Strangers in a Strange Land (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

Current Date: 15 Neth, 4721 AR

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Orc thaumaturge 3 | HP 39 | AC 19 | F +8 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7

Richard takes the opportunity to research all he can about orcs. Their culture, their history, their cultural values. Why was he, of all people, reborn as one?

Much of the information Richard finds is similar to what was in the other library. However, special mention is made in one of thr most recent volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles of the Burning Sun tribe. The unusual Burning Sun tribe is one of the strangest orc tribes in the Hold of Belkzen. It is led by Chief Mahja Firehair, a devotee of the deity Sarenrae, who has been attempting to steer her people away from their selfish and destructive natures. The Pathfinder Society has recently had friendly contact with this tribe and is eager to further expand upon their relationship. If any tribe of orcs would be willing to speak to Richard and give him firsthand information about their people, it would be the Burning Sun.

Orc thaumaturge 3 | HP 39 | AC 19 | F +8 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7

Richard then sets himself to the more difficult task of trying to find any scraps of information about the mysterious transfer itself. Body switching, planar travel, anything that might shed light on how the group got here.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any information about that topic here.

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice is blown away by all she now knows. “So fey are immortal, but only if they die in the First World. So… why would they leave their world and engage in such risky behavior here?”

Alice can’t completely understand the Mistress’ motivation or her hold on the other fey… but she’s glad she spared Rory and the satyrs.

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Given her rather rare magical type Felitcia decided to read up on psychic magic and the kinds of things psychics could do. She figured if these Pathfinders were that learned then they were the best ones to check with. Maybe she could even find someone who could help her learn more.

Rachel shrugs at Alice's question. "The fey's motives are largely inscrutable. It is hard for mortal minds to fully understand their mindset."


Felitcia doesn't find much information about psychic magic in the lodge's library. It seems there are very few psychic members of the Pathfinder Society, and knowledge of their esoteric magic is scarce. However, the few references the actress find mentions that psychics are more common among the people of Vudra and the island of Jalmeray. Additionally, there is an enlightened school for studying psychic abilities called the Center for Psychogenic Advancement on the even more distant island of Hermea.

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Felitcia was a bit disappointed at not finding someone who might be able to help her understand her powers better but there was nothing to be done for it. She'd just have to muddle her way through it. It was going to make her use her improvisational skills she supposed. When she was done she met back up with the others and asked, "What all did you find?"

Once everybody has shared what they've learned, Rachel taps her chin. "Alright. It looks like we have several different options on what to do next. We could stay here and look for more local jobs, perhaps try to get in contact with the Mistress of the fey. We could try to make contact with the Burning Sun orcs in Belkzen so that Richard can learn more about them. We could travel to Hermea to seek psychic training for Felitcia. Or we could do something else."

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice offers, “Perhaps we send word to the Burning Sun orcs and head for Hermea. The Mistress and the Orcs can choose to respond to our attempts to reach them or ignore us, but Hermea is a place. A place cannot evade us so easily.”

Orc thaumaturge 3 | HP 39 | AC 19 | F +8 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7

"I would like to visit Belkzen, yes. The Burning Sun offers the best possibility in my eyes to truly learn more about the orcs, learn why I've been reborn as one."

He approaches Muesello, "So, I learned in your archives of the Burning Sun orcs in Belkzen. Do you have a way to give them word that we would like to meet them?"

"I can contact other members of the Society to send a message to them," Muesello says. "It might take a few weeks, but assuming they are amenable, I will let you know their response."

Meanwhile, Rachel spreads a map of Golarion on the table. "We're here, in Taldor, and Hermea is all the way over here." She points to a large island in the Steaming Sea. "It's a long way away. Fortunately, I have a way to cut out a large swath of the journey. We can go to the city of Magnimar, here, and then we'd need to take a ship to Hermea. About a six-day voyage, not too bad..."

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice walks onto the map. She creates a tiny Prestidigital rocking horse, which she pushes across the map along the route Rachel indicated. Once on the blue portion of the map, Alice casts her spell again to swap the rocking horse for a toy boat (with which children of the 1850s would have played in the bath). She pushes the boat to Hermea.

