GMMICHAEL'S Skull & Shackles

Game Master Dread

Skull and Shackles Roll20

Date: 25th Neth 4721 4am

Normal Day on Ship:

630am wake up
7:00am-8:00am Breakfast
8:00am-5:00pm Workday
5:00-6:00pm The Bloody Hour
6:00-7:00pm Dinner and Rum Rations
7:00-10:00pm Crew Time
10:00pm-6:301am Sleep

Ship Actions:

Day--choose 1
1. Work diligently (+4 to one check)
2. Influence (normal check and attempt to influence 1 NPC)
Sneak (normal checks and make 1 perception check in the area they are working in to notice something unusual)
4. Shop (take -2 on daily checks to visit quartermaster store and talk with Cut-Throat to try and get items)
5. Shirk (take -2 on rolls to take 10 searching an area more fully. 1 perception check)
6. Steal (attempt to open a locked chest or door (must take chance on discovery)

Night---choose 1 during crew time. (can take up to 2 more in dead of night but will be fatigued if fail con check DC10 +4 per action taken)
1. Sleep (sleep through the night. Auto recover from fatigue)
2. Gamble. (play or gamble game of chance with other pirates)
3. Entertainment (make a perform check for the crew to entertain them)
4. Influence (per daytime)
5. Sneak (take 20 checking an area out but MUST take chance of discovery)

Exp: 901/Next Level: 1300.(2nd)

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Drat. I was looking for a new Shackles game. Good luck to all :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lathiira wrote:
Drat. I was looking for a new Shackles game. Good luck to all :)

Good luck with your other game.

Destinie Nicholae wrote:
Lathiira wrote:
Drat. I was looking for a new Shackles game. Good luck to all :)
Good luck with your other game.

Thank you. Good luck with yours!

Updating to see if there is any DM who is interested in taking over this AP. Our GM hasn't been seen in a while.

Hoping. but without hope that someone will pick it up.

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