Gameday IX - GM Valen's Trailblazer's Bounty (PFS 1-05) (12 Challenge Points) (Inactive)

Game Master Lysle

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Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

This thread is for out-of-character discussion, planning, boon slotting and the like.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

I will be on holiday starting friday morning for 10 days (21st to 30th).

I will be able to read posts and maybe write something on the first and last day, but for most of the time, I think I will have to be on hiatus.

Should be no problem for this game I assume.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Feel free to being mustering over in Gameplay and make PCs introductions. I will start us off on September 1st.

Grand Archive

NG (Male) Twilight Halfling Sorcerer 2 Sheet HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F 5 R 6 W 7 | Perc 5, Low Light Vision| Stealth 6 | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells 1: 4/4 | Active Conditions

I think we should check out the campfire. We could potentially get information on whats up ahead from whoever is camping here. What does everyone else think?

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Agreed! We'll Gameplay it as your idea.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

@ GM I was still thinking about buying equipment when you advanced the story. is it okay if I buy a compass and a spyglass back in the port? That would be 21 gp.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Certainly, you may still make purchases. I try to keep things moving, but if my pacing presents any problems, please let me know and I will try and correct it.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Did the authors of this scenario really require the same check, in this case, Nature, to deal with 3 of the 5 nobles? Seems like a missed opportunity to get more PCs involved. Shame. Since Dacian is specifically talking about archery, can one of us make a Ranged/Bow attack instead?

Also, for those who have Nature, can they try to chat with all 3 nobles, or do we choose just 1 of them?

Lastly, for the rule of 2 for the Gin, are you counting Lazarus as 1 of the 2? If so, we just need 1 more.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

I am not sure that is a wise idea to spend the Gin on a trivial first encounter to get a slightl easier diplo check.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

You could be right. Or ... this could be exactly what it was meant for.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

Okay put it more clearly.

Yes it could be but I do not believe it is. I am against using it here.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

PS: I also believe better things will happen the more checks we make, so if you believe I should reroll my check, I will do.

Grand Archive

NG (Male) Twilight Halfling Sorcerer 2 Sheet HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F 5 R 6 W 7 | Perc 5, Low Light Vision| Stealth 6 | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells 1: 4/4 | Active Conditions

I agree with Isfan, I think we could find a better use for the gin than trying to wine and dine these nobles.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none
Isfan ibn Dafuur wrote:
PS: I also believe better things will happen the more checks we make, so if you believe I should reroll my check, I will do.

Oh, I'm not sure. Totally up to you. Maybe just hope we get lucky with checks from the other PCs?

GM ... do we have an option to use half the Urglin Gin for this encounter and still be able to use the other half later? Or is this a 1-shot deal?

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Dr. Thurston Lazarus, III wrote:
Did the authors of this scenario really require the same check, in this case, Nature, to deal with 3 of the 5 nobles? Seems like a missed opportunity to get more PCs involved. Shame. Since Dacian is specifically talking about archery, can one of us make a Ranged/Bow attack instead?

A Nature check can potentially influence all 3 of those nobles. As noted in the Gameplay thread, another skill may be used instead to influence a particular noble. Given the information to be imparted and the (ahem) nature of the scenario, the particular skill in question would seem appropriate.

Dr. Thurston Lazarus, III wrote:
Also, for those who have Nature, can they try to chat with all 3 nobles, or do we choose just 1 of them?

This a campfire setting, so any PC is free to chat with any single noble, two, or all five nobles.

Dr. Thurston Lazarus, III wrote:
Lastly, for the rule of 2 for the Gin, are you counting Lazarus as 1 of the 2? If so, we just need 1 more.

I intended to count Lazarus as 1. However, the Rule of Two now suggests that the gin is not to be shared with the Chelaxians. In light of the potential for controversy, I am hereby revising my plan and shall require a plurality of the PCs to determine the fate of the gin.

So, as it stands, there are 2 votes against sharing the gin (Isfan & Peregine) with the nobles and 1 vote for sharing the gin (Thurston). There are 2 votes not yet cast (Lizzo & Madzork).

Dr. Thurston Lazarus, III wrote:
GM ... do we have an option to use half the Urglin Gin for this encounter and still be able to use the other half later? Or is this a 1-shot deal?

The party may choose to split the gin (again, I will require a plurality on this decision). The choice is a meaningful one in that, no matter what is decided, there is almost certainly going to be a consequence that results in the application of a game mechanic.

Vigilant Seal

Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Witch (Night) 1

I (the player) think maybe splitting the gin would be wisest. Madzork would probably ask the bottle of gin what it thinks.

