[PFS 2e] GM Dinketry’s Bounties: (#4) Cat’s Cradle (Inactive)

Game Master dinketry

A Pathfinder Bounty designed for level 1 characters.

What's a Bounty?:
These are repeatable, introductory adventures into Pathfinder Society play.


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Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

Your adventure begins in Eto, a bustling settlement on the Golden Road in Osirion. You may have recently arrived with one of the caravans, or you might have already spent a few days in the trade city. You even be the rarest of birds in this trade hub: a native. Regardless, at the end of another sun-drenched day you find your mug filled with a refreshing beverage of your choice from your stool in The Bent Coin tavern. The hubbub of the inn promises camaraderie, people-watching, and other forms of entertainment. The tavern maintains a bulletin board where caravan merchants often advertise to hire guards, drivers, and other employees. You find your eyes occasionally glancing towards the bulletin board, hoping for the appearance of a possible employment opportunity.

Please describe your character, what you’re doing (and drinking), and any thing else you’d like to put in an intro. We will hold until all six of you have had a chance to make an entrance.

Horizon Hunters

Male HP 21/21 | AC 17 (19)| F +4 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +5 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | spells 1 2/2 | Active Conditions: ---

Kurvok sits at the bar, drinking what passes for ale in this sun-blasted hellhole of a town. He’s not the biggest orc you’ve seen, but he has an air of danger about him. His shoulder-length hair and short beard, continuously stirred by a light wind, are black. They frame an olive-green face (which seems to be sweating profusely), with dark eyes and cruel-looking tusks. It looks like gills on the sides of his neck, but they turn out to be tattoos. He wears studded leather armor, with a gauntlet on his right hand, and a metal shield slung on his back.

Horizon Hunters

CN (male) Elf (Woodland) Rogue 1 HP 14/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Speed 30'| Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: -

Gah! I'm tired of working for scraps. How did I even end up here? I was doing fine in Andoran, but sure... I just had to take up that bodyguard job with that sleazy merchant in Augustana. How can there not be any scouting work in this place? It's been weeks!

Erathiel lifted the tankard to his lips, tasting the deep brown ale. It wasn't anything like the elven applejack of the Arthfell, but it was quite rich and toasted and better than most of the terrible beer offered in this part of the Inner Sea.

His deep green eyes met the other adventurers who had sat waiting in this tavern, same as him. They seemed to sigh when he met their eyes, and he sighed too. The townsfolk, however, were having a wonderful time dancing and drinking and cheering on with the music. The next song was a favourite between the locals, and after a few weeks here, Erathiel knew it well. He started tapping his left foot so very slightly; just enough to follow the rhythm, but not enough so other people would notice. It was important to keep appearances, his elders had told him when he was a boy.

When the song was over, his restlessness came back in full force. His pale blond hair flowed gracefully as he turned around again, checking the bulleting board for the tenth time this hour. Is that someone approaching it?

Verdant Wheel

Female Orc Swashbuckler 5 (Gymnast, Martial Artist Dedication) HP 72/72 Hero Points 1/1 AC 22 (23 Shield) Saves F+11 R+13 W+9 Perc +9 (Darkvision) Exploration Avoid Notice Active Conditions: - Reactions: Oppurtune Riposte

She was a young orc, definitely not older than 20. Tall with well developed muscles, but she moved with a surprising grace and coordination. Long blond hair, tied into a ponytail. She'd be cute by most human standards, even with the -grey-green skin, if it weren't for the pair of savage yellowed tusks, longer than most orcs', that curled out from her lower lip. She carried no sword, no axe, no club at her side, just a flimsy-looking buckler clipped to her waist.

She currently is badgering the bartender for something fruity and frizzy, something as sugary as possible. "C'mon, like, no one actually likes the taste of beer or whiskey. make me something like they have in Absalom." At well over six feet, she towered over the bartender.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Mountain's Maw |

I've provided a map of where in the world you are on Slide #3, and a depiction of The Bent Coin on Slide #4.

A gnome with shocking blue hair (Slide #5) strides to the front of the tap room and appraises the bulletin board for a few moments before borrowing a stool from a nearby table, pulling it in place, and clambering up on to it. She reaches into her waistcoat, producing a rolled up scroll that she unfurls and holds up to the notice board, trying to decide upon the most opportune position.

The room seems to hold its collective breath.

