Skulls and Shackles

Game Master Diamondust

A successful mutiny has given you your own ship. You do not have enough crew to fully man her. Rickety Hake can squib the ship so she is not recognised by anyone who might try to hunt you down and more crew are sure to be found in the town of Rickety Squibs.
Man's Promise Crew and Map

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Acro +9|Bluff +7|Climb +5|Diplo +11|Disable +6|Escape +6|Percept +9|Per. (sing) +11|Prof (sailor) +9|SM +7|Sleight +8|Stealth +9|Swim +3
Aasimar (Azata-Blooded)|HP: 17/31|Acid, Cold, Electricity resistance 5|AC: 15 (11 Tch, 13 Fl)|CMB: +4, CMD: 16 |F: 3, R: 7, W: 6|Init: +2 Godling (Clever)/4th|Speed 50ft (50ft)

Captain Tobias begins to help others out of the water, leaving himself for last.

Human 36/36hp CMD=13 AC19/t11/ff18 F+3/R +3/W+6 Oracle 5 perception +1 / init+1

Warren summons another group of 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 dolphins and sends the whole pack after the creature. Hopefully to bring it back unconscious but alive.

Warren grabs his holy symbol and begins walking on the water and following the speedy dolphins at a distance upriver. He calls to his capable friends, "I don't think we can watch these people all the time. This sounds like a common problem."

Female Human Bard (duettist/sound striker vmc magus) 5 | HP 52/52| AC 20, T16, FF16 | F +3, R +8,W +4| Perc +8| Init +4| Speed 30' | CMB +3, CMD16 | Active Conditions:

The young pirate shook her head, ”That’s definitely a sign we need to leave this miserable dung heap.”

Female Human Bard (duettist/sound striker vmc magus) 5 | HP 52/52| AC 20, T16, FF16 | F +3, R +8,W +4| Perc +8| Init +4| Speed 30' | CMB +3, CMD16 | Active Conditions:
Voice in the Maelstrom wrote:

Infamy check started by Silent Rob at 19. 3 more successful aids will make it work.

She looked to the captain, ”the towns folk are eager for more tales of woe and plunder. Perhaps you and your officers could elaborate on the little we’ve been been able to share.”

M NG Undine Ranger (Tidal Hunter) 5 HP: 57/57 | AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 18) | CMB: +6, CMD: 19 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +5 | Init: +1(+3 on water) | Darkvision 60ft, keen scent, water sense Perc: +11 Speed 20.Swim 20'| Fav Enemy Human +4 Animals +2 | Active conditions: None

Curses left Ardym's lips before he had even breached the surface of the water. "I hope that slippery eel dries out on a sunbaked beach somewhere!" He made for the edge and climbed out adding, "To Hell with ya!"

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

"It's gone. Strange that it would just attack out of nowhere, but the minds of such creatures are beyond me." The druidess shrugs. "Is anyone else injured?"

Acro +9|Bluff +7|Climb +5|Diplo +11|Disable +6|Escape +6|Percept +9|Per. (sing) +11|Prof (sailor) +9|SM +7|Sleight +8|Stealth +9|Swim +3
Aasimar (Azata-Blooded)|HP: 17/31|Acid, Cold, Electricity resistance 5|AC: 15 (11 Tch, 13 Fl)|CMB: +4, CMD: 16 |F: 3, R: 7, W: 6|Init: +2 Godling (Clever)/4th|Speed 50ft (50ft)
Lady Maurine Payne wrote:
She looked to the captain, ”the towns folk are eager for more tales of woe and plunder. Perhaps you and your officers could elaborate on the little we’ve been been able to share.”

"Allow me to get out of the drink first", Captain Tobias grumbled slightly, spitting out the last of the salt water from his mouth.

The young captain gets out as soon as the people and alcohol are safely on land. Tobias does his best to dry himself off.

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

The druidess helps Toby out of the water. "You'll dry off soon enough in this heat," she notes. "Seems Rosanne missed the excitement."

Acro +9|Bluff +7|Climb +5|Diplo +11|Disable +6|Escape +6|Percept +9|Per. (sing) +11|Prof (sailor) +9|SM +7|Sleight +8|Stealth +9|Swim +3
Aasimar (Azata-Blooded)|HP: 17/31|Acid, Cold, Electricity resistance 5|AC: 15 (11 Tch, 13 Fl)|CMB: +4, CMD: 16 |F: 3, R: 7, W: 6|Init: +2 Godling (Clever)/4th|Speed 50ft (50ft)

"Yeah, where is our spitfire?" Turning to the druid, Captain Tobais teased, "Maybe next time, don't tire her out to the point of exhaustion, Earthsong?"

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

The druidess' face is almost as red as her hair. "I had to borrow those manacles as it was and I've got claw marks to go with it," she mutters under her breath.

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

To cover for her flush, the elf looks at everyone. "Is anyone else injured? Ardym, you went into the water. Warren? What about you Captain?" The druidess eyes each person nearby in turn for bites, cuts, scrapes, or other injuries.

"I think I unlocked her before I left this morning. Rosanne can pick locks right?" Earthsong mutters to herself under her breath.