“Off to see the world, are we then?”

Focus: 1/1|Female Human (Gaelic) Barbarian (Rage Instinct/Blessed One) 3|HP: 55/55|Current AC: 21|Fort: +8, Ref: +6, Will +7|Perc: +8

Siobhan nods, having been quiet for the entire discussion.

"...why not."

"Alright. If there's anything else you need to do in Oppara, tonight's the night. I can transport us to Magnimar in the morning," Rachel says with a smile.

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

“A show!”

Composing herself, Alice explains, “I mean, if there happens to be a play or a musical performance here in Oppara, I shall like to attend.”

"A show?" Rachel says with a chuckle. "Well, I'm sure we can find something here to watch. I'll see if I can secure some tickets for us, if everybody is interested."

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

"A show huh," Felitcia said, "I'd be interested. I want to see what the productions here are like."

Working her connectins and charm, Rachel is able to buy tickets for everybody to attend a performance at the House of the Immortal Son. Formerly the second-oldest temple to Aroden in the Inner Sea, the House of the Immortal Son has been converted into Taldor’s most opulent and expensive opera house. Situated to the north of Imperial Square, this marble-and-granite building is constructed in the shape of a cylinder, and the sleek Azlanti-inspired architecture is surrounded by finely carved pillars. Aroden’s holy symbol still adorns the roof—a complex work of stone that gazes into the heavens.

The evening's play is a drama called Huntress of Heroes. It tells the story of the demoness Aolar, called the Lady of the Hunt, who was fond of traveling to Material worlds and hunting heroes. She would leave her body in an Abyssal fortress and send her mind out to possess the bodies of freshly-dead heroes. She would anchor the soul to the flesh, so that the hero had to watch as she used the risen body to hunt down the hero's loved ones.

These acts swiftly made her many enemies, but when she chose to inhabit the body of a well-loved Desnan priestess, she went too far. Enraged at the damage done, Desna broke several divine laws to directly infiltrate the Abyss, not only destroying Aolar, but obliterating her fortress and freeing the souls of those she had stolen. Desna’s invasion nearly resulted in a tremendous war, with the outraged demon lords almost united against the gods—only a fortunate series of treacheries among the gathering demonic horde caused the Coalition of Chaos to collapse.

(The play postulates that the treacheries were actually caused by a disguised Calistria, and that had not the elven goddess triggered this collapse, the repercussions of Desna’s acts would have been disastrous. It was certainly only with the support of Calistria, Sarenrae, and Shelyn that Desna survived.)

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice is polite during the show, knowing full well her ability to draw attention. She very respectfully remains seated and silent, and joins a standing ovation (from a shouldertop) at the end. She applauds and comments, “I am quite impressed by this depiction of Shelyn and, thusly, I feel I have a better understanding of the goddess herself. The production on the whole would’ve gone over well with women of my generation, and my mother would probably have liked it.”

The morning following the play, Rachel leads you to the shrine to Alseta through in which you first arrived in Oppara. She produces the ornate key she used to transform the mural of the door there into an actual door and activates its magic. This time, a cool ocean breeze blows through the door as it opens into a seaside shrine at the edge of another bustling city. You step through, instantly traversing thousands of miles as you enter the far-off port city of Magnimar.

"Welcome to the City of Monuments!" Rachel says with a smile. "We'll only be here for a short while until we can arrange passage to Hermea."

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Felitcia wore the best garments she had to go to the Opera with and sat next to Rachel while intently watching the performance. The story was thrilling and sounded like something from an ancient tale one might have heard from the times of Ancient Greece. She also envisioned what it would be like as a movie, fitting actors and actresses to the different characters and the kinds of special effects they would have used.

Overall she had a lot of fun and was more than a little sad when it was over. As they left she had a good time chatting about the different cast members she thought would be good for the different roles with Rachel. Once they reached their lodging Felitcia said, "Night Alice, see you in the morning."

Once Alice was gone and they were alone Felitcia turned to Rachel and said, "Now Rachel, I think we have waited too long and I believe you deserve this." She reached out and grasped Rachel's blouse and pulled her close before kissing her fiercely on the lips. Felitcia's tongue danced along Rachel's lips and demanded entry. When their kiss was done Felitcia smiled wickedly and said, "I think we need to get a room don't you?"