I'm also considering using a reroll, but considering my low modifier for Nature, it's probably not worth it. However, I doubt Madzork will have any other useful skills.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Agreed with splitting the Gin, since it seems to be allowed. The note from Calisro Benarry says "I have included ... a complimentary bottle of Urglin Gin, a drink strong enough to bring most men to their knees with just one cup. It's versatile. You can use it to make friends ..." Because of that, it makes me think we were meant to use some of it now.

Horizon Hunters

M Lizard Fighter 7 | HP 85/85 | 24AC | F+12 , R+15, W+14 | P+16 (visual +17, init +18) | Avoid Notice: +20 | Hero 0

Lizzo votes to save the gin, seems like it would be a little much for these young folks.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

In order to find out if we missed anyone here is what I looked up. Just in case you were wondering yourselves.

Sarevi (Climbing- Athletics)
Lazarus - 22

Amayas (Terrain - Survival/Nature)
Lazarus - 22
Isfan - 11

Jasper (Tracks - Nature)
Isfan - 9
Lazarus - 10
Lizzo - 21

Dacian (hunting - Nature)
Madzork - 9
Lazarus - 24
Lizzo - 18

Leonie (Common party goal - no check)

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Writing up the Investigator attack with Devise Strategem is a little clunky with PbP. Officially, I'm to roll a d20, and then use that number for the attack roll with Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength. This is what I tried to recreate with my post.

GM Valen, would you prefer I just include the Devise Strategem d20 as part of the normal attack roll? Seems like that would be easier for me to construct and for you to read.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Dr. Thurston Lazarus, III wrote:
GM Valen, would you prefer I just include the Devise Strategem d20 as part of the normal attack roll? Seems like that would be easier for me to construct and for you to read.

I am fine with whichever.

Vigilant Seal

Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Witch (Night) 1

How deep is the water? Would Madzork be able to walk in it without much trouble?

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

I hope you were not waiting for me. With all that solid hits I had assumed the battle won already and Jenkins was also taken care of.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

Do you guys think we should offer him some of our own? Since he has mutltiple times mentioned, that spirits are hard to get here?

Grand Archive

NG (Male) Twilight Halfling Sorcerer 2 Sheet HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F 5 R 6 W 7 | Perc 5, Low Light Vision| Stealth 6 | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells 1: 4/4 | Active Conditions

That seems like a good idea.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Sure.(Of course, I was in favor of giving it to the nobles too, so I'm not setting the bar too high regarding who we share it with. :) The only reason not to is that maybe we've already befriended him enough such that we have his help regardless of the gin.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

Druidic spellcasting services means he is willing to cast a spell on us correct?

What good would that do? Wouldn't the duration be long over by the time we could use it in another encounter?

I would save the other half for negotiating with the orcs, but I am not very firm about this.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Correct, he is offering to cast spells on you, which he can do in the morning just before you plan to set off. There are various spells on the druid's spell list, but some like any haul can last a good while. Whether they would still be in effect at the time of the next encounter I am not at liberty to say.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Looking over the Primal spell list, there are a couple useful 2nd level spells which have good duration.

Endure Elements: Protect against severe cold. (Duration: All day)
Longstrider: +10 status bonus to Speed (Duration: 8 hours, when heightened to 2nd level)

While our cold-weather gear is prob good enough for severe cold, it might be useful to have extra 10' speed for 8 hours. But if we hope to negotiate with the orcs (instead of destroy them), yes, the Gin might come in handy.

Grand Archive

NG (Male) Twilight Halfling Sorcerer 2 Sheet HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F 5 R 6 W 7 | Perc 5, Low Light Vision| Stealth 6 | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells 1: 4/4 | Active Conditions

I think we should keep the gin for the orcs.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

We could take it for an hour and keep the gin.

Horizon Hunters

M Lizard Fighter 7 | HP 85/85 | 24AC | F+12 , R+15, W+14 | P+16 (visual +17, init +18) | Avoid Notice: +20 | Hero 0

It sounds like we may find a better use for the remaining g gin.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

GM Valen --

We really need some direction here.

Specifically, we need options to get PCs up the cliff. Having PCs roll the same check 5 times is ridiculous and not entertaining for anyone. Shame on the authors if this was their intent.

Can PCs use Perception to find an easier way up?

Can PCs at the top make Athletics rolls to pull them up instead?

Once at the top, can ALL of us make the same checks to get multiple successes for Charting, Taming, etc? Or is it true that once ONE of us achieves a Success for a given task, there's no benefit in anyone else trying the same task again?

Things are frustrating and it's causing the game to crawl to a halt. We need guidance. Thanks in advance!

