[NostalgiaCon 2021] PFS2 #3-99 Fate in the Future (Tier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master cmlobue


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Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 7 | Psychic Dedication |◆◇↺ | Spells: -/1/2 | HP 95/95 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 Ammo: 50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14

Chronicle looks good. Thanks for running this!

Vigilant Seal

Female NG Kitsune Celestial Envoy Humanoid | HP 35/35 | AC 18 | Class DC 18 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Exploration Activity: Scouting | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: None. | Focus Points: 1/1 | Spell slots: (1st) 2/2, (2nd) 1/1 | Wounded: 0 | Dying: 0

Lore:Herbalism: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
N Male Human Summoner 6 | ♥️ 74/74 | ❌ negative 1 | AC 21 (Shield); Eid:24 (Protected) | F+11 R+10 W+14; Eid:F+14 R+11 W+11 | Perc +14; Eid:+11 | Speed 25'; Eid:+35' | Focus □□ | Spells DC 21; Slots: 2□□ 3 □□ | Hero 1 | Exp: Detect Magic (Init +16); Eid: Scout | ✋ BM Baton, Staff of FR | Status:

Thanks for running us through that cmlobue. I had a blast taking Mandoo and Libitina out for their first adventure. I can't wait to play them again. It also helped that the other players were good fun to play with, especially Kornel, who was great foil to the pair and prompted some of my best RP.

Horizon Hunters

Female Halfling (Gutsy) Swashbuckler (Battledancer) 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21 | Hero Pts 1/3 | Per +9 (Keen Eyes) |Spd 30 ft | Fort +9 | Ref +11 | Will +9 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Active Conditions: None

Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10


Yeah thanks for running! I had a great time. Sheet looks good! Time to go level up to level 3 WOO

Envoy's Alliance

LN Male Human Gunslinger 1 | ♥️ 17/17 | AC 18 | F+6 R+9 W+5 | Perc +7 (+2 initiative bonus) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Avoid Notice (Init +7 +2) | Status:

Tanning Lore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Thanks a lot for gming this game, it was really fun !

1 person marked this as a favorite.
| Defy the Dragon | Clone Batch | ◆◇↺

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Horizon Hunters

Female Halfling (Gutsy) Swashbuckler (Battledancer) 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21 | Hero Pts 1/3 | Per +9 (Keen Eyes) |Spd 30 ft | Fort +9 | Ref +11 | Will +9 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Active Conditions: None

Looks good on my end! That boon is awesome. I may have to make a time-traveler next!

Radiant Oath

2396852-2001 | LG Male Human | Detective | Investigator Lvl 7 | Psychic Dedication |◆◇↺ | Spells: -/1/2 | HP 95/95 | AC 26 | F/R/W: 14/15/13 | Perc +15 (+16 Pursue a Lead/Detect Traps) | 25 feet | Class DC 24 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 Ammo: 50 | Throwing Knives: 2 | +1 SH: 14/14

Looks good on my end.

Vigilant Seal

Female NG Kitsune Celestial Envoy Humanoid | HP 35/35 | AC 18 | Class DC 18 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Exploration Activity: Scouting | Speed 35ft | Active conditions: None. | Focus Points: 1/1 | Spell slots: (1st) 2/2, (2nd) 1/1 | Wounded: 0 | Dying: 0

All good here as well.

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