GM Zoomba |

You all know the drill, dot and delete!
Mission beginning on 1/10!

GM Zoomba |

And we are off!!!
Pathfinders hustle about the grounds of Galt's Woodsedge Lodge, checking in, mustering in units, unloading and delivering supplies, cooking, and socializing. The atmosphere is tense but excited. Gossip is spreading quickly throughout the lodge - the Maze of the Open Road is malfunctioning! - and many of the assembled Pathfinders wonder what could be wrong.
The Maze of the Open Road is a place of legend that few Pathfinders have had the honor of traversing. Once dangerous, the Maze was recently repaired by Eliza Petulengro of the Decemvirate, and news that the Maze is once again not working properly has led to intense speculation among the gathering Pathfinders.
Cutting through chaos and gossip alike, Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau and able assistants take the lead, ensuring everyone gathers in their assigned units and tends to their duties.
"Now now agents, settle down settle down! We'll be making an announcement shortly once everyone has mustered. For now if you're settled, please find your fellow group of agents. If you still have some spare time, some of my colleagues could perhaps use some assistance with their preparations."
Looking around, you not only see several other Pathfinders also looking for their assigned comrades, but multiple leaders of the Society's sub-factions moving about and working with Pathfinders in advance of the coming mission.
So, for those who haven't run under me before, welcome! And for those who may not have done a multi-table special before either, welcome again!
The main scenario mission will kick off in two days, but before then - in addition to introducing yourselves to each other - there are a number of tasks several Society leaders are looking for some help with. I'll post them below, but each of you can make a skill check on each task (or attempt to Aid one of your co-Pathfinders instead if you'd like) of one of that leader's task's associated skills. The highest result of your part can help determine additional rewards your group might receive in addition to the standard school items that you will be issued for the mission.

GM Zoomba |

Verdant Wheel faction leader Urwal walks amid the gathered Pathfinders. The iruxi checks each person's face before he shakes his head and moves on to the next. “There are Pathfinders unaccounted for. Although the upcoming mission will be dangerous, Galt is not a land it would do to get lost in. Find our wayward companions and bring them here so no one gets left behind.”
Searching the nearby area to find and collect late or lost Pathfinders could be done with a Nature, Survival, or Perception check!
”Excellent! I could use a few extra eyes" Vigilant Seal faction leader Eando Kline waves to your group as he notices you approach. The man is sifting through crates and wagons, divvying gear up into piles. “Help me sort this equipment according to the supply list, then deliver it to the assembling teams. We need to ensure everyone is well equipped for the upcoming mission.”
Society or Survival could help prioritize and organize the gear most effectively, while Athletics could help physcially move and distribute it quickly.
Not far off, you notice a sulit with a ship-shaped cloud orbiting their head. Catching your eye, the outsider claps his hands together. "Ah good! I see that they’ve finally sent me a team with some expertise in the mystic arts! Come!” Ashasar, a liaison between the Pathfinders and the interplanar Concordance of Elements group snaps his fingers and in an instant you find yourselves transported away from the crowded staging area and standing outside a magnificent hedge maze, which Ashasar examines with interest. “This is the fabled Maze of the Open Road. Our divinations indicate the maze's misalignment is due to an outside source beyond the maze and not a problem with the maze itself. Still, I prefer to conduct a second assessment to ensure nothing's changed. I'd like you to assist by gathering magical readings—just don't enter the maze!”
Any Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check might assist with getting a sense of the current magic affecting the Maze.

