GM Jhaeman's "Dawn of Flame, Chapter 3: Sun Divers" (Inactive)

Game Master Jhaeman

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Zharis takes a look to see if the globes are removable, but then seem affixed somehow into a metallic pedestal. Meanwhile, Tulgram hurries to experience yet another vision.

In these disorienting visions, the city is unfolded into at least five spatial dimensions, making it difficult to understand what is seen. Please attempt a DC 20 Will save; on a failure, you gain the Sickened condition.

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Male Telia Mechanic (Experimental Armor Prototype) 7 / Soldier 1 (Blitz) Tinker SP 81/81 HP 55/55 RP 8/8 EAC 19 KAC 21 INIT +5 SPD 35' FORT +10 REF +6 WILL +7 PER +16 60' Darkvision Resistance (cold and fire) 5

Hani is troubled by his encounter with the crystals. He attempts to ascertain what the nature of these things are.

engineering: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36

m N duergar Biohacker 8 | sp 74/74 | hp 54/54 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities]| Init +1 | Perc +18 | SM +21, LS +21, PS +20 | DV60' | Biohack 7/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Haste 10/10

Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 - lol! it's not a spell or SLA, right? ))

Tulgram recoils from another crystal, it seems he is sick. No, this is not planning experiments, this is the concentration of madness. Each of these crystals contains an image of the city, but what happens to it is chthonic and disgusting. It was as if the gods of the Dark Tapestry had personally constructed these visions... The bloody city of the bloody bastard experiment... Tulgram staggers slightly out of the building.

Upon a detailed examination, Hani's able to confirm an interesting fact: these crystal globes certainly aren't technological in nature!

I'd need a Mysticism check to learn something.

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Stamina 48/48 HP 50/50| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +6, R: +12, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +14 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Gelid Hailcannon +10 (+12) (MPS 1: 80/80 Usage: 4 (12)) (2d8+8 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day

"I did warn you the flashing lights could cause disorientation." Xylian hangs the drone controller from its strap around his neck and draws the medkit mounted to his armor on the outside of his left thigh. Opening the kit, he selects a purple hypopen with Remove Condition written in several dozen languages. Flipping the protective top off of the device, he inserts it into the medicinal injection port on Tulgram's armor. With a hushed fwish, the purple of the hypopen fades to whitish-silver, indicating the hypopen has been used. Medical protocol dictates the pen be disposed of in an appropriately marked sharps container, but Xylian returns the used hypopen to the medkit, intent on 'feeding' it to a reclaimer to see if they can convert foreign material into polyfluid if he gets a chance.

Use one of the Purple Hypopens to Remove Condition on Tulgram. Been carrying those around since I think book 1. Finally get to use one :P

Remove Condition:
This spell functions in the same way as lesser remove condition, except you remove any one of the following conditions affecting the target: frightened, nauseated, shaken, sickened, or staggered.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Assuming that Hani is sharing his informaion... if not, no worries, but ignore this post. :)

Zharis is surprised by Hani's conclusion that the crystal globes aren't technological. She decides to see if she can discover anything else about this world based on that revelation.

Mysticism: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

She uses her telepathic message ability and directs a silent query to the Speaker

>Speaker, do you understand me when I speak this way?<

Male Telia Mechanic (Experimental Armor Prototype) 7 / Soldier 1 (Blitz) Tinker SP 81/81 HP 55/55 RP 8/8 EAC 19 KAC 21 INIT +5 SPD 35' FORT +10 REF +6 WILL +7 PER +16 60' Darkvision Resistance (cold and fire) 5

Hani shakes his head. "These crystals are more magic than technological. I can't make heads or tails of them. Just another thing about this place that is a mystery."

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Always prepared, Xylian has just the cure for what ails Tulgram. Before long, the duergar is no longer feeling the ill effects of the crystal globes.

Meanwhile, Zharis focusses her psychic energies on sending a message to the little robot that has accompanied the group during its time on Noma. Alas, there's no sign whatsoever that Speaker Sol-653 heard or understood the telepathic communication.