___________________________________________________________________________ __
The next morning:
When they got up the next morning and met up with everyone Felitcia was rather excited to see what they would do today. She never would have thought she would enjoy a world like this but she had to admit it was growing on her. When they reached the temple Felitcia was a bit confused until Rachel activated the mural and sent them all to another city somewhere.

She hadn't been studying geography much so she wasn't sure where Magnimar was but it had a rather pretentious sounding name to her. She looked to Rachel and asked, "So where is this in relation to where we were and why is it called the city of monuments?"


Rachel gasps sharply when Felitcia pulls her close. The gasp turns into a soft moan as she surrenders to the other woman's fierce kiss. When Felitcia suggests they get a room, Rachel nods wordlessly and quickly hurries up the inn's stairs and closes the door behind them.

"I'm ready. More than ready," the oracle says, heart pounding and arousal rising...



"We are a few thousand miles away from Oppara, to the north and west in a land called Varisia," Rachel explains. "It's a frontier regions toward the edge of the continent of Avistan. Magnimar is called the City of Monuments because there are numerous statues, sculptures, and other testaments to the founders of the city, as well as its heroes and other prominent figures of folklore."

Orc thaumaturge 3 | HP 39 | AC 19 | F +8 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7

"The City of Monuments...I think I'll like it there."

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Felitcia was still surprised at the magic in this world. Back on Earth you could never make that kind of distance in an instant! The explanation of where they were and why the city was named what it was made sense and she couldn't help but snark, "Wow, a government actually came up with a name that made sense, who knew that was possible.?"

"So we need to head tot eh harbor to arrange a ship right," she asked Rachel, looping one of her arms through that of the oracle, "Which way is that?"

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice is content looking about at the statues, trying to understand who is who, and what actions lead to this sort of commemoration.
Society: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
What does she learn of society in general as she looks at the statues?

Rachel sneaks a peck on Felitcia's cheek. "This way, baby. Let's go."

As you walk through the city, Rachel opens herself into the flow of information that is her blessing and her curse, dumping exposition upon you...


A visitor to Magnimar might be stunned to learn that the sprawling city is only a few decades over a hundred years of age. The city’s sprawling slate rooftops and marble avenues stretch from the foundations of the enormous broken bridge Irespan to beyond the western banks of the Yondabakari River. A sheer cliff, the Seacleft, cuts through the city’s heart, dividing Magnimar into its two major sections: the Summit, upon the cliff’s top, and the Shore, below. A third area, the Shadow, lies beneath the Irespan, a place where the sun rarely reaches and the city’s failures and corruption hold blatant reign.

More than 16,000 people make their homes in Magnimar, with the majority of that populace consisting of humans of Chelish or mixed Chelish/Varisian decent. While these people are ethnically Chelaxian, they are anything but in mind and spirit—the people of Magnimar prefer to be called Magnimarians (or even just Varisians). The city also boasts the largest semi-settled population of Varisians in the region, with approximately 2,000 such residents—significantly fewer in the spring and summer travel months. Aside from the region’s native nomads, Magnimar hosts a second transient population: thousands of regular traders from far-flung foreign locales, particularly Absalom, Cheliax, and Osirion.

Magnimar’s founders were adventurers, and the spirit of the adventurer and explorer keeps the heart and soul of Magnimar alive. It should thus come as no surprise that the monuments the city is so well known for often having ties to adventuring themes. In addition, many of the major works have been magically empowered over the years. The source of these enhancements are hotly debated—some assume that they were created by now-dead or anonymous spellcasters as a gift to the city, while others suspect these magical effects instead represent a legacy of the ancient Thassilonian wizardry lingering in the region’s stones.


