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Game Master Whack-a-Rogue

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Island of Empty Eyes

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I hope you're feeling Better YBD!

So the only problem with not posting (and believe me, I've got several games still going much slower than this) is I start thinking about builds. Which generally starts with Elek. Looking at the next level, Planning on using Arsenal trick for Improved Materials and the Background feat as Windrider. I think I'll get the biggest bang for my buck going with mithril plate armor and reclaiming the 'cloak of the Manta Ray' and giving Breaker the Enchanted darkleaf Lamellar. With the mithril plate weighing twenty five pounds, he can't wear both. His carrying capacity is thirty three pounds.
So will medium armor effect his flying speed?
Second question, at eight pounds left over it limits what he can presently carry, to alleviate that I'd want to purchase a magical item for such purposes. Would an Endless Bandolier be purchasable? He would ignore the loops and place his gear in the six thin pockets and four small pockets and carry his swords in the two large pockets. If it's not, obviously he could use a Pathfinder pouch and or an efficent quiver

Ok, looking at tenth level stuff, planning on the Destruction sphere adding Searing Blast, Combat Talent adding focusing Feint, Rogue's Edge adding Sense Motive, the Advanced Rogue Talent being Quick shot and the Skill Specialty adding Trap finding. which leaves armorists Training talent. I've generally been using it to add 'weather sphere's' which I'm strongly considering continuing with Greater Size: to make the storm 'long range' but I don't know where that number is actually posted, any ideas?

Also, I really like Balanced Blows, but I'm strongly considering Dual Opportunity. I guess my question on Dual Opportunity is twofold: When he feints and uses it as an Attack of Opportunity, after his feint attack, on his 'Dual Opportunity' is there any reason why he wouldn't be able to use sneak attack and Fatal thrust?

Then, in a situation where he used his 'Martial focus' to make the feint an AOO, With focusing feint, (assuming it's successful) can he use the swift action that same round to reset his 'Martial Focus' or would he have to use the feint in the next round? It seems like the order of things, spends 'focus' to make a move action an aoo, then for that aoo makes a successful feint, then uses the 'swift action' to gain martial focus. So you just continue to rinse and repeat. Until you need the martial focus or swift action for something else. But it does seem overly simple...

hmmmm, I guess the answer to the last question lies in the description of Feint Strike: Whenever you succeed at a feint against a creature, you may make a single attack against them with any weapon you are wielding as a swift action. You may expend your martial focus to instead make this attack as an attack of opportunity. Does using the martial focus making it an AOO remove the fact that it's a swift action?

I have a little bit of energy right now, so trying to get a post or two in. XD
Searching for Players: I started by checking out the local game stores. Pre-COVID, it was pretty common for there to be a "Looking for Group" area. I was also able to see the event calendar so I'd know if the store catered primarily to 5e, PF, Magic, Warhammer, etc. Then I checked Meetup to see if there was a gaming group. If all else fails, there are various friend-finding apps. That's what we ended up doing. My wife and I matched with a local couple who were into RPGs, so I ran a one-shot to see if our gaming styles were compatible. It was a hit!
If your armor has a speed reduction, it also applies to your fly speed. Any check penalty also applies.
I think an efficient quiver would work better for you. The bandolier only has six total pockets (four small + two large), so the quiver would let you hold a lot more items.
"Long" range means 400ft + 40ft/caster level. HERE'S the relevant info. You also might want to look at the Focused Weather talent. It would give you a lot more control over how you use the wind.
The extra attack from Dual Opportunity would apply sneak attack but not fatal thrust. The reason is the extra attack isn't an AoO - it's an added effect triggered by an AoO.
If you have Focusing Feint, you can use it in conjunction with Feint Strike's AoO ability. This allows you to do it each round, as you said, unless you need the martial focus or swift action for something else - or you fail to successfully feint your opponent.

It sounds like you had a good time, what game system did you play?
Could he put his thieves tool or consumables in the efficient quiver? They don't really match the defined physical description. I like the bandolier partially because he's already wearing two, and let's face a quiver with no bow, looks well, you know. He'd keep carrying the consumables (items with no weight) in the mundane bandolier, the thieves tools (2 lbs) Sap and butterfly knife in the small pockets and the swords in the large pocket over his shoulder. That's what I was imagining.

But it's a Bandolier, basically made for guns and if guns aren't available, I'm not sure a piece of equipment built for them would by. If I went with the pathfinder pouch it would carry the thieves tools and sap. He would probably stop carrying the butterfly knife. That would convert those four pounds to one pound.

