[PACS - Special] [Gameday IX] Tyrant of the Harrow: mid-tier Legendary with BR eddiephlash (Inactive)

Game Master eddiephlash

Turn Order:

Radovan/Abraham Z

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This is the Discussion page. Please dot in here and on the gameplay thread. Also feel free to discuss your character choice.

Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

Hey there - I'd like to play with Radovan (from Pathfinder Tales). He's tier 5.0, uses the Finesse and Ranged adventure packs, and has a boon that gives him a gun and a bit of ammo.

STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Hey. Signing up with my tier 4.0 Talitha w/ the Magus/UM decks. Haven't played legendary difficulty. Thought I'd give it a try. How hard is it?

Skittergoblin Cardmancer

Per the Core rulebook, Legendary mode typically adds 3 wildcards, either randomly chosen, or decided by the group, as well as increases the level of banes in the vault, and adding 1 to # for banes. Increased number of locations and fewer blessings in the hourglass are also sometimes used to increase difficulty.

For this special, there are specific rules for what Legendary means, which I will leave as a spoiler until we are closer to the start. You may want to familiarize yourself with the various wildcards though.

Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

I haven't played Legendary either but I've been playing a Heroic game (which I think is one level easier than Legendary?) and have been enjoying the variation that the Wildcards provide.

Skittergoblin Cardmancer

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/W6Z4Ye

Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

There was lack of interest in the tier 1 games so switching to here.

Hakon just hit tier 3 so I might be unnderpowered.

He just started his last scenario in DD so should be ready in time.

TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

Hi folks, Seoni here. Just finished up DD with Hakon So, level 3 with 3 xp. Don't remember if you can tier up at that point or not. Anyway, link included for the past PbP with everything on it. Seoni and Hakon Level 1-3

TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

And I'm in the discord. However, I will need permission to join the channel for this event.

Skittergoblin Cardmancer

You can absolutely tier up with 3 xp.

TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

I guess I am going to do so for the Hero Point opportunities.

Things I need from you:

  • Character number.
  • Whether you'll play for tier advancement or not. If not, you don't earn Hero Points, but you will still earn deck upgrades and scenario rewards.

  • TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler


    Seoni is playing for advancement.

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler


    Will be playing for advancement.

    Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

    145373 - 1021 playing for Advancement.

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler


    Playing for advancement.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    With everyone checked in and ready to go, get the locations and starting stuff posted so players can state where they are going/starting hand stuff so we can hit the ground running Tuesday?

    Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

    Since we will often need to use support on banes we don't want to waste much on unwanted boons. Wanted boons on the other hand are worth getting.

    What level 4 and below boons are each of us looking for?

    High priority
    Item 4 Wand of Restorative Touch

    Low priority
    Armor 3 Magic Spiked Full Plate
    Weapon 4 Thundering Earthbreaker
    Ally 4 Lyrune-quah Truthspeaker

    Scenario TotH-1A wrap-up:

    Please list the following:

  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and your current remaining Hero Points.
  • XP and Tier upon completion of the scenario.
  • Interest in the new Loot

    The Theater:

    Traits: Harrow Suit: Crowns Veteran
    When this is the hour: At the start of your turn, examine the top card of your location; you may encounter it. To Acquire: Charisma Divine 4+#
    On any check, discard to bless, and non-blessing Harrow boons may be freely played. Discard to examine your location, then you may explore; if the hour is Harrow, recharge instead.

  • Upgrade preferences.

    Upgrade pool:
    Weapon - 43
    Spell - 222
    Item - 4
    Ally - 43
    Blessing - 444444444 (Harrow blessings are counted as #)

  • This is a Convention! Everybody also gets a boon roll. Success on a nat 20.

    1d20 ⇒ 20

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

    Scenario TotH-1A wrap-up:

    Radovan spends his Hero Point on a Power Feat (#5): "When a monster encountered by a character at your location is undefeated ([X] or when you defeat a monster), display a monster from the box next to a displayed devil form."