GM Zoomba |

Back in the lodge, the halfling Head Initiate Janira Gavix smiles and waves at the sight of your all, then hurries over to say hello. “Hi! Glad to see you've all appeared to have grown up a bit since your own Commencements. That's great! Do you have a second to lend me a hand with some of the one's who just did theirs? I brought along a few dozen newly graduated Pathfinders, but they’re worried about the upcoming mission. I know they’re ready for this, but the scale of it all" she waves her hands around pointing out the sheer number of Pathfinders being called in for this "is setting them on edge. Could you talk to the rookies? Some conversation and encouragement could really help settle their nerves.”
Kind Diplomacy, reassuring Deception, or even a bravado Performance could ease their tension.
Horizon Hunters faction leader Calisro Benarry clutches at her stomach as it grumbles loudly. “Just in time! I'm starving! Go lend the Lodge's serving staff a hand so everyone can have a proper meal before this mission gets underway. We can't set out on an empty stomach!”
Cooking Lore would obvious help cook a meal, but barring that Society or Survival could also work to round up some grub.
Back near where you were first greeted, Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau looks over a scroll of names that stretches out from her hands to the floor and then along the ground for quite a ways. “I've tried to organize all the Pathfinders into teams of between four and six agents. Well I suppose you've already guessed as much, finding each other already as you did. Still, people have a tendency to wander off and socialize. Not a problem in most times, but we're coming close to when we'll need to have our 'game faces' on. Could you please look over this list and go help everyone get gathered in their assigned units.”
you could spot wayward schmoozers with Perception, or play 'time to work' police with Diplomacy or Society

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Traveling with you is a half-elven woman in her early-twenties, probably more at home wearing expensive clothing at one of Zarta Dralneen's affairs, but is currently clad in sturdy explorer's clothing. At the hollow of her throat is a silver holy symbol tied with a black leather cord like a choker. Despite a delicate profile, she doesn't seem to have too much trouble with her gear.
She flashes you a dazzling smile as she introduces herself. "Elixia Zielle of the savored sting, at your service." That last word emphasized just enough to be enticing. She looks at her fellow Pathfinder agents and then around at all the activity. "I'm sure someone will explain what's going on sooner or later, yes? As long as the mission is more exciting than the trip here from Absalom, it'll be worth it."
After meeting all of you she'll try to help out however she can.
She'll try to help look around to assist Urwal's "Escort" mission.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
To help with Supplies she'll send her burly human hireling, Hans to help one of you.
Aid another athletics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
She will consult her own lore to Magically Investigate things.
Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
To Reassure other pathfinders, her honeyed tongue will surely be put to good use...
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Elixia is absolutely useless in the kitchen, though.
But to help with the final mustering, she'll also smile and nod and do her best at hobnobbing and gladhanding.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

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A young elven woman moves up to the entrance of the lodge atop the back of a wolf. She hops off of the barding and pauses. "How does Uncle do it? He can ride the back of wolves all day. Feels like I was riding a canoe through a tsunami." She walks up to the door while Deroff gives an aside glance.
She enters the lodge, pauses as many agents run too and fro and a burst of lavender emanates from her. "Them's a lot of agents here. It must be big, whatever is going on." She moves to her designated table and takes a seat.
"Howdy, ya'll! I'm Miladistra." She lowers her guard long enough to wave hello. "And this is my friend, Deroff. He won't bite unless yet hostile." The wolf stays by her side, surrounding her chair and plopping his head on top of the table. "So, what's this meeting about? Anyone know?"
"Elixia. Pleased to meetcha." A nervous handshake. She takes good care of herself. Cute, too. "This is Deroff... I said that already, sorry. Just a bit nervous from your- I mean, all the people here. Oh! And the Venture-Captains are calling our attention. All play and no work, I mean. Never mind." She stands up abruptly.

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Urwal's Escort orders are clear, and it gives Miladistra another chance to enjoy the outdoors. The forests of Galt are quiet beautiful this time of year.
Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Eando Kline wants Miladistra to sort supplies? It's just like fall harvest with Ma and Pa. Just with more alchemical tools, too.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 And weapons, and armor... kind of gets in the way.
Ashasar quickly brings Miladistra in front of a hedge maze. A big one. How far does it go? Oh, it's magical. Reminds her of Mother's mazes. Time for a Magical Investigation.
Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Janira Gavrix asks Miladistra to help Reassure the newcomers. She pulls out her piccolo and plays Glory to the Farmer, a tale of the unsung heroes who don't get recognition yet are vital to saving the town militia.
Perform: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 Maybe they don't get it...

