The Witchwar Legacy (Inactive)

Game Master Sedoriku


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Liberty's Edge

Male CG Elf Arcane Archer 9/ Fighter 6 / Wizard 1 | HP 130/130 Temp 18/18| AC 31 T 22 FF 23 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +17, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +10 | Perc: +22 (LLV & DV 60'), SM: +1 | Speed 60ft | Diviner's Fortune:7/7; Seeker Arrow: 3/3; Phase Arrow: 2/2; Arcane Bond: 0/1; GM Reroll: 0/1 | Spells: Listed in Profile

Wynn will wait for a status report before shooting it.

dungeoneering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 DR/SR, immunizes and weakness in order please...that's if I got anything on it.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Wynn recalls the very nearly liquid body of the shoggoth is fairly hard to damage with simple weapons and that it seems strangely resistant to all but the most powerful of magic casters.

DR 10/- and SR 30. This thing will likely buck off any spells you cast at it

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

Molly has actually fought a Shoggoth before in an AP. She remembers a few things. Molly is going to move then have Bubbles Withdraw out the hallway that we came from. Molly will then move again to get some distance between her and the creature. I'm popping a round of Adrenaline and will Dare myself to resist its madness.

Molly's eyes grow wide and her blood runs cold. She remembers the fear and the whispers and the madness. She bolts back to the end of the cavern, commanding Bubbles to run. She takes a defensive position and gets ready.

"Don't listen to it! Don't let it grab you!"

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

Round 1
Peter tries to remember what he knows of the Shoggoth.
knowledge(dung): 1d20 + 34 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 34 + 2 = 41
special attacks, defenses, SQ and SLA in that order

GM wrote:
maddening cacophony of sounds

fort save against fatigued: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36

Peter summons a seductive, winged elven woman who uses her harp to ward the Pathfinders against the cacophony of sound. He calls out Molly get closer!, before moving slightly away, incase his mind blank and invisibility do work against this foe.

perform: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36 Any creature within 30 feet of the Lilliend (including herself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the Lilliend's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher.

Round 2

Peter does his best to heed Molly's warning by warding Sentry from this foe, casting Freedom of Movement on the noble steed.

If you'd prefer it on Hendric instead, Peter would do that.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

"Molly, come back! The Lillend's song will protect you!"

@Pete - thanks, appreciate it. On Sentry is fine.
@GM - those squares are 10' each?
Charging this thing would put Sir Hendric and Sentry out of range of the Lillend's Countersong. So...

Sir Hendric uses Tactician to share Escape Route (swift). Molly is too far away, but it gets everybody else. You can now move through allies' adjacent squares without provoking AOOs.

Sir Hendric will not use Mounted Combat if Sentry is attacked; the warhorse can probably take a single hit if there is no threat of grappling, and Sir Hendric would rather preserve next round's swift action for a Challenge. The Shoggoth seems pretty far away (100'?), but he does not know how fast it is.

He also uses his Blood Reservoir of Physical Prowess for a +8 inherent bonus to Strength (standard, lasts until the end of his next round).

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Molly runs back, away from the shoggoth, the beast apparently triggering some past traumas. She takes up a defensive position and stands at the ready daring herself to overcome any possibly maddening effects that come her way. Bubbles is still out cold from the evil auras of the linnorm and the ooze, unable to listen and not going to do anything even if he could.

Peter tries to recall all he can about the shoggoth, remembering he read aobut it once in a book of dangerous magical beasts. He remembers that the oozes like to trample over people and then grapple, constrict and finally engulf them entirely. Additionally as Molly seems to be shouting about, there's the maddening stream of noises, words, sounds and other sonic effects that can destroy a mortal's mind if they aren't careful.