The shouts and bustle of countless traders, fishermen, and foreign travelers stir the choppy waters of Outcast’s Cove through all hours of the day and night. Along the seaside district of Dockway, salt-blasted storefronts and cramped businesses cater to the typically rough seafolk, while exotic inns and taverns serve as familiar welcomes to visitors from afar. First and foremost a trade city, Magnimar owes its prosperity to the countless foreign merchants who readily make use of the city’s reputedly safe and certainly free port. Enforcing no taxes on harborage or imports, the city welcomes business from all lands and makes the bounty of Varisia available for trade. As a result, several of the most prestigious trading coasters, mercantile families, and shipping concerns do regular business in the city, with some having even established offices and private local shipyards.

Dockway’s most incredible feature is the sprawling Bazaar of Sails, yet the district itself is more than merely one enormous market. The waterfront is a constantly bustling scene of activity as ships bearing travelers and cargo vie for dock space, and even the neighborhoods farthest from the shore are noisy and raucous. The streets here are cobblestone, and buildings are an equal mix of stone and wood.

After some negotiations, you are able to secure passage on a ship heading to Hermea in three days' time. That will give you a chance to explore Magnimar further, if you're so inclined!

Orc thaumaturge 3 | HP 39 | AC 19 | F +8 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7

With time to kill, Richard seeks out as much information as he can about the history and magical practices of Magnimar and if he can find it, an outpost of the Pathfinder society.

Focus: 1/1|Female Human (Gaelic) Barbarian (Rage Instinct/Blessed One) 3|HP: 55/55|Current AC: 21|Fort: +8, Ref: +6, Will +7|Perc: +8

Siobhan will follow Alice wherever she wishes to go.

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice will gladly join Siobhan for a drink, entering the bar at her former human size, ordering a sweet berry wine in a shot glass, then dispelling her Humanoid Form the moment she takes a sip.

Holding up the glass that shrunk with her, she says, “Oh my! What did you put in this drink?”

Impressive Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Her good-natured tone hopefully wins the barkeep over. Alice does not want her pixyish prank to hurt anyone’s feelings.

She introduces Siobhan before introducing herself. “We’re explorers, the Gaian Explorers in fact. You’ve not heard this name yet, likely. But remember it. We’ve a knack for finding trouble and making things better.

“I know I don’t appear to put up much fight, but…”

She trails off there as she steps across the bar by Siobhan. She overturns her shot glass and lets go of it so it grows back, just the right size for Alice to sit on!

She does not finish her sentence. It’s obvious Siobhan is a warrior, but to say it would be to define her as such. Alice sees so much more than a warrior, but Siobhan’s greatest quality will not deter tavern ruffians the way her appearance does. (…hopefully?)

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

With time until their ship was leaving Felitcia considered what to do. She looked over at Rachel and asked, "What do you think Rachel? Care to give me a tour of the city" She looked at those who hadn't already wandered off to ask if they wanted to join them but it seemed everyone else had already wandered off.

Atop the Summit is the Alabaster District, home to Magnimar's richest and most affluent citizens. Aristocrats, guild masters, and anyone rich enough to afford such a lifestyle dwell in the grandiose villas and mansions that line this district's streets, which also house the small armies of support staff each villa requires to maintain its decadence and splendor.

Heidmarch Manor itself, which doubles as Magnimar's Pathfinder Lodge, is bustling with activity. Inside, clerks flurry to and fro, arms full of documents, looks of distracted urgency on their faces. At the back of the entrance room, sitting at a makeshift desk, is a pinch-faced little man with thinning blond hair and a wisp of a mustache. He seems engaged in cross-checking lists, making marks in the margins with a ragged-feathered quill, but immediately looks up as Richard enters. With a heavy sigh, he sets aside his notes and approaches you.

"Yes, yes, it's obvious you're here for something very important and expect us all to drop everything to attend you. What is it? I don't have time for long stories, so out with it!"


Hotcha and Siobhan wander in to the nearest tavern on the docks, the Old Fang. The taproom and cheap inn is built right on the docks and covered in barnacles below and peeling white paint above. Nautical trophies line the walls, including the head of an enormous swamp barracuda hanging above the bar.

A burly, no-nonsense matron named Ol' Mam Grottle runs the watering hole. She grunts at Hotcha's prank but doesn't crack a smile. "Don't get many of ye wee folk round these parts. But yer welcome to spend yer coin, so long as you don't break anything." She looks to Siobhan and gives the mighty woman a respectful nod, warrior to warrior.