Still awaiting introductory posts from Aeinquel, Drazzel, and Jun-Mei. Thank you all for filling out the slide and dealing with my inexpert website use.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

A tall, shaven-headed elf takes a sip of wine from the cup beside him on the bar, the pine scent of resin heavy around it, and returns his attention to the book in front of him. He absentmindedly traces down the page with one long, slender finger, tapping one line and frowning before looking around at the rest of the clientele. His plain tan dalmatic is somehow nearly spotless despite being somewhat faded by the harsh sun of the Golden Road. A staff leans against the bar next to him, and a heavy pack sits on the floor at his feet. He signals the barkeep, coin in hand, and points to his cup.

Envoy's Alliance

F Human | Cloistered Cleric 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 62/62| AC 25 | F +11 R +9 (11)W +14 | Perception +14 | hero 1/3 | Focus Points 1/2 | Fire Resistance 2 | Speed 20(30) | Divine Font 4/4

A short tien woman with long dark hair piled on tom of her head sits at a table by the back wall. She is idly plucking at an odd-looking long horizontal harp occasionally stopping to take a sip of tea. She wears a breastplate and a red cloak embroidered with colorful chrysanthemums. A glaive with red tassels near the blade stands propped against the wall next to her.

She stops and looks at the gnome with interest as the she attempts to place her notice on the bulletin board.

Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
N m Kobold (spellscale) | sorcerer 4 | HP 30/30 | AC 18/19 (shield) | F +7, R +8, W +10 | Perc +8 (darkvis) | Stealth +8 | Resist Fire 5 speed 25' | Hero Pts. 1/1 | Focus: Claws 1/1 | Explore Mode: Avoid Notice +8 | Active Conditions:

The gruff sound of a man can be heard yelling down the street just outside of the tavern.
"Drazzel, you no-good swindler! I'll kill you! Gimme my money!!!”
Just then the tavern door flies open and a three foot tall red-scaled kobold wearing a dark brown hooded cloak and clutching a coin purse in a clawed hand rushes in.
Eep! Must hide, quick! He's gonna kill me!
He squeaks as he pants in exertion and dives under a table to hide amongst the patrons legs.
Soon after, a burly mustachioed merchant storms in.
"Where's that dog-faced son of a bi..."
He shouts as the three seated patrons slide on their chairs away from the table and point at the huddled figure underneath.
The angry merchant nods in thanks and storms over to the table. He reaches underneath, pulls the flailing kobold out, and lifts him up by the collar to eye level.
No, no! Don't kill me, Hamdar. I'm sorry! He pleads in fear as he dangles in the man's grip.

The merchant shakes the little kobold while screaming in his face.
"Those gems were fake! Cheap bits of glass! I want my money back, Drazzel!"

Yes, yes! Of course! Here. Take it!
He thrusts the coin purse at the merchant. The merchant yanks the sack from the kobold and drops him to the floor where he lands with a thud. The kobold backs away as the merchant shakes a finger at him.
"You have one hour to get out of town and never show your ugly jackal face here again! I'll get the authorities involved next time and have you thrown in prison, if I don't kill you first!"
The merchant turns and strides out of the tavern, tossing a gold coin at the bartender on his way out.
"My apologies for the commotion."

Drazzel stands up, dusts himself off, and glances around with an embarrassed look.

So, umm, any jobs heading out of town?

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

The elf raises his eyebrows at the size of the bribe, then turns his attention back to his book.

Horizon Hunters

CN (male) Elf (Woodland) Rogue 1 HP 14/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Speed 30'| Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: -

Finally! the elf stood up from his table, focused on the bulletin board.
Time to get out of this town! Huh, Drazzel? When did you get here? he looked at the kobold as he towered above him with a puzzled look.

Horizon Hunters

Male HP 21/21 | AC 17 (19)| F +4 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +5 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | spells 1 2/2 | Active Conditions: ---

Kurvok raises an eyebrow at Hepcut, before the gnome gets his attention. He steps over to the board.

”Need a hand there?”, he rumbles.

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

The gnome finishes hammering her scroll into the bulletin board with the side of an empty tankard and surveys her work with a small sigh.

Kurvok wrote:
”Need a hand there?”

The blue-haired female startles briefly at the intimidating orc before taking his offered hand and stepping off the stool.

"Ahyesthankyouverymuchmyfoodhasbeenserved!" the gnome says, descending from her perch. She gathers her things and heads to a table near the bar, a newly-placed bowl of soup her obvious quarry.

I've moved the scroll to the top of the Slides presentation for your reference.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

The elf casually walks over to the board and reads the notice, then returns to his seat.

GM D, any chance of recognizing the gnome's family name?