    This leaves Radovan with 1 remaining hero point.

    Radovan is now Tier 5, 1 xp.

    Radovan is interested in the Theater loot card, especially if the rule about burying non-Harrow blessings applies throughout the special (in which case he would like to trade out one of his higher level Blessings for this loot card). He's also willing to defer if anyone else particularly wants it.

    Upgrade: Blessing 4 (using as Blessing 3). Replace Blessing of Abadar with Master of Masters (or, alternatively, with a Harrow Blessing if the rule about blessings is known to apply throughout the Special).

    Bonus Upgrade? If the rule about non-Harrow blessings applies throughout the special he'll use a bonus upgrade to replace one of his non-Harrow Blessing 3 cards with a Harrow blessing.

    In general, Radovan has most of the cards he'll want until level 5 cards become available (which I realize won't be in this special), so he'll defer to the others for upgrades. He might be interested in an Item 3 or an Armor 3/4 if one shows up but overall he's pretty set with his cards already.

    Re continuing on or waiting, slight preference to wait, just because the next several days are very busy, but will go with whatever the group prefers. Might not be able to post as rapidly though.

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler
    BR eddiephlash wrote:

    This is a Convention! Everybody also gets a boon roll. Success on a nat 20.



    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

    boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler
    Hakon the Smasher wrote:

    Since we will often need to use support on banes we don't want to waste much on unwanted boons. Wanted boons on the other hand are worth getting.

    What level 4 and below boons are each of us looking for?

    High priority
    Item 4 Wand of Restorative Touch

    Low priority
    Armor 3 Magic Spiked Full Plate
    Weapon 4 Thundering Earthbreaker
    Ally 4 Lyrune-quah Truthspeaker

    For Radovan, all Low priority:

    Item 3 Wayfinder
    Armor 3 Sable Company Leathers
    Armor 4 Moon Maiden Armor

    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    Tier 4
    XP: 1

    Hero Point: Card Feat (Spell)

    Hero Point Remaining: 1

    Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 9

    Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 206
    Lightning Bolt - added with Hero Point

    Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 137
    Academy Student ->Salvator Scream

    Depending on answer, spot 3 for me would be a blessing.

    Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

    1st xp at tier 4.
    Hakon will check the (☐ or a spell or a blessing) part of his feat.
    1 hero point remaining.

    item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 224

    weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 556
    ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 934

    boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 18

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Talitha will pick up a Skill Feat: CHA +1

    Upgrade Preferences:

    -Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 725 Staff of Heaven and Earth
    -Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 438 Blessing of Osiris or Blessing of the Seventh Veil

    Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 8

    Slight interest in loot, but only if no one else wants it.

    Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

    Skill feat charisma +1
    Item 4
    Blessing 4

    Card feat Spell
    Spell 2

    Power feat

    Power Feat
    Weapon 4
    Ally 4

    Looks like we as a group want more item 4s armor 4 and armor 3.
    Still a weapon 3, ally 3, and I think a ton of blessing 4s unclaimed.

    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    Weapon 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 863

    More of a side grade that a real upgrade, it gives Seoni some options that she normally wouldn't have.

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler


    Blessing 4: replace Blessing of Abadar with The Joke.

    Bonus Upgrade: Blessing 4: replace The Savored Sting with The Locksmith.

    Loot: Radovan takes The Theater, temporarily setting aside Old Deadeye.

    Scenario Tyrant A (replay) wrap-up:

    Upgrade pool:
    Item - 44322
    Ally - 4420
    Blessing - 44444

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Talitha will take a Blessing 4 upgrade.

    Replacing Blessing of Pharasma with Blessing of the Lord in Iron

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

    Item 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 662

    If no one else wants the Item 3 upgrade, Radovan will use it to replace Red Mantis Mask with Wayfinder. If that's not available then Radovan chooses no upgrades.

    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    Item 4. Given what Talitha and Radovan want, this is a guarantee.

    Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

    And item 4 for Hakon.