Warren and the dolphins disappear past the boathouse down the river chasing the water naga.

After the rest of you get out of the water and back onto the dock, Rickety Hake arrives. "What's all the commotion about?" He asks as he takes in the scene, hurrying over to his workers.

"A naga attacked us. These people saved us and chased it away. It almost got me." The man who was first knocked in replied and the others nod agreement.

Rickety then regards you again and seems thoughtful. "Well. I must thank you for saving my workers. I think a discount on the modifications to your ship would be suitable recompense. 250 gold?"

Acro +9|Bluff +7|Climb +5|Diplo +11|Disable +6|Escape +6|Percept +9|Per. (sing) +11|Prof (sailor) +9|SM +7|Sleight +8|Stealth +9|Swim +3
Aasimar (Azata-Blooded)|HP: 17/31|Acid, Cold, Electricity resistance 5|AC: 15 (11 Tch, 13 Fl)|CMB: +4, CMD: 16 |F: 3, R: 7, W: 6|Init: +2 Godling (Clever)/4th|Speed 50ft (50ft)

Tobias tips his soggy hat at the craftsman. "Much obliged, Mr. Hake."

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Female Changling Sorcerer 2(Aquatic Bloodline)/Rogue 3. AC13/17*, Touch12/16*, FF 11/15* . HP34. Fort 1. Ref +5. Will +5. Per +10. (*Mage Armor)

Rosanne emerges and looks around. "You had a little brawl while I was 'tied up'?" She asks in a disappointed voice. After checking to make sure Earthsong was unharmed of course. :)

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

The druidess turns a bit red at Rosanne's joke. "Nothing too serious, merely an angry naga." Then she smiles at Rosanne with a mix of shyness and slyness. "I thought you'd be loose sooner."

"Yes this is very unexpected. I must inform the village council that the naga have broken the treaty. We must be alert. Please do take great care if going near the water while you are here. I am very sorry for this... inconvenience."

With the unknown cause of the naga aggression hanging over the village, tensions are high and many of the people are uneasy. The rest of the day passes slowly.

Did you make a recruitment roll or infamy check today?

Acro +9|Bluff +7|Climb +5|Diplo +11|Disable +6|Escape +6|Percept +9|Per. (sing) +11|Prof (sailor) +9|SM +7|Sleight +8|Stealth +9|Swim +3
Aasimar (Azata-Blooded)|HP: 17/31|Acid, Cold, Electricity resistance 5|AC: 15 (11 Tch, 13 Fl)|CMB: +4, CMD: 16 |F: 3, R: 7, W: 6|Init: +2 Godling (Clever)/4th|Speed 50ft (50ft)

Tobias goes back to the bar and sings another song about The Blood Price and it's amazing crew.
Perform (sing): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

The elf woman sidles up to Rosanna. "Your turn next time." She promises. "Now let's see about helping our captain bring more sailors aboard, unless you've other things to attend to?" She suggests.

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

Aid another: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Earthsong fills Rosanne in on what happened and heads back to the tavern with her. There, the druidess adds her own touches to Toby's song, filling in a few details when asked about their latest adventures. She also stays close to Rosanne, letting the would-be recruits see the two lovely ladies together and do the math.


Female Changling Sorcerer 2(Aquatic Bloodline)/Rogue 3. AC13/17*, Touch12/16*, FF 11/15* . HP34. Fort 1. Ref +5. Will +5. Per +10. (*Mage Armor)

Rosanne does her best to help her Captain. Bringing up the many opportunities for advancement that come from joining a new crew early in a ships life.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Another +2 for Aid another.

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

Maurine, care to show off your face skills? :)

Tobias is having an off day and the listeners do not seem impressed.

The rest of the day passes without incident and the village sleeps under the oppressive heat that remains for much of the night.

With a new day the heat returns but Warren and Ardym don't. Your crew is still less than a minimum complement.

Recruitment or infamy rolls again?

Acro +9|Bluff +7|Climb +5|Diplo +11|Disable +6|Escape +6|Percept +9|Per. (sing) +11|Prof (sailor) +9|SM +7|Sleight +8|Stealth +9|Swim +3
Aasimar (Azata-Blooded)|HP: 17/31|Acid, Cold, Electricity resistance 5|AC: 15 (11 Tch, 13 Fl)|CMB: +4, CMD: 16 |F: 3, R: 7, W: 6|Init: +2 Godling (Clever)/4th|Speed 50ft (50ft)

Perform (sing): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Tobias drinks in the tavern, singing songs about the heroism of the crew of The Blood Price.

Female Elf Druid (World Walker) 5 [HP: 38/38 AC/FF/T 18/14/15 BAB: +3 CMB/CMD: +4/14 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +8 (+2 vs. E).Init +2 Perception +12 Swim +9]

Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Our elven druidess makes sure that there isn't a repeat of the previous day with Rosanne and joins Tobias in his efforts to drum up new recruits. She finds a pair of sticks and uses the4m for percussion in her efforts to support Tobias, banging with a good rhythm, trying to time things for proper dramatic effect.

Human 36/36hp CMD=13 AC19/t11/ff18 F+3/R +3/W+6 Oracle 5 perception +1 / init+1


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