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

It's a Society check, Aeinquel, but it's a secret check, so I make it for you.

Aenquiel scours his mind but the surname Wizelboom doesn't trigger any memories.

Grand Archive

N m Kobold (spellscale) | sorcerer 4 | HP 30/30 | AC 18/19 (shield) | F +7, R +8, W +10 | Perc +8 (darkvis) | Stealth +8 | Resist Fire 5 speed 25' | Hero Pts. 1/1 | Focus: Claws 1/1 | Explore Mode: Avoid Notice +8 | Active Conditions:
Erathiel Leafsong wrote:

Finally! the elf stood up from his table, focused on the bulletin board.

Time to get out of this town! Huh, Drazzel? When did you get here? he looked at the kobold as he towered above him with a puzzled look.

Drazzle spins around at the mention of his name.

Oh! Hi-sa, Erathiel.
He says in his squeaky voice.
Been here three days.
He holds up four clawed fingers.
This issa one of my regular stops. Well, notsa anymore for somewhile, at least. When I'm notsa working for the Grand Archive, they's be sendin' me on shoppin' excursions to wheel 'n' make dealings. They'sa send me here to gets a box of Osiriani waysa-finders fer new recruitses.


Drazzel approaches the posting board with the others. After reading it, he looks around at a couple accusatory glares from the others.
It wasn't me. Honest! I's no bandit.
He holds up his hands to show he's innocent.

Whatsa say we's all team up and take on thissa job? That may be Tidbit over theres.
He points at the blue haired gnome enjoying her soup.
Letsa go ask her abouts the job. Maybe it paysa well. Also, I needs ta get outsa town quick-like.
His eyes go big and he rubs his hands together as he dreams about the possibility of reward money.

Horizon Hunters

Male HP 21/21 | AC 17 (19)| F +4 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +5 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | spells 1 2/2 | Active Conditions: ---

Kurvok shrugs at the retreating gnome. Whatever it takes to get the notice up quicker. After looking it over, he scowls at Drazzel’s suggestion, and heads toward the kobold.

”Listen here, sawed-off”, he growls. ”We all saw that little stunt you pulled. Try any of that with me, they’ll never find your body. Are we clear?”

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

The elf's eyebrows raise again. He stands back up and crosses the room swiftly, addressing the kobold. "You're also working for the Grand Archive? I just finished cataloging a find out in the desert, and this does look like an opportunity to get closer to home."

Grand Archive

N m Kobold (spellscale) | sorcerer 4 | HP 30/30 | AC 18/19 (shield) | F +7, R +8, W +10 | Perc +8 (darkvis) | Stealth +8 | Resist Fire 5 speed 25' | Hero Pts. 1/1 | Focus: Claws 1/1 | Explore Mode: Avoid Notice +8 | Active Conditions:

Drazzel backs away a bit as the burly orc gets in his face. He wipes the orc's spittle from his snout.
Y-y-yes, sir. He stammers.
Clear as an azure s-s-sky. I's will never do you'se wrong.
He looks the orc up and down and notices a Horizon Hunters symbol.
You'se with Passa-finders, too? Me name's Drazzel. I passa-finder. Whatsa say we team up for this job? Splits the reward. Yess?

Drazzel looks up at the bald elf.
Yes, yess! Passa-finder. I's new recruit.
He makes the Grand Archive secret symbol with his hand.
We team up. Do job. Get home. I's gotsa get package back to faction leaders. Free waysa-finder in it for me.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

"Aeinquel. That seems acceptable."[b] He looks the orc up and down. [b]"I expect he'll stay out of trouble. There are too many of us around him who know where he lives. A moment." Aeinquel returns to where he was sitting and drinks down most of his remaining wine, spilling the last few drops on the floor while mouthing something. Then he collects his pack and staff, rejoining the kobold, orc, and the other elf.

Envoy's Alliance

F Human | Cloistered Cleric 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 62/62| AC 25 | F +11 R +9 (11)W +14 | Perception +14 | hero 1/3 | Focus Points 1/2 | Fire Resistance 2 | Speed 20(30) | Divine Font 4/4

The tian woman watches the kobold's shenanigans with dismay and glances again at the bulletin board. She reaches under her breastplate and pulls out a wayfinder and toys with it while watching the events unfold before her.

