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Bocke is actually going to wave off being pulled into the boat. Instead, he's going to stay in the water and pull out a wand of cure light wounds (draw as part od his move action?), and if he has an action remaining, attempt to heal the rider.
He'll also eat any AoO.
"It's a hippocampus! Use your cerebrums and don't hide in the frontal or occipital parts of the ship. There's a tough body down here. I'm okay in the water, it's only temporal."

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Take 500 damage for all those anatomy puns! Seriously though, I put some pictures into the slides later. It just hard to do that from my phone.
Bedisa and Bocke are able to calm the hippocampus down and it comes to the surface with the rider now upright, shaken but still alive. The humanoid has blue skin, green hair, and pointed ears. He reaches towards the boat and holds on so he can talk to you from the water. "Whoa. Did you folks rescue me?"

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Yes. Your companion looked distressed. When we saw you were injured and unconscious, we had to rescue you.
Bedisa here. Can you tell us what happened? Do you need any more healing?

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Bennett will drop anchor for now so the boat doesn't leave the vicinity of our swimming allies and our new friend.

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Professor Masaendri stares at the hippocampus and aquatic rider, assessing and cataloging them in her mind. Hmm... My questions will wait. Most likely they will answer the introductory ones on their own, given a chance to speak. Those answers, in turn, will inform the next round of questioning. She keeps her demeanor impeccably professional, if one can excuse the fact that she is thoroughly soaked, as she listens avidly to the newcomer's response.

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"My name is Nalu, and this Kelp, my faithful steed," he says, patting the hippocampus on the neck. "I'm not sure what happened. We got caught up in the current and it pulled us right in. I must have hit my head on a rock or something but I don't remember."
"I'm sorry if Kelp hurt you. Hippocampi are trained to protect their riders and she must have thought that you were a threat. I'm sorry if she hurt anyone."
"Here let me give you something in return for rescuing me." Nalu reaches down and unties the saddlebags around Kelp. "There's some useful stuff in here."
The bags contain a masterwork trident, an underwater light crossbow (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 40) with 20 bolts, two potions of cure
light wounds, four potion sponges (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 177), a compass, a signal whistle, and a carved obsidian figurine worth 30 gp.

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Thank you. We are investigating the water disturbance around here. This activity seems unnatural. It may be what endangered your journey. Bennett hopes for some clues.

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Can I pet Kelp? I've never gotten this close to a hippocampi before.
Bedisa will walk over to the side of the boat and reach out her hand if allowed.
Thank you for your items. They will be very useful. Do you need anything from us?

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"I was on a diplomatic visit to another undersea community when i was caught up in the current. I underestimated it's strength and we lost control. I must return to my people and report this phenomenon. I hope you get to the bottom of what's going on. This is really dangerous!"
Nalu pats Kelp's head. "Sure, you can pet her. Just be gentle.". The hippocampus has skin that is smooth and surprisingly warm, more like a porpoise than a fish. "You can keep the equipment. I have a feeling you're going to need them more than me."

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Did you see anyone as you were being thrown around? We believe there to be a malicious entity here.

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"I've never seen the waters act like this. My people do speak of times in the past when events in the Planes of Water or Air have affected our sea. Whether or not that's what happened; it's the first time I've seen something like this"
"I didn't see anything when I was being pulled in. There might be something, or someone that's causing this deeper in the cave."
The cave does go further, but it looks like there is only the one passageway, which the current is continuing to try to pull the boat towards.

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Bennett peers into the cave, We will seek it out, then. Join us, Nalu? You and your mount may prove an asset. If you commonly travel these waters, it may be in your best interest to help us clear it out.

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"Hmm... Of course you need to warn your people, but it would also be useful to know more." Professor Masaendri inclines her head respectfully to the newcomer, giving him a warm smile.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
If this doesn't work, then I'll have to ask how we can share the information we find with them afterwards.

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Bedisa happily pets Kelp. So smooth! Almost like a porpoise.
Thank you so much for the equipment. Bedisa will take out and lay everything out. This trident will come in handy. Mind if I take it for now?

