GM Tarondor's The Two-Headed Serpent Campaign - Pulp Cthulhu (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Maps and Images for Chapter Four: Oklahoma

House Rules
The Glossary and Campaign Notes
Firefight Cheat Sheet
Inspirational Images for Pulp Cthulhu

Spot Hidden:

[dice=Abraham Spot Hidden (90%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Antonio Spot Hidden (50%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Elliot Spot Hidden (80%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Enoli Spot Hidden (50%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Chakos Spot Hidden (55%)]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Minerva Spot Hidden (60%)]1d100[/dice]

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Aviator - Thrill Seeker Hit Points: 20/20; Dodge: (65/32/13); Listen: (50/25/10); Spot Hidden:(70/35/14); Luck: 80/80; Sanity: 80/80; Default Reaction: Dodge.

"Sounds more than fair" Eddie says before adding "If I toss in an extra 10 can I keep the bird in your barn for a week or so and you keep things quiet?" as he approaches pulling 35 dollars out of his wallet.

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Chakos turns to Elliot and asks, "the new guy rich? I guess you gotta be to own a plane."

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Elliot nods with a wry smile. "Very true! Solid landing though, he's a good pilot. And it'll be nice to have our own means of getting out of her fast if things go sideways."

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Chakos smiles, "but what are the odds of that?" Considering his own question, he starts checking his pistols and shotgun.

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Antonio climbs down from the plane shakily and falls to his knees for a moment. You see him pull out the cross around his neck and kiss it, mumbling some prayer. He stands back up and his face looks a bit pale. "Thank the Lord that is over." He looks around the field. "I suppose we do not have any further transport."

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Elliot grins at the Father and nods. A good question, padre. Let's see if we can figure something out. I've got a few funds - though probably not enough on my own." He winks at Chakos and approaches the farmer. "Say, are you or one of your neighbors perhaps selling a car, or even a truck? Maybe we can buy it for cash if the price is reasonable, and even if it needs some work I can probably handle that."

Maybe we can pool our money to buy something to get around in. Elliot's only got $80 on him, not sure if we got some kind of a slush fund from our benefactors. Or heck, are they even paying us? :)

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

You'd think the emeralds from Bolivia...?

So in Call of Cthulhu, you check your Credit Rating score to see what sort of things you can afford. None of you are rich, but Edward is indeed better off than the rest of you. I assume that your Credit Rating is because Caduceus -is- paying you. Of course, they'll cover reasonable expenses, too.

"Yep, you can keep her in the barn, sure. And I've got my old truck. Some of you boys'd have to ride in the back, but you can have it for a week for another $10. I don't need her right now."

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

"Excellente. We can take that offer." Antonio shakes the man's hand. "Edward, are you as good with a truck as a plane? We need to find the church quickly." The priest goes to climb into the back of the truck.

Aviator - Thrill Seeker Hit Points: 20/20; Dodge: (65/32/13); Listen: (50/25/10); Spot Hidden:(70/35/14); Luck: 80/80; Sanity: 80/80; Default Reaction: Dodge.

"Not nearly as good, but I have taxied around in a plane a bit can't be too different" He chuckles lightly before adding "But I'd keep a tight hold on in the back like the vice grip you had in the plane."

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Chakos hops into the shotgun seat, repeatedly checking his shotgun.

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Satisfied with their transportation - especially if they need to make a quick escape - Elliot hops into the back with Father Pena. "We need to come up with a plan to check out this cult more closely. You've got the advantage padre, what with your religious background. Any suggestions?"

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Antonio considers it the thought for a moment. "I haven't really given it much thought. As a Catholic priest, I don't hold much sway among the reformers. Perhaps some professional courtesy if I needed help or just the kindness of fellow Christians, but Catholics can be viewed with suspicion too. It might actually be better if they don't know I am a priest."

Keeper, Antonio would know how a Catholic Priest might be perceived. I think rural Oklahoma might have some anti-Catholic sentiment in the 1930s, but correct me if I'm wrong.

It wouldn't be universal, of course, but I believe you're right. Catholics would be viewed by many with a certain condescension. In a religiously-charged atmosphere, it could even be downright nasty.

So what's the plan, heroes?

