Olaf Spiritwell |
I'm in an all day seminar (GMT +8). I'll read everything when I get a free moment.
Olaf Spiritwell |
Olaf takes a scroll of Heal as his school item (Spells), he also purchases an extra scroll of Magic Missile.
Question about Deadly Simplicity -- if my damage with my chosen weapon increases by one step, does that apply to the 2-hand damage as well (so the staff if wielded 2-handed becomes 1d10 instead 1d8?)
Haechi |
Question about Deadly Simplicity -- if my damage with my chosen weapon increases by one step, does that apply to the 2-hand damage as well (so the staff if wielded 2-handed becomes 1d10 instead 1d8?)
Though there is some minor RAI disagreement on this point, it is pretty clear that by RAW, Deadly Simplicity bumps the damage die on a Staff wielded in 2 hands to 1d10.
Olaf Spiritwell |
what's RAI and RAW?
GM NovelEnigma |
RAI: Rules as Intended; It's typically what players tend to agree on how a rule should work based on alternatives not making as much since
RAW: Rules as Written; Players apply no interpretations, and a rule is followed as close to how it's written as possible, sometimes leading to non-sensical outcomes.
I'm fine with the Quarterstaff dealing 1d10 instead of 1d8 two-handed. It's such a minor difference that I prefer to err on the player side for something like this unless we ever get clarification otherwise.
GM NovelEnigma |
@Olaf, for future reference, you can type anything as your first Gameplay post to make the thread active for you and then delete the post immediately after so it's not visible in the thread.
Haechi |
what's RAI and RAW?
RAI = Rules as Intended
RAW = Rules as WrittenPFS (Pathfinder Society) games are played strictly by RAW. So if the written rules (including errata) say that something is allowed or if applying a sequence of rules leads to a particular conclusion, then regardless of any GM or player opinions on the matter, that’s the way it is played in Society games (with few exceptions)..
Rules as Intended is basically an opinion on whether the rules as they are written were really meant to be applied that way in a particular case. In your particular case, there is some question as to whether the damage die bump of Deadly Simplicity was intended to apply just to the 1-handed use of the staff (so 1d4 to 1d6), or if it also applies to the 2-handed use of the staff (1d8 to 1d10). My reading (and apparently most people’s reading) of the rules believe it does, but there are still some that would argue otherwise.
In these cases, it is always good to check with the GM to see what they think so that there aren’t any surprises down the road.
Ninja’d by the GM…
Olaf Spiritwell |
@Olaf, for future reference, you can type anything as your first Gameplay post to make the thread active for you and then delete the post immediately after so it's not visible in the thread.
Understood. Sorry about that.
Luz Lumino |
Luz will take the anti-toxin/anti-plague.
FYI, Luz has Continual Recovery, so he can Treat Wounds every 10 minutes.
Olaf Spiritwell |
Olaf has Battle Medicine and Risky Surgery. Divine Font is Heal x 2 plus a free Heal scroll. Don't go nuts but he can patch you up if things get ugly.
Luz Lumino |
Risky Surgery. Very curious feat. So what happens if you use that on someone who is Dying. Does their taking damage increase their dying condition? What it if you critically fail, does that does that give them 2 more Dying steps?
Luz Lumino |
I love That's Odd and will try to remember to utilize Known Weakness.
My entire 1st level, no GM gave me any benefit from That's Odd. That's two scenarios and 5 bounties.
Olaf Spiritwell |
Risky Surgery. Very curious feat. So what happens if you use that on someone who is Dying. Does their taking damage increase their dying condition? What it if you critically fail, does that does that give them 2 more Dying steps?
Hmmm... good point. Though from reading about the dying condition, it doesn't appear a crit fail on the Medicine check will increase the dying condition on top of the damage done by the risky surgery. That's my interpretation at least. Of course, we want to avoid getting to that to begin with :)
GM NovelEnigma |
Risky Surgery. Very curious feat. So what happens if you use that on someone who is Dying. Does their taking damage increase their dying condition? What it if you critically fail, does that does that give them 2 more Dying steps?
Yes, "you can deal 1d8 slashing damage to your patient just before applying the effects of Treat Wounds". Don't use this on someone that is Dying 3, or you will immediately kill them. If you use this on someone that is Dying 2 and Critically Fail, you will kill them as the two instances of damage are clearly separate, as indicated in the feat. It's much safer to use this feat on someone that is Dying with Assurance so you don't run as much of a risk.
