[PFS CORE] GM Zin's 6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters (Inactive)

Game Master Zin Z'arin


Current Characters

Abra Lopati
Dark Archive Akter Phruse

Male CORE Human Ranger 3 | HP 24/28 | AC 20 TO 14 FF 16 | F +4 R +7 W +3 | CMD 19 | Init +4 | Perc +8

played by adsapiens (217 posts)
The Exchange B.A.B.S.

Female Druid 3 / Barbarian 1| HP: 37/37 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 1917 Fl) | CMD: 19 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (darkvision), SM: +1 | Active conditions: backskin Half-Orc Betsy the Boar| HP: 26/26 | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 21 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +1 | Perc: +5(scent, lowlight), SM: +1 | Active conditions: none

played by PJP (329 posts)
Duchess of Wintercrux Svetochka Elvanna
Silver Crusade Iladora Unfallen

Female Human Ranger 4 | AC: 20/14/17 | HP: 36/36| Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2 | CMB +8 (+2 sunder), CMD 20 (+2 vs sunder) | Init +2 | Perc +8 (+2 urban terrain, +2 vs undead)

played by SodiumTelluride (396 posts)
Sound Warrior
Liberty's Edge Ledt

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

played by Balacertar (451 posts)
Arnistolientar Popswicker
Dark Archive Sylvester Solstar

Male N Gnome Sorcerer 7 Buffs: | HP 72/72| AC 15 Incorp T 12 T 12 FF 14 | CMB -1 CMD 10 | F +10 R +5 W +6, +2 vs Illusion| INIT +7| PER +16 Low Light SM -1| Speed 20' |Resist Fire 5|
Re-roll 1/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1, Claws 9/9, +3 vs Spells 1/1, +2 UMD 1/1| Spells: Sorcerer 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 5/5

played by Mage of the Wyrmkin (800 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells
Grand Lodge Xusius

Male NG Elf Wizard 4 |
Memorized Spells:
L2:Mirror Image, Scorching Ray (x2), Web, (DC 16)
AC 13 (17 Mage Armor) T 13/FF 10 | CMB +0 CMD 14 | HP 30(30) | Init +9 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +5 | Perception +8 | Speed 30 ft. | Light
Memorized Spells:
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost, Read Magic L1: Burning Hands, Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Grease

played by Xathos of Varisia (547 posts)

Current NPCs

Nolzur's Orb
GM Zin

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

played by Zin Z'arin (1,732 posts)
Fey Animal
Shaggy - Riding Dog

Medium N Animal Riding Dog | HP 13/13 | AC 13 Incorp T 12 T 12 FF 11| CMB +3 CMD 15 (19 vs Trip)| F +5 R +5 W +1|Init +2| PER +8 Low Light Vision, Scent| Speed 40' Acrobatics +6 (+14 Jumping)|Active Conditions:

played by Mage of the Wyrmkin (42 posts)

Previous Characters


Male Human (not proved yet) GM 5
(281 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells
Grand Lodge Xathos of Varisia

Male Elf Wizard (You have to ask?)
(682 posts)
Silver Crusade Zin Z'arin

(344 posts)