[ACG] Season of the Righteous - EmpTyger (Inactive)

Game Master EmpTyger

Adventure Path Completed!

  • Mother Myrtle/Bigguyinblack
  • Erasmus/Abraham Z.
  • Merisiel/Nathan Davis
  • Crowe/MauveAvengr

Scale of Disguise
Loot Item 1


Recharge this card to add 1 to your non-combat check, or 2 to your non-combat Charisma, Diplomacy, or Stealth check.

Sacred Prism
Loot Item B


Recharge this card to add the Magic trait to any check by a character at your location.
Bury or banish this card to shuffle 1d4 cards from the discard pile of a character at your location into her deck.
Bury or banish this card to defeat a bane that has the Outsider or Undead trait whose highest difficulty to defeat is 12 or lower.

Banner of Valor
Loot Item 2


Display this card next to a location. While displayed, add 1d8 to checks against banes that have the Demon trait by characters at that location. On closing that location, add this card to your hand.
Recharge this card to recharge a card that has the Iomedae trait from your discard pile.

Loot Weapon 2


For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+4. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If you fail this check, you may discard this card to reroll the dice; take the new result. If you reroll the dice and this card has the Corrupted trait, roll 1d12; on a 1, summon and defeat this adventure's servitor demon or shuffle Soulshear into your location deck.

Scale of Sacred Weaponry
Loot Item 1

Recharge this card to add 1 to your combat check, or 2 if you played a weapon on this check.

Black Robe
Loot Item 3


Reveal this card to add 2 to your Arcane or Divine checks, or to reduce damage dealt to you by 2; you may play another item on the check.
Discard this card to put a spell from your discard pile on top of your deck.
After you play this card, if it has the Corrupted trait, bury a random card from your discard pile.

Loot Weapon 3


For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d12+1; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. You may recharge a card that has the Torag trait to add another 1d8. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
You may discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck; if it does not have the Demon trait, shuffle your location deck.

Spherewalker Staff
Loot Item 3

Owner: Arueshalae

During your move step, reveal this card and discard a card that has the Desna trait or a spell to allow any number of characters at your location to move; ignore movement restrictions.
Reveal this card and recharge a card that has the Desna trait or a spell to ignore a location's trait until the end of the turn.

Loot Weapon 3

Owner: Arueshalae

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill plus your Strength die + 3; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d8 and ignore the bane's immunities for your check. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
If you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to add 1d4 plus the number of cards that have the Desna trait in your hand to any combat check at another location.

Swallowtail Bracers
Loot Item 3

Owner: Arueshalae

Reveal this card to add 1 to your non-combat check.
When a character at your location plays a boon that has the Desna trait on a check, recharge this card to add 1 die to that check.

Loot Spell 4


When a character at your location encounters a monster, display this card next to that monster. While displayed, the difficulty of checks to defeat that monster is decreased by your Arcane or Divine skill + 1d6.
At the end of the encounter, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may attempt an Arcane or Divine 16 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.

Blessing of Abraxas
Blessing B


To Acquire:
Arcane 7
Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Arcane or Divine check. Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, discard a card.

Blessing of Baphomet
Blessing B


To Acquire:
Melee 7
Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check attempted during the first exploration of a turn.
If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, discard this card to explore your location.

Blessing of Shax
Blessing B


To Acquire:
Combat 9
Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any combat Strength or Dexterity check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, discard a card.

Blessing of Deskari
Blessing 1


To Acquire:
Survival 7
Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to your check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, discard this card to add 2 dice plus the scenario's adventure deck number to your check.

Blessing of Sifkesh
Blessing 5

To Acquire:
Bury any card
Divine 5


If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check that has the Corrupted trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, a random character buries the top card of his deck.

Blessing of Xoveron
Blessing 5


When you encounter this card, if you are at a location that has the Abyssal trait, you automatically acquire this card; otherwise, you may bury a card to acquire it.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check by a character at a location that has the Abyssal trait.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, discard a card.

Loot Weapon 4


For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 2d6+4; you may additionally discard this card to add another 2d6. If any d6 rolled on this check is a 6, count it as a 7. If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of this check, ignore that effect.

Blessing of Nocticula (x2)
Loot Blessing 4


Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice plus the scenario's adventure deck number to your check; if the top card of the blessings discard pile does not have the Corrupted trait, remove this card from the game instead of discarding it.
When this card would be banished, remove it from the game instead.

Loot Weapon 4


For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill plus your Strength die + 4; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 2d6. You may expend a mythic charge to ignore a bane's immunity to the Fire trait on the check. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of the check is increased by 4.
If proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to add 1d6+2 and the Fire trait to a combat check by a character at another location.