Specific Abilites:
Maddening Cacophony (Su)
As a free action, a shoggoth can give voice to sounds and words sane life was not meant to hear. All creatures in a 60-foot radius must make a DC 22 Will save or be confused for 1d6 rounds. Each round a creature is affected it takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage. A creature that saves cannot be affected by this shoggoth’s maddening cacophony for 24 hours. This is a sonic mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Engulf (Ex)
To use this ability, the shoggoth must begin its turn grappling a creature or must trample. A shoggoth may attempt to engulf as many creatures as it grapples or tramples in a round. This ability otherwise functions as swallow whole, save that a creature that cuts is way out of a shoggoth leaves no hole in the protoplasmic creature’s body.

Additionally the shoggoth has the ability to repair itself quickly, and despite being predominately sea based creature, it can survive on land. I'm assuming defenses were special defenses? If so it has Fast healing 10 and I through in the amphibious SQ as well. Also a lillend is a great counter to one of the scarier aspects of the ooze!

@Hendric: Yup all squares in this place are 10 feet large.

Hendric gives everyone a very quick tip on how to block things from attacking your moving allies and then readies to charge the thing if it comes within reach of the countersong.

Delaying Gillian's first round and Wynn's second, Wynn can still act in his normal intiative count from round 3.

The shoggoth singing some jingle about the decapatation of the baba and her children, in increasing and increasing gory detail, slings shafts of it's body forwards and then uses them to roll itself forward, getting more shafts to fly out from the top. It seems to start picking up speed, as if preparing to rush the group.
Only two move actions, it was a little too far from everyone.

Round2 2/3
General Active Conditions: Dense Rubble

Sir Hendric




Bold are up!
Current map

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

Wow! Somehow I thought I lost the initiative and my turn after shoggot. And it turned out thatI looked at the second round! Sorry.

- Impressive. I've seen it in my dreams... in the icy lands far away... But then I didn't have the strength to fight it - just run away. This is a different story. Dear, step back!

As it flies away, she makes passes with her hands and says.

- You won't come near me! Stay where you are, monster. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!

(Fleeting Repulsion, DC31 Will, 60-ft radius - I think the edge is exactly where shoggot stands now)

Streams of powerful energy moving through you, but the sorceress herself is still invisible, only her voice resounds loudly through the ice cave.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Sir Hendric will Challenge the abomination, lower his lance, and charge.
Attack, PA/Challenge/Charge, Blood Reservoir: 1d20 + 33 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 33 + 4 = 49
Damage: 3d8 + 162 + 12 ⇒ (3, 1, 4) + 162 + 12 = 182

I don't expect to one-shot foes at this level, so if you all could pour on some more damage it, or boost my defenses in some way, that would be much appreciated.
AC right now is 37 against it (+2 sacred from Champion shield vs challenged foe).

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

It never hurts to make things sparkly

Peter throws some glitter on it, hoping it may miss the knight.

Glitterdust, DC 27 will

The Azata looks keen to charge in, but Peter countermands that Keep playing that harp! +16 long sword 2d6+13 isn't getting it done here lol

If I read the special ability correctly, we all made our saves from the performance last round and are all immune, if so, the Azata could switch to inspire courage for +2 hit/damage. That would be increased on Hendric's charge as well

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

Will Save: 1d20 + 15 + 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (15) + 15 + (9) + (6) = 45
That should be enough. I’ll fling as much damage as I can at it, but my rolls aren’t that great. Shoggies are tough.

Molly tries shooting outs a few arrows but her nerves get the better of her.

“First wendigo sickness and now this thing! If I see a Yellow Sigh anywhere I’ll just start burning this place to the ground.”

Attack 1: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (17) + 24 = 41
Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 6) + 12 = 23

Attack 2: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26
Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 2) + 12 = 16

Attack 3: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 3) + 12 = 16

Attack 4: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (7) + 24 = 31
Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 5) + 12 = 19

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Gillian sets up a barrier of forbiddance. The shoggoth seems to recoil slightly and stays away from the nearly invisible barrier. Quick question, looking at the repulsion spell, it does seem to require a check for everyone within the area of effect. Is there a way you can target the shoggoth specifically?