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You see an even bigger hulking orc than you would normally expect followed by what appears to be a bird wearing a mask. She gives a particularly warm smile and says,"Hello. My name is Lynn. I am part diplomat and part monster hunter. Hopefully the diplomat part first. I prefer to make friends when all else is possible."
Turning to the bird she says,"This is my partner Ezra. She is a psychopomp the church of Pharasma asked me to take care of. Ezra lost her memories trying to save the world from a giant unspeakable evil."
Lynn Athletics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Lynn too distracted with keeping track of the fascinated eidolon topples a bunch of crates in the process of trying to help.

Ezra the Amnesiac |
Ezra just bristles upon hearing Lynn's words and adds,"Pleasure to meet you all. I hope to create new memories with you all"
Ezra leads Lynn around in circles completely loosing focus on the objective at hand because of all the new sights and sounds of the lodge.
Ezra Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

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"A Last Meal, Captain Benarry? Don't be so glum, we'll be back by tomorrow."
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 Miladistra gathers a lot of mushrooms and a lot of herbs.
"Alright, time to Muster... hey, come on. Over here. You two, over here. Ugh, it's like herding pigs when it's feedin' time!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
"Howdy Lynn! Howdy Ezra. Sorry about the missin' memories. It takes a toll on everybody." Miladistra's hands are littered with rosemary. "I hope yer ready for whatever is comin'!"

Ezra the Amnesiac |
Ezra just kind of beams at Miladistra and says,"Its rough but I have Lynn now to help. I figure I can make new memories."
Magical Investigations
Ezra Occultism: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Ezra performs lengthy inspection of the maze. Eyeing it quietly for an inordinately long time she says,"Looks fine to me."
Last Meal
Ezra Society: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Upon hearing about the need for meals Ezra goes to the library to pick out a cookbook containing recipes from the location of her latest adventures in the Mwangi.

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"She is a good friend and has a few times even ended up rescuing me," she adds while giving the psychopomp a reassuring pat on the back.
Lynn Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Lynn stands there giving a decent speech made a little awkward given her hulking size and tiefling nature.
Lynn Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Lynn starts roving up to random groups of people and says,"Excuse me we are about to leave can you go back to your position. Excuse me... we're about to start."

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A large human woman approaches the group wearing clothes more fitting for the frozen north than the Galtan weather. On her back she carries one of the largest swords you have likely laid on eyes on (at least carried by someone of your own size). She has an intense look in her eye but tries to break the uncomfortable looks with a smile that doesn't quite look natural on her face. I am Amiri. Been awhile since they have called me to do some work for the pathfinders, but I am glad to finally see some action again!
She looks over the group she was assigned who have already gathered. I like the wolf. Loyal animal and tend to have good sense on who to trust. If the wolf trusts you, it seems like the perfect reason to trust you myself.
Amiri isn't familiar with what ever strange creature that mask wearing bird is and has learned it best to not make comments about something you don't know about.
Once the group is given the different ways they can help, Well seems since we are here and organized early they have work for us to do. Typical, we do the right thing and get stuck with the grunt work. she mumbles as she walks away to see what she can aid with.

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Rookies! We have a job to do... Amiri grunts when she learns that some of the other agents have wondered off. I am will hunt them down, don't you worry. She says with a grin.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
You need help lifting and moving things, it looks like you found the right person. Amiri says with a smile and a flex as she goes off to distribute the gear quickly.
athletics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Magical Investigations
I am not any expert in magical things, Amiri shakes her head. But I do know a thing or two about nature. The fey in my homeland are nasty buggers and I have got some talent at recognizing them.
nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

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Last meal
I am not the best cook... ask my tribe! she lets out a loud laugh There is a reason that a woman in the tribe I went hunting rather than staying at the camp. But I think I could use my hunting skills to help with you meal. Let me go see what I can manage for you. Amiri sets out to see if she can help gather some food for the meal.
survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Grouping us like this is the norm for this missions. Have we brought only inexperienced babes on this job. Amiri shakes her head as she is concerned about the fate of the mission if they can't even or organize into teams. I will do what I can to help the groups find each other.
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Passing on Reassurance. I am not trained on relevant skills and I can't picture Amiri doing anything else but scaring them haha.