Scale of Cloudwalking
Loot Item 1


At the end of your turn, recharge this card to move.

Amulet of the Abyss
Loot Item 5


If this card has the Corrupted trait, bury a blessing or you may not play this card.
Reveal this card to reduce Electricity, Poison, Acid, Cold, or Fire damage dealt to you by 4.
Recharge this card to add 1d20 to your check to defeat a monster that has the Minotaur or Mythic trait.

Blessing of Pulura
Blessing B


To Acquire:
Charisma 7
Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Recharge this card to ignore the Abyssal or Corrupted trait on a card until the end of your turn.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Chalice of Ozem
Loot Item 5


Display this card next to a character at your location. While displayed, that character may add 1d6 to her checks. At the end of the turn, recharge this card.
Bury this card to get 2 mythic charges.

Dawnflower's Kiss
Loot Weapon 5


For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die + 1d8+4; you may recharge a blessing to add 1d8 and the Fire trait, or 2d6 and the Fire trait if the blessing has the Sarenrae trait. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
You may discard this card and expend a mythic charge to add 1d20 and the Fire trait to a combat check at another location.

Stole of the Inheritor
Loot Armor 5

Light Armor

Reveal this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2, or by 4 if dealt by a bane that has the Demon trait.
Reveal this card and bury a blessing that has the Iomedae trait to allow a character at your location to shuffle 1d4+4 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.

Mournful Razor
Loot Weapon 6


For your combat check, reveal this card and expend a mythic charge to use your Strength, Melee, or Dexterity skill + 2d20. If any d20 rolled on this check is a 20, you automatically succeed at the check.

Robe of the Rifts
Loot Item 6


For your combat check, recharge this card and expend a mythic charge to use your Arcane skill + 2d20. If this card has the Corrupted trait, banish all cards in your discard pile that have the Divine trait and do not have the Corrupted trait.

Deskari's Tooth
Loot Weapon 6

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 3d4+6; you may additionally expend a mythic charge to add another 1d20 and the Acid or Poison trait.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 2d4+2 and the Acid or Poison trait to your combat check.
After you draw the last card of your deck, bury this card to shuffle 5 random cards from your discard pile into your deck.

Summoned Henchmen:
Ash Giant Thug
Monster Henchman 4


To Defeat:
Combat 27
Arcane/Divine 18

The Ash Giant Thug is immune to the Poison trait.
Damage from the Ash Giant Thug is increased by 2. The Ash Giant Thug deals damage to each character at your location.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

No Ash Giant would willingly guard a portal to the Abyss. Thankfully, that's not a problem.

Blood Demon
Monster Henchman 2


To Defeat:
Combat 17

The Blood Demon is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at an Arcane or Divine 9 check or you may not play spells that have the Attack trait.
During this encounter, if you would reveal, recharge, or discard a weapon that has the Melee trait in a check against the Blood Demon, bury it instead.

Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 12
The Brimorak is immune to the Electricity and Fire traits.
The difficulty to defeat the Brimorak is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
All damage dealth by the Brimorak is Fire damage.
After you act, if the check to defeat the Brimorak had the Piercing or Slashing trait, the Brimorak deals 2 Fire damage to you.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Corrupted Soldier
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 9
Charisma/Diplomacy 6

The difficulty of checks to defeat the Corrupted Soldier is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Corrupted Soldier does not deal damage as normal; instead it deals Combat damage equal to 2 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Cultist of Baphomet
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 10

The difficulty of checks to defeat the Cultist of Baphomet is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
Before you act, if this is your first exploration of the turn, the Cultist of Baphomet deals 1 Combat damage to you.
If undefeated, shuffle the top card of the blessings deck into your location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Cultist of Deskari
Monster Henchman 1


To Defeat:
Combat 10

The difficult of checks to defeat the Cultist of Deskari is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, shuffle a number of cards from the blessings deck equal to the scenario's adventure deck number into your location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

The Defiled One
Monster Villain 4


To Defeat:
Combat 28
Combat 28

The Defiled One may not be evaded and is immune to the Acid, Mental, and Poison traits.
If your check against The Defiled One has the Divine or Melee trait, each character at your location is dealt 1 Fire damage.
The first time each turn The Defiled One is undefeated, a random character summons and encounters The Defiled One; after that encounter, the villain is undefeated.

Demonic Platoon
Barrier Henchman 2


To Defeat:
Combat 19
Arcane/Knowledge/Divine/Perception/Diplomacy 11

The Demonic Platoon is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
Each character attempts a different check to defeat; if any character fails, the barrier is undefeated.
If undefeated, discard the top 4 cards of the Blessings deck, then search this henchman's location deck and banish all the boons. Shuffle this henchman into a random open location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately close the location this henchman came from.

Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 8

The Demonling is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 7 check or the Demonling may not be evaded, and the difficulty of checks to the defeat the Demonling is increased by 3.
If undefeated, move to a random location.

Serving as a familiar is humiliating. If a demonling outlives his master, he'll seek others to humiliate.

Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 13

The Derakni is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
Add 5 to your checks against this henchman if you succeed at an Intelligence or Knowledge 9 check, or if the check has the Force trait.
Before you act, each character at your location attempts at a Wisdom 5 check. For each character that fails, a random character at her location is dealt 2 Combat damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Monster Villain 6


To Defeat:
Combat 66
Combat 66
Combat 66

Deskari may not be evaded and is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
Damage dealt by Deskari may not be reduced and is dealt to each character at the location.
If undefeated, you die.

"Mine are a billion buzzing wings. I am the Usher of the Apocalypse, which begins now." —Deskari

Monster Henchman 6


To Defeat:
Combat 40

The Devastator may not be evaded and is immune to the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Mental, and Poison traits.
While you act, characters may not expend mythic charges, and damage dealt by the Devastator is dealt to each character at your location. Armors may not be buried or banished to reduce this damage.

Favored of Deskari (SERVITOR)
Monster Henchman 6

To Defeat:
Combat 35

The Favored of Deskari is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
If your check to defeat has the Attack trait, expend a mythic charge.
If you succeed at the check to defeat, reroll the dice; take the new result.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Fiendish Minotaur
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 12

The difficulty of checks against the Fiendish Minotaur is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
Add 3 to your checks against this henchman if you succeed at an Intelligence or Knowledge 7 check, or if the check has the Acid, Electricity, or Force trait.
Before you act, if this is your first exploration of the turn, the Fiendish Minotaur deals you 1d4-1 Combat damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Fiendish Tree
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 13

The difficult to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
The Fiendish Tree is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1d8.
Before you act, the Fiendish Tree deals 1 Ranged Combat damage to you.
After you act, the Fiendish Tree deals 1 Ranged Combat damage to you.

Monster Henchman 4


To Defeat:
Combat 27

The Harvester is immune to the Poison trait. If the check to defeat has the Electricity trait, add 1d8.

Damage dealt by the Harvester is dealt to each character at your location.

Before you act, each character at another location must succeed at a Strength 12 check or move to your location.

When a demon lord needs to guard a defiled angel, he usually chooses something decidedly non-angelic.[/i]

Ivory Templar
Monster Henchman 3


To Defeat:
Combat 20

If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, blessings may not be played on checks against the Ivory Templar.
If undefeated, before taking damage, recharge your hand and reset it.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Monster Villain B


To Defeat:
Combat 50
Combat 50

Khorramzadeh may not be evaded and is immune to the Electricity, Fire, and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location attempts a Constitution or Fortitude 12 check. Each character that fails is dealt 2d4 Fire damage and moves to a random location.
If you fail a check to defeat Khorramzadeh, you die.
If defeated, Khorramzadeh deals 2d4 Fire damage to each character at your location.

Labyrinth Minotaur
Monster Henchman 5


To Defeat:
Combat 28

If this is the first exploration of your turn, before you act, each other character at your location attempts a Stealth or Survival 10 check. Characters that fail are dealt 1d4+1 Combat damage and move to a random location.
If undefeated, recharge your hand, then summon and build the location Middle of Nowhere and move to it.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Lust Demon
Monster Henchman 4


To Defeat:
Combat 20

The Lust Demon is immune to the Electricity, Fire, and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at an Arcane or Divine 12 check or you may not play spells that have the Attack trait.
If undefeated, the Lust Demon deals no damage; instead, bury an ally, or if you have no allies, bury your hand.

Mongrel Traitor
Monster Henchman 1


To Defeat:
(See Below)

The difficulty of the check to defeat the Mongrel Traitor is equal to the highest difficulty to defeat a random monster from the box.
If undefeated, bury 1 random card from your discard pile.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Monster Villain 3


To Defeat:
Combat 28

Ommors is immune to the Acid and Poison traits.
You may banish an ally to evade Ommors.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 8 check or bury any cards you would discard during this encounter.
After you act, discard 2 cards from your hand or from your deck.

Ravener Terendelev
Monster Henchman 6


To Defeat:
Combat 30
Combat 35

Ravener Terendelev is immune to the Acid, Cold, Mental, and Poison traits. If your check has the Divine or Fire trait, add 1d12.
Before you act, each character at your location must expend a mythic charge then attempt a Dexterity or Acrobatics 16 check. Characters who succeed are dealt 2 Cold damage; characters who fail are dealt 1d4 Cold damage.
While you act, characters at other locations cannot play cards or use powers.

