GM NovelEnigma's #8-24 Raid on the Cloudborne Keep (5-9) (Inactive)

Game Master asdffghjkl01


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B19 Grim Tidings ||

Discussion thread

Hey zer0darkfire / GM NovelEnigma!

Thanks so much!

I have to admit that I did not think that we would start so soon! :-D

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage

Yes, thank you very much!

As I proposed, I'm ready to GM any scenario of your choice for you zer0darkfire / GM NovelEnigma :)

B19 Grim Tidings ||

Oh, hey, Noral! I haven't seen you in a while. As you can see, I rebranded again, but I've stuck with NovelEnigma for a bit longer than my previous identity. I like that it has a kind of double meaning with Novel meaning both a text and a kind of new idea.

Anyway, I'm graduating with my Master's of Library Science on May 8th, so I'm trying to return to PbP a bit more now that I expect life to calm down a bit again. Actually, I think since the last time we really played together, my life changed quite a bit! I bought my first house in April of 2020 and got married on September 3rd of the same year. I took my wife's last name, and I'm still trying to get my name changed on all my documents to this day lol (COVID slowed it down a lot).

Speaking of, if anyone needs a librarian in the DC area, let me know. I have a ton of student debt to pay off.

B19 Grim Tidings ||
Wind's wrote:

Yes, thank you very much!

As I proposed, I'm ready to GM any scenario of your choice for you zer0darkfire / GM NovelEnigma :)

If only I could ask for the multi-table special, Race for the Runecarved Key! I have a level 19.2 sitting around waiting to hit 20!

The only other scenario by name I can think of right now that I want to do is Eyes of the Ten because I've never gotten to do it, but I think that is a whole three-part series. I'll let you know if I think of any others though!

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage

Congrats GM!

Sorry not from the DC area, I'm in Chicago.

The Concordance

NG f Sylph Sky Druid 7 | HP 45+9/51 | AC 22, t14, ff18 | F +7, R +7, W +10 | Perc +13 (Darkvision 60') | Init. +6 | Resist: Sonic 5, Elec 10 | Stealth +10 | speed 30', fly 60' | CMB +5 CMD 19 | cold-iron arrows x20 | Active Conditions: Aspect/falcon, Delay Poison, barkskin +3 (70 mins), resist energy (fire), haste, PfE

Roll4initiative here. I didn't think we'd be starting so early as well. I need a couple days to get my character updated, if possible.

GM NovelEnigma wrote:

Oh, hey, Noral! I haven't seen you in a while. As you can see, I rebranded again, but I've stuck with NovelEnigma for a bit longer than my previous identity. I like that it has a kind of double meaning with Novel meaning both a text and a kind of new idea.

Anyway, I'm graduating with my Master's of Library Science on May 8th, so I'm trying to return to PbP a bit more now that I expect life to calm down a bit again. Actually, I think since the last time we really played together, my life changed quite a bit! I bought my first house in April of 2020 and got married on September 3rd of the same year. I took my wife's last name, and I'm still trying to get my name changed on all my documents to this day lol (COVID slowed it down a lot).

Speaking of, if anyone needs a librarian in the DC area, let me know. I have a ton of student debt to pay off.

Wow! Congratulations!! Sounds really great!!

I wish you all the best with finding a job! I am unfortunately from Germany so cannot really help with the search. ;-)

B19 Grim Tidings ||

Crossposting from recruitment thread.

Alright then, I have four people already checked in on my first thread so will the following people make the second table of four.

GM Nowrus

B19 Grim Tidings ||

If Ebonfist, Ansha, and Great Green God are ready, we can get started in the Gameplay thread. Ilmakis has already posted there. If you need more time to great ready, just let me know.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs
Wind's wrote:
Need to update my sheet after doing some purchasing!

Likewise. Shonne is about the high-speed maneuverability and I think I that she thinks that we need more than just the fly spell and some random resistance to electricity stuff to survive. She already has air bubble, resist energy, fly and obscuring mist, but I feel like more magical air power is required.