Before the ooze can figure out how to get around the barrier, Sir Hendric does what he does best and charges his lance into the middle of the ooze. The ooze seems to lose over half of his mass, but still seems to be going strong. It gurgles happily having an easy target now.

Peter gives the orders to the archon to keep singing, but she changes up her tone and song, making it more inspirational sounding than before. He then adds a massive pile of glitter over the ooze, it seems to cover the exposed surfaces of the ooze especially the staring eyes, but the thing still seems able to find the location of Sentry and Hendric from the little movements they give off. Failed the save, but has other senses. Also I didn't say that the shoggoth used its abilitym but double checking the int score, the thing wouldn't be smart enough to possibly try taking down the summon first, so yes everyone in the archon's range is safe.

Molly stands way back and steels her spirit against the maddening sounds. She's sadly too far to hear them clearly, and sadly too far to be able to rapidly fire her weapon accurately, as she only hits with her first shot of the round and the arrow wound is shallower than she'd like and starts to heal quickly.

GM Dice:

Will save: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
Will save: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
Slam 1: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (8) + 30 = 38
Bludgeoning: 3d6 + 15 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) + 15 = 23
Grab: 1d20 + 39 ⇒ (5) + 39 = 44
Contrict: 3d6 + 15 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) + 15 = 18
Slam 2: 1d20 + 30 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 30 - 2 = 33
Bludgeoning: 3d6 + 15 ⇒ (5, 1, 3) + 15 = 24

Slam 3: 1d20 + 30 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 30 - 2 = 37
Bludgeoning: 3d6 + 15 ⇒ (1, 6, 1) + 15 = 23
Slam 4: 1d20 + 30 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 30 - 2 = 37
Bludgeoning: 3d6 + 15 ⇒ (4, 3, 4) + 15 = 26

The shoggoth decides to return the favor of the lance to Hendric. Four tentacles rise up out of the mass and slam out after the cavalier, the first lands and wraps around him, starting to squeeze him closer. The next one just barely misses due to the first tentacle being in the way, the third and fourth however have no troubles slamming on home and brusing the man through his armor. 90 damage to Hendric (all bludgeoning I believe but I'm not sure what type constrict is. Because it became grappled, it missed one of those attacks.[/dice]

[ooc]Rounds 3/4
General Active Conditions: Dense Rubble

Sir Hendric -90



Shoggoth! -175

Bold are up!
Current map

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

I know we want to keep a good pace going, but Wynn had two turns to take before the Shoggoth got its chance to act. Wynn, please take your turns. Or else we should bot him. I cannot solo this thing.

Sir Hendric is grappled, but still able to use his lance as a one-handed weapon.

Primary, IC, Grappled: 1d20 + 29 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 29 + 2 - 2 = 40
Damage: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 47 + 2 = 55

Secondary: 1d20 + 24 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 24 + 2 - 2 = 33
Damage: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 47 + 2 = 55

Tertiary: 1d20 + 19 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 19 + 2 - 2 = 36
Damage: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 47 + 2 = 55

Quaternary: 1d20 + 14 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 14 + 2 - 2 = 29
Damage: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 47 + 2 = 51

"Pete, a Dimension Door might be good! Or finishing it off!"

If my charge did half its HP, it must be very low now. Hopefully Wynn's missing turns can finish it.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

2 GM: as far as I understand a will save will be needed from everyone who decides to go in my direction. As long as they are walking away from me or standing still, this is not necessary. If I understand everything correctly of course.

- Don't worry, sir Hendrik. We won't let you get hurt. - she smiles enigmatically and confidently.

If no one kills the monster before shoggot's turn begins, and sir Hendrik is still where he is, I will cast Heal (150hp) using Reach Metamagic. It's not ready action, just delay before shoggy.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

Assuming Wynn’s arrows don’t down it.

Pete move 40’ closer, swiftly shifts the final distance to Hendric and casts dimension door as requested.