Rachel opens herself up to the flow of information pouring in from the city of Magnimar. She guides Felitcia around the Dockway district, showing off the most famous monuments there: Eyes of the Hawk, which depict the twin wizards Cailyn and Romre Vanderale and their adventuring party, the Eyes of the Hawk, as they defeated the monstrous, spidery shriezyx that erupted from the Irespan in 4623 AR; and The Fifth Wind, a massive stone weather vane that stands amid the docks, its windsocks towering above surrounding buildings so as to give all of Outcast’s Cove an easy method of determining wind speed and power. The sides of the stone pylon that supports the windsocks are carved with complex images of air elementals and cloud dragons in fierce battle.

From there, she leads the actress into Beacon's Point. Comprising the western rim of Outcast’s Cove and ending at the statue-studded point called the Wyrmwatch—a lighthouse said to overlook the spot Alcaydian Indros battled the Vydrarch, a legendary sea monster—Beacon Point is a raucous home to traders, sailors, and hardworking, hard-living families of all sorts. Numerous warehouses, shipping concerns, and other businesses fill the area, as do numerous simple but boisterous brothels and taverns.

Rachel heads first to the monument called The Battle of Charda. Magnimar is no stranger to threats from the sea—between the constant threat of piracy from Riddleport and raiders from the Linnorm Kingdoms, the city’s defenses have had plenty of opportunities over the past century to test their mettle. This large statue depicts the first and most famous of the nautical battles waged in the city’s early days between Magnimar’s navy and the pirates of Riddleport. The battle itself was significant not only for the size of the invading force, but for the pirates’ use of five captured and charmed monsters harvested from the Darklands—four-armed beasts known as chardas. Although only 4 feet tall, the chardas under Captain Jevanna “Winterkiss” Skrinn’s enchantment were a significant force, and had Antholus Kaddren not given his life during that battle in a desperate attempt to break the charms controlling the monsters (and thus turn them back on Captain Winterkiss in a fury of ruinous revenge), the bile-spewing monsters would have helped Riddleport sack the city. Today, the monument exaggerates the actual size of the chardas, depicting them as 30-foot-tall behemoths. Rumors that these monstrous giants are actually petrified monsters persist to this day.

She then takes Felitica to the Wyrmwatch. The tallest structure in Beacon’s Point is the building that gave the district its name. The Wyrmwatch is a towering lighthouse that reaches a height of 82 feet, although the 20-foot-bluff upon which the building stands gives the lighthouse an even more commanding presence. The tower of the Wyrmwatch is made entirely out of stone, and its light is an immense glass and bronze affair crafted in the shape of a coiled dragon with a vastly oversized mouth. It is within these gaping jaws that the beacon itself wards off ships with a beam of brilliant radiance on the darkest and stormiest nights. A catwalk encircles the tower 15 feet below the light—no fewer than four keen-sighted guards are stationed at this post at all times. Below, roughly two-thirds of Magnimar’s navy maintains a presence amid the docks, with the remaining ships using older facilities at Outcast Fishery.

Rachel pauses here to take in the impressive sight with Felitcia. "So, what do you think so far?" she asks.

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Felitcia was impressed with what Rachel could do with her powers as they explored the city. She let the knowledge simply flow through her and it was like getting a tour by a native tour guide of the city. The monuments were everywhere and the stories behind them were fascinating even when Felitcia had never been interested in such things before.

When they finally stopped before the harbor to look out at the military docks Felitcia looked over at Rachel and said, "You have such a strong hold of what you can do with your powers it's amazing Rae," she smiled a bit and said, "I'm honestly a bit jealous of you," she finished as she poked Rachel in the sternum gently with one finger.

Felitcia took a deep breath and then grasped Rachel's hand as they began to walk some more. "Let's make our way to some place to eat Rae, all this walking is making me hungry." Felitcia had picked up enough to know if they went this way they would reach some restaurants eventually.

As they wandered they found a stall selling some food nearby a park and got some kabobs when Felitcia said, "Let's find a place to sit in that park there." As Rachel and Felitcia entered the park there were people walking through and an odd sculpture of a dragon made of what looked like shaped amethyst.

