Pirate GM |
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When the fog is creeping,
And the moon is low;
When the town is sleeping,
Gauntlight starts to glow!
That’s when she arises
For her midnight lunch.
Naughty kids are prizes
For her teeth to crunch.
But if you obey me,
And obey the rules;
You’re safe from Belcorra;
She just eats the fools!
So warns a popular nursery rhyme among the parents in the town of Otari, as they often sing the melodious but unsettling poem to their children at night to encourage good behavior.
As a result, everyone who grew up in Otari has a healthy mix of fear, respect, and curiosity for the old ruins out in Fogfen and the strange lighthouse that stands at the swamp’s heart.
Growing older you would have learned the 'truth': Heroic founders of Otari had slain the wicked sorcerer Belcorra many years ago. For a time, thrill-seekers explored the ruins around the lighthouse called Gauntlight, but today, common knowledge holds that the place has become a haven for pests—no longer a source of active danger or significant treasure after being completely picked over.

Oorgatch |
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A large orc, carrying what appears to be a tree trunk wanders around town. He’s known to a few folks as kind of... odd. Likes to portray himself as a big dumb brute, though those that k is him know better. He doesn’t even use the great club he carries, that is just an affectation.
Most he has been looking for something to do, and to find the tools to make himself into the man (or orc) that he knows he can become.
Oorgatch is well known by the wizard Morlibint, as he often visits the good store,thenOdd Storie looking fo more tales of the Nexian fleshforgers. His reasons have never been told to any one.

Yan Tovis |
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Yan Tovis moves and speaks with a melodic rhythm as if he's constantly dancing. The black silk scarf that's draped around his shoulders is patterned with silver moonbeams. Many in Otari avoid the ash-grey man on account of his cheerfully morbid outlook, but he's made a few friends — namely, Morlibint (and those in his book club), and Wrin Sivinxi (with whom he goes stargazing). Someone even claims to have seen them dancing in the moonlight!
He's often found at the Crow’s Casks, sitting in his favorite chair by the fireplace with a glass of spirits and a mystery novel. Today, Yan's almost finished with The Vicar Runs out of Thyme by Blaize Winspeare. A delightful tale of treachery and murder at an Erastilian cake-baking competition.

Pirate GM |
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A Light in the Fog
Wrin came to you early in the morning, contrary to her normal friendly smile a dire look upon her face... "You must investigate..."
She explained how she saw a strange glow atop the ruin’s towering lighthouse. Through the distance and fog you could not make out the light but it is not uncommon for Wrin's pupilless black eyes to see things that others cannot.
Remembering back to the stories you heard of her premonitions leading to the successful evacuation of her hometown some ten years back mere hours before it was destroyed by Treerazor you suspect it's best you listen to her.
Between yourself and the others Wrin has chosen by midday you find yourselves surrounded by the sound of frogs and mosquitos that mix with with water sloshing against muddy shores, all muffled by the ever-present mists that linger in the aptly named Fogfen. Despite being only 20 minutes away from Otari things feel dark and ominous here.
As the mists clear, a shadow looms from the cloying swamp vapors—a
sprawling ruin of stone and wood squats atop an island in the soggy marsh.
The upper floors have largely collapsed, leaving only the vine-covered stone walls of the ground floor intact. A few hanging vines even connect various disparate structures together. Above these ruins towers an out of-place monument—a colossal lighthouse whose painted walls and iron-cased crown have resisted the corrosive effects of the surrounding swamp.
Through the dim light you can see a pair of rotten doors leaning against each other in what is the most obvious entrance to a surprizingly intact watchtower with some old rotting furniture in the corners. You can even see straight through to a few remaining planks which might be generously called a bridge. Given the condition of the structure other entrances to different sections of the old keep are not out of the question.
The nearby water is murky but is unlikely to be more than a few feet deep, at least this close to shore, light will be dim unless otherwise described. All squares inside the keep with debris are difficult terrain (like the square that each of those former chairs in the watch tower occupy)
The recommended start is indeed at the doorstep, with town coming second. Imagine yourselves on or near the lit path (slide 2) to the south (right) for what you can see from where you stand. Also both Oorgatch and Yan Yovis's opening descriptions were great. Everybody don't forget you currently have 1 hero point.