Rift Demon
Monster Henchman 6


To Defeat:
Combat 30

The Rift Demon may not be evaded and is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
Before you act, a random character summons and encounters this adventure's servitor demon.
If the check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, its difficulty is increased by 30.
While you act, characters at other locations cannot play cards; when a character at your location plays a card, he recharges a card.

Shadow Demon
Monster Henchman 3


To Defeat:
Combat 20

The Shadow Demon is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, the Shadow Demon is undefeated.
Before you act, if your location has the Abyssal trait, you are dealt 1d4 Cold damage.
"Don't worry about the things that come out of the shadows. Worry about the shadows." —Spymaster Anevia

Monster Henchman 4

To Defeat:
Combat 40
Charisma/Diplomacy 16

Shamira cannot be evaded and is immune to the Electricity, Fire, Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, discard 1d4+2 cards from the blessings deck. Characters may expend mythic charges to reduce the number of cards by 1 for each charge expended.

"It's not my job to deal with intruders. It's my job to discourage the existence of intruders." —Shamira

Treachery Demon
Monster Henchman 5


To Defeat:
Combat 24

The Treachery Demon may not be evaded and is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
Before the encounter, succeed at a Wisdom 12 check or a random character at this location is dealt an amount of Combat damage equal to the number of spells that have the Attack trait and weapons in your hand.
If undefeated, discard 2 cards from the top of your deck. If defeated, draw 2 cards.

Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 16
Acrobatics 12

The Ulkreth may not be evaded; it is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
If you succeed at a Knowledge 8 check, or if your check has the Acid, Cold, or Fire trait, add 5 to your check to defeat.
If you fail the check to defeat, when you would be dealt damage, each character at your location is instead dealt Combat damage equal to the scenario’s adventure deck number plus the number of cards in your location deck.

Vulture Demon
Monster Henchman 4


To Defeat:
Combat 19

The Vulture Demon is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 9 check or you may not play boons that have the Attack trait or weapons during this encounter.
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4+1 Electricity damage.

If you still have entrails, it'll take care of that for you.

Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 10
Wisdom/Divine 8

The Wight is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before you act, the Wight deals 1 Cold damage to a random character at your location; when that character is dealt damage, she buries those cards instead of discarding them.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Summoned Locations:
At This Location: When you move, succeed at an Intelligence or Knowledge check with a difficulty of 6 plus twice the scenario's adventure deck number or immediately return to this location.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Fiendish Minotaur.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, move each character at this location to a random other location.
M: 1 Ba: 2 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 1 I: 1 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0

Middle of Nowhere
At This Location: You cannot play cards or use powers that affect the checks of characters at other locations. When you move, roll 1d4; if you do not discard that many cards from the blessings deck, you cannot move or be moved.
When Closing: This location is always closed; it cannot be opened.
M: 0 Ba: 0 W: 0 Sp: 0 Ar: 0 I: 0 Al: 0 Bl: 0 ?: 0

Summoned Cohorts:
Aucinda Fermender
Cohort 6


When you encounter a bane, shuffle this card into an open location deck to evade that bane, then move to that location.
Put this card on top of your deck to move.
Put this card on top of your deck to examine the bottom card of any location deck.

Brutalized Flesh Golem
Cohort 4


You may display this card.
While displayed, you may recharge this card to reduce damage other than Combat damage dealt to a character at your location to 0, or discard this card to explore your location; if you discard it, during this exploration, banish any boons you encounter and add 1d6 plus your number of mythic charges to your combat checks.
While displayed, at the end of your turn, if you have mythic charges, banish this card.

Party Tracker

1 to 50 of 271 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | next > last >>

Welcome! This is a discussion thread for my Season of the Righteous table.
Let's tentatively aim to start January 16, but we can adjust sooner or later as necessary.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions at any time.
Hoping for a fun game for everyone!

Character Selection
Once you finalize your choice, please register your new character at the OrgPlayOnline database site. Be sure to include a link to the deck handler in your profile.
Also, if you haven't already, please verify your deck ownership. Take a photo of something that indicates ownership (the box, the character card, a receipt, etc) and include your Paizo username. Send the photo to morkXII@orgplayonline.com and he'll add you to the verified users.
(If instead you decide to play an existing character, please provide a link to the most recent table you played them at.)

Party Communication
Some parties like to strategize via discord or google hangouts; some parties just use it to alert when someone’s turn is up. Others parties prefer to communicate entirely via the discussion tab. It’s up to you!
Using offsite chat is completely optional. Send me a Private Message indicating which platforms you would be willing to use, if any. This is entirely voluntary, and the decision is anonymous. If anyone, for any reason, indicates that they would rather not communicate offsite, it will not be set up.