If I can take out a couple of books from the Pathfinder spell library before arriving on-plane she will add gusting sphere and gust of wind to her own spellbooks. (40 gp each if she can study them for free at the Society HQ, otherwise she'll buy a couple of second level scrolls and transcribe them for 190gp each). Then when everyone arrives I have to pick some spells.

B19 Grim Tidings ||

If you're scribing spells, just pay the scribe cost +50%. No need to purchase scrolls.

GM NovelEnigma wrote:

Anyway, I'm graduating with my Master's of Library Science on May 8th, so I'm trying to return to PbP a bit more now that I expect life to calm down a bit again.

Speaking of, if anyone needs a librarian in the DC area, let me know. I have a ton of student debt to pay off.

As someone who got an MLS in 2011 and only started full-time work as a librarian 2 years ago--and I'm sure you've heard this before--I hope you're not set on working in a particular place. xD

But if you're set on DC, you might see if the CIA is hiring any librarians. They often do.

And I also highly suggest looking at the Public Servant Loan Forgiveness program.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs
GM NovelEnigma wrote:
If you're scribing spells, just pay the scribe cost +50%. No need to purchase scrolls.

Right. Done.

60gp for gust of wind (turns out that gusting sphere is a sylph spell), Noting a disturbing lack of healing in the party I picked up a second nearly spent wand of healing (cure mod. with 11 charges for 990gp) from a chronicle she had lying around ("We Be Goblins Too!"). I would have picked up a similarly spent wand of lesser restoration but ranger/wizards can't normally use that spell. :{

I've also updated her current spells and wealth.

For those spellcasters with book-learning in the party feel free to look at her spellbooks (near the bottom of the character page) and if any of us there are any survive to the end we can swap spells.

B19 Grim Tidings ||

If you have played 8-12 Tyranny of Winds Part 3 on this PC:

If any PC has the Stored Hurricane boon from Pathfinder Society Scenario #8–12: Tyranny of Winds, Part 3: Caught in the Eclipse, Norden Balentiir presents the party with the horn of the hurricane from that scenario’s Chronicle sheet, advising them to make good use of it. A PC can use the horn during the adventure without checking the box on her Chronicle sheet. PCs who overuse the horn and cause it to break still lose 1 Prestige Point, as detailed on the Chronicle sheet

B19 Grim Tidings ||

The Plane of Air Rules:

Air-Dominant: The Plane of Air consists mostly of open space, with occasional solid masses floating in it. Creatures with the earth subtype feel uncomfortable here, but this discomfort conveys no mechanical penalties.
Enhanced Magic: Spells and effects with the air descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create air (including those of the Air domain and the elemental [air] bloodline) function as if their caster level were 2 higher than normal.
Impeded Magic: Spells and effects with the earth descriptor or that use, manipulate, or create earth (including those of the Earth domain and the elemental [earth] bloodline) are impeded, requiring the caster to make a concentration check (DC = 20 + the level of the spell) or the spell fails and the prepared spell or spell slot is lost.
Subjective Directional Gravity: In most parts of the Plane of Air, each individual chooses the direction of gravity’s pull. When walking on solid surfaces, choosing the direction of the surface to be “down” is relatively intuitive and does not require a skill check. In midair, creatures with natural flight can fly normally. Those without the ability to fly, or those who would prefer to move faster, can attempt to set the direction of gravity.

Once per round as a free action, an individual can attempt a DC 16 Wisdom check to pick a new direction for gravity. If she succeeds, she begins falling in that direction, moving 150 feet in a straight line on the first round and 300 feet on each following round. If she fails, she can attempt the Wisdom check again on the next round. The DC decreases to 12 on successive checks until she succeeds in changing gravity’s direction. Once an individual starts falling in a direction, stopping requires a successful DC 16 Wisdom check to set gravity in the exact opposite direction. If she succeeds, she continues 150 feet in her original direction for 1 round, and then stops.

Because an individual in free fall cannot stop quickly, performing actions during the fall is difficult. However, the PCs may ready actions and perform them during the free fall, such as readying an action to grab an object or to attack an opponent while soaring past it. Moving past an opponent in this manner provokes an attack of opportunity. A PC under the effects of a feather fall spell falls at only 60 feet per round and gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the Wisdom checks to change direction.