Olaf Spiritwell |
I stand corrected then! :)
I never considered that actually, I was thinking more along the lines of using it after a battle with someone that's still alive...
GM NovelEnigma |
Not forgetting That's Odd, there is just literally nothing it works on yet! I'm pretty confident that there will be later, though!
Haechi |
Not forgetting That's Odd, there is just literally nothing it works on yet! I'm pretty confident that there will be later, though!
That's Odd works great in small contained locations such as rooms in buildings or dungeons, caves, alleyways, clearings in forests etc. My investigator has used it to great effect in such environments. But as Luz has discovered it is almost completely useless in wide open outdoor environments such as we find ourselves in currently.
Haechi |
In a few short hours I will be catching the first of several flights that will return me to the good ol’ USA. If all goes well the whole thing will take about 28 hours door-to-door. I’ll try to check up on things during my layovers, but if you don’t hear anything from me, you’ll know why.
Olaf Spiritwell |
Wow! Where you heading back from? I know what it's like... used to fly back and forth from Boston to SE Asia every year... the jet lag when I get back is murder...
Haechi |
I officially live in Spain these days but usually go back to the States for a visit every year around this time (except for last year, dang Covid!). I’m actually at the airport right now waiting to board.
Olaf Spiritwell |
Have a good flight!
GM NovelEnigma |
Investigating most buildings (and corpses) will take about 10 minutes each. You aren't sure how long you have yet, but you have lost time due to being spotted and having trouble climbing a hill. As you get closer to the end of the time limit, it will become ever clearer how much time you have left.
Each "investigation" will require a skill check, which is what takes 10 minutes. This means if multiple people check a single thing, it takes ten minutes total. You could assign multiple people to a single check to help guarantee a success, or spread out to try to cover more ground at once.
Haechi |
I just got to SFO a bit late and seeing the GM’s roll for Haechi’s dagger attack against the undergrowth just now I’m not so unhappy about it :) My last flight boards in about 30 mins and I should be back in the game again in about 4 hours.
Luz Lumino |
Investigating most buildings (and corpses) will take about 10 minutes each. You aren't sure how long you have yet, but you have lost time due to being spotted and having trouble climbing a hill. As you get closer to the end of the time limit, it will become ever clearer how much time you have left.
Each "investigation" will require a skill check, which is what takes 10 minutes. This means if multiple people check a single thing, it takes ten minutes total. You could assign multiple people to a single check to help guarantee a success, or spread out to try to cover more ground at once.
How is That's Odd going to work in this situation?
Can Luz make each thing a subject of of an investigation as it takes 10 minutes each?
GM NovelEnigma |
I read over the next sections of the scenario, and it will get some usage, but in many cases, there is only one thing to investigate, so it won't point you too much that you wouldn't already be aware of. In some cases, it may be more important to know when something isn't rather than when something is for some of these locations, as it may indicate there isn't much to find or that you already found everything.
As for your case, I currently have you marked down as the case of the people missing in the Gravelands. Currently, I'm going to give you a bonus related to investigating the bodies (and potentially what made them bodies). You can change your case to Finding the Relics and get a bonus for those, but almost none of them require a skill check to find, just 10 minutes of looking in the correct locations.
Luz Lumino |
Remember that investigators can pursue two leads at one time, so I'll keep one on the people, the other I'm setting on the horse.
Haechi |
My understanding is that you can't really have a lead on a group of people, not unless they are known to be in a group (in which case the lead is on the group as a unit, not each individual). The subject (singular) of the lead is typically a single creature, item, or small location.
Luz Lumino |
My understanding is that you can't really have a lead on a group of people, not unless they are known to be in a group (in which case the lead is on the group as a unit, not each individual). The subject (singular) of the lead is typically a single creature, item, or small location.
correct, but you left off a key clause:
..., but the GM might allow a different scope for your investigation.
Pursue a Lead is meant to replace Inspiration from PF1. But to do that, it has be somewhat flexible and applicable in instances that make sense. Finding missing persons is intuitively something you would investigate, so it makes sense for the GM to allow it to apply even though its a group of individuals.
But, I expect there will be some table variation with this ability and many others from the Investigator class list. PF2, more so than PF1, seems to give GMs more discretion.