Posting Expectations
What time zone are you in?
Please try to take your turn within 24 hours. Obviously, let real-life take priority, but out of courtesy to the other players, try to let us know if something does come up.
Use a posting style that works best for you, with as much or as little flavor as you feel comfortable with. It’s your game! The one thing that I would request is that you label your dice rolls with at least the difficulty and type of check.

Grand Lodge

Don't pigeon-hole me. No thanks. I'm not too fast. I once got to level 3-6 in Super Mario Brothers!

Howdy, y'all! I'm Dink. Many familiar names here...

I'm thinking about bringing Kess the brawler from CoCT to this rodeo. I hope that doesn't ruin anyone else's plans.

I was going to use the Barbarian deck and Ultimate Equipment for her.

Anywho, looking forward to it.

I'm in New Zealand, so GMT +13, I think? I've used Discord in the past to discuss games. I'm familiar with that as well as Google Hangouts.

I'll get my photos out when I can.


Hey all.

Thinking of playing either Crowe or Ekkie. Heard Crowe was one of the least played characters so want to try him out. Would use the Magus class deck. Any suggestions on Ultimate decks?

Do I need to own WotR to play Crowe since he comes from there?

I'm in PST so GMT-8. Have used both Discord and Google Hangouts. Prefer Discord though.

And fine with starting any time. No rush to start!

So I could go into a lot of detail but I'll keep it simple.
WotR at high tier has a lot of very high check banes, Lots of banes that force all party members to summon and encounter a bane. And some nasty consequences for failing checks.

Core rules now cap our max feats and limit the number of boons that can be played on 1 check.

I think we can do a few things to offset this.

1. Evade a bane or better yet let a local character evade a bane. This won't always work but could save party resources.

2. Examines. If we can locate the worst banes it gives us a chance to prepare or send the best suited PC. There are no triggers in WotR.

3. Healing. There will be chip damage, hand wipes, and if we plan to complete all of the content then probably some deaths. We will also be tossing around blessings for checks. Fortunately afaik there are no scourges/curses.

4. Make those support options count. Blessings that recharge to add 1 die are my favorite but we will want blessings that add 2 dice. (I doubt anyone intends to use a Survival for combat character but if they do let's get a Mountaineer in there somewhere.)

I'm considering a few options but once a few players have picked their character I'll pick one with those ideas in mind.

Hi everyone. Looking forward to this. No idea at all what I'm going to play yet.

I'm in the eastern part of the USA (EST) and the 9pm-1am window is a sweet spot for me for posting (after I get my kid to bed) though I may often post at all sorts of other times too, just depending on what's going on.

I've used Discord and Google Hangouts for discussion. Slight preference for Discord but will work with whatever works for the group.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

Thanks for joining me on this Epic quest!

I'm playing Merisiel (180092-1017) from Skull and Shackles. I'm close to finalizing my decks, but at this point it's probably Intrigue + Finesse. I get to evade for free and I'll have a lot of items.

My overall plan is to grab this as soon as I get a role:
☐ You automatically succeed at your Knowledge check. Until then, I'll be worthless on Knowledge checks
And then these shortly thereafter:
☐ When a monster deals damage to you before (☐ or after) the encounter, reduce that damage to 0.

Otherwise, I'm going to maxing out my Dex (Stealth/Acro/Disable). I also have a little Craft check if it comes up.

Most of my posts will happen after 7 or 8 Pacific Time.

And for those picking characters still. Getting someone in with a Divine skill is definitely key!

Here are some divine characters worth considering. Either for Abraham or myself.

Diabolist role. ☐ When you encounter a summoned bane, you may evade it. (☐ Characters at your location gain this power.)

Also HV1 has many blessings that add 2 dice but have drawbacks due to Corrupted and he can ignore the Corrupted trait.

Why not?
His only real combat option is divine spells and he gets 5 spells max.

Best healer in the game.
Bone Diviner role. ☐ You may recharge a card that has the Divine trait to examine the top card (☐ or top 2 cards) of a location deck at any occupied location.
His high survival could actually be an asset when combined with the 2 high tier Survival weapons in the Nature pack and the Mythic Hierophant path.

Why not?
His d8 Charisma makes it harder for him to reach high combat numbers when aided by blessings.
Needs spells to fight.

WotR Alahazra
You may recharge a card that has the Divine trait to examine the top card of any location deck.
Stargazer role. ☐ When you use the above power to examine a card from a location deck on your turn, and it is a boon, you may encounter it.
☐ You gain the skill Perception (☐ and Survival): Charisma +2.
The high perception can be combined with the Occult AD for massive examining power. And the high Survival could be combined with the 2 high tier weapons in the Nature AP.