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage

Winds has played 8-12 :)

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs


Dark Archive

Female Elf Wizard (Manipulator) 6/Enchanting Courtesan 4 | HP 58 AC 10 ff 10 touch 10 F+6 R+4 W+7 CMD 12 Init. +4 | Portrait

Before they depart, Ansha is buying 3 scrolls of Fly, one scroll with two castings of Glitterdust and one casting of Dispel Magic on it.

ETA: Also 3 scrolls of Disguise Self.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs
Ansha Saeralyan PFS wrote:
Before they depart, Ansha is buying 3 scrolls of Fly and one scroll with two castings of Glitterdust and one casting of Dispel Magic on it.

Don't forget about this.

I don't play a lot of druid-types so anyone with any solid knowledge now's your chance.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

As for the gang of air elemental thugs, the Fury. If we out bid them they just don't go and all they they or anyone knows that's what happened. If we have to fight them I think we will have to make sure none of them get away. Shonne isn't completely sold on either option, but favors the quieter first option.

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage

For the spell Zephir can prepare. I would suggest some healing as our team is devoid of them.

We could also ask for some barkskin for the one that can fight in front (me and Kahwen).

My proposal for Zephyr spells:
4 air bubble
1 cure light wounds

2 Barkskin
1 Gust of wind
1 Burst of Radiance

1 Cure Moderate Wounds
1 Fly
1 Resist energy, communal

Dark Archive

Female Elf Wizard (Manipulator) 6/Enchanting Courtesan 4 | HP 58 AC 10 ff 10 touch 10 F+6 R+4 W+7 CMD 12 Init. +4 | Portrait

Just a heads-up: I'm having surgery tomorrow morning and will probably be out of it until Tuesday. I'm recuperating from home afterward so I should be posting again by Tuesday, but bot me as needed.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

Shonne shops!

She buys:

4 grappling arrows (1gp each)
2 50' coils of silk rope (10 gp each)
2 scrolls of elemental body (CL 7, 700gp each)

For a total of 1,424gp.

She's also still interested in swapping spells from wizard spellbooks (*nudge nudge* Ansha) and buys some magical ink (amount to be determined). If there is time to scribe before leaving she tries to make time otherwise Shonne can wait until the end credits scene to do this.

B19 Grim Tidings ||

Rules on invisibility in combat for reference.

Dark Archive

Female Elf Wizard (Manipulator) 6/Enchanting Courtesan 4 | HP 58 AC 10 ff 10 touch 10 F+6 R+4 W+7 CMD 12 Init. +4 | Portrait

Ansha's quite okay with swapping spells, so look over my profile and see what Shonne wants to copy.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs
Ansha Saeralyan PFS wrote:
Ansha's quite okay with swapping spells, so look over my profile and see what Shonne wants to copy.

Likewise. Ansha is the better wizard, but Shonne does have some useful niche spells (blend for instance).

As for the furies. Shonne would like to get a handle on their schedule before attacking (what hours do they float under the ship, and the like).

Are there any PCs who can disguise themselves for any useful amount of time, and slink about on deck without being discovered?

How are we set for ranged weaponry? Fly spells? Melee.

Shonne currently has access to a suite of mostly self-defensive buffs, plus fly, haste, see invisible. She is good at range, and oaky up close. She can take dispel magic, blend and a few niche spells given a day.

What is our combined knowledge of air elementals? invisible stalkers?

Knowledge (air elementals): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 {Defenses, Special Attacks}
Knowledge (invs stalkers): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 {Defenses, Special Attacks}

Shonne has glitterdust as a spell in her book, and will most-likely have it prepared the day of (to use against the stalker)--probably in lieu of gust of wind and instead rely upon Zypher to use that spell if needed.

My guess is that big air elementals like to fly-by and knock medium people who cannot naturally fly into the swirling void, and leave them there to die.

Anyhow that's me.