Armor 25 lbs. Cloak 1 lb. pathfinder pouch 1 lb. then carry one sword or the other instead of both. so 31 lbs, hmmm, maybe I'm looking at it wrong. He'd be able to carry everything in a handy haversack right?
sorry just thinking out loud
Ok - 10 ft with medium armor, no skill penalty. Between fleet footed and windrider the speed shouldn't be effect too badly, still 30ft on land, with windrider in severe winds he should be 60 ft.
Ok, I'm glad dual opportunity works that way, even without the fatal thrust. Now I just need to decide if I want some umph added to my AOO's or if I want 'long range' winds.
All right, now that I've got a little coffee in me I'll go post :)

Pathfinder with leshy pregens. Saving a forest from loggers.
A handy haversack was honestly my first thought, but since you hadn't mentioned it as an option, I didn't think you wanted one. XD
HERE'S the info regarding how armor affects your speed. Once you get above 40ft, the calculation changes. This was new information for me, so thanks for making me look it up. XD
To my knowledge, the only way to get that extra fatal thrust is to be a 5th-level Sentinel. They can 1/round treat an AoO as an "attack action." Very strong ability.

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:

A handy haversack was honestly my first thought, but since you hadn't mentioned it as an option, I didn't think you wanted one. XD

yeah, you just don't see pirate captains wearing back packs :(

Though I should get one anyway for actual dungeon crawls.

is the bandolier available, or should I forget about it?

Still a few things to determine for 10 th lvl, but you've given me stuff to think about.

Pathfiner with leshy pregens, is that PF1 or PF2?

I'd say the bandolier (and other firearm-related items) aren't available outside of Alkenstar. If you want to take a trip out there, we can make it happen, but it's kind of outside the scope of the campaign.
It was THIS module for PF1. Interestingly, this year's Free RPG Day had a PF2e module with leshy pregens as well, but it's not as fun in my opinion.


Ok, will work out the magic gear later when he's back in port. Once he hits tenth, he'll go to the heavier armor and just be careful with how much he's carrying.

Is it still storming in the morning?

It'll have run its course by morning unless you stop it sooner.

I assumed with the limited range, 150 ft that he wouldn't be able to effect a storm front. But thanks for the info, I was working on a post before I went to bed. (I stay up later on tuesdays since my wife is at her moms house)

You can't affect the entire storm front, but 150ft's enough to cover your ship. Makes sailing easier. XD

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:
You can't affect the entire storm front, but 150ft's enough to cover your ship. Makes sailing easier. XD

yeah but once we anchored in the bay, the ship would be effected by waves from beyond the spell right?

I hope the post in game makes sense, I'm a little tired, so I don't trust my posting.

I have no idea how easy or difficult or how time consuming it will be to steal the catamaran. So it may be an hour, it may be all day, or we may get in a fight and not get it at all.

So the second two posts can happen as late as needed. The meal with Sefina might me lunch dinner or a midnight snack. And checking the tower would happen after.

If there is still time left in the day he will continue to Sumitha to scout it out. But obviously that's beyond the scop of the post.

Lengthened Weather helps mitigate that. The waves are affected by the calm zone as soon as they enter the area, so by the time they reach the ship, they'll have calmed down quite a bit. It won't eliminate the waves, but it will make them smaller. XD
I'm off to bed as well. Have a good night.

Turns out, the island map doesn't match the detailed Sumitha map, so I get to figure out how to fix that. In the meantime, now's a good time to hit Level 10. By the time you have everything sorted, I should be about ready to proceed. XD

level 10....hmmmm So the plan

Added @ 10th lvl
Background feat: Windrider
Deflection +3
+ 14 HP
+1 BAB, Fort, Will,
Caster Level: 5 Destructive Blast Damage: 3d6+
Training Talent: Dual Opportunity
Arsenal trick: Improved Materials
Destruction sphere: Searing Blast
+ 1 Reflex
Combat Talent: focusing Feint
Rogue's Edge: Sense Motive
Advanced Rogue Talent: Quick shot
Skill Specialty: Trap finding
skill ranks @ 13: +1 disable device, escape artist, fly, influence, Knowledge (Arcane, Civilization, Engineering, Martial), sailor (profession), Sense motive, use magical device and + 2 stealth,

I'll get the info posted to his sheet.

Sounds good. Looks like you'll be in cannon mode as your default from now on so you can use the Quick Shot talent each combat. XD

That is correct :)

A matter of timing, he'l use the improved materials to change the nature of the prosthetic and armor. The armor will be mithril plate, so he'll either be wearing no armor or it, he'll change the harpoon hand to cold iron and the trident to mithril and the coral. I'm imagining mithril wire holding it together, but mithril works the same as silver, so why not.

Do we need to postpone the in game time for a day so he can make the adjustments or can we do all of that while he was sailing back to the island?

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:

After quick flight over the ridge, you arrive at the ruins of Sumitha.

Map is updated. Apologies about the size; it's quite a large complex.

It's cool, it looks like only one road in. Two question, so is the town set to the north of the highway instead of the south, and is it surrounded by mountains or is there something else going on?