Grand Archive

N m Kobold (spellscale) | sorcerer 4 | HP 30/30 | AC 18/19 (shield) | F +7, R +8, W +10 | Perc +8 (darkvis) | Stealth +8 | Resist Fire 5 speed 25' | Hero Pts. 1/1 | Focus: Claws 1/1 | Explore Mode: Avoid Notice +8 | Active Conditions:

Yess. No trouble. Let's do job and go home. We go talk to gnome about getting puzzle-box.

The glint of tavern light from a shiny object flashes into Drazzel's eye. His eyes dart over to see a Tien woman holding a wayfinder.
His dark eyes glance back and forth at the orc and elf in front of him.
Looky. Over there. He whispers as he nods towards the Tien woman.
She hassa waysa-finder. He says quietly.
"There sure are a lot of passa-finders here."
He thinks to himself.
Drazzel looks back up at the orc and the elf.
She looksie for work too? Ask to join us. Split reward...
He counts on his fingers.
One, two, four, five ways. Good enough. Okay? Then go home.

Horizon Hunters

CN (male) Elf (Woodland) Rogue 1 HP 14/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Speed 30'| Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: -

Erathiel looked at Drazzel with a determined look. It's settled then! We'll do this quest and be on our way out of Osirion at last. Did you know I haven't seen a single tree on my stay here?

Erathiel walked to the woman with the wayfinder, reaching a hand to her, as to make a deal.

What do you say, should we do this quest together?

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

Aeinquel looked as though he was about to interrupt Drazzel, but wasn't quick enough. What if she's on her own mission? Ah, well. The worst she can say is no. And if her mission was secret, she already violated opsec by showing her wayfinder.

Envoy's Alliance

F Human | Cloistered Cleric 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 62/62| AC 25 | F +11 R +9 (11)W +14 | Perception +14 | hero 1/3 | Focus Points 1/2 | Fire Resistance 2 | Speed 20(30) | Divine Font 4/4
Erathiel Leafsong wrote:

Erathiel looked at Drazzel with a determined look. It's settled then! We'll do this quest and be on our way out of Osirion at last. Did you know I haven't seen a single tree on my stay here?

Erathiel walked to the woman with the wayfinder, reaching a hand to her, as to make a deal.

What do you say, should we do this quest together?

The woman's brow furrows and she glances at the kobold once more. She pats her coin purse and sighs before turning back to the elf and smiling.

"Yes please, that would be lovely. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Song Jun-Mei. I am a priestess of the Lady of Chrysanthemums. You might know her better as Shelyn."

She shakes the elf's hand.

Verdant Wheel

Female Orc Swashbuckler 5 (Gymnast, Martial Artist Dedication) HP 72/72 Hero Points 1/1 AC 22 (23 Shield) Saves F+11 R+13 W+9 Perc +9 (Darkvision) Exploration Avoid Notice Active Conditions: - Reactions: Oppurtune Riposte

"Wait, you guys are, like, adventurers? My dad's been like riding me so hard to do that kind of crap. It would be like, so sweet if I could like, come along just to like, y'know tell him I did it. He'll cut me off if I don't." Hepcut says with a shake of her ponytail.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

Aeinquel gives the newcomer a bland look. "We can't have that, of course. And are you also a Pathfinder?"

Verdant Wheel

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Orc Swashbuckler 5 (Gymnast, Martial Artist Dedication) HP 72/72 Hero Points 1/1 AC 22 (23 Shield) Saves F+11 R+13 W+9 Perc +9 (Darkvision) Exploration Avoid Notice Active Conditions: - Reactions: Oppurtune Riposte

"Kind of, yeah? I'm in school for that at the moment. Master of Swords, whats his name, with the dumb mustache, is overseeing my training."

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

The elf nods. "Ah, yes. Well, now we are six. Shall we speak to the gnome?"

Horizon Hunters

Male HP 21/21 | AC 17 (19)| F +4 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +5 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | spells 1 2/2 | Active Conditions: ---
Aeinquel wrote:
The elf nods. "Ah, yes. Well, now we are six. Shall we speak to the gnome?"

Kurvok returns the nod, and heads over to the gnome’s table.

”We’ll find the box they stole”, he says. ”Are you Tidbit?”

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

The blue-haired gnome smiles around her soup spoon at the six of you as you approach her table. She finishes a languorous slurp, dabs her face on a handkerchief in her sleeve, and then turns to face you all.