GM NovelEnigma |
DAS attack: 16 + 8 = 24
For future refernce, you can type [dice]16+8[/dice and it will add everything up (you don't need to roll a dX).
GM NovelEnigma |
So wait, you are resolving our attacks in our init order and not in the order that we post?
Yes. Are you used to GMs doing it in post order? I try to follow the initiative order, but occasionally resolve things in a "best case" scenario. An example of that would be if you had a bard who was last in player initiative and everyone before them missed by 1; I'd resolve it in favor of players either delaying for the bard song as there wouldn't be a downside or just going with the idea that initiative is a game mechanic and you're all acting at about the same time.
Resolving in post order doesn't seem especially fair to someone who posts less often but may be ahead in initiative, although of someone that technically goes after them entirely ends the combat, then I think it's fine to just move on and save time.
GM NovelEnigma |
@Luz, already forgot about known weakness. The zombies are DC 13 so if you roll a 23 you can add in your bonus.
You already pretty much know everything about zombies at this point! Luz probably also knows they tend to grab people and then bite them.
Luz Lumino |
@Luz, already forgot about known weakness. The zombies are DC 13 so if you roll a 23 you can add in your bonus.
You already pretty much know everything about zombies at this point! Luz probably also knows they tend to grab people and then bite them.
Known Weakness and Monster Hunter do work out so well in PbP. Yes, I will just roll a check.
Haechi |
Luz was kind enough to treat Haechi's wounds during the second interval, so by the start of the third interval his HP should be fully recovered.
GM NovelEnigma |
I believe you have located and identified Clement Marten and Gibb Potsmasher, so I have crossed them off the list.
The secondary success conditions only require you to identify 2 Pathfinders and return with their remains. As far as I can tell, there are no additional benefits of identifying or gathering more than 2; however, your characters are encouraged to find as many as they can within the time frame you had to work within character.
Of course, I'd rather your PCs survive the scenario than try and find all the bodies etc. so I wanted to let you know that ahead of time
Luz Lumino |
So Luz's Medicine of 20 was not enough to conclusively identify the ancestry? Seems like the Perception checks were lower and they were more successful?
So was the armor being worn by the dead body?
Do we know how many relic there are?
GM NovelEnigma |
A success gives you gnome or halfling. There is no critical success result. The body is so significantly damaged that the scenario claims you can't tell which of the two it is.
The scenario doesn't make it clear if the body has part of the armor on or not, however, I will tell you that the armor does belong to the dead body. Additionally, it's a red herring and not on the list of people you're looking for.
The PCs find the blood-soaked body of a Knight of Ozem in the tavern. This gnome defended Goldenflame to her last, vowing to never give in to the forces of evil. Eventually trapped in the Flaming Wheel with her improvised barricades threatening to give in, the knight decided that she might as well enjoy her end, guzzling libations as she fought the forces of evil.
GM NovelEnigma |
@Luz, you may recognize this map since your 1-01 character is on the same one. However, unlike 1-01, this map has a 2nd floor.
Haechi |
@Luz, you may recognize this map since your 1-01 character is on the same one. However, unlike 1-01, this map has a 2nd floor.
I don't know about Luz, but I certainly recognize it. Haechi and Elfino are having all sorts of deja-vu action going on right now. I'm almost getting mixed up between them.
GM NovelEnigma |
You're right! I have an investigator in both that made similar posts about That's Odd that I thought they were the same player.
Luz Lumino |
The scenario doesn't make it clear if the body has part of the armor on or not, however, I will tell you that the armor does belong to the dead body. Additionally, it's a red herring and not on the list of people you're looking for.
You know, that was my first thought when I couldn't find a matching description. But I admit that its hard not to attune to the meta-game of PFS scenarios. There are certain things you expect and don't expect and the GM really has to be cognizant of those things and let the players know.
A perfect example is the time limit. 99% of PFS games do not have any IC time limit, so players just aren't going to consider it unless the GM explicitly tells the players its in effect.
GM NovelEnigma |
Originally I wanted to try and run it in character where you can't really how much time is left since you wouldn't really know...but I gave up on it because it didn't feel very fun for you guys that way
GM NovelEnigma |
Sorry for my less frequent posting. I am currently on vacation and the internet here is awful. Still trying to get at least 1 post a day to keep the game going.
Olaf Spiritwell |
No worries. Enjoy it while you can. :)