Scarred One |

Before the Wrin came
A slowly moving figure was coming to meet the others. The druid was slowly stomping forwards leaning on a club barely held in his right hand. He was a big orc, you may suspect that in his prime years he was over 7 feet tall, but now with hunched back and a bit bent legs he was barely higher than human beings. His long white hair was falling on his back, he was wearing thick hide armor, a backpack on which was hanging a kite-shaped wooden shield.
He was old, and most of the parts of his skin were covered in some scars, burns, or marks of a broken bone. You may notice that hir right hand was mutilated, and at least two of his fingers were always straight. He was wearing a mask that covered the right side of his face, the mask bare symbols of Cosmic Caravan deities. The druid was called Scarred One by most, but you know that Wrin referred to him as Rangi.
He gave a stern look to Oorgatch and nodded to Yan.
Great description guys, I am not sure yet how the dynamic between Oorgatch and Scarred One will look.
When the Wrin came Scarred One greeted her, he listened to the story observing her and the others. Occasionally looking at the tower.
"Glow? I thought this tower was abandoned..." says in a voice sounding like grinding stones.

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The white cat Naught weaving between his feet, Sendoksi Osprey strolls through the Otari Market. His dark hair is combed, his faces is shaved. For the first time in a very long time his explorer’s clothes are neat and tidy. He is whistling, not a care in the world. Stepping into a tent and finding it too dark to study the wares, he touches a support overhead, and it begins to glow with light. The proprietor gives him a smile. When an apple falls off Old Mae’s cart, he lifts it back into place with a word and a gesture, before she can even notice.
”Yes, I know, these spells are to ‘curse my enemies, and bring doom to my foes,’ but I don’t have any enemies. I mean, my brother Marcus is kind of an ass, and no matter how many times I ask, Yan refuses to return my favorite romance about the Roseguard; Doth Roses Not Bloom? But I’d hardly call them my enemies.”
From across the street, he cleans the sticky crumbs off a child’s face as she crams the last of a honey cake into her mouth.
”This is Otari. We’re not at war with anyone. Belcorra Haruvex is long dead, and the Roseguard too. I keep telling you, you’ve got the wrong ‘witch’. I’m just some changeling who never heard the call.”
The white cat, Naught, riding on his shoulders, Sendoski steps through the fog to find Yan and two familiar orcs already at the lighthouse ruins.
"This is surprising."
"Yan," he says with a nod in greeting, suddenly bitter about the unreturned book.
He looks over the crumbling ruins and the glowing lighthouse with excitement.
"Maybe this cat was right after all."
Familiar Abilities:
Master Abilities:
Cantrip connection: Chill Touch
Familiar Focus
Detect Magic
Telekinetic Projectile
Color Spray
Ill Omen

Yan Tovis |

Yan smiles at the Scarred one. "Perhaps some witchlight only she can see; if Wrin says so, we'll shine a light in the dark!"
The Champion sways slightly to the rhythm of his words, as if he can never stop dancing. His silk scarf billows dramatically in the wind as he spins to greet Sendoski. "Imagine it: Aesephna, Otari, Vol, and Zarmavdian — they stood here once, together. Did they know their lives would change forever… what they'd lose… and what they'd find?"
"Just like chapter one, we stand on the precipice." He holds up his hands. "Before you ask: I have Doth Roses Not Bloom? right here in my bag for you. He pats his backpack. Sadly, it lies at the bottom, under all my adventuring gear. I'm sorry to be so forgetful. Anyway, I'll return it when we have a little spare time."

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Naught hisses when Yan spins around dramatically.
Sendoski frowns upon learning the condition of his book.
"You put it on the bottom?! I hope the dust jacket's not damaged. Did Wrin send you all here too?"

Yan Tovis |

"Did you see my death, Naught? Is it soon?" He twirls the scarf playfully at the cat.
He brushes off Sendoski's worry. "It's certainly a well-loved book… none can dispute that. The author would be proud. And tucked below my rope and rations and waterskin, there's nowhere in safer in all Otari! Don't you worry, Sendoski."
"Wrin did indeed send us, I believe. I saw Oorgatch and her talking earlier, too. I wonder if he'll lug that outrageous treetrunk all the way here." Yan peers around in the gloom, looking for the orc.
When Oorgatch fails to materialize, he turns to the Orc who is here. "Scarred One, do have any favorite books? Romance, mystery, young adult, literary fiction?"

Oorgatch |
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”Huh. Had dreams. Hell tree. Captured dreams. Escaped.” says the orc in short, guttural grunts. ”Ready?”
He catches sight of the Scarred One. ”Respect, elder.” he says in orcish.

