[PFS(2), Outpost IV, MTS, 5-6] PFS(2) 2-00 The King in Thorns (5-6) (Inactive)

Game Master Blake's Tiger

2-00 Slides
Introduction Results Reference (View Only)

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| Extinction | url= |

Welcome to the Outpost IV PFS(2) multi-table special (tier 5-6).

Scarab Sages

Posting in here ahead of game time to explain my character options for this. Currently I can choose to run either a frontline tank Liberator Champion/Cavalier with a Shield Ally, or an off-support caster healer in the form of a Lightning/Time Domain Cleric. Both should be very effective at keeping the party alive, although one is obviously a meatier frontline pick if we need that sort of thing. Feel free to let me know if your character intends to frontline, and I'll adjust accordingly.

| Extinction | url= |

I have linked the metadata slides in the campaign header. Please take the time to complete them before the end of Outpost IV Day 1.


Slide 1: Your character sign-in data.
Slide 2: Default Exploration Mode & Perception are required. The rest are any skills you want me to auto-roll on Secret checks.
Slide 3: Marching Order

To copy your token, you can right-click your forum avatar and select copy image. Then paste the image on the slide and resize.

Do we have any color blind players?

| Extinction | url= |

Sorry about that. I think I've changed permissions to edit with link, but I did it on my mobile, so I may have messed up. If it is still not editable, let me know and I'll fix it toniight.

| Extinction | url= |

Updated link, in case the previous URL isn't the same: slides.

| Extinction | url= |

Two of three registered to the campaign.

While waiting for the third who signed up, you should think about which pregen you'd like for your 4th so I can link the details to the campaign. I'd probably recommend Valeros.

| Extinction | url= |

I sent a message, but you may want to choose 2 pregens just in case.

Scarab Sages

Signed in as my Champion since I think cleric pregen is easier to run than fighter/barbarian pregen. He's a Liberator Champion of Milani with a Large Wolf mount (Acquired through Rough Rider Goblin feat and Cavalier archetype, Shield Ally). He'll function as primary tank, also he is level 6 so combats may end up being slightly adjusted due to that.

Dark Archive

Hey guys,

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I'm going to be updating my character and getting the information the GM requested later today. I am also playing a Rogue Thief by the way.

Verdant Wheel

Druid 5 AC 22 (24 with shield) | HP 41/41| F +8 R +12 W +13 | Init +13 Perception, +10 Stealth| low-light vision

Work have been crazy since Thursday and I've just finished ...
Will get in the game Tuesday around noon CST.


Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Ninja/2

Let me try something here...

Verdant Wheel

CN Elven Tiefling Rogue (Thief)/Acrobat | HP 66/66 | AC 24 (26 with Shield Raised) | Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +12 | Perc +12 (Darkvision)

Still trying something...

Verdant Wheel

CN Elven Tiefling Rogue (Thief)/Acrobat | HP 66/66 | AC 24 (26 with Shield Raised) | Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +12 | Perc +12 (Darkvision)

By the way, I'm not sure where you want us to post our character sheets, but here's the link to my character's google docs page in case anyone would like to see it. Be warned that there is some foul language in the flavor text at the end of the document, but reading that is not necessary to understand the character build:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XUq0SrxQdAhCGaq6A6HE0RVgR0LVv74n0gcLXZD mL74/edit?usp=sharing

Also, does anyone have a problem with cursing? If so, would it bother you if I did self-editing for when my character did curse? Using things like "D*%$!" for instance?

I can refrain from either if it bothers anyone - but I do typically RP this character as a foul-mouthed, wise-cracking a-hole (that is still willing to work with his team to get things done mind you, just while often being annoying while doing it).

Scarab Sages

For those wondering, Klatzu has the Junk Tinker feat and has crafted most of the equipment he is wearing barring his Bastard Sword, causing all of it to be noticeably constructed from Junk. Offhand, I believe his Fullplate, armor rune, sturdy shield, multiple backup shields, shield spikes and mount's barding are all hand-crafted.

| Extinction | url= |


If you have not played a multi-table special before, tables are able to aid other tables by passing or boosting and passing Aid Tokens. Unlike prior PFS and SFS multi-table specials, the Aid Tokens are not distributed randomly and passing is more regimented.

Each table starts with 4 Aid Tokens (one of each type).
You can't use your own Aid Tokens.
Boosting them (the process of making a skill check or using a resource like a spell) enhances their effort.
Only one attempt per token can be made to boost.
You can only pass one Aid Token per section of the scenario (Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). You can pass them immediately or wait to see if someone needs one specifically.