Why not?
Needs spells to fight.
Not as good at healing as Grazzle.
I've played her twice already.

WotR Adowyn
You may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane (☐ or discard a card to allow another character to do so).

Why not?
Not actually good at recharging healing cards. Ultimate Wilderness helps with this since her Survival is higher.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

I put together my deck so I'm ready to go.

Here's a sample hand (including my powers and such).

I also will likely be using my Dragon's Demand reward to replace an item with Dagger, Chain mail, or Incitation.

Merisiel wrote:

Hand: Sword Cane, Spyglass, Lasso, Mouse, Blessing of the Spy 2,

Deck: 10 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blessing of Abadar, Magnifying Glass, Dagger, Rapier, Flawless Monocle, Blessing of Asmodeus, Marianix Karn, Thieves' Tools, Blessing of the Spy 1, Patrician's Armor
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Dexterity d12 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
Acrobatics: Dexterity + 2
Disable: Dexterity + 2
Stealth: Dexterity + 2
Constitution d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Intelligence d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Intelligence: Craft + 2
Wisdom d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Charisma d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

Favored Card: Item
Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6
☐ Weapons
You may evade your encounter.
If you are the only character at your location, you may recharge a card to add 1d6 (☐+1) (☐+2) to your combat check.
For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.

You can only use the Dragon's Demand reward in Core sets because those cards are not in the WotR box to pull as Loot.

deck handler

Mother Myrtle #145373-1028 checking in.

Deck Handler

Erasmus Z. is here.
PFS: 100198-1007

How are we coming along- are we okay to start this weekend, or do people want a little more time? Right now looks like:
Erasmus: Occult 2 + Ult. Wilderness
Mother Myrtle: Alchemist + Alchemy/Nature Packs
Kess: Barbarian + Ult. Equipment
Crowe: Magus + Ult. Combat
Merisiel S&S: Finesse Pack + Ult. Intrigue

If you're set, make sure you've created your character at acg.orgplayonline.com. Let me know if you're having any issue.

Any preference for a turn order? (We will pick up where we left off across scenarios.) If no preference, we can go by timezone (where are you, Bigguyinblack?) or else at random.

Deck Handler

All set!

Character created on acg.playonline.com.

I've no preference for turn order. I'm in New Zealand.

Thanks, BR!

deck handler

I'm on the same state as Abraham so around the same time frame. If we are cycling the turn order I have no real preference for where I am in it.

My character should be registered and I'm ready.

Let's try:
1) Kess/dinketry
2) Mother Myrtle/Bigguyinblack
3) Erasmus/Abraham Z.
4) Merisiel/Nathan Davis
5) Crowe/MauveAvengr
Starting with: 1d5 ⇒ 4
With Merisiel going first for Scenario A.
We can readjust the order before Scenario B if necessary.

Deck Handler

I'm registered and ready to start.

Does anyone know how to make a party tracker? I've found that very helpful in other games but I don't have any idea what's involved techwise.

Deck Handler

I’m 805-1024.

I'll put together a party tracker once everyone's linked their deck handler. Just need Crowe's.

Deck Handler

Number: 215382-1012.

Here is Crowe's deck handler.

Sorry for the delay!

And here we go! Intro is up. Choose your starting locations and draw your opening hands. Also one character can additionally add the scenario cohort to their opening hand. (To be honest I'm not sure why it was done as a cohort rather than as an additional scenario rule. Flavor, perhaps?)

One thing to note is that the Abyssal Rift works a little differently from normal locations. It doesn't ever close- instead it flips between two states: Abyssal open and non-Abyssal tempclosed (guarded). The database doesn't handle this perfectly, so I'll include a "when flipped" reminder instruction. Also, while we're talking about irregular locations, the Maze card counts are correct- it's a small location.

Rewards are up! This type of reward can be a little confusing to process, but basically, each player gets a bonus card at random out of their class boxes for "free" (ie they can take it without using an upgrade). Let me know if any questions or if you are having trouble randomizing.

Next scenario intro is up. After you've decided on upgrades and feats, choose your starting locations and draw your opening hands. And this time there's more of a decision about who gets the cohort.

(Also, let me know if there were any issues with the turn order, otherwise we'll continue with Crowe starting off.)

Deck Handler

Spending hero point on Power Feat 1:
"Add 1d4 to another character at your location's checks that use any skill marked on the cohort Spirit Relatives."
Until I get my role card this will always be Nissa: so +1d4 to LOCAL Strength, Melee: Strength, and Fortitude: Constitution checks.