Did he see any cyclops (or any other creatures?)

You can have made the adjustments during the voyage back to the island. XD
The two maps I have don't match. The map of the entire island has the ruins to the south of the road. The detailed map of Sumitha has the ruins to the north of the road. Quite perplexing. It's mostly surrounded by mountains, so what I'm thinking is the road wraps around the area before leading into the clearing shown on the detailed map.

Coming in from over the southern ridge, you don't see any cyclopes.

Your right it is confusing. I was trying to approach from the back, the south seems to be the front. Basically my first post will be him landing on the mountain to the north and observe the place for ten or fifteen minutes.

I'll get the post up quickly. Would you take a look at his sheet, a lot of moving parts that I want to make sure is correct before I change my sheet that I have the attacks saved on...

I gathered you'd want to approach from the back. XD

I'm picking my wife up from the airport, so I'll look over everything when I get home.

Cool, I'm working on a post now, catch you later.

I think your fly speed is very slightly off. Here's what I have:
Strong Wind: 35ft (20ft mantle + 15ft windrider)
Severe Wind: 70ft (40ft mantle + 30ft windrider)
Windstorm: 105ft (60ft mantle + 45ft windrider)

Armor Training means there's no speed reduction for wearing armor. XD
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
I think everything else is fine. If we missed something, we'll handle it when it comes up. The only potential thing is remembering that Crafted Blast and Searing Blast can't be used together. Each cannon blast can either do Xd8 fire damage or change rolled 1s and 2s to 3s.

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:

Armor Training means there's no speed reduction for wearing armor. XD

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only potential thing is remembering that Crafted Blast and Searing Blast can't be used together. Each cannon blast can either do Xd8 fire damage or change rolled 1s and 2s to 3s.

I did not realize that armor training removed the speed reduction. Sadly I had selected 'searing blast' so long ago that I couldn't remember if I could even use it with the cannon or not... Ok, will make a note.

Also I forgot to add the point for armor expert, will do that.

Edit: Ok, I'll admit it, I don't understand why he wouldn't be slower in medium that just flying or land speed as well?

So the first two buildings are without and cyclops I'm not sure I should be happy or sad. How high have the ceilings been? So, Can he move the storm into a building? How high have the ceilings been in in the buildings? I think I'd rather Elek get hit by their crossbows than their axes.

I'm going to assume there are cyclops in the one with smoke and cooking smells coming from it. So going to the other building for now.

The first building was sized for humans, so 10ft ceilings. The other buildings (unless otherwise stated) have 30ft ceilings. You're able to create a storm inside a building, but it'll only affect the interior. Since your current storm is stationary due to the spell point, you'll have to create a new one. Fortunately, you're able to have multiple storms active simultaneously. XD
I just noticed your question from yesterday. Here's why. XD

Armor Training wrote:
Starting at 3rd level, an armorist learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever she is wearing armor, she reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by her armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th) these bonuses increase by +1, to a maximum –5 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +5 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed. In addition, an armorist can also move at her normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, an armorist can move at her normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

The ability doesn't state a specific movement type, so it applies to any that you possess.

ah, I forgot about that and was looking at the combat talent.

Ok, and he can't move the storm he's got active, but he can create a new one.

I will be gone for a couple of hours. We'll see in the cyclops come out of the building to play.

That's correct. All weather effects are centered on your position and move as you do unless you spend a spell point to make it last without concentration. From that point onward, the weather remains stationary.

Ok, the weather remains stationary, can he spend a spell point and upgrade It? Just pondering what he will do when he needs to be south of the presen storm.

Robert Henry wrote:

I think I have it planned out I had worked on it a little in advance, please take a look at it if you would :)

Added @ 8th lvl
Ability boost x3: Dex, Wis, Cha
background feat: Deft Hands: Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks. At character level 10, the bonus increases to +4.
Attunement +2

+ 14 HP
+ 1 BAB, fortitude, will,
Arsenal trick: Combat Talent: Fatal Opening
caster level @ 4
Blended training Talent: Severe Weather

+ 1 Reflexes
rogue talent:Fleet Footed
Combat Talent: Verbal Feint
skill ranks @ 13: +1 escape artist, influence, sailor (profession), Sense motive, use magical device + 8 disable device

So picked up disable device, so can increase options to who I take on away missions.

I was looking at things on Elek's page and I just realized I never added 'skill focus' for 8th lvl. for Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait. I pulled up my 8th lvl upgrade. To make sure. I was planning on putting it into Disable Device, so he could use another caster instead of Syl.

I'm not understanding your question about spending a spell point to upgrade an existing storm. Could you clarify?