GM Zoomba |

Rookies! We have a job to do... Amiri grunts when she learns that some of the other agents have wondered off. I am will hunt them down, don't you worry. She says with a grin.
"Bennary is handling food supplies Amiri. We don't need long pork...oh dear." Urwal says as the Kellid enthusiastically heads off. Luckily, the approach of the looming warrior seems to cause several of the loitering agents to take one look at her and realize now is indeed the right time to sign in. While they're scattering back to camp, Miladistra and Elixia manages to do some hunting of their own in the overgrown area around the lodge. Together they manages to recover and bring back several younger agents who spin a tale of being scattered by the appearance of a 'dire rabbit' as they approached. Ezra meanwhile almost gets lost herself as the new area proves distracting.
When you eventually come across Urwal again, the iruxi is delighted. "Excellent! It is a dangerous mission ahead of us. And it's dnagerous to go alone (which is why finding your companions will be helpful. Here, take this as well. For the danger."
Reaching into a leather sack, the lizardfolk draws out four lesser healing potions for you all.
As out of her element as Ezra seems to have been in Galt's forests, she seems right at home in the Woodsedge Lodge's kitchens! The psychopomp blends together Amiri and Miladistra's ingredients into a fine Mwangi dish that tastily blends Garundi cooking with Galtan flavors. Bennary herself seems exceptionally pleased. "This land-locked lodge's library has some recipe books that good?" the half-orc laughs incredulously. "I think I'll need to grab it for my own ship's cook: with some ample notes in the margins from you my new beaky freind if you wouldn't be bothered by it!"
It truly is a delicious - and fortifying - dish!
So fortifying and nourishing in fact that each of your next Fortitude saving throws is getting a +2 circumstance bonus.
Over near the maze, the suli Ashasar is somewhat less taken by your bravado and confidence. Amirir is quite confident in listing off potential fey threats but the outsider keeps politely confirming to the barbarian that they've already ruled out the First World as the primary culprit. Elixia meanwhile is a bit overwhelmed by the magic around the maze, getting a basic read on it but too unfamiliar with the artifact-level energies it's supposed to be emanating to tell which energies are the ones it isn't.
Those most in tune with magic - the sorceror and the eidolon - however do begin to get some feel for the 'off'-ness of the Maze of the Open Road. While the hedge maze is designed to connect multiple locations all across the world, plane, and even other dimension, there appears to be a sort of 'weight' pressing down on it. This strange force is causing its own pull on the maze itself, twisting the maze's branches away from their normal paths and instead making them all shift and turn towards this new singular point. Sharing these impressions with Ashashar, he nods. "Yes, that is what we seem to be finding as well. Something is drawing travellers in the maze towards it: whether this is by accident or as a lure is what troubles me."
"Still, you all seem versed enough in understanding the magic involved that I feel you should also know how to use it when we all go to fix this problem. Here: I think I still have a few spare trinkets that might be of use for agents like yourselves."
Each of you can receive your choice of a bloodseeker beak, a feather step stone, a 2nd-level scroll of burning hands, or a scroll of restoration.