For scenario reward, choose Weapon. There are 16 tier 0 and 1 Weapons in OA2 and Ultimate Wilderness. I'll roll randomly 1d16, counting the cards as listed on the online wiki (OA2 first, then Ultimate Wilderness) and will reroll if I roll one of the Weapons I already have.

Random card from Class Decks: 1d16 ⇒ 7
Nice: Quarterstaff of Vaulting. I'll take it (Core version), replacing Haki Stick. :-)

For normal upgrades:
Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 658
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 275
Weapon B: 1d1000 ⇒ 279

The cohort is useful for Erasmus (he has 5 Blessings in his deck so a good number of Divine cards to recharge, and he makes Perception checks). Not sure who else it might be useful for (Mother Myrtle if you take the Divine power feat? But do you have Divine cards to recharge for it?).

deck handler

No weapons I want or item 1s so will try spell. 19 spells in my deck so will roll Alchemist, Alchemy, Nature and reroll i it is in my deck already.

random spell: 1d19 ⇒ 4

I don't want the tier 0 spell Lightning Touch replacing one of my spells so no free upgrade.

Spending the hero point on a power feat. The +1d4 part of "You may use your Wisdom skill (▢ +1d4) for your Arcane (▢ or Divine) check."

Replacing banished Elixir of Healing with itself.

spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 792

Deck Handler

Kess doesn't carry weapons or spells, so it appears that items is the card type I'll randomise. There are 25 items between the Barbarian Class deck and Ultimate Equipment, so here we go!

Random Item: 1d25 ⇒ 19 Blue Star. Already got it; roll again.
Random Item: 1d25 ⇒ 24 Liquid Blade. Totally useless for a character that doesn't use weapons, so I'll decline that free upgrade.

Kess will use spend her Hero Point on a Power Feat and take:

"For your combat check, you may use Melee + 1d8 (X or Melee +1d12 and add the Magic trait)." No need to worry that my fists aren't magic weapons now!

Upgrades (only interested in one, really):
Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 575

Deck Handler

Crowe will spend a Hero Point on a Power Feat: ☑ You gain the skill Arcane: Charisma +3.

Will pick weapon. There are 18 unused weapons in the Magus Deck + UC.

Weapon: 1d18 ⇒ 2 Explorer's Staff - no thank you!

Deck Upgrade Preferenes:

Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 876 Blackjacket

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 376 Looks like Crowe gets it!

Choose Item
1 Spider Venom
2 Gem of Physical Prowess
3 Smoke Bomb
Ultimate Intrigue
4 Signal Whistle
5 Singer's Solution
6 Mask of the Red Raven
7 Cockroach Coat
8 Harrow Deck
9 Quick-Change Mask
Random Item from the Box: 1d9 ⇒ 3
Smoke Bomb replaces Flawless Monocle.

Hero Point
Power Feat
☑ Weapons

Deck Handler

For the normal upgrade Erasmus will use Weapon B to take The Missing Eye (swapping out Hatchet).

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

Assuming there aren't any that I'm not aware of, beyond a Weapon 1 and a Spell 1
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 476

Hero Point
Skill Feat
Dexterity d12 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4

Deck Handler

Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 705

Hero Point:
Card Feat: Item (fill the new slot with Blue Star)

deck handler

Spending the hero point on skill feat +1 to wisdom. 0 HP remaining.

spell 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1

Deck Handler

Crowe will spend a Hero Point on a Skill Feat: STR +1


[dice=Weapon 0] 1d1000 [/ooc] Hammer

Looks like upgrades are all taken care of:
Merisiel: Weapon 1
Erasmus: Spell 1
Crowe: Weapon 0

Finalize feats, and decide on loot and cohorts. Then when you're ready, choose starting locations and draw opening hands.

(Also, MauveAvengr, could you add a link to Crowe's deck tracker into your header?)

Deck Handler

Erasmus will add Spirit Surge, replacing Fan of Flames.

Not interested in either cohort.

Will start with either Kess or Crowe to give them 1d4 bonus on Nissa checks

Deck Handler

2-1B: Instant Inquisition results:

No upgrades. Again.

Kess will use her Hero Point to take a Card feat (Item) and add White War Paint to her deck.

Kess would like to use the Scale of Disguise, if possible. I'll swap it for the Horn of Battle Clarity.

Kess would also be interested in Anevia Tirabade as a cohort for the next scenario.

Deck Handler

Crowe replaces Explorer's Staff with Hammer.

Slight interest in Aron Kir.

Added Deck Handler to header!