Dark Archive

Female Elf Wizard (Manipulator) 6/Enchanting Courtesan 4 | HP 58 AC 10 ff 10 touch 10 F+6 R+4 W+7 CMD 12 Init. +4 | Portrait
Shonne wrote:
Are there any PCs who can disguise themselves for any useful amount of time, and slink about on deck without being discovered?

Ansha has a few scrolls of disguise self and a prepared greater invisibility. She's an enchantress, so most of her thing is on control- confusion, suggestion , charm monster, etc. She is CL8 because Enchanting Courtesan is a 9/10 casting PrC, so no hold monster yet.

How are we set for ranged weaponry? Fly spells? Melee.

Ansha's got a couple of fly scrolls, and she's mostly ranged with her spells.

Shonne currently has access to a suite of mostly self-defensive buffs, plus fly, haste, see invisible. She is good at range, and oaky up close. She can take dispel magic, blend and a few niche spells given a day.
What is our combined knowledge of air elementals? invisible stalkers?

Ansha's Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Ansha's Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Shonne has glitterdust as a spell in her book, and will most-likely have it prepared the day of (to use against the stalker)--probably in lieu of gust of wind and instead rely upon Zypher to use that spell if needed.

Ansha has 3 glitterdust and a see invisibility scroll on hand, also.

B19 Grim Tidings ||

Shone knows about Air Mastery (Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.) and that they have DR 5/-. Ansha knows that they can turn into whirlwinds and pick people up while doing it. You both know that they have elemental traits.

elemental traits:

Immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack.
Proficient with natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid in form, in which case proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Elementals not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Elementals are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
Elementals do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

You both know everything about an invisible stalker, it isn't a complicated creature. It has natural invisibility, elemental traits, and basically just punches you.

Overall you know that both creatures tend to have really high reflex saves and terrible will saves.

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage

Winds flies naturally, is very good at range, but can switch in hand to hand if needed.

She can cast see invisibility for herself.

B19 Grim Tidings ||
Shonne wrote:
As for the furies. Shonne would like to get a handle on their schedule before attacking (what hours do they float under the ship, and the like).

There isn't really an easy way for you to do this without being spotted by Efwurwa's Fury. Granted, they aren't going to be hostile to you initially, they will be aware of your presence (unless you do so invisibly or stealthily). Basically, its up to you how you want to gather this information

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

Quick heads up, because it might affect posting, I have COVID (again!) and am feeling a bit under the weather because of it.

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage


That's a bummer. Wish you a quick recovery and no complications!

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

Irony: I got my first shot of vaccine on Saturday, one of the few places I went to with a lot of people. ;)

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

Shonne is okay at not being seen, and not disguise. So she might have to be cargo.

Since we have a couple days, Shonne might do some pre-end-credits spell swapping with Ansha if able.

Here is My Initial Quick List! (Enchantment and Necromancy are 'opposed schools')
1st level - illusion of calm
1st level - investigative mind
2nd level - knock
2nd level - locate object
2nd level - summon swarm
2nd level - web
3rd level - communal resist energy
3rd level - displacement
3rd level - heroism
3rd level - invisibility sphere
3rd level - tongues

Since we only have four days and a lot of these could be useful in the immediate future I am thinking most about transcribing: knock, communal resist energy, heroism, and invisibility sphere pre-raid and the rest after. Anyone have any other suggestions?

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

So to be clear:
Did this happen?

Shonne wrote:

Since we have a couple days, Shonne might do some pre-end-credits spell swapping with Ansha if able.

Here is My Initial Quick List! (Enchantment and Necromancy are 'opposed schools')
1st level - illusion of calm
1st level - investigative mind
2nd level - knock
2nd level - locate object
2nd level - summon swarm
2nd level - web
3rd level - communal resist energy
3rd level - displacement
3rd level - heroism
3rd level - invisibility sphere
3rd level - tongues
EDIT = 630gp(if Ansha's cool with it.)

Since we only have four days and a lot of these could be useful in the immediate future I am thinking most about transcribing: knock, communal resist energy, heroism, and invisibility sphere pre-raid and the rest after. Anyone have any other suggestions?