GM Zoomba |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Eando Kline looks at all of you with a grim expression as he watches the five of you moving about and attempting to lift supplies around the lodge compund. Ezra notices the Seal leader close his eyes for several seconds and offer a deep sigh as the buff Lynn immediately sends crates scattering onto the ground, while the even-stronger Amiri seems thrown off by the bulky boxes of tools. Miladistra makes decent time handing out sets of kits and maps to other groups of agents...but only with some assistance by the hired help Hans.
When you eventually return to Kline he looks at each of you with a semi-bit lip before finally saying. "That was...instructive. I...grab some of those vials for yourselves. I, I think I need to speak with Armeline about her expectations."
Each of you can take one elixir of your choice: a lesser antidote, lesser antiplague, lesser cheetah's elixir, or lesser eagle eye elixir
Lynn starts roving up to random groups of people and says, "Excuse me we are about to leave can you go back to your position. Excuse me... we're about to start."
As concerned as Amiri is about the inexperience of agents who can't even figure out how tho get into their 'party', it turns out in practice she does find locating individual Pathfinders amidst the crowd harder than it looks. Miladistra and Lynn have better luck quietly and politely encouraging the others to wrap it up and get ready. Elixia proves even better at it: none of you are close enough to hear exactly what she says to the younger agent,s but based on their reactions the popular half-elf seems to really have a way with words!
Talking to and meeting with so many fellow Pathfinders - especially newer ones - instills you with a lingering sense of not only camaraderie, but makes you aware of how you need to hold yourselves to set a good example to your fellow agents. On your next Will save, each of you will get a +1 circumstance bonus.
Finally, several of you try to give a pep talk to some of the rookie agents Amiri observes, but perhaps wisely stands back to not spook the newbies. Lynn's speech and tone are welcoming, but her posture is somewhat awkward. Miladistra then tries to lighten the mood with an inspiring song, but it doesn't land as well as she hoped it seems a good number of this crop seems to have joined the Pathfinders explicitly to avoid a life of farming.
Once again though, Elixia steps forward to deliver a rousing speech. Words cannot do it justice, but by the end the half-elf is approached by a couple of potential converts to Calistria and several fresher Pathfinders you overhear unsuccessfully trying to lobby to be assigned to your crew.
You've not only alleviated some of the new agent's jitters, but established your own party as the 'cool' one some may try to impress. Each of you, once during the adventure, can receive a +2 circumstance bonus on an attack or skill roll (from a rookie agent managing to critically Aid you on the check). This must be declared before rolling the check in quesiton (not retroactively).

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"Hmpf. What's wrong with farmin'?" Miladistra waves off the repulsive smell of onion. "Well, fine." Gives Elixia more time to talk, anyway. She's good at these speeches. Enjoys the limelight. Not my style.
"Thank you mighty, Hans!" He's quiet, but he did help Miladistra sort through the supplies. She takes a vial of antidote. "I am no good when it comes to poisons, mind if I keep this?"
Viewing the Maze of the Open Road reminds her of Stepmother's massive rose garden. It gives her a moment of peace when Deroff nudges her and forces her to look at just the right spot in the garden. She pets him and takes the scroll of burning hands. "The calm before the storm, feller."
She returns just in time to enjoy a good meal. It's quite filling, but there isn't enough for poor Deroff.

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A tall, thin, rather dour looking human races up, somewhat out of breath, "Sorry, I'm late, but I had to redeem some poor downtrodden fellow."
He is only lightly armored, and carries a longspear. But, he does seem to move quickly
"I'm Othello. I assure you that no matter what you've done wrong in the past, the path to redemption is always before you."
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Magical Investigation
Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

GM Zoomba |

Venture-Captain Jirneau, Ashasar, and Urwal all appreciate Othello's assistance as the Pathfinder hurries to help before the major announcements are made. The suli in particular looks fondly at him "Hmm, not sure I need redempton, but take a few of these back with you. nonetheless."
You can each get a second item from Ashasar's supplies.
Eando Kline gives a faint smile, but seems again a bit shaken witnessing the attempts of another maritally-inclined agent to lift things quickly.

