Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Aside from losing one already (we all know that pain,) no, I have no objections.

GM of Rust |

Roger that.
Right now your main goal is to make it to the mountain and check up on the mine. Everything else is just a distraction/side quest.
You can definitely turn down Samuel's offer if you like and keep heading on, or you can leave Tek here to take care of the Sams and the bulette carcasses and still head on. How you would like to move forward is in your hands. If you'd rather stay and find out information on why there happen to be bulettes this far from the mountain and why one is covered in metal, that's another option.
Open world, for the most part. I try not to put any rails except for a point A and a point D, but I can provide more guidance if preferred.
Likely won't be able to update this weekend, maybe tomorrow, but we'll see.

Rίver |

Thanks GM of Rust.
My thing is partly my own fault, I'm normally the player that pushes a party towards the next thing, whatever that may be, but I've written River into being the exact opposite of that unless there's a blatant (to her) right/wrong going on. So I'm stuck in a trap of my own making. :)
If anyone else wants to push the party onwards then River will support you cheerfully (except possibly for the Doc, who is being oddly nice to her and she's finding it confusing...)

Crow Irontouched |

I'd vote to go to the meal and speak with Samuel. He should have information about what we're likely to encounter in the area, and maybe specific stuff about the towns and mines if he's ever worked jobs there.

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Apparently Chrome is in a mood; haven't been able to sign in after I cleared my cache and stuff (whole computer was being a little S&%$ so I had to do some troubleshooting) but apparently another browser does the job. Vexing.

Crow Irontouched |

It's Paizo rather than Chrome, as I got booted too. Clearing all the cookies and caches and stuff did get me back in, though, so maybe it's a little Chrome. But mostly Paizo.

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Still a no go on my chrome; at least I can get in with another browser.

Rίver |

Sorry about not posting yesterday, I suddenly found myself very ill. If I can, I'll move us ahead tonight, but as of now no promises.
Illness is a horrible thing - look after yourself first, we'll be here once you're better. :)

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Stupid browser was the problem. Had to wipe Chrome and ALL it's data to get away from the login loops. Should FINALLY be back to normal now. I think.

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Everybody okay? Got real quiet in here...

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Alright, so we still want to shop for horses or we just gonna hoof it? Shame I don't have overland flight but either way's fine with me.

Crow Irontouched |

We can probably just hoof it there. If things go pear-shaped it might be better to have something to carry us away in a hurry, but as the slowest character here I may be biased.

Crow Irontouched |

...the visual of that is worth find a wand of Ant Haul.

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Hell, if we had one, even I might be able to carry you. I CAN use reduce person as a formula...

GM of Rust |

So it looks like walking it is. Jeb giving Smol Crow a piggyback ride is now an image in my brain.
At Crow's speed, you guys can get to the base of the mountain in 2 days time. Depending on the road, you'll be able to make it to the mine after another day and a half of travel.
I've also noticed that Edmund has been pretty quiet lately. Everything alright?

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

Man, I'm starting to feel like a god of the sea here. Jeb speaks and River just ebbs and flows like the tide...XD Not the first character I expected to have chemistry with but here we are!

GM of Rust |

So apparently, things did not work out as planned. My metrics at work, uh... tripled. "Just testing to see if it will work" of course. Seeing as I did my updating at work, this has slowed me down considerably.
I'll get something up this weekend, but I'll probably be slower for the foreseeable future. Sorry, everyone.
On the other hand, your role play gives me strength. I love the back and forth.

Dr. Jebediah Castle |


Rίver |

I am very sorry everyone. As you can tell, i did not get around to posting over the weekend. I'm going to have to call a hiatus until April 2nd.
No worries boss, RL gets in the way for everyone. Do what ya gotta do and we'll look forward to when you make it back. :)

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

We all gotta juggle things; sometimes we have to put something down for a bit so we don't drop it.

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

There are things that haven't blown up yet and fools whose lives I have yet to hold in my hands as I grin sadistically, leaving them to wonder if I ever meant to save them at all--
Wait. Sorry. Errr...wrong place for that. I was...writing a book.
That's it.

Crow Irontouched |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It's a good game and I really like both our group and Crow, so I'll stick around until we're done.

Rίver |

Fall back and wait at the edge of the forest? River will never suggest it but it seems like the smart move.

Crow Irontouched |

Yeah, getting out the fog and recovering seems wise. Just waiting on the results from Crow's magic/poison/demon scan so I know exactly what's up.

GM of Rust |

Good morning, everyone.
Unfortunately, I have to put an end to the game. I just don't have the time compared to before, and less time means less energy. I'm sorry to have dragged for this long, but I'd like to thank everyone for what they've done here and helping to make my story come alive.
If anyone wants a rundown on what was going to happen, feel free to reach out. Otherwise, I'll mark the campaign as inactive sometime next week.
Once again, thank you all for applying for and playing in my campaign.