Looks like both Merisiel and Kess are interested in Anevia Tirabade.
I'll reveal that she will also be available as a cohort in the following scenario. So (assuming it's just the 2 of you who are interested), one of you could volunteer to forgo her now, in exchange for definitely getting her next time.
Alternatively, or if still can't decide who gets her, we can just roll randomly.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

Replacing Weapon 0 Rapier with Weapon 1 Captain's Cutlass

And if there's arm wrestling for Anevia's companionship...
Anevia Tirabade: 1d1000 ⇒ 534

Deck Handler

Kess will step aside for Anevia’s attention this scenario in return for getting that cohort next scenario.

Plus, an arm wrestling contest with Kess just wouldn’t be fair.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

Preemptive upgrade post, if anything is off I'll adjust it later
Choose Armor!
Finesse Adventure Pack
1 Studded Leather Armor
2 Armor of Insults
Ultimate Intrigue
3 Gambeson
4 Lockpick Shield
Draw a Random Armor: 1d4 ⇒ 4 YES! Lockpick Shield. Will adding an Armor slot on rebuild.

Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 86 I'm happy enough with a roll off, but Item 1: Quick-Change Mask is game changing for me. No other upgrade will be as big
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 423

Hero Point
Card Feat
Armor 1 ☑2

deck handler

armor draw in this order Alchemist, Alchemy, Nature: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Alchemist's Shield. It's a 1 but I think Tussah Silk Coat provides more protection. Pass.

spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 998
ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 785

Hero point will be card feat Spell.

Rewards are up! Again, let me know if any questions or issues with the random card draw.

Next scenario intro is also up. To make things a little easier for me with the database, I've prebuilt the Laboratory, although note that it doesn't actually exist until all the other locations have been closed. Also I'm using the scenario deck for the boon pile, and using proxies for the henchmen.

After you've decided on upgrades and feats, choose your starting locations (not much choice, just who wants to group with who), draw your opening hands, and decide on cohorts.

Deck Handler

Choose Ally for random card drawn from decks. Random card, listing OA2 first and then Ultimate Wilderness:

Random Ally: 1d17 ⇒ 1 - Chronicler. No thanks.

Hero Point: Skill Feat (+1 to Wisdom)

Blessing B: 1d1000 ⇒ 579 Replace Blessing of the Gods 2 with Sign of the Lantern Bearer.

Deck Handler

Crowe will spend a Hero Point on a Card Feat: Ally (and fill it with Mendevian Crusader)

Will then use the Scenario Reward to draw ally. There are 12 unused allies in Magus+UC.

Ally?: 1d12 ⇒ 12 Surgeon

Will replace Mendevian Crusader with Surgeon

Will let Merisiel have the Item 1. Not interested in Spell 1 or Ally 1 at this time. No deck upgrade!

Deck Handler

Spend Hero Point on Skill Feat (STR).

Choose Armor. Barbarian Class Deck, then UE deck.

Random Armor Boon: 1d14 ⇒ 1 Bone Spikes - decline.

It doesn't appear that I need to roll for the Ally 1 upgrade; I'll just freely take it. Even if Mother Myrtle wanted a second upgrade, there are 2 Ally 1s available.

Merisiel, would you like the Scale of Disguise during this scenario? Otherwise, I will retain it.

Replacing Recruit with Smith.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

Replacing Item 0 Lasso with Item 1 Quick-Change Mask

Thanks for clearing the way y'all!

Looks like
Ally 1 Kess
Item 1 Merisiel
Spell 1 Mother Myrtle
Blessing B Erasmus (although note there is an unclaimed Ally 1, if for whatever you were hoping to get instead of Chronicler?)

And for cohorts, looks like Kess has Anevia Tirabade, and Erasmus will get Horgus Gwen.

Deck Handler

If there is an unclaimed Ally 1 upgrade Erasmus will use it to replace Vine Leshy with Leshykineticist. I'm a bit conflicted about this because I expect in the long run Vine Leshy will be more useful but it's true that it doesn't do much for me now so I'll go ahead and make the swap.

Adding Horgus Gwen to my hand as a cohort.

As for the question of whether I would have built my deck any differently if I knew that I didn't have to use Basic cards, I think the only change I would have made is instead of my two Blessing of the Gods cards I would have taken Sign of the Lantern Bearer and Sign of the Pack. If the BR approves, I'll swap those.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Blessing 5 > Blessing 4

Replacing Weapon 0 Dagger with Weapon 1 Keen Rapier
Replacing Armor 0 Patrician's Armor with Armor of Insults

Hero Point

deck handler

Saving the hero point. 1 HP now.

Will take an armor 1 as an upgrade if unclaimed.

Deck Handler

Crowe will bank Hero Point.

Total: 1 HP

Deck Upgrades:

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 795 Katana +1
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 822 Cat-o'-Nine-Tails

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