Scarred One |

When Oorgatch fails to materialize, he turns to the Orc who is here. "Scarred One, do have any favorite books? Romance, mystery, young adult, literary fiction?"
"Hahaha" laughs orc
"Nah, I come from a different world, Worddancer. Books were never important, never valuable. Why read about adventures when you can live your own, huh?" responds to Yan
Then he looked at Naught. "I like cats, great hunters. Quick and deadly. Plenty to learn from them Ruindelver."
Seeing Oorgatch he responds "Greetings, young warrior!"
Scarred one hides his club that he used as a cane and takes out his shield strapping it to his left hand. "Ok lads, I am old and don't have much time left. Wrin asked us to investigate so let us have a look... I will keep an eye open out for dangers."
The orc limps forwards and looks at the first building.
Shield in one hand, other empty, Scout as an exploration activity. Moved closer to the building to have a look.

Oorgatch |

Not willing to let the old one go in on his own, the warrior makes his way into the tower. He holds his club at the ready, should anything jump out at him. His eyes and ears take in the room as a chill goes down his spine. He is ready, but for what.

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Sendoski smiles at being called Ruinedelver by the orc.
"I've seen you in the ruins too. I'd never forget those scars. My brothers used to throw rocks at you, the jerks."
Sendoski turns to Naught, still on his shoulders.
"I don't think he's a cat. I'm not sure what he is."
"Of course I"m a cat," says Naught in perfectly accented Taldane. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Sendoski shakes his head. "See, when you say things like that it makes it hard for people to trust you."
"Also," Naught continues, "Yan clearly doesn't respect you and has allowed your book to be damaged. You should punish him."
Sendoski gives Yan an awkward smile.
"Okay, now you sound like a cat," he says.
Sendoski follows the orcs into the ruins, but first takes out the chalk from his pack and marks their entrance with a large X and an arrow, in case someone would need to come looking for them.

Yan Tovis |

Yan grins at Scarred one's grim words. He spins his scarf teasingly at Naught. "The only thing with more lives than a cat's is a lie. I will put yours in its grave at lunchtime, when your master has book in hand!"
He raises his shield, and moves into the tower with Oorgatch.

Pirate GM |

If desired you're welcome to peek at my dice spoilers, they're mostly there to avoid cluttering my posts. They are however frequently unlabeled in any sort of helpful player facing way.
Swaths of mildew and mold cover the damp surfaces of this watchtower, appearing as green and black smears on the dull stone walls. A few collapsed chairs lie on the floor amid small heaps of foul-smelling gray lumps. Thick sheets of dusty cobwebs hang from above, obscuring any view of the ceiling.
Coming from above cobwebs is a deep voice that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike a pixie speaks in a language that everybody except the Scarred One understands.(Uncommon) "Welcome to our parlor heroes. Beware of the mean bugs that live in the keep, and don't forget to eat some of the magic pixie mud on the floor."
There's some chuckling after that last line.

Yan Tovis |

Other Doug wanted me to move him up but it looks like GM did already.
Yan wrinkles his nose at the heaps of 'mud.' He looks up at the ceiling Seek +4.
He responds in the same language: "Yan Tovis thanks you for the warning, voice. But 'pixie mud' he'd never eat by choice."

Pirate GM |

Not particularly well hidden above the spiderweb on a set of ropes and planks are a trio of armed small blue creatures. "Ahh, he sees us!" screams one as Yan begins scanning the ceiling.
They are rolling deception for initiative. (-1)
yan: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8
Scarred One : 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 1 = 8
Sendoski Osprey: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 1 = 12
Oorgatch: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8
red: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
yellow: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17
blue: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
One of them scrambles up onto the remains of the stone roof where Sendoski can just barely see it crawling across some of the vines towards the buildings to the north.
All the monsters currently have about 10 feet between them and ground level. Their webbing etc. is however not providing them any further defensive benefit.
Scarred One
Yan Tovis
Sendoski is up!
Even if you weren't explicit, there's no reason not to have weapons drawn if desired when heading in.

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Naught hisses atop Senduski's shoulders as the tiny blue creature steps onto the vines.
Sendoski draws an occult symbol in the air, speaks in a long dead tongue, and attempts to fling rubble at the creature with his mind!
Telekinetic Projectile: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Darn
Bludgeoning: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
If Sendoski was already in the room, then he'll cast shield. If he had to walk in at the start of his turn, then he's done.

