
Aeinquel's page

137 posts. Organized Play character for John Woodford.

Full Name







M Arcana: +13E Nature: +8T Occult: +11T Religion: +8T|HP: 38/38 (0 NL)


AC 20|Fort: +10T Ref: +13E Will: +10E|Perception: +8T





Strength 0
Dexterity 4
Constitution 2
Intelligence 5
Wisdom 1
Charisma 1

About Aeinquel

Male elf (seer) UMT wizard 5
N Medium humanoid (elf)
Init/Perception +8T

XP: 50
Prestige: 21+
Fame: 21+

AC 21/22 (trained bonus +6; +4 Dex, +1 mage armor)
hp 51 (6 elf + 30 wizard + 10 CON bonus + 5 Toughness)
Fort +10T, Ref +13E, Will +10T
Resistances/Immunities None

Speed 30 ft.
Melee staff +7 (T), (1d4B 1H/1d8B 2H), dagger +11 (T), (1d4P/1d4S) (agile, finesse, thrown 10')
Ranged crossbow +11 (T), (1d8P)
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice +11, 1d8+4 B
Focus points used: [ ]
Drain bonded item: L1 [ ] L2 [ ] L3 [ ]

Level 3: (2/day) TBD, TBD
Level 2: (2/day) blazing bolt, dispel magic
Level 1: (3/day) mage armor, air bubble, color spray, grease, magic missile, mending, grim tendrils
Level 0: (7/day) acid splash, dancing lights, daze, electric arc, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, ignition, frostbite, read aura

Level 3:
Level 2: dispel magic (), dispel magic ()
Level 1: mage armor (), force barrage (), grease
Level 0: acid splash, prestidigitation, mage hand, ignition, read aura, electric arc, daze

Str 0, Dex 4, Con 2, Int 4.5, Wis 1, Cha 1


Seer Elf You have an inborn ability to detect and understand magical phenomena. You can cast the detect magic cantrip as an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.
In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature. These skill actions typically use the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill.

Ancestry Feats
Elven Lore: You’ve studied in traditional elven arts, learning about arcane magic and the world around you. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Arcana and Nature. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Elven Lore.(L1)

TBD: (L5)

General Feats

Toughness Your body can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. You reduce the DC of recovery checks by 1. (L3)

Class Feats
Spellbook Prodigy You are particularly adept at learning spells to add to your spellbook. You gain the Magical Shorthand skill feat without needing to meet its prerequisites. Further, when you roll a critical failure on your check to Learn a Spell, you get a failure instead. (UMT bonus)

Cantrip Expansion Dedicated study allows you to prepare a wider range of simple spells. You can prepare two additional cantrips each day. (L2)

Skill Feats
Courtly Graces You were raised among the nobility or have learned proper etiquette and bearing, allowing you to present yourself as a noble and play games of influence and politics. You can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a noble if you aren’t one. If you want to impersonate a specific noble, you still need to use Deception to Impersonate normally, and to Lie when necessary. (background bonus)

Magical Shorthand Learning spells comes easily to you. When you succeed at Learning a Spell, it takes 10 minutes regardless of the spell’s rank. If you would succeed on the check, you critically succeed instead. If you fail, you can try again after a week or after you gain a level, whichever is first.

You can use downtime to learn and inscribe new spells. This works as if you were using Earn Income with the tradition’s associated skill, but instead of gaining money, you choose a spell available to you to learn and gain a discount on learning it, learning it for free if your earned income equals or exceeds its cost. (class feat bonus)

Recognize Spell (Reaction)
Trigger: A creature within line of sight casts a spell that you don’t have prepared or in your spell repertoire, or a trap or similar object casts such a spell. You must be aware of the casting.

If you are trained in the appropriate skill for the spell’s tradition and it’s a common spell of 2nd level or lower, you automatically identify it (you still roll to attempt to get a critical success, but can’t get a worse result than success). The highest level of spell you automatically identify increases to 4 if you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 10 if you’re legendary. The GM rolls a secret Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check, whichever corresponds to the tradition of the spell being cast. If you’re not trained in the skill, you can’t get a result better than failure.

Critical Success: You correctly recognize the spell and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw or your AC against it.
Success: You correctly recognize the spell.
Failure: You fail to recognize the spell.
Critical Failure: You misidentify the spell as another spell entirely, of the GM’s choice. (L3)

TBD (L5)

Lore (Genealogy) +11 T
Lore (Elven) +11 T
Lore (Heraldry) +11 T
Acrobatics +11 T
Medicine +1
Performance +0
Religion +8 T
Diplomacy +8 T
Intimidation +1
Crafting +13 E
Arcana +13 E
Occultism +11 T
Society +11 T
Lore (Pathfinder Society) +11 T (Network benefit)
Survival +1
Nature +8 T
Athletics +0
Thievery +4
Stealth +4
Deception +8 T

Noble: To the common folk, the life of a noble seems one of idyllic luxury, but growing up as a noble or member of the aspiring gentry, you know the reality: a noble’s lot is obligation and intrigue. Whether you seek to escape your duties by adventuring or to better your station, you have traded silks and pageantry for an adventurer’s life.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost (Dexterity).
You’re trained in the Society skill and your choice of the Genealogy Lore or Heraldry Lore skill. You gain the Courtly Graces skill feat.

Racial Modifiers none

Languages Elvish, Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Osiriani, Tien


Gear staff (0/1), dagger (2/L), crossbow (30/1), 20 bolts (2/2L), adventurer's pack (backpack, bedroll, 2 belt pouches, 10 pcs. chalk, flint & steel, 50' rope, 2 weeks' rations, soap, 5 torches, waterskin) (7/1), material component pouch (5/L), writing set (10/L), 25 gp, 6 sp, 0 cp, 3 Bulk, 5 light

Class Abilities

Arcane Thesis: Isoenergetic Transformation of Retained Arcane Force-Patterns (Spell Substitution): You don’t accept the fact that once spells are prepared, they can’t be changed until your next daily preparation, and you have uncovered a shortcut allowing you to substitute new spells for those you originally prepared.
You can spend 10 minutes to empty one of your prepared spell slots and prepare a different spell from your spellbook in its place. If you are interrupted during such a swap, the original spell remains prepared and can still be cast. You can try again to swap out the spell later, but you must start the process over again.

School of Unified Magical Theory You eschew the idea that magic can be neatly expressed by the teachings of any single school or college, instead directing your self-study to pick up the best of every school of magic. In doing so, you’ll find the truths that lie at the intersection of each school, coming closer to the ideal nature of arcane magic. One day, you’ll uncover that single elegant theory detailing all magic (perhaps a theory bearing your name?), but until then, your studies continue.

No Curriculum: You don’t have a set curriculum, and so you don’t have curriculum spells and can’t benefit from abilities that specifically affect them. Instead, you gain an additional 1st-level wizard class feat, and you add one 1st rank spell of your choice to your spellbook to represent your diverse studies.

Your studies into the very nature of magic itself have let you use it more efficiently—instead of using Drain Bonded Item only once per day, you can use it once per day for each rank of spell you can cast, recalling a spell of that rank each time.

School Spells: initial: hand of the apprentice; advanced: interdisciplinary incantation


Networking Points:

2 Scrolls, 1 Spells

Current benefits: Scribing Lore; 1 minor healing potion