Grand Archive

NG (Male) Twilight Halfling Sorcerer 2 Sheet HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F 5 R 6 W 7 | Perc 5, Low Light Vision| Stealth 6 | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells 1: 4/4 | Active Conditions

I'm going to be out of town for the next couple of days. I'll try to post tomorrow or Saturday, but just an FYI.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

To keep the game moving, does it make sense to delay Madzork so he acts with those of us just after the Shrews?

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Dr. Thurston Lazarus, III wrote:
To keep the game moving, does it make sense to delay Madzork so he acts with those of us just after the Shrews?

I do try to keep things moving, but as the goblin's tactics could influence the shrews, we seem good on time for completing the scenario before Gameday ends, the world is crazier than usual, and I had a relatively busy weekend, I decided under the circumstances not to push ahead. Similar delays in the future, particularly during a weekday, would likely result in some botting or delay of the PC.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|


Hope there is nothing I missed, and then this might be my first Ogre in one.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

That WAS an amazing attack sequence, Isfan! Ogre didn't stand a chance!!!

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

Thanks for the complement. The dice are definitely with me in that adventure.

With all your boni I was actually only hoping to get a solid 20 points of damage in there to give Lizzo a chance to finish him off.

Horizon Hunters

M Lizard Fighter 7 | HP 85/85 | 24AC | F+12 , R+15, W+14 | P+16 (visual +17, init +18) | Avoid Notice: +20 | Hero 0

Well done Isfan, that's got to be the best use of a potency crystal I've seen.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Valen -- If the scenario is over, we're free to play these characters in other games now, right? Or are we not quite done yet?

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Dr. Thurston Lazarus, III wrote:
Valen -- If the scenario is over, we're free to play these characters in other games now, right? Or are we not quite done yet?

Wrapping up. You are free to play these characters in other games.

Thank you all for playing. Please go ahead and make your Downtime rolls. Please include any information that I should know, such as boons or field-commission.

Once I have the rolls, then I will get you your chronicles within 24 hours thereafter.

Grand Archive

M Elf Investigator 9 | HP 96/96 | AC 26 | F+15, R+16, W+17 (+1 w/ bravo) | Perc +18 (Init +20 & win ties) | Exploration: Search | Spd: 40' | Leads: none | Hero: 1 | Conditions: none

Thanks for the game, Valen. And thanks to all the players -- it was a fun group.

Dr. Lazarus spends his downtime in scribing medical charts in the forensics lab.

Scribing Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

No special boons. Should be standard success at level 0.

Horizon Hunters

M NG Human (Garundi) Ranger #1 |HP: 14/21|AC 18, FF 15| F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc +6, Ini +2|DC 16|HeroPoints 1|

Yes Thanks also from my side, was a wonderful adventure well hosted with an interesting party. I am happy you convinced my to join in.

Isfan spends his downtime jotting down instructions on the new trail.

Scouting lore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 --> Success

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Game has been reported!

Dr. Lazarus and Isfan chronicles are here.

Still need Downtime checks from Lizzo, Madzork, and Peregrine.

Thanks again all for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed this run. I had great fun and I look forward to sharing a table with each of you in the future!

Vigilant Seal

Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Witch (Night) 1

I enjoyed it a lot too! Thanks for running this, and thanks to the other players!

Madzork spends his downtime painting and attempting to make his mark on the art world.

Art Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Horizon Hunters

M Lizard Fighter 7 | HP 85/85 | 24AC | F+12 , R+15, W+14 | P+16 (visual +17, init +18) | Avoid Notice: +20 | Hero 0

Thank you to GM Valen for running a great adventure, and to all the pathfinders for a successful result.

Lizzo spends his downtime scouting the wilderness for coin.

Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

can i hero point that?

Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Grand Archive

NG (Male) Twilight Halfling Sorcerer 2 Sheet HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F 5 R 6 W 7 | Perc 5, Low Light Vision| Stealth 6 | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells 1: 4/4 | Active Conditions

Lore(Academia): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End


Lizzo wrote:
can i hero point that?

Unfortunately, no. Fortune effects cannot be used on Downtime.

All chronicles are complete and can be found here.

Please let me know of any changes/revisions needed. I will mark this campaign inactive once I have confirmation from each player or after one week, whichever occurs first.

Stay safe and Happy Gaming!

Grand Archive

NG (Male) Twilight Halfling Sorcerer 2 Sheet HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F 5 R 6 W 7 | Perc 5, Low Light Vision| Stealth 6 | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1 | Focus: 1/1 | Spells 1: 4/4 | Active Conditions

Looks good to me! Thanks for running this GM Valen!

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