The Aid Tokens are:

Allied Offensive
Effect: +3d6 to an attack
To Boost: Make a Strike check vs. DC 22
Boost Effect: +1d6 more damage

Burst of Healing
Effect: 3d8 healing
To Boost: cast a spell with the healing trait or make a Medicine check vs. DC 22
Boost Effect: +1d8 more healing

Provide Knowledge
Effect: gain an automatic success on a Recall Knowledge check
To Boost: make an Arcana, Divine, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check vs. DC 22
Boost Effect: gain an automatic critical success on a Recall Knowledge check

Timely Inspiration
Effect: party benefits from inspire courage for 1 round
To Boost: make a performance check vs. DC 22
Boost Effect: duration is 2 rounds

| Extinction | url= |

Boosted Allied Offensive sent to Grimsnik's 7-8 table (the only one).

We need to attempt to boost and pass an Aid Token during Part 1, as well.

**AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive**
**Passing From**: GM Bret
**Passing To**: GM Blake
**Aid Character Name**: Krek the Serpent
Effect: Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by the listed amount.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Increase damage by 1d6

Verdant Wheel

CN Elven Tiefling Rogue (Thief)/Acrobat | HP 66/66 | AC 24 (26 with Shield Raised) | Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +12 | Perc +12 (Darkvision)

Hey GM,

Let me know if the below link works. Otherwise, I guess I'm just going to have to update my info on Paizo sometime over the weekend.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XUq0SrxQdAhCGaq6A6HE0RVgR0LVv74n0gcLXZD mL74/edit?usp=sharing

This might be the same link I gave you earlier, so I might be out of luck with google docs. Dang it.

| Extinction | url= |

It is the same. It tells me the file does not exist. Make sure your sheet isn't in your Trash.

Normally, if it links to an unshared file, it prompts me to ask for permission, but you might also double check that sharing is enabled for view (though it looks like it is from the link).

Verdant Wheel

CN Elven Tiefling Rogue (Thief)/Acrobat | HP 66/66 | AC 24 (26 with Shield Raised) | Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +12 | Perc +12 (Darkvision)

Hey GM,

I just updated my character info for Niklaas through my Paizo Account. You should be able to see basically his full sheet now.

| Extinction | url= |

Much appreciated.

Could you direct me to or add the statistics for your shield?

Dark Archive

It's a Minor Sturdy Shield:


| Extinction | url= |

The Mushroom Ring Disabled allows you to make one encounter of your choice easier during Part 1.

Dark Archive

Cool. Should we choose the next encounter then, guys?

-Just so we don't forget we have the bonus...

| Extinction | url= |

I can't really give you a list without spoiling some of them, but do you want a skill encounter* or combat encounter next?

* No guarantees that a skill encounter won't evolve into combat

Verdant Wheel

Druid 5 AC 22 (24 with shield) | HP 41/41| F +8 R +12 W +13 | Init +13 Perception, +10 Stealth| low-light vision

Lets do skill encounter!

Dark Archive

Sounds good to me! Skill encounter please!

| Extinction | url= |

Correct me before I declare any outcomes of rolls, but I'm going with you want this one made easier.

Dark Archive

Sounds good to me.

| Extinction | url= |

There's only two left, and I'm pretty sure you can complete them both well before the beginning of Part 2.

Has anyone completed 1-16: The Perennial Crown Part 1 and received the "Blood Offering" boon?

Has anyone completed 1-16 and not received the "Blood Offering" boon?

Has anyone completed 1-17: The Perennial Crown Part 2?

Verdant Wheel

Druid 5 AC 22 (24 with shield) | HP 41/41| F +8 R +12 W +13 | Init +13 Perception, +10 Stealth| low-light vision
GM Blake wrote:

There's only two left, and I'm pretty sure you can complete them both well before the beginning of Part 2.

Has anyone completed 1-16: The Perennial Crown Part 1 and received the "Blood Offering" boon?

Has anyone completed 1-16 and not received the "Blood Offering" boon?

Has anyone completed 1-17: The Perennial Crown Part 2?



Dark Archive

So, I as a player have completed Pt 1 & 2 of Perennial Crown and gotten the blood offering boon - but Niklaas isn't the character that I have the credits on, assuming that matters.

Scarab Sages

GM Blake wrote:

There's only two left, and I'm pretty sure you can complete them both well before the beginning of Part 2.

Has anyone completed 1-16: The Perennial Crown Part 1 and received the "Blood Offering" boon?

Has anyone completed 1-16 and not received the "Blood Offering" boon?

Has anyone completed 1-17: The Perennial Crown Part 2?