Felitcia felt something odd about the sculpture but she couldn't make out what it was because there were a lot of people moving around and while she had gotten used tot eh mental volume it still caused her some trouble focusing. As they ate Felitcia watched the a little girl walking with her mom see the sculpture, the very life like sculpture, and her eyes widened. The mother simply said, "Come along honey, we need to keep going."

The little girl was disappointed as she wanted to look at the dragon some more and just after the mom wasn't looking the girl waved at the dragon and the sculpture...winked back at her before going back to completely still. The girl squealled and said, "Mommymommymommy! The dragon blinked at me!"

The mother laughed and said, "Sure it did honey," but she kept going and they did not turn back.

Felitcia blinked in surprise and then nudged Rachel and asked, "Uh, Rae, did that statue just blink at that little girl?"

Being onery and bringing one of my old characters in for a cameo. Krysta Amethystra, the crystal dragon rogue.

"It appears that it did," Rachel says, smiling. "Not everything is always as it seems here on Golarion."

The oracle has been greatly enjoying strolling with Felitcia. Just being by her side fills her with a happiness she hasn't felt in many years.

Society, Scholarly Recollection: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 111d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Unfortunately, her thoughts begin to wander as she struggles to process the flow of information. "I think we should head this way," she says once their meal is complete.

Beacon’s Point has two distinct faces. Along the coast andthe major roadways that run along the borders between Dockway and Keystone, the buildings are large and sturdy, made of stone and wood. Streets here are clean and relatively well patrolled. This all changes once one enters the core of slums hidden in Beacon’s Point—in some cases, a single alleyway is all that stands between the industry of the outer rim and the squalor of the core.

This place is known as Rag’s End, a cramped, and mazelike knot of alleys where the poorest of the city’s working class make their homes. Temporary laborers, crippled dockhands, drunks, and the sorely out-of-luck scrape by on coin earned from begging, performing odd and often demeaning jobs, and the charity of the city’s sympathetic religions. The deeper one travels into Rag’s End and the core of the entire district, the worse off the conditions become. Most of the buildings here are wooden, with haphazard repair work using recycled lumber. Nearly a quarter of the buildings are half-collapsed and abandoned save by scavengers, and many buildings seem to rely as much upon neighboring
structures as they do on their own foundations for support.

"Um... I think we took a wrong turn," Rachel says.

A trio of greasy-looking men detach themselves from the alley wall and move to surround Rachel and Felitcia. "You might be right about that, darlings," the leader says, giving a gap-toothed smile...

Orc thaumaturge 3 | HP 39 | AC 19 | F +8 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7

Richard reaches into his backpack and produces the wayfinder from Musuello, ”Good afternoon. I’m Richard Farthington, of a group called the Gaian Explorers. I recently made the acquaintance of Musuello, the caretaker of your lodge in Oppara, and he gave me this wayfinder when he recorded the rather unique circumstances of my group’s arrival. I’ve been quite curious about your organization, and I’d like to offer my services while I’m here in Magnimar. Academic pursuits are a particular passion of mine but,“ and he gestures to the sword on his back, ”I am quite proficient with the bloodier side of the business. Their intersection, I suppose, is where my strongest talents lie.“

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Felitcia felt something was off as Rachel led them into a dingier part of town but wasn't too concerned at first. That changed as they got into what were obviously the slums of the city and Felitcia was just about to say they should turn back. Unfortunately it was too late as Rachel said she thought they had taken a wrong turn and some obviously thug looking guys approached and surrounded them.

Felitcia had dealt with people like this before and she understood how to handle them, or at least she thought so. It couldn't be that much different than her role in one of the films when she was playing the good girl sneaking into the slums and was accosted. Men like this rarely were a problem when you showed no fear and made them think you were at least as dangerous as they were.

Felitcia pulled her fan out and snapped it open before fanning herself with it and said, "My my Raerae, it seems like these men think they should help us out!" She covered her lower face with the fan coquettishly and added, "Isn't that nice of them."