Pirate GM |

dart: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 8 - 4 = 22
piercing: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
I was imagining Sendoski just outside the front door, mostly so I could describe the fleeing critter which isn't visible from inside. Happy to give you the shield cast and the view here though.
Sendoski can't hit the fleeing blue critter and enters the watchtower.
One of the above critters tosses a pair of darts down at Yan, one of which misses, the other imbeds in his shield. 2 piercing damage
Generally happy to allow blocking before your turn when defending,
"Hit the head, not the shield you dummy!" screams the remaining critter.
Scarred One
Yan Tovis
Oorgatch, Scarred One, Yan Tovis is up!
Feel free to retcon reactions as needed. I'll try and apply them logically when possible in my posts (or by more specific instructions), but feel free to make changes as needed

Yan Tovis |

Yeah I allow blocking now too, even though I used to not because I am a big meanie sometimes.
Yan blocks with the shield. He then sheathes his flail, draws a javelin, and throws it at Red!
Javelin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 yay
P: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 boooo
"I can throw darts, too. Come down and talk instead!" Just noticed javelin is in the Dart group.
15' range. Choose:
- The ally is unharmed by the triggering damage.
- The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level (3). After the damaging effect is applied, the enemy becomes enfeebled 2 until the end of its next turn.

Oorgatch |

"Huh!" says Oorgatch (in pretty much any language imaginable, he imagines that sounds the same), as he moves to climb up the wall.
He has the Combat Climber feat
climb check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
He then stabs at the creature with his "branch".
branch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 piercing: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 deadly: 1d8 ⇒ 7
He shrugs his head, bending down as if he is eating the "magic pixie mud", trying to cause a distraction!
deception to Cause a Distraction: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Ok, the dice do not want me to have any fun :'(

Pirate GM |

We'll call 10 good enough to get up here. The walls in here have plenty of handholds and the mischievous inhabitants have been further carving bits out to make climbing easier etc.
Oorgatch makes it up the wall but can't connect with his branch.
"Ahhh, spider-orc!" yells one of the critters.

Scarred One |
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The old orc grunts seeing Yan's throw
"Let me see if I can match this. As a kid we would be hunting birds with a sling, that reminds me of that."
With his right hand, he makes a symbol in the air that begins to glow with blue light, Scarred one begins to speak silently as a blue light begins to gather around him, finally, a ray shoots towards the blue enemy
Ray of frost@blue: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage, cold: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Then he raises his shield.
Cast Ray of frost and raise shield
Sendoski! kudos for using the chalk! Made me laugh!

Pirate GM |
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dart: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (16) + 8 - 5 = 19
piercing: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
The Scarred One's frosty beam narrowly misses the horrible giggling creature.
The sound of climbing and swaying vines continues from outside as blue throws a pair of darts at the spider orc. One of them connecting, but not enough to bypass Yan's magical shield.
One miss, one hit, Glimpse triggers, attack deals no damage
"Aah, invincible spider orc! Summon the dire toad!"
Red -5
Scarred One
Yan Tovis
Sendoski is up!

Scarred One |

Didn't Yan hit a crit there? He rolled 20 so this should be 10 dmg right?

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Sendoski tries again to fling stones at the tiny creature. Targeting blue
Telekinetic Projectile: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
P/S: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
He then casts shield. And will use the shield block reaction if he has an opportunity.

Pirate GM |

Thanks for the catch, just saw the total and missed the roll was a 20
After screaming various bits of commentary for several more moments than entirely makes sense Red falls the the ground with a sickening splat after which he finally remains quiet.
Sendoski continues to have no luck hitting the annoying little creatures with his magic though.
Scarred One
Yan Tovis
Oorgatch, Scarred One and Yan are up!

Scarred One |

Scarred one keep onto the magic and sends another bolt of ice towards the flying pest
Ray of frost@blue: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Damage, cold: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
And raises his shield saying
"We need to put some English ot it, Ruindelver!"

Yan Tovis |

I am worried about the fact Yellow is going to get help and/or warn the keep. Deleted Red off the map for you.
"Let's not let the other warn his friends… first things first."
Yan waits to see what Oorgatch does. Delay.
Yan tries to finish off the evil fey.
Javelin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
P: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
He then draws his flail.
Draw, Strike, Draw
Yan draws his last javelin, and steps foot on the drawbridge, and aims a long throw If nothing horrible happens, that is. He will be 1 square left of the door, 20' to the left of where he is now.
Using the rolls from the spoiler above.
Javelin, second range increment: 14 + 3 - 2 = 15
P: 2 + 4 = 6
Draw, Move, Strike
Reaction: Will use Glimpse of Redemption on the first opportunity.