Rίver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thank you very much for running - it was great fun while it lasted and I very much enjoyed our group.
I'd be interested in hearing what the story was going to be if you don't mind sharing. :)

GM of Rust |

This is kind of scattered, sorry for that.
"Interesting" mining notes
1. Finally found the silver after four months of digging. Ain't seen nothing like this before, nuggets, man, nuggets!
2. I've mined a lot of silver in my day, but nothing like this. Doesn't look like any kind of silver vein I've seen before. Not that I'm complaining! Retiring early in another 50 years! (Dwarf)
3. Had to rub it in my brother in law's face. Easiest gig I've had in my life, the silver practically jumps out of the rock! Nuggets, everywhere!
4. Hit what I could only describe as a LAKE OF SILVER. Whoever dowsed this out for the Senator could not have been paid enough.
5. Johnston doesn't seem satisfied with this. B+$+@%. Says he wants to start digging out the next tunnel. Well, if he doesn't want the easy work, then who am I to judge?
6. Johnston's been working really hard lately. I offered him a break, but he seems hellbent on working. Heard he and his lass fell out. Maybe I should treat him to drinks instead.
7. Something has changed about the mines. Johnston and his crew haven't come back out yet.
8. I evacuated the mines today. Few more have gone missing. There's been some talks around town. Should I go into the mountain? Part of me says to stay out, but another part of me says to do my damn job.
9. Alright, people have been going into the mountain. I don't know what's going on, but I'm going in after them. I'm the foreman here, I should go and see the Mountain, too.
I was going to refine those, but we didn't make it that far.
The orcs are led by the son of the chieftain, a hunchback who would never become chieftain if it weren't for his sister, the tribe's champion. He figured out something was wrong almost immediately. He split the tribe between people who believed them and those who didn't and, after a scuffle, left. Those who stayed succumbed like the mining town.
They took up residence in a Kapre's forest, which had an aura to make survival checks harder and could breath smoke to nauseate. This is where you guys left off. After some time you would have been greeted by the orcs who wanted to see what you came for. The son is very amiable and smart, he would have tried to dissuade an ascension up the mountain but wouldn't stop you, instead trying a (not very helpful) blessing. The champion rides a large (young) bulette but they did not send the ones that attacked the town. The metal bulette was one raised by her and got too large/ornery to control and released. Raised as part of a tribe, it gathered its friends, hence the pack.
Inside the mines! You'll find that there is, actually, a lake of silver that the miners were mining. Very strange. No sign of actual people though. The Will Saves are coming more frequently now, and the excitement of going deeper will have grasped some of you. Shadows of people would start to appear, chains of shadow linking them to deeper in the mine. They don't attack, but warn you. One in particular would say "don't look up, they become real if you see them." If anyone looks up, then you'd be in a fight with Chokers and Cloakers with the Protoplasmic Creature template. At some point there also would have been a Carnivorous Crystal, likely in the climb.
At the end of the mine, following a river of silver, you'd come across a hole in the wall leading to a large room in the middle of the mountain. Inside is a Titan-esque creature lost in time and hidden, so there's no knowledge on it that isn't super obscure. This is what was compelling people into the mines so it could feed and grow in power. Unfortunately, it is mostly starving even after the miners and orcs, and it can't escape yet. Depending on the will saves, some might be able to run, but others will have to stay although they are not compulsed to jump directly into its mouth.
A fight would ensue. The titan would put its arm through the hole and that would be your fight vs tramples, attacks (50/50 from blind) and its numbers are high, but there are points to help even the fight. Those not under the Compulsion could flee at the expense of your comrades. I was planning on fudging this for dramatic purposes, with whoever fails more stays instead of making it a certain number of fails.
After the fight, the titan will retreat into the darkness of the room and the Compulsion will end. Going into the room yields nothing, it's in the ethereal to rest but no longer a threat for a while (longer than your lifespans). The gods locked it up for its hubris, wanting to become a god itself, and the miners stumbled across it.
The blood on everyone from the fight will start to cool into a silver color. It's not metal, but the blood of the titan with some of the same properties. Hence the river and lake. This was mostly done in secret, and the coins were only minted because someone discovered it and the Senatorhad to use it.
The Senator is working with an extra-planar being who wants to use the titan's blood to make a new body (powerful wizard looking for metal body) and perhaps become some sort of demi-god in the process. If there's time.
After returning to the guild and making the report, Teladora will appear and offer to your team of being the Layla/Konishi equivalent in the new Oppara branch. Take a few teams, make decisions, keep an eye on Senator Falls because Teladora doesn't trust it.
This is the point where I haven't gotten much thought out. Running a guild would play prominently and I'd give you choices in missions you could take or send your teams after. I had one mostly thought out about a town in the middle of nowhere that might have ties to the Senator that had stopped sending tax money to the capital. Turns out the mayor was being seduced by a succubus that "just wants to spread the chaos of democracy and move away from the empire." Problem is, everyone is much happier with the way things are, which would cause the crux of the conflict. Slay the demon and return the town to the empire or allow its chaotic nature to lead people into a life of freedom. No evil has been done yet, not blatantly at least.
This would go on for a while before getting clues about the wizard, and that would ultimately be the Big Bad Evil Guy. Also, a lot of titan-blood clockwork minions. So many.
Then, victory. Or not. But would be fun.

Dr. Jebediah Castle |

and this was SUCH a great group of characters...damnit. Damn you real life for getting in the way of our imaginary cooperative story time!!

Rίver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sounds like a really good story! Props for the creativity.
River will miss you all, yes, even you Jeb!