GM of Rust's "Whims of Fate" Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Knight of Rust

The House of Fate and Fire


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Salutations, all!

Welcome to your table! Feel free to discuss and post/repost your questionnaires here. I'm still in the process of unpacking (loading and unloading was a huge success!) but I wanted to make this space for you guys. I'll have something up later tonight or in the morning for Gameplay so everyone can start introducing their characters and dotting in.

Welcome to Table 2!

Nazard as Edmund Gwenn
Daynen as Dr. Jebediah Castle
JonGarrett as Crow Irontouched
Nikolause de’Shade as River
JenkinsMyMan as Tekaronhió:ken

Link to discussion 1 and the Session Zero Questionnaire.

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Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

A table to call our very own? Awwwww.

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HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:


*Bounces around making excited noises.*

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Can we pretty please with sugar on top have a gameplay thread in which to dot and delete, so that the campaign shows up in our campaign tabs?

Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

Pretty, pretty please?

Ohhhhh, alriiiiiiiight I guesssssss.

Gameplay is up! And also, the beginning of a whole thing comes with it!

Feel free to roleplay now, and I want to get around to the mission meeting on Wednesday.

The only player I don't have a Session Zero Questionnaire from now is Dr. Jebediah Castle, but I'll reach out soon to see what's up there (unless they see this and respond, in which case, saved me a few clicks, thanks!)

Also excited to announce...


It's just a little something, but I like it.

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NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

And here we go!

Excellent posts so far! I'm really looking forward to delving into how the characters interact with each other. Reading "how does your character feel about the others" is one thing, but seeing you guys interact and forge these bonds in the moment is fantastic.

Depending on how ya'lls in character discussions go, I may not fast forward to the meeting with Konishi as long as the pacing is good. That way you guys can explore the team dynamic some more. Of course, I'm not opposed to fast forwarding, so it's all up to you when the time comes!

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

It just occurred to me that Tekaronhió:ken's nickname among the group could just as easily be Tekaro.

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Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

And Crow's nickname would be...uh, Crow. He's, well, not really the nicknamey type.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund prefers Edmund, once an acquaintance has moved beyond the more formal Mr. Gwenn.

The older man appears a bit stuffy in the beginning, but once you get to know him, you soon learn he has a childlike mischievous side, such as preparing breakfast while invisible, though I imagine there is a practical aspect to what he’s doing (some mission early on where he had to perform some fine motor skills while invisible and having trouble due to not being able to see his own fingers, so now he practices regularly).

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

River will accept pretty much any name, she's only had one for a relatively short time so it's not a big deal for her. :)

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet

Holy crap there it is! Been checking the boards a few days and the one day I don't check is when it goes up!

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet


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Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |
Dr. Jebediah Castle wrote:

Well, y'know, I'm sure it'll be fin-hurryhurryrushfasterquickohgoshnomorespeedarrrrrghhhhhh!

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet

Don't worry; years of procrastination and successful last minute rush jobs have prepared me for this! I AM SPEED.

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet

Player, meta, character: In alias and DONE.


Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

I mean, if anyone is gonna be powered with meth it's gonna be the alchemist...

On a unrelated note: are there any Warpriest spells that might be useful for folks? It's been a while since I've done this silly 'prepared casting' business.

Hell yeah, good to have you, Dr. Speed. I took the chance to check out your questionnaire, excellent, and I used it to put together this document.

Well, it's made with everyone's documents, but I'm tired and I've been working for a while and it's past my bedtime.

An updated look at the House

That Docs has almost everything that's been compiled about the House so far from the campus layout, guild history, and members that I came up with and NPCs that you all came up with. Commenting is enabled and I took some liberties as I got carried away, so if there's anything you don't like about what I added or something is different from what you pictured, let me know!

I've also updated the link in the Campaign header to that one so you don't have to search for it every time you want to look at it.

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HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

Awesome work boss, you're really going above and beyond for this. It bodes good things!

Also, Doc? River doesn't have a statblock yet. You're doing fine. :)

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

A question for our mighty GM.