Felitcia said happily, "Could you please direct us back to the Adventurer's District," because it was a fantasy world and of cuourse there was an Adventurer's District in every major city, "My girldfriend and I just got back from dealing with these blasted fey," she looked over at Rachel and asked, "What were they again, Redcaps or something? A whole bunch of them?" Felitcia looked back at the thugs and then said, "A right bloody mess they were too, and those caps they used to wear? Ridiculous, filthy things. Ugh," Felitcia looked at the nails of her left hand and said, ""I am still trying to get their blood out from under my nails," she looked back at the greasy thugs and added, "do you even begin to know how hard getting blood out from under your nails even is? It's the worst!"

Deception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

The man looks at Richard’s wayfinder and studies him imperiously. ”Very well. Take a seat. I will send word to Venture-Captain Heidmarch, to see if she will deign to meet with you. But she is a very busy woman, so you may be waiting for a while.”


Felitcia’s blasé attitude toward violence and seeming lack of fear give the seedy men pause. They glance at each other, then the leader licks his lips. ”Uh, yeah. You’ll want to go that way, two lefts and then a right. Uh, have a good evening, ladies.” They quickly scurry away.

Rachel laughs nervously and gives Felitcia a hug. ”Wow, that was amazing! You sure are some actress!”

Focus: 1/1|Female Human (Gaelic) Barbarian (Rage Instinct/Blessed One) 3|HP: 55/55|Current AC: 21|Fort: +8, Ref: +6, Will +7|Perc: +8

Siobhan takes a seat next to Alice and gives the patrons a look of caution. It says 'Don't even think of trying to hurt this fey-sized person.'

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

”Tough room,” Alice says to Siobhan.

To Ol' Mam Grottle, she says, “You don’t see many wee folk. But you didn’t say none.” Alice pauses just to make the word stick. That, and she’s stalling. The barkeep is a very large grump. “I’m looking for a fey about my size. She has wings, is known as the Mistress, and is… dangerous.

“I’m looking for her. Have you seen any winged woman? Wee winged woman, that is.”

Orc thaumaturge 3 | HP 39 | AC 19 | F +8 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7

Richard takes a seat, waiting patiently. If he can, he makes idle conversation with anyone sitting near him.

Grottle shrugs. "Most 'wee winged women' like yerselves don't come to places like this. Mayhap other folk in the city know about this 'Mistress' o' yers, but I can't help ye. Sorry."


After half an hour or so, the unpleasant man returns to fetch Richard. "Lady Heidmarch will see you now. Come along, then, we haven't got all day."

The man escorts Richard to the manor's reception room: a chamber with a long cherrywood table, several high-backed chairs, and walls decorated with paintings of famous heroes. Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch sits at the head of the table and rises as Richard enters. "Thank you, Welben, you may go." The little man escorting the half-orc bows and takes his leave. "Welcome to Heidmarch Manor, friend. Please help yourself to some refreshments." She gestures to a sideboard containing grapes, cheese, and water.

"Now then, I understand you wish to be of service to the Pathfinder Society?"

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Felitcia saw how the men reacted and was more than pleased at her success. Worked every time, make sure they think you're a threat and they run away like the cowards they are. The men called out directions as they fled and Felitcia called out, "Thank yoo~ou!"

Once they were out of sight Felitcia accepted Rachel's hug being careful that she didn't cut her girlfriend with the blade of her fan. She leaned in and kissed her right there on the street for a moment before she said, "Yep, my last film I was getting paid three hundred grand for...I won't ever see that money now but oh well."

Once their embrace broke Felitcia snapped her fan closed and tucked it away like she usually did. She took Rachels arm and said, "Let's get out of here, I don't want to take any chances if we can avoid it Rae."

Rachel enthusiastically returns the kiss, then her eyes widen when Felitcia reveals her salary. "Damn. Well, they say money can't buy happiness...but it can buy a lot of other things."

She stays close by Felitcia as the pair leave the slums. "Should we continue to tour, or should we find an inn and wait to reconnect with the others tomorrow?"

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice looks up at Siobhan. “Oh well. I should not obsess about her. Let’s just enjoy a drink together.”

Alice hops off the bar, onto the stool, says some words whilst twirling about. She then plops bottom-first on the center of her chair and grows to a human size. (Still’d be up to Siobhan’s chin, if that, should the two rise from their seats.)