The azata moves up and heals Hendric.

csw: 3d8 + 7 ⇒ (6, 7, 4) + 7 = 24

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

@Gillian: Right I misread the spell. What I get for posting something late at night. Technically the will save is required from the casting but it has no effect unless people want to approach so only requiring a save if they do is fine.

arrow #1: 1d20 + 25 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 25 - 4 - 2 = 21
1d8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 + 8 = 23 damage
if evil: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8

arrow #2: 1d20 + 25 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 25 - 4 - 2 = 34
1d8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 8 = 17 damage
if evil: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5

arrow #3: 1d20 + 20 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 20 - 4 - 2 = 34
1d8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 + 8 = 22 damage
if evil: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6

arrow #4: 1d20 + 15 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 15 - 4 - 2 = 14
1d8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 8 = 21damage
if evil: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5

arrow #3 CRIT?: 1d20 + 20 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 20 - 4 - 2 = 31

Hendric brings his lance around for a few more hits and lands three swift hits to the mass of the thing bringing it to very nearly dead, as Wynn sends a salvo of arrows at the thing, finishing it off for good as its body starts to dissolve into a mass of goo on the floor.

I botted Wynn for the round and he gave the extra 23 damage to take the thing down. You were very close to soloing it with Molly there.
End Combat

Sir Hendric: -90 Assuming the Heal didn't happen and Azata didn't heal.

The treasure, only barely moved, seems to be fine glinting in the light from above. Dear tries to shift another handful of the things and nothing happens. Seems it has been left unguarded. There proves to be, with what you grabbed earlier a total of 7,670 gp, 11,800 sp, 33,250 cp in coins; 16 blue spinels worth 500 gp each; a copper snuff box (worth 15 gp) holding diamond dust worth 1,800 gp; a gold statuette of Desna with emeralds for eyes (worth an approximate 2,000 gp); a +2 bladed scarf, a ring of improved climbing, a scroll of iron body, and a scroll of [/i]sunburst[/i] (both CL 15th).

The place stays silent again, the linnorm barely registering the short but very nearly deadly shoggoth battle below.
To the linnorm? (after some heals that is)

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

I imagine the Azata probably did heal - it's a summons and is only here for a short time. Might as well make use of its SLAs. But we won't have needed Pete's Dimension Door or Gillian's Heal.

Sir Hendric nods his thanks to the angelic harpist as it heals him.

Down 66 now.

"If we move quickly, we can take on the Linnorm with the benefit of my tactics the Escape Route that everybody is sharing and this celestial bard."

Another CSW from the Azata, and then a couple of CMW from the other casters should get him pretty near full if that is possible. His wand would take about 11 rounds to get him to full, whereas spell slots could get him to full in 1 round.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

Well that went way better than last time.

“Ugh, that was unexpected. Nice moves Hendric, once again I’m glad to be on the friendly side of that lance.”

Molly walks over and inspects the oozing body.

“These creatures were created as a slave race for the Yith. I wonder what it’s doing here? Oh right the linnorm! Umm, yes let’s go.”

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

Interesting, I wonder how they prevented it from consuming all Yith... Peter starts to pontificate before remembering there are pressing matters.

Well, it seems we can all fly, go engage that Linnorm before it sees us! Peter says as he and the Azata dump healing spells into Hendric.

CSW: 3d8 + 7 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) + 7 = 17

Peter converts one of his spells into a healing one as well before the knight charges off into battle.

Invisibility -> CMW
CMW: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (6, 7) + 10 = 23

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

-This is not just a glacier, but some mountains of madness. All right, let's go after the dragon now.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Like the Lovecraft reference!
I am still down 20 - can I get a CMW from Gillian? Again, just trying to save in-game time.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Don't know why this place has a shoggoth, the module does nothing to explain the prescience. Might not be a bad idea to get the front line of Hendric up to full, he very nearly got obliterated in that last fight.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

Yep! Missed this!

