this is a test for a game I wrote myself with some room for further development. I've gotten some great feedback from this game and an IRL test game, and the game has been modified as a result, but I want *more*.

The Character Creation rules are available here, and the backstory is the same as the first post (a world is being developed, but I'm having to prioritize crunch for now) but if there's anything you'd like to see then feel free to hit me up.

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