@Tulgram: You no longer have the Sickened condition.

@Xylian: I have to say, that was some awesome description for what could easily have been a throwaway line!

You've never seen anything like these crystal globes.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

That's definitely interesting, Hani. It seems as though this world isn't as purely technological as I thought. No psychic ability that I can detect though.

Male NG Kanabo Guard Soldier 7 | SP 56/56 HP 33/55 | RP 8/6 | EAC 16; KAC 18 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft. | Speed 25ft | 1/day — disguise self, supercharge weapon; Frenzied Fighting: +3 melee dmg, will save and -1 AC, +7 temp HP | Coordinated Shot, Lunge, Fire Resistance 7, Piercing DR 7

"Are the images live? Are such creatures in this city, right now?" Jin asks Tulgram, wondering if a retreat is in order... "Or are they more artistic, as if created by a worshiper of horrors?"

m N duergar Biohacker 8 | sp 74/74 | hp 54/54 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities]| Init +1 | Perc +18 | SM +21, LS +21, PS +20 | DV60' | Biohack 7/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Haste 10/10

Aye, rather the latter, Jin. Such things could not be at the same time as what we see now. Tuglram closely follows Xylian's actions, and nods with satisfaction, seeing his professionalism in the medical field. Thank ye, I appreciate it.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Zharis decides to see one of the visions that everyone is talking about, wondering if they could actually be based on some predictive magic, or if they were more akin to dreams or nightmares.

She triggers one of the globes that hasn't been triggered yet.

Zharis peers into one of the crystal globes.

Images assault you, and "see" an impossible Noma. Instead of a bubble-city in the sun, it's poised at the very event horizon of a black hole, chunks of it being torn off to disappear forever as constructs rebuild and expand the other side of the city in an eternal quest to add more than is taken.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Ah, Speaker... these aren't real possibilities. These are just ... dreams, stories, ideas. Interesting for sure, but not things-that-could-be-real or things-that-could-happen-in-the-future. Are your experiements also based on this ... imagination?

Stamina 48/48 HP 50/50| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +6, R: +12, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +14 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Gelid Hailcannon +10 (+12) (MPS 1: 80/80 Usage: 4 (12)) (2d8+8 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day

Xylian is mildly interested in why and how the reclaimers created these crystals, but not enough to interact with them and risk potential side effects. "I would like to reiterate the risk in engaging with these crystals."

"I have no information about that," Speaker says in answer to Zharis' question.

Ok, the sense I get is folks are ready to move on? Where to?

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch


Forging ahead, the expedition reaches a new sector of Noma. Here, in what could be a bizarre approximation of an art gallery, display screens cycle through generated images, while daises hold sculptures that collapse into polyfluid only to reshape themselves into new forms. Interestingly, some aspects seem vaguely familiar. A small number of speaker constructs (just like Speaker SOL-653) periodically tour the gallery, pausing to observe each work before moving on to the next.

DC 22 Culture:
The artwork here bears no particular resemblance to the art of your Near Space homeworlds, but some elements do look vaguely like what you've seen in research on the Pact Worlds. For example, some of the sculpted creatures look almost like the lashunta of Castrovel, while a recurring landscape motif in the images could almost be the red sands of Akiton.

DC 22 Physical Science:
You note that each speaker pauses for exactly the same length of time at each display--128 seconds.

The group will need to rest soon.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Culture: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 (pass)

Hmm. Some of this bears similarity to other pact world creatures or landscapes. Have these bots, or the former culture that lived here... have they been offworld? Some of this indicates yes, but ... other things indicate, not anytime in recent memory.

Life Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 (fail)

... How about sleeping here? At least this is indoors, unlike last time we rested. What do you think, Jin? Seems safe enough.