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A hush falls over the gathered Pathfinders as Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau ascends a podium erected outside the entrance to the Maze of the Open Road. “Welcome to Woodsedge, Pathfinders! Thank you for coming. As many of you know, the Maze of the Open Road is an interdimensional pathway built long ago by Forest King Narven Feathereyes as a gift for the Society. Time was not kind to the maze, but thanks to the efforts of Eliza Petulengro and other Pathfinders, it was repaired.
“Recently, the maze’s paths realigned and now all point to a single location. Our investigations indicate this isn’t a problem with the Maze of the Open Road but an outside source—a beacon—that’s attracting the paths. The maze is of critical importance to many missions and must remain available. Our mission is to fix this strange anomaly.
“We traverse the Maze of the Open Road to an unknown destination. Although this is an exciting opportunity to explore new horizons, our mission is not exploration. Our mission is to find the beacon and sever its connection to the Maze of the Open Road. Prepare yourselves! We leave shortly.”
After a few minutes to allow for any last-second preparations, Venture-Captain Jirneau leads the assembled Pathfinders into the Maze of the Open Road. ”Stay close, we won’t be here long.”
Armeline guides the Pathfinders through the maze with confidence, while Eando Kline, faction leader of the Vigilant Seal, takes the rear, ensuring no Pathfinders get left behind. Armeline hesitates only a moment before plunging through a shimmering portal, out of the Maze and into the unknown.
Following her lead, the Pathfinders arrive in a large stone chamber with red stone walls and polished tan floor tiles, lit by a luminous arch rising from a central raised platform. The chamber has three side chambers and one exit. “Fan out, Pathfinders!” Venture-Captain Armeline orders. “Secure the area.”
Table GMs, please begin Part 1

GM Zoomba |

As you hear the rest of the Pathfinder agents filing in behind you, the five of you And Ezra, and Deroff look around at the large and unfamiliar space the Maze's portal has deposited you into. Map slide added
E ID Arch: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
O ID Arch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
z arch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
L arch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Ab O: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
E ab: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
z ab: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
l ab: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
dr L: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
dr z: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
valut l: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
z: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
2d5 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6
At the center of the room sits a giant arch soaring twenty-five feet into the air and fifteen feet wide. Constructed of a luminous crystal material, the entire archway sheds bright light throughout the space. Elixia looks at the glowing structure and realizes that it is emanating powerful magic: the structure is some sort of artifact with a connection to another plane.
Near the entrance to the chamber - or what you assume is the entrance; there's certainly a large open gate - are a pair of side rooms branching off the central space. One holds a fountain continually pouring clear water into a large stone washing basin. The other opposite it has a black wood bench in the center while three rows of wooden hooks jut out from the surrounding walls at various heights: one row 3feet above the ground, one 5, and the last 9. Ezra can easily point out that this latter room is clearly some sort of dressing chamber - and one for creatures of small, medium, or even Large sizes - while Othello determines that that fountain is for an ablution chamber, so that people could ritually wash before entering a sacred space.
Finally at the far end of the chamber behind the arch you catch sight of an ovoid-shaped chamber. The entrance to the space is partially blocked by a circular stone door that slides in and out of the wall, though never fully shutting. Beyond it is a completely curved oval space - no angles or edges are seen anywhere along the perfectly smooth walls.
Looking into the small room, Amiri and Miladistra each see a see a large grey and blue container in its center, similar to a sarcophagus constructed from metal and glass.
Lynn, Ezra, and Othello: you are just looking into an empty room.

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Miladistra tries to reorient herself and fight off her nausea. "We're not in Galt anymore..."
She seems drawn to the oval space and stares at the strange container.
Nature +9 to analyze any primal properties it may contain

GM Zoomba |

The container Miladistra sees certainly appears magical, but the nature of it definitely isn’t, well, natural and you have trouble getting a good sense of it. As the elf examines it, her hand lightly touches the box. At this, the box suddenly begins to flicker in and out of sight rapidly! And Miladistra’s ears are filled with a voice speaking out of nowhere. The words are rushed and jumbled, echoing all over each other, and the only ones the elf is able to pick out are “wait”, “me”, “no”, “for”, and “run”. Then the flickering stops, with the box now gone.
Amiri: you didn’t hear nothing but the box is still there. The rest of you also didn’t hear anything, but didn’t see anything either except Miladistra being very focused on…something.

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Amiri will never get used to trusting magic to travel, even if it has made her life easier countless times, but it is even harder to trust when she doesn't even know where she is going... but reluctantly steps through. Well this place looks... different.
Amiri looks at Miladistra with some amazement as she fearlessly approaches the box. That is one brave girl When Miladistra is focusing on the box, Amiri moves up to her, Well, what did you find?.