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

"If you think that's the wise thing to do, then it makes sense to me. Let's head into the town and get some food and find a place to sleep. Get some idea of what we're looking at by talking to the locals. We can pass ourselves off as a group of friends looking to start a new life in the country, away from the big cities. If our story gets around, maybe the cult will even come to us in order to lure us in?"

Let's head to town, find a restaurant and get some food as well as a hotel room and take a look around before we make any elaborate plans.

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

"Yeah, so what could go wrong with a group of middle aged men, several of whom are Catholic, all moving to Oklahoma to settle down... together?"

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Elliot grins at Chakos. "We could always spread the word that we're here to start up a new church and in search of new converts. That would certainly get the attentions of the cult."

"Houses were shut tight and cloth wedged around doors and windows, but the dust came in so thinly that it could not be see in the air and it settled like pollen on the chairs and tables, on the dishes."

- John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath

The parched earth of the land around Bingham is whipped up easily by the wind and deposited in every corner. It gets in the eyes and you can taste it in the air. At times, the townsfolk have to take shelter when the wind blows hard; the hot dust obscures all vision.

Where do you go? The map in the "Maps and Images" link may help.

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Elliot raps on the window from his seat in the back of the truck and points out the Bingham Hotel and shouts through the wind and dust to Baby Face. "Let's get settled in first. Bet they'd know of a good place to find some drinks and food."

The archaeologist is of the mind that they should do a bit of looking around first before heading to the church. Sort of like surveying a site prior to digging.

Also wouldn't mind spending tomorrow at the Bingham Journal office. Might find some interesting stuff there that's happened in the recent past regarding the church before we show up on their doorstep. Bet the journalists there might have some thoughts as well. The library might have something about the history of the town as well. As a scholarly type, Elliot has a better than decent Library Use skill.

Aviator - Thrill Seeker Hit Points: 20/20; Dodge: (65/32/13); Listen: (50/25/10); Spot Hidden:(70/35/14); Luck: 80/80; Sanity: 80/80; Default Reaction: Dodge.

Eddie nods out the window and takes the truck into the Hotels lot.

Sounds good to me

As the five of you walk into the hotel, you see a small dark-skinned woman in a maid's costume dusting the tables and chairs in the lobby. Two men are reading newspapers (The Oklahoma City Times and the Muskogee Cimiter). A clerk in shirtsleeves and pince-nez glasses looks up as you enter. "Good afternoon, gentlemen and welcome to the Bingham hotel. Will you be needing rooms?"

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Having considered the implications of Catholicism in Oklahoma, Antonio would have changed into some less obvious clothing.

Antonio nods at the clerk. "Yes, rooms for each of us, please." He turns to one of the men. "Gentlemen, would you mind if I see one of those papers? Or would you have something local to Bingham?"

"I was just finishing with this one," says the man with the Muskogee Cimiter. "Ain't nothing but bad news lately, it seems." He hands you the newspaper as he gets up, pulls on his hat, waves to the clerk and leaves.

"I've got the Bingham Journal here," says the clerk, pulling a paper out from behind the desk. "You can have it, if you like. Not much there but sewing circles and prize pigs, but you're welcome to it, sir."

He gets you each a room and collects your payments.

"Since you folks are staying in town a few days, might I recommend you come to church? First Church of Christ the Redeemer. Reverend Kornfield has been touched by God. He has the healing touch, you know. My Rosemary and me, we go two or three times a week."

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Chakos nods and turns to his associates, "I don't know about two or three times a week, but I wouldn't turn down some God myself." He turns back to the clerk, "the healing touch you say? I've been far and wide around this world of ours, war, and peace, and all, but I have never seen someone with an actual healing touch, although the Bible does talk to it."

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Elliot thanks the clerk, but makes no comment about the church, being somewhat of an atheist himself anyway. He takes the Bingham Journal as well, flipping through it as Chakos speaks to the clerk about Reverend Kornfield's healing touch.

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Antonio nods to the clerk in thanks. "Yes, perhaps we can drop by and listen to one of the sermons. Is it a large service during the week?"

"There's plenty of folks at every service. Reverkend Kornfield's a miracle worker and folks want to hear what he's got to say. They come from all over. We even had a fella from Lubbock, Texas here not too long ago. Said he heard the Good News on the radio. The Word is getting out!"

Elliot, not surprisingly, the Bingham Journal is printed here in Bingham and has been since 1906. There aren't any very interesting stories in today's edition, and certainly nothing about Reverend Kornfield or his church.