Oorgatch |

I am assuming I am up next to it still? If not, I will move to vbe so.
Oogratch feigns that is going to fall. As he does this, he maneuvers his "branch" to stab the blue critter!
feint: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
He then strikes the creature with his "club", shoving the branch end at the crittter's face.
stabby: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 piercing: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 +2 more if that feint actually worked
He then stabs again.
stabby: 1d20 + 7 - 5 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 5 = 20 piercing: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 +2 more if that feint actually worked

Pirate GM |

You are indeed still next to it.
Oorgatch can't seem to fool the remaining critter, but does hit it twice.
It takes Yan Tovis to finish it off with a javelin however.
You can't see yellow from inside, but if/when you do step outside you can see him in a hallway past a broken wall, having finally finished his climb. There's no door leading out to the "bridge" from the watchtower, while across the bridge the best door you've seen yet as it remains something akin to shut. Rusty iron chains hang from the keep wall down to the "bridge" that look ready to fall apart, giving the drawbridge’s structural integrity an extra layer of dubiousness. The nearby water is murky, but probably not overly deep and just difficult terrain as far as you know.
Scarred One
Yan Tovis
Ya'll are up!

Yan Tovis |

Yan dashes out and leaps across the water. Or, tries to. It doesn't seem like the bridge is that high above the water or embankments, so I think this works in theory?
Athletics, Long Jump DC 20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 Fail so he goes 10 feet… landing in the water. I'm sure there's not a crocodile or anything horrible waiting.
Come back! We Won't hurt you! He means it.
He clambers out of the water and onto the dry embankment.

Scarred One |

Scarred one limps out of the building, he takes a turn and shoots another frost ray behind the enemy
Frost ray, 120 ft range: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage, cold: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
But it hits the wall. The Scarred One yells a curse in orcish about escaping from the battlefield!
3 attacks this fight: 8, 7 and 8 on d20.

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Sendoski chases after Yan. Stride x3 I'm not sure how high up this bridge is, but I do have Cat Fall if that helps.
"What're you doing? You'll get yourself killed!"

Yan Tovis |
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Yan turns back to Sendoski and references the borrowed book: "Just like when Vol jumped the pit in Chapter One!"
He belatedly realizes that the water probably soaked the bottom of his backpack. I hope that horrible cat didn't notice. I'm sure the book's fine anyway…
Finally, he turns back to make sure Oorgatch is coming.

Scarred One |

Are we out of the initiative? With the little yellow fella gone? If so then Scarred One would cross the water to join Yan & Sendoski.

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Naught hisses at Yan from Sendoski's shoulder.
"I honestly don't remember, it's been so long since I read it," Sendoski says, managing a smile.

Scarred One |

Nah, I am fine chasing it. I was just thinking that this was our last round for trying to take it down.

Pirate GM |

Beep Boop
Oorgatch triple moves, taking the lead on the right flank.
The remaining creature ducks under a rather tall looking armored skeleton as it opens the double doors to the south east and slips inside. There's yelling and commotion from that room but you can't see or make it out from here. The skeleton stands guard silently.
There's some sort of chamber to Sendoski and Yan's left as they run along side the edge of the building, but to learn more you'll have to stop and look.
We'll call it a seek action to peek through an arrow-slit.
The doors into the critter's new room remain open although nobody is currently in a good spot to see through. We'll say the partial spaces at the opening are difficult terrain.
Feel free to remove the brown covering in the yellow mite room.
Splintered framing in the ceiling and floor hint that thin wooden walls once divided this stone building’s interior. With those walls demolished, only a single, large chamber remains. Rubble, swamp vegetation, and mud pile in heaps like foul nests, while a larger stack of rubble, sticks, and bones looks almost, but not quite, like a throne. A flattened mound of sand with a few dozen bits of wood and stone stuck into it covers the floor before the throne.
Seated on the throne in a slightly taller blue creature with a trident listening to your fleeing friend scream about intruders. 2 more equally blue critters stand at attention and listen while an orc sized spider sits nearby.
Assuming you're not otherwise hidden
Seeing you, in common he imperially demands "Why have you come to bother SKRAWNG." He seems surprisingly open to parlay.

Scarred One |

Scarred One, turns left, he keeps on moving next to the building that they fought in. He uses his left hand to lean on the wall when he needs it. Breathing loudly he crosses the water and stands next to the wall.
"Why had it fly away? Bloody chase!"
Says trying to calm his breath.