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Male Telia Mechanic (Experimental Armor Prototype) 7 / Soldier 1 (Blitz) Tinker SP 81/81 HP 55/55 RP 8/8 EAC 19 KAC 21 INIT +5 SPD 35' FORT +10 REF +6 WILL +7 PER +16 60' Darkvision Resistance (cold and fire) 5

physical science: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Hani spends some time looking at many of the pieces in the gallery before yawning. "Yes, I think as long as we set a watch, this is as good as any place to rest."

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m N duergar Biohacker 8 | sp 74/74 | hp 54/54 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities]| Init +1 | Perc +18 | SM +21, LS +21, PS +20 | DV60' | Biohack 7/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Haste 10/10

Physical Science: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

Tulgram takes a closer look, then turns on the timer on his datapad and looks around. Periodically he stops the time and starts again, saving the previous result.

Bah, look! Each speaker pauses for exactly the same length of time at each display - 128 seconds.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Weird, but that meshes with other things we've seen... it is like a pretend society where they mimic normal behavior without understanding it.

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m N duergar Biohacker 8 | sp 74/74 | hp 54/54 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities]| Init +1 | Perc +18 | SM +21, LS +21, PS +20 | DV60' | Biohack 7/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Haste 10/10

Hmmm. I like this hypothesis. You know, all this city is... unbelievably. This is something completely foreign, completely alien. As a scientist, I am happy that I am here. I am sure we are on the verge of comprehending new knowledge and technologies. We are on the threshold of greatness. It remains only to survive.

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A second "night" passes for the expedition in Noma. The only curious thing is that at some point, the progression of speaker constructs changes. Now, each stands still at a display or sculpture for 256 seconds before moving on.

Please mark off another day's rations and restore any expended daily-use resources.

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Stamina 48/48 HP 50/50| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +6, R: +12, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +14 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Gelid Hailcannon +10 (+12) (MPS 1: 80/80 Usage: 4 (12)) (2d8+8 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day
Zharis wrote:
Weird, but that meshes with other things we've seen... it is like a pretend society where they mimic normal behavior without understanding it.

"Indeed. They are waiting in increments of Base 2. Perhaps they believe they will understand the art if they examine it for longer periods of time, unaware that art is inherently useless. Certainly, unthinking machines would have no use for art."

NW again.

Moving on, the expedition finds the next sector of Noma contains a squat, domed structure containing long tubes, each of which has a huge fan at the end and an automatic iris doorway at the other. The tubes are of varying diameter--some barely wide enough for the group's scout drone to fit in, others large enough for a Pabaq university ship!

Trained in Engineering or Piloting:
The tubes and fans could be for aerodynamic testing.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Interesting, Zharis observes about the domed structure, perhaps a place to test aerodynamics?

She takes the time to sit and think awhile about the nature of this world and what they have learned, wondering if she can work out what they are missing.

Culture: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24

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Zharis reflects on what she's experience over the past few days of exploring Noma, hoping she can start to put some pieces together.

It seems clear that each sector of the city is indeed a separate experiment. An experiment requires a guiding intelligence, which is almost certainly "The Core" that Speaker SOL-653 has spoken about. From the baroque and sometimes bizarre nature of the experiments, The Core must be an artificial intelligence. Interestingly, many of the constructs you've seen on Noma bear resemblances to the anacites of Aballon--could both places have been "seeded" by the same creator eons ago? Apart from the mysterious "burning creatures" that Speaker spoke about as having "assailed" Noma recently, it seems there's no sign that other civilisations have discovered this place. One thing seems abundantly clear: the best way to get more answers is to find The Core. Congrats! You made the DC exactly. This also will satisfy the condition for your bonus XP

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

After thinking awhile, Zharis comes to several conclusions, not the least of which is that Xylian is insulting her!

Hey! Xylian, art is NOT inherently useless! And how do you know that all of these machines are unthinking? Certainly there is a guiding intelligence behind all of this. It might not think the same way that we do, but unthinking creatures do not experiment.

m N duergar Biohacker 8 | sp 74/74 | hp 54/54 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities]| Init +1 | Perc +18 | SM +21, LS +21, PS +20 | DV60' | Biohack 7/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Haste 10/10

Also a good observation, Zharis. And damn it, aye, the one who does all this definitely does think differently from me.