“I’ll have what she’s having,” Now-Human-Sized Alice says. “And do not let my appearance fool you. I’m a warrior-woman myself.”

She casts Restyle on her outfit so that Alice now has a fur bikini with clunky knee-high boots like Siobhan. Noting her flat belly is like a marshmallow, much unlike Siobhan’s abdominal grid of forged bronze.

She blushes a little and says, “For certain, my appearance shan’t fool anyone.”

Alice can hang out with Siobhan at human size for 10 minutes or even 20 with an additional casting.

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

Having made their way out of the slums Felitcia considered Rachel's question and then smiled naughtily as she said, "Oh I don't know, it is going to be cramped on the ship I'm sure," she gave Rachel a pause to answer and then added, "and there will be no privacy either right?" Felitcia had subtly moved so that Rachel would have her back nearly against a wall as she let Rachel answer and then stepped forward to remove the distance between and pressed Rachel against the wall as she kissed her once more.

The kiss was long and passionate as their tongues danced together in teh street against that wall. When Felitcia finally broke it off she said impishly I think we should go get a room and stock up now while we can. Don't you?"[/b] Her eyebrow arched at the end questioningly as she waited for Rachel's response.

Focus: 1/1|Female Human (Gaelic) Barbarian (Rage Instinct/Blessed One) 3|HP: 55/55|Current AC: 21|Fort: +8, Ref: +6, Will +7|Perc: +8

Siobhan snickers when Alice declares her intention to order the same drink as her. " sure about that? I might just be about to order something that'd put a lesser man in his grave."

That being said, she orders something mildly bitter for herself--if only because she remembers how well Alice tolerated alcohol last time.

Alice wrote:
“For certain, my appearance shan’t fool anyone.”

"Not with that attitude." The Celt responds. "Give it some time--enough running about and you'll have one just like mine." She pats her abs.

"That's right," Rachel answers, unable to say more before Felitcia pushes her up against the wall. She blissfully closes her eyes as her tongue tangles with the actress's. When the kiss finally ends and Felitcia suggests they get a room, Rachel chuckles. "You read my mind."

A short time later, the two are alone inside the comfortable room at the inn. Rachel sits on the bed and beckons for Felitica to join her...

female human psychic 3 | HP 34/34 | AC 17 | F +6, R +6, W +7 | Per +5 |Fighting Fan +7 1d4s ag, fin, dd6, backstab crossbow +8 (1d8); bolts (17/20) | Hero Points 1 | Spell DC 19; Spell Atack +9 | Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 0: 5/6; 1: 2/2; 2: 1/1 | Active Effects: Unleash Focused Intent

When they had their room Felitcia watched Rachel sit on the bed hungrily began to approach. There was a noticeable sway to her hips and when she reached the bed she sat, pulling her right leg up beneath her with the left off the edge facing Rachel. Felitcia smiled and asked, "Now that you've got me alone what are you going to do with me?"

”I can think of a few things,” Rachel replies. She pulls Felitcia onto her lap and begins kissing her neck as her hands roam along her back and start removing her dress.

Tiny Nymph | ♥️18/18 | AC:17 | DC:18 | F:4~R:7~W:7 | Perc:5 | Spells~1st:4/4, 2nd:1/3, Foc:1/1

Alice does not look sure. “Well, I’ll be very easy to carry back if I’m drunk. Same’s true if I drop dead, but I’ll aim for tipsy at best.”

(She might be a little giddy from the one glass of sweet berry wine she had already.)

“Oh,” she says at the thump Siobhan’s hand makes on her own belly. “I might have to run literally the entirety of Golarion’s equator before my belly can get like that.”

Alice is suddenly saddened by the loss of life among so many of Siobhan’s people. These women achieved this immense physique, only for some Romans with pointy sticks to come along and…

Alice raises her glass. She winces a little as it touches her lips. She lowers it without drinking. “I can’t even breathe this! What did you order for us?” She touches the glass to her lips and sips very slowly.

“The poncy knights and pantalooned princes never served anything like this at their garden parties.” Alice has a wide smile as she says this.

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