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Chakos nods and responds, "it is said good news travels fast."

He takes his key and moves to find his room.

The rooms are fairly basic but nothing worse than Chakos has seen in many places, if not much better. A small chamber with a bed and a side table. There is a cross hanging on the wall over the bed.

So what's the plan for this investigation, folks? Lots of ways to proceed. The map may give you some ideas.

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

"Where is the best place to get a bite to eat around here?" Elliot asks the clerk. He suggests to the others that they get a meal and then some rest, as they've had a long drive getting here.

Once outside of the hotel where they can speak more privately, he makes some suggestions for how to proceed. "I think tomorrow I'll head to the office of the Bingham Journal to get a look at their back printings. There was nothing about the Reverend, nor the church in today's edition, but I'm thinking we can glean something from earlier issues. Maybe the library as well. I'd like to know when the Reverend arrived and how much influence he's gained in the area since arriving. I'm better at research than talking with folk, but certainly speaking with the locals could be helpful as well. Just be subtle, though I'm sure that goes without saying." He warns.

Something to eat, then get a good night's sleep tonight. Thinking tomorrow Elliot will visit the office of the Bingham Journal to learn what he can about the church as indicated in my post above. Or the library, if that'd be the place to lay hands on back issues of the paper. And any other sources with regards to the town.

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Antonio nods. "The Journal or the Library might be good places to start. I think we should be wary of heading right into the Church." He studies the map for a moment. "These broadcasts that we heard...Do you think they would be doing that directly from the Church? That seems like it would require special equipment."

Library or Newspaper seem good starts. I could see trying to hear gossip at the barbershop or the Saloon too. I wonder about the telegraph office with the broadcasts too.

Aviator - Thrill Seeker Hit Points: 20/20; Dodge: (65/32/13); Listen: (50/25/10); Spot Hidden:(70/35/14); Luck: 80/80; Sanity: 80/80; Default Reaction: Dodge.

Looking to the Father as he speaks Eddie ponders for a moment looking to the map before responding "No reason they couldn't have the equipment there but I'd guess the Telegraph Station is more likely to have it." he then looks back at it "I see the sense in heading to the Journal, though I'd guess any media they have would be edging on propaganda."

Newspaper would be my call then to the Salon, Eddie's spent his fair share to time in libraries and though he never hated too much he's not rearing to go to one right away!

Someone pick one and we'll go.

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Can we split up? If not, let's try the office of the Journal first. If it's OK to split up, let's have Elliot and Chakos take the library while Baby Face and Father Pena takes the Journal.

Why yes! Splitting up is just fine! Preferable, even. ;-)

As you prepare to leave, you meet a man and a boy coming down the hallway in your hotel. The man wears a light suit, a little threadbare at the edges. The boy is dressed casually and both have cheerful smiles.

"Good day, neighbors!" says the man. "A fine day. I'm Mortimer and this is my son, Lloyd. Say, have you head the true word of God? Have you come seeking the truth hidden in the broadcasts?"

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Chakos nods, "Well I have traveled enough to have heard it several times, yes, and I am also looking for the the truth behind the broadcasts, yes. What can you tell me?"

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Elliot nods at the man and his son, but makes no comment on the broadcasts as Chakos asks about them. No sense in seeming too interested, he figures.

"Well I can't tell you much, friend, because I don't know myself. Lloyd and I, we just arrived. I know my Bible. I'm a God-fearing Christian and a Bible salesman by trade, so I guess I've read the Good Book about as much as anyone alive. But I have heard the calling and I guess so have you. Never guessed I'd hear it on the radio, but I guess He still works in mysterious ways, am I right?."

"I talked to one fella down at the barber shop says he was blind until the Reverend touched his eyes. Now he can see as good as you or me! We're going to hear this Reverend Kornfield tomorrow and I feel sure the Lord will bless us for our faith. Amen!"

Lloyd responds with an "Amen!"


A fine old Carnegie library of red sandstone houses a surprising number of books. Inside are several old folks reading and a few children studying for school. The place is very tidy. Chakos and Elliot can't see a speck of dust anywhere.


A grimy window looks out over the street front. Inside, the air is full of the oily smell of the printing presses. A small red-faced man is yelling into a telephone as you arrive. He scowls when he sees Ed and Antonio. A sign on his desk reads "Baxter Fandyke, Editor."