I have a character elsewhere with GM credit for both completed without Blood Offering, as well as a character that has completed part 2 as a player, but Klatzu is neither of those characters if it matters.

| Extinction | url= |

Yes. Apologies. It is character specific. So you'll be moving into the next event at default.

Scarab Sages

You know I had been considering calling out Kreighton Shane when talking to the recruits, but after the Pathfinder Trials calling out Westyr seemed more appropriate.

| Extinction | url= |

Rescued Pathfinders will allow you, once, to heal the entire party 3d8 hit points at the end of an encounter during Part 1.

| Extinction | url= |

Animals lets you treat targets of melee Strikes as flanked for 1 round.

Plants lets you ignore difficult terrain for 1 round.

Witch's Winter Holiday

AID TOKEN: Provide Knowledge
Passing From: GM Hawthwile
Passing To: GM Blake
Aid Character Name: Erevan Dalanthan - a tall, slender elven alchemist
Effect: Gain the benefits of an automatic success on a check to Recall Knowledge.
Boosted? No
Boost Effect: Gain the benefits of an automatic critical success on a check to Recall Knowledge.

Scarab Sages

Sidenote: We have officially reached the part of the scenario that made me decide to pick Klatzu over my Shykan Cleric for this; you know, Shyka, the deity whose sole anathema is "Willingly tread where Time does not pass."

Dark Archive

Hey GM,

So does it seem like this thing has a reaction to turn into a cloud of untargetable fire after getting hit once - then on it's turn it can rematerialize itself anywhere in the cloud's radius?

The really important thing is this - from what we've seen so far, does the cat have to rematerialize in the same space it poofed out in? Or can it rematerialize in ANY space within the radius of it's cloud?

Either way, that is one annoying reaction. We might should have Klatzu try to nail it with a blade surge first before I take my turn with Niklaas... Or maybe Niklaas should try to intimidate the cat first to make the hit easier...

| Extinction | url= |
At the start of its turn, the (redacted) returns to its normal form in any square the cloud covered.

It is really nasty (the crits made it worse, though).

| Extinction | url= |

By best measurement the cat was 20 ft away from Klatzu when it attacked Crafty.

I, too, thought that was an unfathomably low HP for Crafty, and if he has more than 44 HP, he is still up.

Verdant Wheel

Druid 5 AC 22 (24 with shield) | HP 41/41| F +8 R +12 W +13 | Init +13 Perception, +10 Stealth| low-light vision

Forgot to update my headline since level3 :D
I have 41, it doesn't change anything unfortunately...

| Extinction | url= |

We should pass an aid token (and attempt to boost).

| Extinction | url= |

You all will begin the final chapter with 15 temporary hit points.

Envoy's Alliance

M Goblin Champion/Cavalier 8 | HP 104/114 | Shield Hardness 10, HP 94/96| AC29/s31 | Frt15 - Ref11 - Wil13 | Perc11, +2 Init, Darkvision | Spe20 | Conditions: None

If any of the other tables seem to be having an issue with Healing, I'll Lay on Hands boost an Aid Token before refocusing. Otherwise I'll save it for midway through or after we wrap up the finale to pass to struggling tables.

**AID TOKEN: Burst of Healing**
**Passing From**: GM Bret
**Passing To**: GM Blake
**Aid Character Name**: Symeon
Effect: A fellow Pathfinder heals all the PCs by the listed amount.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Increase healing by 1d8.

| Extinction | url= |

Thank you, everyone, for playing.

Please determine your downtime activity and any necessary rolls.

I plan to complete your Chronicles tomorrow.

I did kind of drag my feet once I knew the House had succeeded because I didn't want to devour Klatzu in an optional encounter.

Scarab Sages

eh Klatzu would have been fine lol

Klatzu's last chronicle sheet had him starting to craft an Adamantine Buckler off of a roll of 26 vs DC 24 at a rate of 2GP/downtime day. Currently he's 12 GP into the crafting process as a Field Commissioned agent, so he'll continue working on the crafting to reduce it by a further 24GP to -36 GP total off the final price. No roll is needed since it's a continuation of an existing crafting project, and he'll continue crafting it for now.

Thanks for running the game as well! I know specials always look like a mess to run and organize so I appreciate the effort you put in to run it.

Verdant Wheel

Druid 5 AC 22 (24 with shield) | HP 41/41| F +8 R +12 W +13 | Init +13 Perception, +10 Stealth| low-light vision

Earn Income Crafting (Specialty Crafting Alchemy) - Expert: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 13 + 1 = 17

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