"TidbitWizelboomofWizelboom'sClockworkCreationandpleasedtomeetyouI'msure... ." She stops at the befuddled looks from your group, clears her throat, and then tries again. "Of course I always forget to speak in a more friendly mien to non-gnome ears MY name is Tidbit Wizelboom of Wizelboom's Clockwork Creation IT is my distinct pleasure to make your acquaintances YOU no doubt are coming to speak to me about the errand that I only recently posted at the board there TRAGIC really I only hope that you'll be able to find my grandmother's puzzle box YOU likely are interested in knowing exactly where to look ALSO you may be interested in your recompense HOW may I answer your questions?"

The gnome's stilted staccato delivery is not much of an improvement on her primary mode of communication.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

Aeinquel maintains a perfect poker face as he bows in greeting. "An honor. Knowing where to start would be a great help, yes. As for recompense, well, there is no doubt some sort of standard for such things. Oh--how large is the puzzle box?" It would be just like this one to forget that it's the size of a small room....

Grand Archive

N m Kobold (spellscale) | sorcerer 4 | HP 30/30 | AC 18/19 (shield) | F +7, R +8, W +10 | Perc +8 (darkvis) | Stealth +8 | Resist Fire 5 speed 25' | Hero Pts. 1/1 | Focus: Claws 1/1 | Explore Mode: Avoid Notice +8 | Active Conditions:

Some important questions, I has. Wheres on the road was your caravan whensa bandits stoled puzzle-box? And, yess, we's wanna know where to looky.
Drazzel then cocks his head to the side.
By the by, milady. Whatsa issa puzzle-box?

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

"YES there is a standard 4 pieces of gold that I am willing to pay each of you for the return of the puzzle box IT is a fairly standard size for a puzzle box measuring ten centimetres cubed I believe ABOUT the size of an Usaro melon or so I am told," here, Tidbit holds her hands in the air in front of her.

It's about the size of a cantaloupe.

"SAND scorpions attacked my caravan on the road just to the west of the city THEY weren't planning on my caravan fighting back no JUST imagine the look on their faces when my main wagon sprouted scimitars and defended itself!"

Her face falls a bit.

"THEN they refocused their energies on my residential wagon instead THIS is a contingency that I had not planned for as I had not placed much worth in the contents of that wagon NOW I realise my error as they made off with some half-constructed pieces marked with my rune of construction mind you but also my grandmother's puzzle box." The gnome pushes aside her soup bowl and pulls a scroll from her pouch, flattening the parchment and indicating a position on the main western road leading into Eto. "THEY are called the Pillars of the Sun mountains and this oasis two hours outside of town is known as the Pillars' Rise Oasis MY sources indicate to me that this is where the Sand Scorpions bandit gang may be found."

She looks at your faces for signs of comprehension.

Verdant Wheel

Female Orc Swashbuckler 5 (Gymnast, Martial Artist Dedication) HP 72/72 Hero Points 1/1 AC 22 (23 Shield) Saves F+11 R+13 W+9 Perc +9 (Darkvision) Exploration Avoid Notice Active Conditions: - Reactions: Oppurtune Riposte

"Wait, so, like, back up, the town's name is Pillar's Rise Oasis, and we're going to the oasis outside the oasis?"

Grand Archive

N m Kobold (spellscale) | sorcerer 4 | HP 30/30 | AC 18/19 (shield) | F +7, R +8, W +10 | Perc +8 (darkvis) | Stealth +8 | Resist Fire 5 speed 25' | Hero Pts. 1/1 | Focus: Claws 1/1 | Explore Mode: Avoid Notice +8 | Active Conditions:

Drazzel smiles and nods.
Righty. We's head two hours westerly to Pillars' Rise-ah Oasis. Which issa where we'sa finds bandits. Get puzzle-box and other thingies with you'sa marks.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

"The bandit gang is called the Sand Scorpions, if I understand you correctly. You were not attacked by actual arthropods of unusual size?"

Horizon Hunters

Male HP 21/21 | AC 17 (19)| F +4 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +5 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | spells 1 2/2 | Active Conditions: ---

Kurvok slowly rubs his face as he listens to all of this. His brow furrows at Aeinquel’s question.

”These bandits”, he says to Tidbit. ”Do they have a mark to show who they are?”

Horizon Hunters

CN (male) Elf (Woodland) Rogue 1 HP 14/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Speed 30'| Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: -

Erathiel tries to follow the conversation, but the jumble of words makes him lose attention. He waits for everyone else to finish talking and asks.
You said that they are marked with your rune? Can we see that rune?

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

"NO the city is called Eto THERE is an oasis outside of town called Pillar's Rise YES ha-ha I am not sure I have not drawn close enough to one of the bandits to see their tattoos if they had any OF course here is my mark of authenticity."

