Full Name |
Elixia Zielle |
Race |
CG Female Half-Elf (Kelishite) |
Classes/Levels |
(Entertainer) Cleric of Calistria Lvl 5 | Active Effects: Bless (15 ft emanation) |
Gender |
| HP 50/56 | AC 20; w/shield 21 | Fort +11; Ref +9; Will +13 | Perception: +13 (15*); Low-light vision | Divine Font 3/5 | Staff 3/3 | Focus Point 1/1 | Hero Point 0/3 | |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
25 |
Special Abilities |
Edicts: Pursue your personal freedom, seek hedonistic thrills, take revenge. |
Alignment |
Chaotic Good |
Deity |
Calistria |
Location |
Qadira or Absalom |
Languages |
Common, Elven, Kelesh |
Occupation |
Calistrian courtesan and "entertainer" (NSFW link) |
Homepage URL |
57894-2001 |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
19 |
Charisma |
18 |
About Elixia Zielle
Google Drive link to (safe) inspirational character pictures of Eliixa here
Almost all of my characters are a lot "racy" it's just who I am and what I love to play. If you want to know why, my main profile page kinda explains it. If you want me to tone it down in a pbp (or turn it up ;) in public or in private just let me know! I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable!
Elixia Zielle
Female Half-elf (Kelishite) Entertainer Cloistered Cleric of Calistria 5
CG Medium Half-elf (human, humanoid, elf)
Senses Perception +13 (Wis +4 + Prof E9) (+2 Initiative, win ties); Low-lght vision
AC 20 (Dex +2 + Prof T7 + Item +1)
HP 56
Fort +11(E), Ref +9(T), Will +13(E)
Negative resistance 1
+9 Whip 1d4 S (Disarm, nonlethal, finesse, reach, trip)
+9 Fist 1d4 B (Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)
+9 Dagger (x2) 1d4 P (Agile, finesse, thrown 10ft, versitile S)
+7 Staff 1d4 B
+9 Dagger (x2) 1d4 P (Agile, finesse, thrown 10ft, versitile S)
+11 Telekinetic projectile 4d6 (B P or S, Spell attack, 30ft)
Spell DC 21
+11 Spell attack roll
Str 10, Dex 14', Con 14', Int 10, Wis 19', Cha 18'
' = Level 5 Ability Boosts
Speed 25 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Low-light vision, Adopted cantrip (telekinetic projectile), Elven instincts
General Feats Ancestral paragon (Courteous comeback)
Skill Feats Fascinating performance, Battle medicine, Focused fascination
Class Features & Abilities Deity, divine spellcasting, divine font (heal), doctrine (cloistered), second doctrine, alertness
Class Feats Domain initiate (Passion domain), Healing hands, Reach spell
Skills Deception +11(T), Diplomacy +13(E), Lore(Theater) +7(T), Lore(Herbalism) +7(T), Medicine +11(T), Performance +13(E) (+14 to dance), Religion +11(T)
Languages Common, Elven, Kelish
"Hans" (Hireling) Athletics +7(T), Labor Lore +7(T)
Bulk (-/5/10)
Invested Items: (4) +1 Explorer's clothing, w/Snapleaf talisman, Dancing scarf, Pearly white spindle aeon stone (restores 1 HP per minute, resistance 1 to negative damage), Wayfinder of Rescue (As a standard wayfinder, but once per day you can activate it to cast heal on a creature other than yourself, using either the one-action or two-action version of heal as a 1st-level spell)
Held Items: Staff of healing, Whip, dagger x2, silver holy symbol, signal whistle, drakeheart mutagen
Worn Items: healer's tools, Minor healing potion (1d8)
Stowed Items: Adventurer's pack, manacles (poor), fine clothing, ordinary clothing, wood holy symbol, mirror, soap, vial x2, tindertwig, wayfinder
Money: 64.22gp
Special Abilities
Edicts: Pursue your personal freedom, seek hedonistic thrills, take revenge.
Anathema: Become too consumed by love or a need for revenge, let a slight go unanswered, cast lawful spells.
Dancing scarf: Activate [one-action] Interact Requirements On your most recent action, you succeeded at a Performance check to dance; Effect You become concealed until the beginning of your next turn.
Staff of healing: 3/3 charges
Heal (1d10, 1d10+8)
Focus (1/1)
Charming Touch
Divine Font (5/5)
Heal (3d10, 3d10+24)
Cantrips Prepared (5/day)
Telekinetic projectile (adapted)
Forbidding ward
1st Level Spells Prepared (3/day)
O Bless
O Fear
O Ray of enfeeblement
2nd Level Spells Prepared (3/day)
O Comprehend languages
O Dispel magic
O Restoration
3rd Level Spells Prepared (2/day)
O Roaring applause
O Vampiric touch
Organized Play Notes
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
Level: 5
XP: 9
Reputation: All 65 (Admired), EA 59 (Liked), GA 0 (0), HH 2 (0), RO 0 (0), VW 2 (0), VS 2 (0)
Level 1: #1-06 Play, #1-01 Play, #1-18 Play
Level 2: #1-03 Play, #2-01 Play, #2-03 Play
Level 3: #2-18 Play, #2-04 Play, #Q4 Play, #1-10 Play
Level 4: #1-14 Play, AP 151 Play, AP 151 Play
Level 5: AP 151 Play, #1-19 Play, _
# Envoy's Alliance Champion (Fame) (Faction)
# Wayfinder (Fame) (Slotless)
#1-06 [][][] Traveler of the Spirit Road (General): Whenever you would critically fail a check to Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction, or Track while in a forested area, you may check a box next to this boon as a free action to treat that check as a failure instead.
#1-01 Engraved Wayfinder
#1-01 Society Connections used on #2-03
#1-18 Light in the Dark (Envoy's Alliance, General): While adventuring in Razmiran, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks to Request Assistance or Make an Impression. Inform your GM of the function of this boon at the beginning of the adventure.
#1-18 Narsen's Web (General): You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Sense Motive when dealing with anyone hiding their features behind a mask or disguise (including magical disguises and polymorph effects that change the person’s appearance to something unrecognizable).
(10% discount on Razmiri wayfinder)
# Skillful Mentor (Fame)
#1-03 Team Player [reaction] (fortune) Uses 3 [][][]; Trigger An ally fails a check on which you Aided; Effect The ally can reroll the check and use the better result.
(Channel protection amulet, Wayfinder of rescue)
#2-03 Fluent in Cyclops
# Basic Hireling (Fame) (Athletics, Labor lore)
#Q4 Fane's Friend
#1-10 Tarnbreaker Champions
#1-14 Big Game Hunter Uses 3 [][][]
All info current as of 2/21/2024