CMW: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (7, 8) + 10 = 25

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

"Thank you, Gillian.
Molly, you favor waking the linnorm up first? Should we all go up to meet it and properly challenge it to battle?
Or at least you, me, and Wynn?"

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

Illusionary Peter joins the cadre of those who would go wake the dragon as the real peter once again becomes invisible.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

“Wake him up? Sure, I guess I can do that.”

How far away is this fellow from us? What is he resting on?

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Soooo the maps provided for this section of the module aren't split into grid sections. We'll have to do this a little more theater of the mind than the previous fights. Distances are relative, and you guys can position yourselves as you want, he's sound asleep.

The flight through the hole leading up to the upper levels of the falls takes only a few seconds, let's say a round, before you emerge into the blinding sunlight of the mid-morning sun. Despite the bright light andsunny weather the place is still bone-chilling cold, or so you'd think given your Life Bubble keeps it at bay.

The hole leads to a tiny overlook giving a breath-taking view of the Crevasse Fields, the broken bits of glacier ice sprakling in the sunlight, the Cathedral of Obalas rises in the midground, and the most eagle-eyed might spy a spire or two of the regional capital of Chillblight way off in the distance. Getting closer to the edge shows another breath-taking sight, the near mile long drop off the side of the falls to the giant's war camp below.

Off the west shows two notable features. First, at the precipice of the falls, and slightly higher than anything else, two footprints mark the ice, like the tracks of a gigantic bird that apparently stood here in the flow of the water as it froze to form the great
icefall below. Gillina can barely look at them, the aura of transmutation that purveys the whole falls strongest and most concentrated here, making this where the mythic energies used to make the Veil was probably cast. Likely, Baba Yaga's infamous hut stood there while she crafted her monument, before leaving the footprints as a signature and warning.

The second is the sleeping linnorm just north of the footprints. Curled onto its back with its feet in the air, it slumbers in the sun beams peacefully a good 120 feet from the party. The dragon-esque creature rests on the frozen waves and currents of a falling waterfall, worn smooth over the years of sunbathing, but the terrain is certainly difficult to try traversing. Given most of the a party has a way to fly, though, it shouldn't be a major issue.

New map is up! How do you want to wake the Linnorm? Do you want to try positioning yourselves first?

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Elf Arcane Archer 9/ Fighter 6 / Wizard 1 | HP 130/130 Temp 18/18| AC 31 T 22 FF 23 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +17, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +10 | Perc: +22 (LLV & DV 60'), SM: +1 | Speed 60ft | Diviner's Fortune:7/7; Seeker Arrow: 3/3; Phase Arrow: 2/2; Arcane Bond: 0/1; GM Reroll: 0/1 | Spells: Listed in Profile

" I am not going up to talk to it." Wynn says with some hesitation. "But, if it happens to come up, please ask it what its name is."

Never mind. Remembered that I cast that spell from my Arcane Bond last time.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Sir Hendric really wouldn't have a problem killing a sleeping dragon, if he was certain that it was evil, but he would not want to make Molly violate her principles as a champion of Kurgess.

Still, he isn't above leveraging his advantages. He uses a charge of Heightened Awareness, which he will dismiss for +4 initiative. Wand at 45, total Init bonus +7.

Senty is Air Walking and moves to within 110' of the dragon - charge range (lance has 10' reach, double move is 100').

"Molly, do you wish to call out to it?"

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Not wanting to start anything here before Molly makes a decision.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

Oof, just woke up from a turkey coma.

Molly walks to within 40 feet of the magical beast and puts her bow away, to be nice. She then calls out in a loud voice.

“Excuse me sir, or lady, I need a few moments of your time. My friends and I are exploring this area and I want to know if you’re going to be a problem. I’ll give you a chance to leave peacefully, but this place needs to be secured.”

