About Padrym "Paddy" the DwarfStatistics:
Male Dwarf Bard (Sea Singer) 6
CG Medium Humanoid (Dwarf) Init +1; Senses darkvision 60; Perception +11 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +1 dex) hp 51 (6d8+18) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7; hardy, sea legs ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 20 ft. Melee +1 longsword +6 (1d8+3/19-20x2) or +4 if 2hand Ranged mwk composite +2 shortbow +5 (1d6+2) ------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------ Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13 Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 17 (19 vs grapple/overrun) (21 vs bullrush) (23 vs trip) Traits buccaneer's blood, goldsniffer, nomadic, saltbeard Feats breadth of experience, arcane armour training, dirty fighting Skills (8 points; 6 class, 0 INT, 2 background) ACP -1 *ACP applies to these skills *Acrobatics +6 Appraise +6 Bluff +7 Climb +10 Diplomacy +7 Intimidate +8 K.Arcana +2 K.Dungeoneering +2 K.Engineering +2 K.Geography +10 K.History +2 K.Local +11 K.Nature +9 K.Nobility +2 K.Planes +2 K.Religion +2 Linguistics +7 Perception +11 Perform (comedy) +5 Perform (dance) +6 Perform (sing) +10 Perform (percussion) +5 Profession (sailor) +11 Sense Motive +8 *Sleight of Hand +4 Survival +9 *Swim +3 Non-Standard Skill Bonuses +2 perception when searching for metals or jewels +2 survival when at sea +2 appraise for non-magical treasure +4 competence to move through threatened square or enemy's space Suffers no armour penalty to jump +2 competence to climb and swim (eye patch) (already factored in) Languages Common, Dwarven, Polyglot Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Bardic Performance 15r/day 1st: Sea Shanty, Distraction DC14, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2 3rd: Still Water 5th: Whistle the Wind Lore Master 1/day
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (at will) DC11 detect magic, grasp, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, sift 1st (5/day) DC12 biting words, cure light wounds, deivon's parry, detect metal 2nd (3/day) DC13 blistering invective, glitterdust, mirror image, path of glory Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Masterwork composite +2 shortbow Tiny longspear for Jack Neverspill Tankard (goblet) Compass (10gp) 100ft of silk rope (20gp) 30ft of chain (90gp) Climber's Kit (80gp) Fishing kit (5sp) 5 pieces of chalk (5cp) Outfit, explorer's (free) Sash, adventurer's (20gp) Upgrade backpack to Handy Haversack (1,998gp) Waterproof bag (5sp) 10ft pole (1gp) Grappling hook (1gp) Silver holy symbols (Cayden Cailean, Torag) (50gp total) Dice (1sp) Cards (5gp) Traveler's Anytool (250gp) +1 Longsword (2015gp) +1 Mithral agile breastplate Belt of tumbling (800gp) Pirate's Eye Patch Stagger-Proof Boots 3 doses of Dwarven Fire Ale (150gp total) Piece of an old flag of the ship he was born on Money 0 GP 0 SP 5 CP Background:
Notes: First time in Port Peril - Paid for a bashful, yet skilled Tiefling, who smelled of sulfur - Paid for a half-elf Calistrian, who was brazen and fun, but pricey - One-Eyed Hag for strong, but cheap drinks. Tons of gambling. Waitress Kristen, short and stocky woman, "copper hair, abundant cleavage, and an ass you could hide a warhammer in." Hell ya brother. Not as brazen, but fun, free, and good appetite. Keep this one in mind. - Felthas Seablood, elven corsair, lost to a wild gamble and I took all his money. Everyone fights, and he's a sore loser. Possible enemy or rival. Padrym's parents were born in Varisia. His father was studying to be a golem-maker in Riddleport before falling in love with the sea. His mother was born in Janderhoff and had come to Riddleport as part of her desire to travel.
Padrym was born on a ship just off of Drenchport. Parents raised him on the island, before moving to Port Peril when he was a young teenager. His father worked as a stonemason, while his mother was a map maker. When he reached adulthood, his parents decided to move back to Varisia. He decided to stay put. He became a pirate quite early on as a cabin boy. It was horrendous work, but he was able to endure where less hardy folk fell apart. An early experience he had on board was when the ship was boarded by raiders. Though they were fought off, it was a bloody and brutal battle, killing plenty of seamen that were unarmed. The carnage was enough that it affected him, making him want to be merciful. This used to be strong enough to warrant pure pacifism, but over the years he's grown to decide when to be merciful, and when ruthlessness is mercy in itself. He studied fighting humans extensively, as he was at a disadvantage when it came to reach. He worships Cayden Cailean mostly, but he pays tribute to Torag and Besmara as well. He respects the God of Dwarves, and sees protection as the thing that was the God of Humanity's downfall. Torag is well prepared and fortified. Besmara may be the queen of pirates, which he's technically part of, but he'd like to not get attacked by a kraken or other seamonster, and so he'll pay tribute to her in fear. He's never had a long romance with anyone, but he's been sweet with multiple girls on his trips. Not all of them were prostitutes. Race isn't a big deal to him, but he is a bit irritated when height is a question. He loves stories and rumours, and exploring ports and islands. He'll happily climb into places he isn't supposed to be, just to look at what's around. His primary flaw is greed. He's willing to take pretty significant risks if the reward is great enough. He loves money, which allows him to spend it on all sorts of pleasures. So hedonism is part of his flaw, but he needs money to do it. Lust and Gluttony (drink). His virtues are Kindness, Diligence, and Forgiveness. Humility is kind of up in the air, depending on the situation.
Appearance and Personality:
Padrym is best recognized by his short stature. He also has wild, orange hair that he rarely takes care of. He has strong, veiny arms and hands that look like they've seen a lot of work. He prefers functional clothing over aesthetics, and has little care about colour coordination. He genuinely likes brown, and wonders why no one else likes it. Padrym is 111 years old, born on the 21st of Gozran. He's 4'2" and 185lbs.