Can I use the Unchained Monk as my basis and still take Water Dancer? I'd lose the fourth level Ki Power for Water Dance and the twelfth for Water Stride but otherwise everything maps over perfectly.

I figure we could probably use another full BAB, just in case. :)

HP: 7d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 6, 7, 6, 10, 4) = 49
That's 99 HP and AC30. Ok! :D
And 4d6+4 healing at the cost of 8NL damage, in case people ever need it.

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

@Crow: most of your best spells are going to be personal ones, right? Warpriest in one of the classes I haven't really delved much into. But they get Beacon of Luck and giving everyone a free reroll can be a lifesaver. *shrug*


Yeah, sounds good to me. I don't mind that swap.


I haven't had the chance to look through everyone's sheets for more than a glance, but could y'all give me a quick rundown of what I can expect from your characters in combat? I'd appreciate it. I'll have time to do deep dives into characters later in the week.

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

Using the Spear Dancing Style, Dum can use two-weapon fighting with both ends of his ranseur as if the offhand is a light mace. He can grant reach to one or both ends when full round attacking. That’s kinda his main “gimmick”. But he also has a decent perception with low-light vision and scent.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund is a god-wizard done as a sorcerer. He has few damage spells, but lots of battlefield control options (grease, glitterdust, black tentacles), and a few utility buffs (haste, invisibility, fly).

Currently, he has colour spray, which is an awesome spell but not so useful at this level. He has the option every even level of swapping out spells, and so I could exchange it for something more useful. Are there enough folks in party who would enjoy an enlarge person cast on them regularly, or should I exchange it for obscuring mist which also has its uses?

Edmund's main damage spell is acid arrow, which he can extend without increasing its spell level (magical lineage). He likes to pile a couple of those on any BBEG or spellcasters they face early on so they have time to enjoy its effects (he has metamagic rods to change it from acid to cold should the need arise).

Edmund also has a selection of wands and scrolls for added utility.

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

River is, oddly enough, a crazy tank. AC30, over 100HP so she may end up right at the front of the group. She'll basically just be closed ranged firepower and tanking (for Edmund mostly). ;)

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

I should mention, the plan is grab combat reflexes and combat patrol to provide so decent protection to those in the back.

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:
GM of Rust wrote:


Yeah, sounds good to me. I don't mind that swap.

Awesome. I'll finish off the build tomorrow then, just need to sort out the right special abilities.

I'm in the UK so I think I'm ahead of most of the rest of you!

Thank you to those who have answered so far!

T-Minus 3 hours(ish) until start!

Then I'll be posting ushering forth a new era in the form of the beginning of your meeting with Konishi! If you'd like to get any posts in before then, feel free. If there are any things left unsaid after I post, feel free to put it in a spoiler to finish up any conversations.

I'm pretty excited, honestly. I'd post it now if it weren't for the fact I don't want to cut anyone off.

Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

Beacon of Luck is nice, thanks for the suggestion.

Crow is generally a glass cannon - he doesn't have anything like River's AC and HP, and he doesn't have the magic to be a real buffer, but he can hit things super hard.

The main gimmick for Crow is he's very, very good at vital strike. He's using the Weapon of the Chosen feat chain to get two rolls, take the higher, everytime he only attacks once - so for every vital strike he rolls twice, and takes the better result. To make things more...splattery, he has Savage Critical, which adds Sneak Attack damage whenever you crit...or Vital Strike. Meaning everytime he attacks it'll look something like this.

To Hit: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
To Hit: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Damage: 4d6 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 2, 1) + 16 + 1 = 32
Sneak Attack: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11

As your average Warpriest, I can't get Enlarge Person - woe - but as a Warpriest of Gorum I can get Leadblades. True, it's only as a third level spell slot, but it does mean this might occasionally become 6d6 for fun and profit.

And Crow does have the usual ability to cast some healing magic as needed. Between him, River and the good Doctor I think we'll be pretty unlikely to drop dead too fast.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund can spam enlarge person (though it is better as a wand spell) so if Crow wants to be big, he can be big.

Obscuring mist is a good wand spell also, so I think I’ll do something original and swap colour spray out for magic missile. Something useful for dealing with incorporeals.

Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

Mmm, true. I'll pick up a Wand of Enlarge Person for you to use as needed, if that'll work for you.

With that picked up, Crow has another 782gp to spend. Traditional pary-funded Wands of Cure -Something- Wounds?

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet

From me, well, there's bombs. Obviously. I got precise bombs too so even if we're clumped I can just miss the team with the splash. Also cool: I have healing bombs and since precise bomb works with those too, I can HEAL the team and MISS the enemy! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Also, I have learned the power of alchemical allocation and I intend to abuse it oh-so-maliciously. I can borrow a potion or let someone borrow mine and get some really cool effects. Takes two actions to do so, but a potion that's never consumed is NOT an inconsiderable resource. If we find potions, you hand them to ME first. I can identify them and if I get my way, we can get multiple uses out of the same vial.

Generally though, I'm artillery and curative as the situation demands. I have ways to remove just about every major status effect, enough skills to approach a variety of traps and puzzles and I can hand out all sorts of fun drinks for the party if I have forewarning. I am also a sneaky little f*$&er who can probably pull some 'nothing up my sleeve' shenanigans with sleight of hand too.

Oddly enough, some of my healing will work best when I'm right next to the melees because I can absorb a healing extract and then later deliver it by touch as a swift action. Also, oddly enough, I don't really see myself using a weapon much, yet I can apply poison to a blade with no risk, soooooo...if anyone wants to me to poison their blade, lemme know!

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

I can fix up HP as required but do nothing for status effects. Looks like we'll be a hard party to knock down. :)

And River will be out front as party tank... That I do find funny.

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

Crow something like Stone Shield might be useful. Immediate action for +4 untyped armor bonus and +2 untyped bonus to Reflex.

[url=]Shield of Faith is a fairly standard Deflection bonus. Looks like would be +3 for you and replace the +1 ring you have equipped.

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

Shield of Faith

Might help if I did that properly.

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

It's World's Edge Mountains, right?

That's right, it's the World's Edge Mountains.

I also want to say that you guys don't have to take the ship Konishi booked if you don't want to. I'm all for player agency. Pol is about 60 miles by ship, and then it's another 50 or so to the mine, 20 of which are mountains. The mines would be about 100ish miles from Zimar. If you'd like to choose an alternate route, absolutely feel free!

NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None

Good to go

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Ship is fine here, too.

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet

We probably SHOULD move along because I could screw with Konishi AAAAAALL day...

Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

It is time we told the tale of the time we took a little trip...upon a little ship.

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet

ON MAH FAVRIT ROCKIT SHIPoh wait. wrong game. My OTHER game is starfinder. Derp.

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

@Crow: River also only sleeps two hours a night, so you will have a fair bit of company on watch. She'll also be expecting cooking lessons. :P

Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

Sounds like good character interaction. Of course, Jebediah also has a Ring of Sustenance, so he only needs two hours sleep as well. Only Edmund and Tekaronhió:ken need to sleep more than two hours.


I got stuck doing home improvement stuff, so I haven't gotten a chance to post. It's a good assumption that my weekend posting is pretty sparse, but I make up for it during the week.

male goblin Alchemist (Wasteland Blightbreaker) 8 character sheet

Don't give me any ideas, Crow.

...On second thought, please do. That way I can say it was your idea.

HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

River won't prank Edmund, and would stop anyone else from doing so.

Bian on the other hand... totally fair game :D

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Warpriest 7 - Inquisitor 1 | HP: 60/60 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 18 | Fort: +10, Ref: +6, Will: +13 + 4 VS Mental Effects | BAB: +5, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | Init: +2 | Perception: +15 | Blessings: 6/6 | Fervor: 6/7 | Sacred Weapon: 7/7 | Sacred Armour: 7/7 |

So, we have a furry person, an alchemist, and 6 hours.

...what colours do we dye them?

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NG Male Rougarou Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior)8 HP 76/76|AC 23 T 16 FF 19 |F +10 R +8 W +4 |Perc +11 scent & low-light vision Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: None


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