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Elf Arcane Archer 9/ Fighter 6 / Wizard 1 | HP 130/130 Temp 18/18| AC 31 T 22 FF 23 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +17, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +10 | Perc: +22 (LLV & DV 60'), SM: +1 | Speed 60ft | Diviner's Fortune:7/7; Seeker Arrow: 3/3; Phase Arrow: 2/2; Arcane Bond: 0/1; GM Reroll: 0/1 | Spells: Listed in Profile
Molly the Lost wrote:

Oof, just woke up from a turkey coma.

Molly walks to within 40 feet of the magical beast and puts her bow away, to be nice. She then calls out in a loud voice.

“Excuse me sir, or lady, I need a few moments of your time. My friends and I are exploring this area and I want to know if you’re going to be a problem. I’ll give you a chance to leave peacefully, but this place needs to be secured.”

This is great. Almost as comical as a certain bard I know trying to seduce a dragon.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

It's charming. However, every creature should have a chance, shouldn't it? - Gillian whispers to her closest companions - To be honest, I've never been to a court hunt or anything, but that's how I see it. Retinue, pre-prepared elk or bear. Only dogs and wine are missing.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

A bit like that, but the Linnorom has real tooth and claw, both supernatural and otherwise, so, tis a fair fight. Peter agrees, recalling the Shogoth didn’t stand long after a single blow from Hendric’s lance, falling to a hail of arrows from Wynn and Molly.

The azata starts a battle song on her harp, encouraging the heroes to engage the Linnorom before she returns to the celestial realm.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

The linnorm gives a small grumble and shifts as Molly starts calling out to it. After a minute or so of constant noises, the lizard finally cracks an eye and stares down at the woman.
I keep mentally seeing Molly similar to Goldilocks, and the mental image of Goldilocks asking a Linnorm to leave politely was jsut hilarious.

It blinks a few times, turning over what the little woman said to it over and over in its head as it slowly starts waking up. It peers at the woman, clearly surprised by her brazenness to walk up and ask it leave it's sleeping spot. A few seconds pass as the look gets more and more infuriated. The linnorm finally decides to rise up to it's full height and glares down at the woman, but it's words are surprisingly polite sounding despite what he says, "You couch your words in polite terms, little lady, but you are asking something extremely rude of Malzrecryrth, Tyrant Protector of the Veil! I will not leave the best sunning spot I have ever known and the place I have been charged with protecting even if brought proper tributes of a thousand heads of bison and ten sacrificial virgins... But I was starting to get hungry. Would you and your group mind being a small midday repast?"

Begin Combat


Peter: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Hendric: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Wynn: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Molly: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Gillian: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Dear the Aether Elemental: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Malzrecryrth,: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Molly, slightly cowed by the colossal prescence in front of her doesn't realize that the linnorm is ready to bite her head off quickly, but the rest of the party had been prepared for exactly this out come.

Rounds 1
General Active Conditions: None

Sir Hendric



Bold are up!
Current map Map distances are relative. Be sure to include how far you are from the linnorm in posts where you move.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

There's no magic auras on the dragon, am I right? Since the first rule of a dragon hunter is to dispel it's mage armor and shield ))

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Gillian finds two auras surrounding the linnorm, a moderate abjuration aura and a strong divination aura. Though she also recognizes due to her times spent dispelling things that these auras are so heavily woven into the body of the linnorm they are probably impossible to dispel.
It has no spells cast on it but two constant ones that ought really not he spells but were probably made into ones to save words and can't be dispelled.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

But I'm not going to dispel them... I'm going to cancel them.
*laughter of a madman from a pathos anime*

- You are so wrong! Evil has no weapon against my Redeemer Queen and her loyal servants. At all. - a lash of bluish-purple energy appears in her hand, which she promptly strikes the dragon - Пусть защита твоя станет прахом!

Reach Piercing Spell Scourge, DC 38 Will; +40 vs SR;
Please note that there are not only spells, but also "effects".

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Sir Hendric will do what he does best.
"For Honor and Justice!"

