
Elixia Zielle's page

139 posts. Organized Play character for ElektraDawns.

Full Name

Elixia Zielle


CG Female Half-Elf (Kelishite)


(Entertainer) Cleric of Calistria Lvl 5 | Active Effects: Bless (15 ft emanation)


| HP 50/56 | AC 20; w/shield 21 | Fort +11; Ref +9; Will +13 | Perception: +13 (15*); Low-light vision | Divine Font 3/5 | Staff 3/3 | Focus Point 1/1 | Hero Point 0/3 |





Special Abilities

Edicts: Pursue your personal freedom, seek hedonistic thrills, take revenge.


Chaotic Good




Qadira or Absalom


Common, Elven, Kelesh


Calistrian courtesan and "entertainer" (NSFW link)

Homepage URL


Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 19
Charisma 18

About Elixia Zielle

Google Drive link to (safe) inspirational character pictures of Eliixa here

Almost all of my characters are a lot "racy" it's just who I am and what I love to play. If you want to know why, my main profile page kinda explains it. If you want me to tone it down in a pbp (or turn it up ;) in public or in private just let me know! I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable!

Elixia Zielle
Female Half-elf (Kelishite) Entertainer Cloistered Cleric of Calistria 5
CG Medium Half-elf (human, humanoid, elf)

Senses Perception +13 (Wis +4 + Prof E9) (+2 Initiative, win ties); Low-lght vision

AC 20 (Dex +2 + Prof T7 + Item +1)
HP 56
Fort +11(E), Ref +9(T), Will +13(E)
Negative resistance 1

+9 Whip 1d4 S (Disarm, nonlethal, finesse, reach, trip)
+9 Fist 1d4 B (Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)
+9 Dagger (x2) 1d4 P (Agile, finesse, thrown 10ft, versitile S)
+7 Staff 1d4 B

+9 Dagger (x2) 1d4 P (Agile, finesse, thrown 10ft, versitile S)
+11 Telekinetic projectile 4d6 (B P or S, Spell attack, 30ft)

Spell DC 21
+11 Spell attack roll

Str 10, Dex 14', Con 14', Int 10, Wis 19', Cha 18'
' = Level 5 Ability Boosts
Speed 25 ft.

Ancestry Feats & Abilities Low-light vision, Adopted cantrip (telekinetic projectile), Elven instincts
General Feats Ancestral paragon (Courteous comeback)
Skill Feats Fascinating performance, Battle medicine, Focused fascination
Class Features & Abilities Deity, divine spellcasting, divine font (heal), doctrine (cloistered), second doctrine, alertness
Class Feats Domain initiate (Passion domain), Healing hands, Reach spell

Skills Deception +11(T), Diplomacy +13(E), Lore(Theater) +7(T), Lore(Herbalism) +7(T), Medicine +11(T), Performance +13(E) (+14 to dance), Religion +11(T)
Languages Common, Elven, Kelish
"Hans" (Hireling) Athletics +7(T), Labor Lore +7(T)

Bulk (-/5/10)
Invested Items: (4) +1 Explorer's clothing, w/Snapleaf talisman, Dancing scarf, Pearly white spindle aeon stone (restores 1 HP per minute, resistance 1 to negative damage), Wayfinder of Rescue (As a standard wayfinder, but once per day you can activate it to cast heal on a creature other than yourself, using either the one-action or two-action version of heal as a 1st-level spell)
Held Items: Staff of healing, Whip, dagger x2, silver holy symbol, signal whistle, drakeheart mutagen
Worn Items: healer's tools, Minor healing potion (1d8)
Stowed Items: Adventurer's pack, manacles (poor), fine clothing, ordinary clothing, wood holy symbol, mirror, soap, vial x2, tindertwig, wayfinder
Money: 64.22gp

Special Abilities

Edicts: Pursue your personal freedom, seek hedonistic thrills, take revenge.
Anathema: Become too consumed by love or a need for revenge, let a slight go unanswered, cast lawful spells.

Dancing scarf: Activate [one-action] Interact Requirements On your most recent action, you succeeded at a Performance check to dance; Effect You become concealed until the beginning of your next turn.

Staff of healing: 3/3 charges
Heal (1d10, 1d10+8)

Focus (1/1)
Charming Touch

Divine Font (5/5)
Heal (3d10, 3d10+24)

Cantrips Prepared (5/day)
Telekinetic projectile (adapted)
Forbidding ward

1st Level Spells Prepared (3/day)
O Bless
O Fear
O Ray of enfeeblement

2nd Level Spells Prepared (3/day)
O Comprehend languages
O Dispel magic
O Restoration

3rd Level Spells Prepared (2/day)
O Roaring applause
O Vampiric touch

Organized Play Notes
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
Level: 5
XP: 9
Reputation: All 65 (Admired), EA 59 (Liked), GA 0 (0), HH 2 (0), RO 0 (0), VW 2 (0), VS 2 (0)

Level 1: #1-06 Play, #1-01 Play, #1-18 Play
Level 2: #1-03 Play, #2-01 Play, #2-03 Play
Level 3: #2-18 Play, #2-04 Play, #Q4 Play, #1-10 Play
Level 4: #1-14 Play, AP 151 Play, AP 151 Play
Level 5: AP 151 Play, #1-19 Play, _

# Envoy's Alliance Champion (Fame) (Faction)
# Wayfinder (Fame) (Slotless)

#1-06 [][][] Traveler of the Spirit Road (General): Whenever you would critically fail a check to Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction, or Track while in a forested area, you may check a box next to this boon as a free action to treat that check as a failure instead.

#1-01 Engraved Wayfinder
#1-01 Society Connections used on #2-03

#1-18 Light in the Dark (Envoy's Alliance, General): While adventuring in Razmiran, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks to Request Assistance or Make an Impression. Inform your GM of the function of this boon at the beginning of the adventure.
#1-18 Narsen's Web (General): You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Sense Motive when dealing with anyone hiding their features behind a mask or disguise (including magical disguises and polymorph effects that change the person’s appearance to something unrecognizable).

(10% discount on Razmiri wayfinder)

# Skillful Mentor (Fame)

#1-03 Team Player [reaction] (fortune) Uses 3 [][][]; Trigger An ally fails a check on which you Aided; Effect The ally can reroll the check and use the better result.

(Channel protection amulet, Wayfinder of rescue)

#2-03 Fluent in Cyclops

# Basic Hireling (Fame) (Athletics, Labor lore)

#Q4 Fane's Friend

#1-10 Tarnbreaker Champions

#1-14 Big Game Hunter Uses 3 [][][]

All info current as of 2/21/2024