Tidbit answers all of the questions in rapid succession and then turns over the map and draws her circular maker's mark on its reverse side.

It appears to be very similar to the top face of the puzzle box in the drawing on the opening slide.

Horizon Hunters

CN (male) Elf (Woodland) Rogue 1 HP 14/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Speed 30'| Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: -

"Perfect!" Erathiel quickly grabs the map off of the gnome's hands and plants it on one of the tables. He spreads it with both hands and looks attently at it for a short second.

"Gather round everyone! I believe we should take this road." He says quite confidently. He puts his finger on top of Eto and starts slowly moving his finger around the map until reaching the Pillar's Rise.

"Any thoughts?"

Should I roll survival? Also, how do we handle rolls? my survival is a +4 in any case

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

"EXCUSE me but I'll be needing that," Tidbit says, wresting the map back from the elf's grasp. "I'M sure that you will find the oasis easily following the main western road out of town to the west THE oasis is literally at the side of the road."

No need to make a Survival check. The oasis is plainly marked on the road. I'll allow for a Society check (trained only) to know more about the Sand Scorpions. Let me know if you'd like to do it.

Horizon Hunters

CN (male) Elf (Woodland) Rogue 1 HP 14/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Speed 30'| Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: -

"Oh, my apologies." Erathiel gets flustered, his cheeks flush like red bullseyes contrasting his pale skin. "About those Sand Scorpions," He clears his throat to distract everyone from his blunder. "I might have heard about them."

I have trained in society, and Erathiel has been here enough time to warrant him hearing about them. I can't seem to find the rolling formatting on my cheatsheet.

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

You've never heard of the Sand Scorpions bandit gang.

Rolling dice on PbP (play by post) is pretty easy once you realise that you put brackets ([ and ]) around the word 'dice' at the start of your roll, then type your roll (like 1d20+6), then end the command line with another set of brackets ([ and ]) around the term '/dice' to end the command. Many people like to describe what the roll is by identifying the word 'dice', as in 'dice=Society Check'. Putting it all together looks like: "[ dice=Society Check ] 1d20+6 [ /dice]" (but take out the extra spaces). When you take out the spaces, it looks like: Society Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10.

Horizon Hunters

CN (male) Elf (Woodland) Rogue 1 HP 14/16 | AC 18 | F +5 R +9 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Speed 30'| Hero 0/3 | Active Conditions: -

"Now that I think about it, Erathiel lowers his gaze, one blunder after the next. "what I was recalling was an attack by actual sand scorpions to a merchant caravan five days ago."

Erathiel sits down behind everyone else, arms crossed.

Thank you Dinketry! it does look quite easy.

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3

Aeinquel ponders the information about the bandits, and tries to recall anything useful he might have heard about them.

Society check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Yeah, no.

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

Society checks to Recall Knowledge are secret checks. That means you can let me know if you'd like to do the check and I'll roll with your modifier and post what you know.

The name 'Sand Scorpions' tickles your brain, but you can't remember where you've heard it.

Verdant Wheel

Female Orc Swashbuckler 5 (Gymnast, Martial Artist Dedication) HP 72/72 Hero Points 1/1 AC 22 (23 Shield) Saves F+11 R+13 W+9 Perc +9 (Darkvision) Exploration Avoid Notice Active Conditions: - Reactions: Oppurtune Riposte

Hepcut's got a +3 society

Grand Archive

M Arcana: +11E Nature: +6T Occult: +9T Religion: +6T|HP: 30/30 (0 NL) Elf Wiz/3
GM Dinketry wrote:

Society checks to Recall Knowledge are secret checks. That means you can let me know if you'd like to do the check and I'll roll with your modifier and post what you know.

** spoiler omitted **

In theory, in PF1 Knowledge checks to identify monsters and Perception checks to spot traps are secret rolls, but in practice players frequently roll their own in PbP. At least, I've seen it that way often enough in the past eight years or so to consider it a default unless otherwise stated.

Grand Archive

N m Kobold (spellscale) | sorcerer 4 | HP 30/30 | AC 18/19 (shield) | F +7, R +8, W +10 | Perc +8 (darkvis) | Stealth +8 | Resist Fire 5 speed 25' | Hero Pts. 1/1 | Focus: Claws 1/1 | Explore Mode: Avoid Notice +8 | Active Conditions:

Yess. Oasis just on side of road. Easy-peazy job. Four gold pieces.
Drazzel rubs his hands together with an avaricious grin.
You no worries, Tidbits. We go gets you puzzle-box and parts.

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