Challenge and charge (100' charge, ending up 10' away). Making it a Knight's Challenge (extra +1 to hit and damage) and using his Inspiring Rush trait (extra +1 to hit and damage, which also applies to any allies who charge within the next round).

Attack, Knight's Challenge, Inspiring Rush, IC: 1d20 + 33 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 33 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 50
Damage: 3d8 + 162 + 3 + 3 + 6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1) + 162 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 182

AC is 37 against the Linnorm.

With Demanding Challenge, the linnorm will take a -2 AC against attacks made by anyone other than Sir Hendric as long as the linnorm is within Sir Hendric's threatened area.

Sir Hendric would also get a free CMB attempt to Bull Rush, Disarm, Sunder, or Trip.
Trip?: 1d20 + 37 ⇒ (1) + 37 = 38
Never mind.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

The Azata starts playing her harp with a battle ballard. +2 inspire courage.
knowledge: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (14) + 34 = 48

Special Attacks, SLA, Special Defenses, SQ: I'm assuming I learn it has a breath weapon. If I think a wind wall will stop his breath weapon, I do the following. Otherwise Peter will just cast a glitterdust DC 27 at it

fort save: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (20) + 19 = 39

Peter himself summons a Bralani and instructs him quietly. When it breaths, use your [url=] wall of wind[/url to stop it

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Elf Arcane Archer 9/ Fighter 6 / Wizard 1 | HP 130/130 Temp 18/18| AC 31 T 22 FF 23 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +17, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +10 | Perc: +22 (LLV & DV 60'), SM: +1 | Speed 60ft | Diviner's Fortune:7/7; Seeker Arrow: 3/3; Phase Arrow: 2/2; Arcane Bond: 0/1; GM Reroll: 0/1 | Spells: Listed in Profile

Wynn begins firing as the knight charges ahead.

Clustered shots + deadly aim

arrow #1: 1d20 + 25 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 25 - 4 = 29
damage: 1d8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 + 8 = 23
electricity: 1d6 ⇒ 6
if evil: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

arrow #2: 1d20 + 21 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 21 - 4 = 36
damage: 1d8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 8 = 21
electricity: 1d6 ⇒ 5
if evil: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

arrow #3: 1d20 + 17 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 17 - 4 = 19
damage: 1d8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 8 = 19
electricity: 1d6 ⇒ 1
if evil: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

WTF? The boards ate my post yesterday? Dammit! I spent a near hour on that thing! UGH, BOARDS! Explains why there'd been no posts. I'll just summarize.

Gillian strips the two spell auras from the linnorm, causing it tro writhe in pain.

Sir Hendric delivers a devastating blow and angers the linnorm.

Peter recalls what he can about these creatures, knowing they have no spells they can cast, have a breath weapon and death curse, and can constrict people they catch in their coils. They also have Freedom of Movement and True Sight as the only expression of their innate magical abilities (but Gillian stripped them off the beast already) and the ability to regenerate as long as they haven't been in contact with cold iron. The breath weapon physically launches freezing ooze that rapidly solidifies into ice, so a barrier of wind wouldn't stop it. A barrier of force would, but also protect the thing from the attacks of the party. Let me know if you want to summon the Leonal and Wall of Force and where or if glitter dust works. I'll retcon the linnorms turn based on that info.

Wynn's first and last arrows miss, the second hits but seems significantly less effective than it should have been.

GM Dice:

Will: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
Breath weapon: 18d8 ⇒ (7, 3, 7, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 2, 2, 6, 2, 8, 1, 6, 8, 5, 2) = 79

The linnorm rears up, healing some from the attacks of the party, and launches a spray of freezing ooze at Molly, Hendric, and Sentry assuming there is not a barrier in the way.

Rounds 1 & 2
General Active Conditions: None

Molly DC 28 Reflex save for half of 79

Sir Hendric DC 28 Reflex save (Sentry too) for half of 79

Malzrecryrth -193

Bold are up!
Current map Map distances are relative. Be sure to include how far you are from the linnorm in posts where you move.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting, I really didn't realize my post didn't take.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Sir Hendric tries to dodge the freezing ooze.
Reflex, Shake it Off: 1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 17 + 1 = 31
No damage with Ring of Evasion.