Stamina 48/48 HP 50/50| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +6, R: +12, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +14 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Gelid Hailcannon +10 (+12) (MPS 1: 80/80 Usage: 4 (12)) (2d8+8 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day

"Self-teaching AI is not a new thing; it is not indicative of conscious thought. The first major assignment for many students learning AI is to program a rudimentary AI that can teach itself to operate a robotic body through trial and error." Unsuprsingly, Xylian's tone is noncombative. "And art is useless. That does not mean art is valueless. The value of art is subjective."

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Male NG Kanabo Guard Soldier 7 | SP 56/56 HP 33/55 | RP 8/6 | EAC 16; KAC 18 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft. | Speed 25ft | 1/day — disguise self, supercharge weapon; Frenzied Fighting: +3 melee dmg, will save and -1 AC, +7 temp HP | Coordinated Shot, Lunge, Fire Resistance 7, Piercing DR 7

"Art can be useful. Patriotic art, motivational art. It helps guides a strong nation. Done by robots though... Perhaps it is language, mathematics? Beyond my expertise, or interest."

Jin looks around. "We have been left surprisingly alone, considering the amount of opposition found at the entrance. Faulty security, probably another symptom of this collapsing city."

I'm really enjoying this group! You all have very distinct personalities. What would you like to do next?

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Northwest again I think... which should be "The Core" I think.

Reaching a sector on the far side of the city from where you first landed, you see it contains a forty-foot-tall irregular structure made up of a silvery metal unlike elsewhere in Noma; crumbling in places, the building is reinforced here and there with dark, purplish support beams and a mesh of similar material.

Numerous potential entrances can be seen on the structure's surface, but Speaker SOL-653 leads you without hesitation to the north side where there's a ground level entrance. Here, a ten-foot-wide hallway winds into the interior. The walls of the corridor are pocked with hexagonal niches made of dark metal that seems to absorb light, leaving it in complete darkness just twenty feet from the entrance.

Just outside the entrance, the little robot spins around in place. "This place is zero comma zero. This is The Core. I have life data to contribute to The Core. I must be assimilated here. Goodbye." With that, the construct races off into the dark winding corridor and disappears!

Examine Silvery Metal (DC 22 Culture, Engineering, or Physical Science):
You realise that the material is like that commonly found in anacites and edifices on Aballon, and that the Core must be quite ancient.

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m N duergar Biohacker 8 | sp 74/74 | hp 54/54 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities]| Init +1 | Perc +18 | SM +21, LS +21, PS +20 | DV60' | Biohack 7/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Haste 10/10

Physical Science: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32

Tulgram runs his palm over the metal and squints.

Aye, I remember. The same metal is found in anacites of Aballon. Hmm, that means this Core is very ancient.

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Male NG Kanabo Guard Soldier 7 | SP 56/56 HP 33/55 | RP 8/6 | EAC 16; KAC 18 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft. | Speed 25ft | 1/day — disguise self, supercharge weapon; Frenzied Fighting: +3 melee dmg, will save and -1 AC, +7 temp HP | Coordinated Shot, Lunge, Fire Resistance 7, Piercing DR 7

Jin looks for trouble:

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

"Assimilated" didn't sound good, but Zharis didn't attempt to stop the little bot from fulfilling its programming/destiny. She just looked after it, wondering if it would still exist in some way after "assimilation."

She noted the building reinforcements as well as what Tulgram said about the metal and said

So, looks like this is a place where they don't experiment as much. Maybe something they value here. I hope there is someone to talk to.

She looks at Jin.

We okay to go in?

You can just barely make out the thrumming of heavy machinery activating around the bend in the darkened corridor. If someone rushes after SOL-653, they could be in serious danger! Congrats, this is your second success to recognise danger ahead of time, and you've earned the role-specific bonus XP award.