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Chakos nods, "well, having been Catholic my whole life, I have not done much reading of the Book myself, which you can imagine makes me even more surprised at the calling than you, perhaps. Which barber shop did you say? In addition to needing a trim," Chakos runs his hand through his hair, "I would welcome a chance to hear the stale from this man who was blessed, although one wonders how a blind barber ever kept up his trade in the first place."


At the Library

Chakos turns to Elliott, "Ok, so old news articles, and any instances of 'oddness' are what we're seeking, would you say? Anything that might give us a hint about this newcomer, and his supposed powers, and the radio signal, I suppose."

Chakos listens to however Elliott responds, and proceeds to search the stacks as planned...

Library Use (40/20/8): 1d100 ⇒ 8 Woot!

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Antonio nods to the man who is angrily shouting into the phone and tries to gather what the conversation is about. He tries to ignore the dirty looks the man gives them and looks around the room for any substantive news articles that are hung up or other reporters perhaps working in the office.

Are Elliott and Ed still with us?

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Gah! Thought I posted!

Elliot nods in response to Chakos' question. [b]"Yes, with emphasis on whatever archival materials they have for the local newspapers - or even the state papers, for that matter. We'll start with the time they arrived and go forward from there. Would like to know where he came from, in particular."[b]

Library Use (60/30/12): 1d100 ⇒ 58

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Listen 50: 1d100 ⇒ 32
Spot Hidden 52: 1d100 ⇒ 8

While the library is surprisingly well-stocked for a small town, it has not a shred of esoterica nor any "rare-book collection". It's just a small-town library. Very tidy, but otherwise unremarkable. It's possible the librarian may be able to direct you to information about the town.

There is no one at the Journal but the Editor (chief cook and bottle-washer) Baxter Fandyke. As near as you can tell, he's yelling at someone about a delivery of paper for his presses. Fandyke bangs down the phone and looks up at you.

"Well? This isn't the barbershop! What do you want?"

Male Human Medical Doctor - Steadfast Hit Points: 26/26; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 20/10/4; Spot Hidden:58/29/11; Luck: 21; Sanity: 45; Default Reaction: Dodge

Right, we weren't looking for esoteric stuff, we were looking for more mundane historical stuff about the town, the church, this preacher, and odd happenings in town. Old newspaper clippings, the local gazette, etc.

Sure. Although the local paper has a listing for Reverend Kornfield's church, there are zero articles about his alleged miracles. Reading the literature, you'd think nothing unusual was happening in this town.

You find lots of information on the founding of the town right after the Indian Territory was opened for white settlement. It seems an ordinary little prairie town.

I get where you're going, but there just isn't anything relevant here. Except maybe the conspicuous lack of information on the strange goings-on.

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

Antonio reach out with his hand for a handshake. "Mr. Fandyke, I'm Antonio Peña from Paraguay. I have read some of your articles on Reverend Kornfield and his Church. My staff is very interested. I came to learn more."

Charm 35: 1d100 ⇒ 6
Persuade 70: 1d100 ⇒ 44

The editor looks annoyed, but then that seems to be a default expression for him. "Paraguay, huh? You're a long way from home, Mister Peña. Don't believe everything you hear. The good Reverend Kornfield's reputation may be growing, but I don't believe a word of it. What were you hoping to learn?"

Priest - Steadfast; Hit Points: 30/30; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden: 59/29/11; Luck: 37; Sanity: 78; Default Reaction: Dodge

"You don't? The rest of the town seem quite taken with him. Is there any reason you don't believe it, or are you simply not a man of God?"

Archaeologist - Adventurer | Hit Points: 22/22; Dodge: 60/30/12; Listen: 41/20/8; Spot Hidden: 80/40/16; Luck: 17; Sanity: 79/80; Magic: 16/16; Default Reaction: Dodge

Elliot will check out a few books about religion in general (Christian faith) and try to chat up the librarian a bit. He'll tell her that though he'd never been a religious man, he'd heard the teachings of Reverend Kornfield and decided to visit to learn more. Though he was hoping to get something of a foundation before taking that step. He professes some embarrassment at the idea of showing up at the church with no idea of what it's about. If the librarian seems willing to talk, he'll ask about when the good Reverend arrived, about his teachings, etc. If she doesn't know, he'll ask if there is anyone else he might talk to before approaching the reverend himself.

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