He calls on his Lastwall training to help Sentry dodge.
Indomitable Mount (Ride check), Heroism: 1d20 + 28 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 28 + 2 = 35
Sentry also has Evasion.

The cavalier drives his lance into his titanic foe.
Primary, IC: 1d20 + 29 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 29 + 2 = 34
Damage, IC: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 47 + 2 = 55

Secondary: 1d20 + 24 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 24 + 2 = 40
Damage: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 47 + 2 = 50

Tertiary: 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 19 + 2 = 29
Damage: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 47 + 2 = 50

Quaternary: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 14 + 2 = 18
Damage, IC: 1d8 + 47 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 47 + 2 = 57

Lance is +5 for bypassing DR.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Hendric dodges the blast of freezing ooze with aplomb, before countering with his own flurry of attacks, two more is all it takes to knock the thing down, it's blood freezing to the ice below.

However it's heart still beats and the flesh starts to knit together again.

I'll take us out of rounds for now, as you can keep the thing down, but it does have regeneration and enhancement bonuses sadly don't bypass that.

Molly still needs a Reflex save (or Peter needs to put up a wall)

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Better for me that I didn't kill it, actually, with the Death Curse. Of course I might make my save - probably Will, and +18 isn't bad - but perhaps we can find a better option.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

Eaten posts are the absolute worst, especially when GMing. Sorry to hear that

As far as the breath weapon I was worried it would hit all of us, delaying the combat doesn't seem like a worthwhile tactic. So I guess just the glitterdust followed by our team finishing the fight.

Peter says Anyone have any cold iron? I know an Azata who'd be happy to drive it into the beast's heart.

If Molly fails her save, the Azata still probably has time to dump a few heals only Molly before delivering the CdG

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41 Evasion. So now I'm dodging peoples' gross sneezes in and out of game.

"No no Peter, I'll take on this challenge. I will need help though. Hendric, do you mind if I borrow that dagger you got there?"

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Sir Hendric hands his cold iron dagger to Molly.
"Be my guest."

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

“Thank you sir.”

Molly takes the knife cleanly finishes the linnorm.

“Travel well to the river.”

Will Save: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Molly picks her way over to Sir Hendric, who keeps the linnorm unconscious with a poke form his lance every now and then.

She takes the knife from the knight and steps up to the linnorm, propped up on its arms, chest cavity open to the follower of Kurgess. The massive heart of the beast still pumps, unsteady and unrythmic, but still moving. Molly steps up to the gigantic organ, as big as herself, dodging the worst of the rapidly freezing blood that falls around her. Taking the knife that gleams a cold blued grey in the dim light reflected from the ice and snow around and stabs it into the aorta of the beast. The tree trunk thick artery slices like butter under the fey-bane blade spraying blood everywhere as the hearts stops and the last of breath of the dragon flees from the suddenly slack body.

Covered in blood, Molly has a moment of delirium. Through a curtain of red she watches the spirit of the beast detach from its body and reach out with a massive incorporeal claw and try to pierce her forehead. Molly holds strong, her will blocking and barring the claw from reaching into and cursing her mind and body.

From the outside, everyone can see the blood swarm and squirm over her, as if starting to form ice crystals. However, Molly seems to resist the effect of the freezing blood and after a tense moment or two the still liquid blood just drips down to the ice below, joining the rest of the sanguine pool forming in the hollow the linnorm had been sleeping in. The linnorm is dead and the curse resisted.

The DC for the curse was 25, you passed! Now where to now? You've explored everywhere on the upper falls, though you could go try meeting up with the giants in the lower falls if you want, or you could try that ritual.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

Very beautiful description of the scene! I think we need to get back to the ritual.

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