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"I found... did you see it flicker? Did you hear someone shout? I couldn't make most of it out. 'Wait, me, no, for, run?'" Her ears twitch.
Might be my senses actin' up again. This is bad timing.

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Amiri gives you a strange look, and looks back at the box. Ummm no? The box is still here. It has been here the whole time? And it has been quite... Amiri tries to pause and make sense of the words. I have idea what you might of heard but that sounds like nonsense to me.
She shouts back to the others, Any of you other magic folks able to come tell us what this box is? She then conducts her own investigation by look at the box and surrounding room.
Perception +7

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Do I just not see the box or am I in a separate room?
Lynn just awkwardly stands there wondering what everyone is staring at and says,"Uhhhh... I'd gladly help you try and figure out what's going on with the box but there is one problem. What box are you talking about? I don't see anything. "

GM Zoomba |

Do I just not see the box or am I in a separate room?
You and Ezra see that room (the one to the far right of the map). You just both are seeing a very empty smooth-walled room )

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Miladistra blinks a few times as Deroff nudges her hips to get her attention. Only I saw it? No, Amiri says it's still there. But now it's gone? But Amiri still sees it!
"It was here. I know it. Amiri's lookin' at it right now."

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Just our luck, only the barbarian sees the box haha
Amiri sighs in relief since she we was beginning to doubt her sanity but Miladistra seems to confirm what she is seeing. Ugh, and Ezren always yells at me for saying that hate magic. Should I just try and open the box?

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Amiri holds off a moment of opening it for a moment while she sees what happens when Lynn tries to touch it.

GM Zoomba |

Lynn waves her arms about the space. the orc feels nothing, but Amiri notices the container suddenly vanish, then re-appear, then vanish and so on. As it goes back and forth, Amiri hears a voice talking over itself, the only words able to be made out being "me" "run" and "wait". Then the voices stop and the box is no longer there anymore either, for anyone.
Throughout all of this, Lynn, Ezra, and Othello still have not seen or heard any of that.
Meanwhile, the suli Ashasar comes up behind you. "What are you...ah, yes, very round. Well I'll leave you too it but, Elixia." her turns towards her "I'm sorry to break up this sextet but I'm going to need to borrow you for a while. Some of our work in keeping this area safe and connected will require a variety of magical touches, and I could use another divinely blessed source. Don't worry, I'm sure your colleagues will be fine."
He walks of, leading Elixia with him.

GM Zoomba |

From back near the center of the room you hear another vocie: all of you hear this one, it's Venture-Captain Armeline!
"Good, all of us are through. Now then Pathfinders, I, Eando, Asashar and several others will remain here, examinging this artifact and managing cooridnation. Plus keeping a link back between here and the Woodsedge Lodge. The rest of you explore to find out where exactly we are. The more we learn about this place, and potnetially about its purpose and functions, the more we can understand the why and how it got entangled with the Maze. Good luck!"
As Pathfinder teams move to the open gate leading to a variety of hallways, you hear some early scouts returning having marked a few potential points of interest. they are:
* A library
* A room with a strange, glowing phenomena
* A room draconic voices seemed to be coming from
* An ominous sanctum
* And a location where a few Pathfinder agents seem to have, already, gotten into some trouble.
Several leads are before you: which would you like to investigate first?

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I tend to agree, Lynn. People need help, that should be priority. We can explore other things once the agents are safe, even if they are foolish for already getting themselves in trouble.
second vote for helping pathfinders

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"Saving our fellows would seem to be a priority. One would hope that all would redeem themselves by such actions."
A third vote for helping pathfinders (if that wasn't clear).

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"I'm sure you'll keep them in high spirits, Elixia." I'm gonna miss her...
The scouts return with their descriptions and Miladistra nods. "We can figure out the others later. Let's rescue them Pathfinders. Come on, Deroff." She scrambles to eventually mount the wolf.