    Scenario TotH-1B wrap-up:

    Please list the following, assuming this is not a replay:

  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and your current remaining Hero Points.
  • XP and Tier upon completion of the scenario.
  • Interest in the new loot
  • Upgrade preferences.

    Upgrade pool:
    Spell - 44331
    Armor - 3
    Ally - 3332
    Blessing - 44

  • Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

    * Spend 1 hero point on Card Feat (Armor). Fill new empty Armor slot with Sable Company Leathers (a level 3 card).

    * Current remaining hero points: 1.

    * Radovan is now Tier 5, 2 XP.

    * No interest in the new loot but Radovan will continue to take The Theater (loot) unless someone else wants it, swapping out Old Deadeye for it.

    * Upgrades:
    None (unless I need an Armor 3 upgrade for the new armor, in which case I would be interested in that one) Armor 3 if needed: 1d1000 ⇒ 696

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    1) Talitha will take a Card Feat: Spell and fill it with Cure

    Hero Points: 3

    Tier 4; XP: 2

    2) Will take the loot if no one else wants it, but will let others choose first

    3) Upgrade preferences:

    Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 172 Arcane Theft
    Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 30 Blessing of Angradd
    Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 128 Summon Hellhounds

    And a Boon Roll!: 1d20 ⇒ 5

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 3

    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    Con Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4

    Tier 4
    XP 2

    Hero Point: INT +1
    Hero Point Remaining: 0

    Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 749
    Knock -> Death's Touch

    Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 747
    Soothing Word -> Magical Mansion

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

    Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 8

    Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

    Second XP at tier 4. Taking skill feat Strength. 1 HP remaining.

    armor 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 81

    boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19

    No interest in the loot. Though I am thinking 1 less Harrow to acquire is worth it and I want to pick a Harrow next scenario.

    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    Con Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 14

    Weapon 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 593

    Deck Handler Desired upgrades Item 4, Armor 3, Ally 4, Weapon 4

    Looks like we get to choose a boon so Hakon will pull Spell 4 for Giant Form and no second upgrade.

    boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 1

    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    Hero Point: Power Feat

    Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler

    boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 5

    3rd xp at Tier 5.

    Spend hero point on Skill Feat (#5): +1 to CHA. This leaves Radovan with a balance of 1 hero point.

    Upgrade: Armor 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 634 - replace Shark Skin Armor with Moon Maiden Armor

    Bonus Upgrade: Blessing 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 811 - replace The Locksmith with The Savored Sting

    I think there should probably be sufficient Armor 4 and Blessing 3 in the upgrade pool already, in which case I'm happy to let someone else choose what card type to draw for the scenario reward to expanding the upgrade pool.

    Thanks for playing, everyone, and thanks for running, BR!

    TColMaster Seoni Deck Handler

    Thanks for the game. First time at such a diffucult tier. Totally worth it.

    Scenario CCT-1A wrap-up:

    Please list the following, assuming this is not a replay:

  • What to spend your new Hero Point on, and your current remaining Hero Points.
  • XP and Tier upon completion of the scenario.
  • If you have a character (number) in mind you'd like to attach the Adventure reward(s) to.
  • Upgrade preferences. Remember 2 upgrades each, and 1 of them can be any tier # boon of your choice.

    Upgrade pool:
    Weapon - 444332
    Spell - 43211
    Armor - 4432222
    Item - 442
    Ally - 3
    Blessing - 44444444

    Con Boon roll
    BR Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 15

  • STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 17

    Will spend a Hero Point on a Power Feat: When you would discard a spell for a power on a Staff boon, you may discard or bury (☐ or recharge) a blessing (☑ or any boon) instead.


    Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 399 Summon Hellhounds

    Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 429 Staff of Toxins

    Will apply Adventure Reward (discard new Harrow) to Talitha

    Will apply Additional Adventure Reward to Thargrap (215382-1010)

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    Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Play-by-Post Discussion / [PACS - Special] [Gameday IX] Tyrant of the Harrow: mid-tier Legendary with BR eddiephlash Discussion All Messageboards

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