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Male Telia Mechanic (Experimental Armor Prototype) 7 / Soldier 1 (Blitz) Tinker SP 81/81 HP 55/55 RP 8/8 EAC 19 KAC 21 INIT +5 SPD 35' FORT +10 REF +6 WILL +7 PER +16 60' Darkvision Resistance (cold and fire) 5

Hani can't help but be sad that the little robot has come to it's end. It seems like...a waste.

Still, there is a job at hand. We have observed the comings and goings of this place, but we still haven't sorted out the nature of this place. There must be more.

Hani continues to explore the area.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Male NG Kanabo Guard Soldier 7 | SP 56/56 HP 33/55 | RP 8/6 | EAC 16; KAC 18 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft. | Speed 25ft | 1/day — disguise self, supercharge weapon; Frenzied Fighting: +3 melee dmg, will save and -1 AC, +7 temp HP | Coordinated Shot, Lunge, Fire Resistance 7, Piercing DR 7
Zharis wrote:
We okay to go in?

"No. I can hear heavy machinery activating around the bend in this darkened corridor. It seems security is not lacking in here, as it was elsewhere." Jin holds his doshko in both hands, hoping there won't be more scorpion-robots.

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Azarra draws weapons and waits based on Jin's warning.

m N duergar Biohacker 8 | sp 74/74 | hp 54/54 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities]| Init +1 | Perc +18 | SM +21, LS +21, PS +20 | DV60' | Biohack 7/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Haste 10/10

Duergar takes out his favorite pole and with a click extends it at least four times (I'm just sure that in such a futuristic world it should be telescopic!). Bah! Usually I'm not the one who suggests it, but it's time to surprise ye. Perhaps we can come to an agreement with em' and be taken to the core of the Core without a fight?

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

Oh, absolutely. If there is someone or something to talk to, you know I will. Just want to avoid some mindless recyclers if possible.

Stamina 48/48 HP 50/50| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +6, R: +12, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +14 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Gelid Hailcannon +10 (+12) (MPS 1: 80/80 Usage: 4 (12)) (2d8+8 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day

Xylian wonders if Speaker needs to be 'assimilated' because that is the usual way the Core absorbs information, or if it is only because the droid is damaged and needs to be repaired. Answers they will likely have soon. As usual, he is ready with his heavy weaponry but does not venture to be the first one down the hallway.

Several seconds after Speaker rushes down the hallway and disappears from sight, the sound of heavy machinery activating can be heard by everyone. An instant later, the screeching of metal grinding on metal echoes down the hallway for about a minute. Then, everything is perfectly still and silent.

I'll go ahead and put a map up on the new Slide # 2.

Male NG Kanabo Guard Soldier 7 | SP 56/56 HP 33/55 | RP 8/6 | EAC 16; KAC 18 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft. | Speed 25ft | 1/day — disguise self, supercharge weapon; Frenzied Fighting: +3 melee dmg, will save and -1 AC, +7 temp HP | Coordinated Shot, Lunge, Fire Resistance 7, Piercing DR 7

Jin moves ahead and peeks around the corner.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 8 (Noble Scion) | SP 56/56 (20/40) (4 Con 3 Cha drain) |HP 52/52 | RP 8/9 | EAC 22 / KAC 23 / CMAC 31 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Diplomacy +16 (+1d6+1) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Electricity Resistance 5 / 1d6 E to touch

When Jin isn't immediately disintegrated (providing that is true), Zharis moves up beside him.

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Should Jin be immediately disintegrated, Hani will head back to the ship and advise everyone to follow him.


Assuming he is not, Hani takes up a defensive position behind Jin (as shown).

Cautiously peeking around the corner, Jin's innate ability to see in perfect darkness allows him to make out a corridor stretching almost fifty feet and then turning. But a pit spans the width of the hallway--this was surely where the mechanical grinding sounds emanated.

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