Adding Skill Focus is perfectly fine. The 'Focused Study' extra feats are easy to forget about. XD

Grrrr I may have caught another glitch, I'm showing the armor check penalty for the mithril plate as - 0, so Armor training is presently - 2 to armor check penalty, Mithril is - 3 to armor check penalty, do I count Mithril being Master Work as another - 1 or is it already counted in the mithril?

Never mind, Armor Expert: For every 8 points of base attack bonus you gain thereafter, you reduce the armor check penalty of your worn armor by a further 1. So either way he's at 0

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:
I'm not understanding your question about spending a spell point to upgrade an existing storm. Could you clarify?

The severe storm he's flying in right now that is 'locked in place' could he spend a spell point and make it a windstorm? Or if he wanted a storm of windstorm proportions would he have to create new storm?

You can make it a windstorm as a standard action at any time. If you want to then 'lock it in place' at that severity, it'll cost a spell point.

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:
You can make it a windstorm as a standard action at any time. If you want to then 'lock it in place' at that severity, it'll cost a spell point.

cool, the plan, once he kills or downs these two cyclops is to go after the other. Flying to the edge of this severe storm, he'll make another one and put it over where the wounded cyclops is now and 'lock it in place' once he's killed the cyclops, he'll cause whichever storm the gargoyles are flying in to become a windstorm. Then, hopefully grounding them so none can escape, kill them on the ground.

Oh, you compared his armor coming out from the cannon to 'Ironman' nanobot armor. I think with the cannon now being adamantium and mithril, and the armor being mithril he's going to look more like 'War Machine'

The chip damage from the arrows isn't much, but it'll add up eventually. Keep this up for a few more rounds, though, and they'll be completely out of arrows. XD

I don't know that they have that much time left, once he cyclops is down he's going to make this a windstorm

I had forgotten to subtract from the spell pool, he's cast his mantle and two more spell points to extend the storm so at 12, will spend another soon enough

If the map positioning looks odd, it's because the gargoyles are using Flyby Attack.

Double check my next to the last post, I"m not sure I dropped the gargoyle.

if increasing the storm is a standard action he could only do the 'move action' feint.

Also, I'm assuming at a flight speed of 105 that I can catch them as long as they stay in one of the two storms. Though the other storm is only 70 ft

Just an FYI, we're going out of town tomorrow to watch the grandkids while my youngest daughter and her husband help my oldest daughter move. I'll be able to post on her computer some, but probably not quite as often as normal.

Good catch! I posted before you made that edit. You're mowing through the gargoyles easily enough that I don't think a retcon is necessary. The extra round of life won't meaningfully affect things. XD
Have fun with the grandkids!

FYI, I was curious to see what the 150 ft radius storm would cover, so I found the circle tool :)

edit: So both grandkids were running low grade temps from croup. (The son-in-law did covid tests, just in case) so I spent part of the day with them and part of the day helping my other daughter move. Got home after 8. It was a productive day but the time with the kids was more watching videos than playing.

Sounds like a good time.

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:
Sounds like a good time.

LOL, only the 'video time'

My oldest daughter (who is single) Had purchased a home in an older part of columbus, moving from the apartment she'd been in for thirteen years. My youngest daughter and her husband (the ones with the two kids) were going to help her move and my wife and I were going to watch the kids. But since the kids were sick my wife and I swapped off on helping the move and my son in law stayed with the kids and my mom all day.

So not quite the day we planned but we did get my daughter moved and got to spend some time with everyone. We also tried the Jamaican restaurant a mile or so away. So none of us realized that 'jerk chicken shrimp, was quite as hot as it was :)

Fatal Thrust: Whenever you make an attack action or an attack of opportunity against a target that is within 30 ft. and that you are flanking, that is flat-footed, or that has lost its Dexterity bonus to AC (such as through a successful feint), you deal an additional +1d6 precision damage to the target. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. This damage increases by an additional 1d6 precision damage for every 5 points of base attack bonus you possess. I initially thought that was @ 1,6,11,16 but I think it's 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 right?

1d6 at 1st level, 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 10th level, etc.
I like shrimp, but jerk spice is a bit much for me. XD

Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:
I like shrimp, but jerk spice is a bit much for me. XD

it was at the extreme for me, I'll try the restaurant again, but have something else. I guess he most disappointment wasn't the heat, but that the heat seemed to be generated solely by black pepper. That may not be the case but that's how it tasted.

Fortunately they were out of 'jerk' chicken so I got perch for my wife. She would not have done well with the heat. When we do tex-mexican she uses the mild sauce and not a lot of it.

hmmm, just realized that if elek carried a second ranged weapon he could use Dual Opportunity with the ranged attacks. Would need to figure out how to not need to stop to reload it... 'returning' 'self-cocking' hand crossbow? hmmmm I don't think he's trained with the hand crossbow...

Any chance you'd let him find a thompson or an uzi?


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