And if disguise self allows for limited type changes in this game, can Shonne memorize it BEFORE going into port since since she's had the spell forever would probably get how it works. And since I don't really even know what spells she might now have access to at this point, preparing spells the day before we come to port is going to be an issue.

EDIT GM, I'm just puttin' some spells on the list for today and you tell me if it okay. ;)

B19 Grim Tidings ||

That all sounds fine

Dark Archive

Female Elf Wizard (Manipulator) 6/Enchanting Courtesan 4 | HP 58 AC 10 ff 10 touch 10 F+6 R+4 W+7 CMD 12 Init. +4 | Portrait

Works for me, as well.

Madcap! Female elf Fighter (cad) 2/unRogue (ms, uc) 2 | hp 29/31 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 18 (varies) | F +4 R +7 W +0 | Spd 35' | Init +6 | KnHis +4, KnLoc +7, KnNob +4, Perc +7, SensM +4 |


B19 Grim Tidings ||

Simplifying this out of character, you have five rounds to prepare for another encounter. Remember that your PCs won't know that it's exactly five rounds, but otherwise, do what you would normally do after the previous combat.

B19 Grim Tidings ||

It doesn't really matter that much (and I'd honestly like for you to know the golem anti-magic), but does Shonne have the ability to take 10 on knowledges in combat?

Madcap! Female elf Fighter (cad) 2/unRogue (ms, uc) 2 | hp 29/31 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 18 (varies) | F +4 R +7 W +0 | Spd 35' | Init +6 | KnHis +4, KnLoc +7, KnNob +4, Perc +7, SensM +4 |

The way I am given to understand the way knowledges work in these situations is that your characters sees something--a squirrel, a fire, the color red, or Karl, and they recognize them based upon their previous experience. There's no action, and if there was it would be free.

If we were sitting around a table it might look like this:

GM: The portcullis and the cage open revealing two large figures made entirely of clouds.

Player (vigorously waving a hand): What do I know about them? Do I recognize them? Is either of them Karl?

And so on.

The way it was described Shonne had seen them before hostilities ensued. Had they snuck up on us, or hit us from hiding, Shonne wouldn't have seen them and wouldn't have gotten to make the "roll" before they attacked her. So idea is that she's taking her 10 before combat, not during.

To move things along, just use the roll Shonne rolled for acrobatics for her take 10 knowledge check, and I'll reroll the acrobatics check here.

acrobatics (avoid AoO): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28

B19 Grim Tidings ||

In my opinion, initiative was rolled immediately upon them showing up placing you instantly in a stressful situation the moment you could see them, never giving you a moment to take 10 on knowledges.

This is how most combat encounters happen too, so what you're suggesting seems to indicate that the only time you couldn't take 10 to identify a creature in an encounter is if it surprised you.

I just don't want to downplay the rare ability to take 10 on knowledge in combat.

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage

Sorry guys, my son was sick and work was crazy!
I'm getting back to my usual posting rate.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs
Wind's wrote:

Sorry guys, my son was sick and work was crazy!

I'm getting back to my usual posting rate.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Kahwen wrote:

"When you're a murderous air tyrant you can't have too many murderous air minions?" Kahwen offers in reply to Shonne's question.

He bows to the ladies he's fighting beside. "My apologies, Companions. I am, normally, much more effective. I fear I am poorly equipped to deal with these types of creatures but I will do my best to pull my weight."

My old 3.0 and 3.5 party developed a 'towel-bane' magical device for the rogue in the party to deal with all the un-sneak-attack-able monsters in our Shackled City game. Alas, they never were able to develop a version for enchanters. ;)

B19 Grim Tidings ||

Hazard in this room:

The storm glyph on the floor makes combat in this room more difficult. Anyone entering a square within 5 feet of a wall experiences winds over 100 miles per hour. This produces effects that are identical to being in a hurricane (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 439). Creatures that are blown away roll around the tower walls in a counterclockwise direction. Escaping the hurricane requires a PC to succeed at a DC 20 Fly check as a part of movement or to brace himself against the wall and shove outward with a successful DC 10 Strength check as a standard action. PCs can also use subjective directional gravity to orient themselves so the opposite wall is ‘down,’ automatically falling out of the storm. Alternatively, they can reorient themselves to make a wall ‘down’ and stand upon it, but Medium or smaller creatures need to attempt Strength checks as normal for hurricane-force winds to avoid being blown away. A lightning bolt strikes a random creature each round (including the sylphs, but not Grasping Storm). Resolve this attack as a ranged touch attack with. If the bolt hits, it inflicts electricity damage. If a bolt deals damage to anyone, it ricochets to Grasping Storm, healing it for an equivalent amount.

A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Knowledge (arcana, nature, or religion) or Spellcraft check discerns that the storm glyph is the source of the weather effects. The effects count as a magical trap. Characters who can disable magical traps can deactivate the storm from a square adjacent to the rune with a successful Disable Device check. A character who fails this check by 5 or more is automatically hit with one of the lightning bolts. A PC can also attempt a Use Magic Device check to power down the effect. Alternatively, if the PCs hit the glyph with a targeted dispel magic, they can deactivate the effect. Finally, the PCs can stop the storm by fracturing the floor upon which the glyph rests. The floor is made of stone and 2 inches thick (hardness 8, 60 hit points). Each physical attack damages the attacker as though he was struck by lightning. Breaking a floor square ends the hurricane

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +19, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 12th [HP 63/63, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +9, Ref +21, Will +9,] CMD 28

Good googamooga...I just realized there was actually activity in the Discussion thread. No wonder it's felt like I was missing stuff...

I need a rules adjudication before I decide what to do.

I have the Glide alternate racial trait, which lets me make Fly checks to simulate Feather Fall. Feather Fall says you fall at 60' per round, but I can't find anywhere how fast you fall if you're just falling. question is, can I fall to 60' using my glide ability after letting myself freefall the first section. If so, how far do I fall in a round? And would I need two rounds, one to freefall and one to glide?

And I guess I need to know both for the Throne and for the Floor.

If someone tells Kahwen about the Glyph on the floor, he'll go down and disable it, first, but it will put him out of the action for a bit (however long it takes him to disable it plus a round to activate his wings (which is different from his Glide ability) plus a couple rounds to fly back up. It seems worth it to both stop us taking random damage and the big bad getting free healing.

B19 Grim Tidings ||

I started looking up and doing the math, but then remembered this is a game with magic and you're literally a bird person.

To keep it simple, I'm going to say you can control your speed with your Glide ability with 60ft a round being the slowest you can fall. The terminal velocity of a person is much, much faster than that so I'll let you basically choose how far you want to fall in this situation in a single round. I'm not going to calculate acceleration and g-forces experienced during a deceleration.

Pick a point you want to end up at, use glide before you get there to avoid fall damage. You can reach the throne and the floor in a single round using this method.

For simplicity
Throne: Single move action
Floor: Two move actions

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +19, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 12th [HP 63/63, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +9, Ref +21, Will +9,] CMD 28

Thanks. It says somewhere that you can't cast a spell while you're falling unless you're falling more than 500 feet, so I assume they assume that's how far you fall in 6 seconds (and I'm not doing the math to check.)

Good to see you back in the Game (meaning PbP in general), btw.

Dark Archive

AC22(T18 +4 vs Incorporeal,FF16) CMD27| HP 72/72| F +11 R +13 W +11* | Init +7, Perc +14, Sense Motive +2 | improved uncanny dodge | See Invisibility, Heroism, mage armor, shield, Rage

I'm deeply sorry for my silence the past days. My wife hurt her back, my son is starting to have his first teeth and wakes up regularly twice a night and work is still crazy... So between work, doing the chores, taking care of my 7month old son, I wasn't able to connect and play.
I've tried my best but it just wasn't physically possible.

My wife is better, work still demanding and the teeth still not fully there, but trying my best to come back.

Again, I'm very sorry for my absence and sometime, even doing your best is not enough. I'm trying to catch up.

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