GM Zoomba |

With urgent concern about your fellow Pathfinders, you head out towards where the missing duo was last seen. Walking through the gate and turning through several rooms and passages, as you move each of you has a somewhat strange feeling. Your strides are longer, your gear feels lighter, and every time you push open a door it seems to launch out as if you had struck it with much more force than you intended.
This area is experiencing Low Gravity. The Bulk of you and your objects is considered halved, you can jump twice as high and twice as far, and range increments can go all the way to the 12th increment! Falling damage is also greatly reduced.
Eventually you turn a corner a see a narrow hallway before you, with a dead wolverine sprawled on the floor its hide punctured with dozens of long darts. Just beyond it is a wounded Pathfinder agent, pierced by similar darts and sitting in a pool of his own blood. The Pahtfinder breathes shallowly, barely clinging to life...[/ooc]
New map added. Unless otherwise noted these locations will be in darkness, so just confirm how you're seeing.
Also (knew I forgot to ask something) please let me know what your default Exploration activities will be (which of course you can always change at different points if you'd like)

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Miladistra proceeds to Search as they go through the many winding corridors of the Maze. She carries a torch with her to keep the area lit.
Exploration activity is Search. Perception bonus is +9. I'm a >Whisper Elf< so I get bonuses to sense undetected creatures.
"Cheese and Crackers, he's bleedin' out." She manages to dismount from Deroff. >Healing Plaster< forms in her hands as she tries to Treat Wounds.
Medicine: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 Might be a critical success? If not only use the first 2d8.
Treat Wounds: 4d8 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 4) = 15
"Come on, come on... it's not time. Not yet!"

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Exploration activity for Amiri is search. +7 perception unless it is inititive related (in which case it is +9
Amiri sees the injured pathfinder and notices the darts. This looks to be the work of traps if I had to guess. Be careful! She says as she reaches for her healer kit but notices that Miladistra is already on it, so she just follows to be an extra set of eyes. She will also draw her enormous sword incase her assessment is incorrect.
Oddly they gave Amiri a healer's kit and she is not trained in medicine. If for some reason anyone is trained in medicine and doesn't have a kit yet, you may borrow hers for this adventure.

Ezra the Amnesiac |
Honestly for now Lynn and Ezra will be searching.
+9 Ezra +8 Lynn Perception
"Wait?? Let me go first to see if the trap is still active. It looks like they ran through and maybe stuck behind something that can hurt us if we're not careful," the nosoi says while bristling.
Ezra perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

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Othello lights a torch to help see in the dark and moves ahead, scouting the way.

GM Zoomba |

[spoiler=GM stuff]M: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
A: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
L: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Exra gives the okay to proceed with a smile, but Miladistra and Lynn notice something the outsider seems to have missed: embedded in several of the statues lining the hallways are a quartet of dart launchers! They seem connected to pressure plates on the hallway floor between each set of statues.
Someone trained with careful hands might be able to disable the pressure plates to make them safe to cross with a Thievery check, need to be at least Trained in it, or maybe there might be some other clever means to get the injured Pathfinder to safety and treatment.
Marked the pressure plates squares with a red 'x', and moved you back Othello (assuming if they were pointed out to you you wouldn't have just strode across them. Though if you now knowing still want to anyway, be my guest!)
And I'm fine to 'bank' that excellent Medicine check to apply for when/if Miladstria does end up reaching the wounded Pathfinder - who is bad off but not dying yet but noting that Lynn's at the ready just in case with her spell.

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Amiri grunts in anger when the trap is pointed out. I am no help here..
Correction on Amiri's light situation. She has a wayfinder(level 1 light spell) so I will activate that and have both hands on the sword.

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"I could... summon something that could handle the traps. Assumin' someone has some tools on hand." Miladistra looks a bit sheepish.
Summon Fey gives me the chance to conjure a >Jinkin< (+7 Thievery) or a >Mitflit< (+5 Thievery) to disarm the traps for us. Or trigger the traps instead of us. I still need Thieves' Tools from someone, though.

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"I could drop my backpack. You can jump onto my back and I could heave us there. Mind you we'll be stuck but we can make sure he doesn't die."
Between low gravity and Lynn being an abyssal tiefling with hefty hauler it's an easy DC. Don't know what to do after...