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"To you, master of the sea." Zalgrim gives a bow and passes Bedisa the trident he had been playing with. "Well then Pathfinders, I think it's time we find what lies at the heart of this cave. Can't have more hippocampi getting swept away everytime they pass by." He gives Kelp a pat on the head and addresses Nalu. "What's it gonna be waterboy, you joining us or heading home?"

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Answering the Professor, Nalu says, "I'm really sorry, but the current caught me by surprise. I know these waters are well traveled and I've never heard anything about such a hazard. But I don't enter the caves in Tempest Cay and really won't be useful to you as a guide."[b]
[b]"I'm sorry, but I'm injured and exhausted. I don't think I would be any help to you in a fight and something tells me that I might not be up to the challenge of whatever is in that cave. I am going to try to get out of these caves so I can make sure no one else gets caught up in these treacherous waters."
Nalu leaves to attempt to make his way out of the cave and back to the ocean.
Any preparations people would like to make before going further into the cave?
Ahead the party can hear the splashing of rough water from up ahead.
For the next part of the adventure, you will need to navigate the boat through rough waters. You will need to nominate one person to captain the boat, using Strength, Dexterity or Profession Sailor. Everyone else can aid. You'll need to make three checks, so nominate your captain!

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Spoiler open.
"Nethys speed in your journeys, you've got a long road ahead of you, so we won't keep you any longer."

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Bennett nods to Nalu. Calm seas to you, sir.
Bennett is no great sailor, so is not quick to take the helm. He is willing to assist in any way possible.
+3 STR and +3 DEX but no Prof Sailor.

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Hope to meet again.
Bedisa is willing to help out. She's not a great sailor either.
+3 STR and +2 DEX, no profession (sailor)

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"Let's let the man who has fallen into water twice in two missions steer the boat," Bocke notes as he takes the helm.
"Port is left, starboard is right, right?"

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Don't worry, we'll all assist. I'll make sure none of us fall in to the water.. Bedisa crosses her arms and gives you a toothy smile.

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"Let's let the man who has fallen into water twice in two missions steer the boat," Bocke notes as he takes the helm.
"Port is left, starboard is right, right?"
Bennett nods to Bocke, Red, left, port, short. Red, right, returning. I learned some as a kid but my practical knowledge is lacking.

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"Let's let the man who has fallen into water twice in two missions steer the boat," Bocke notes as he takes the helm.
”That sounds like experience to me.” Zalgrim confidently takes his position at one of the oars, giving it his all in following any orders he may be given.
Aid Another: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
I know we haven’t rolled yet, but I don’t know when I’ll be on tomorrow, so rolling now.

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Let's say right is right and left is left. It's more practical that way, and everyone can understand. No need to pretend anyone of us is an experienced sailor.

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It sounds like Bocke is going to be guiding the boat. I will need THREE Dexterity checks from everyone. You will be using Bocke's results but everyone else will be able to potentially contribute by aiding. Also, you can use your post to make last minute preparations.
Bocke moves to the front of the boat, hoping that his agile hands and quick reflexes are enough to keep the boat from getting dashed against the rocks. Everyone else grabs and oar and gets ready to help steer the boat. The sound of rushing water starts become deafening as the swan boat gets closer to the turbulent water up ahead.

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Dex Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Dex Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Dex Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Eredur does his best to help guiding the boat into the rough waters.
Despite his inexperience, the calm and strong dwarf is a sure hand

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"Watch the rocks to port! I mean starboard!"
Dexterity: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
"Bennett, you don't have to put out the red light!"
Dexterity: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
"Eredur, make sure those boxes on the left don't shift. No, my left, not your le-aaaaaaah!"
Dexterity: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

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Professor Masaendri scrambles to the front of the boat and casts Light on the furthermost high section of the prow to aid Bocke's visibility. Butterflies flutter in her stomach as the elderly elf shifts to take her position with the impromptu crew and does her level best to help, or at least not hinder, the party's progress. I am absolutely NOT confident in my ability to be useful right now!
Dexterity Aid Bock: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Dexterity Aid Bock: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Dexterity Aid Bock: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Yup, that sounds about right.

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You got this!
Dex Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Dex Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Dex Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Bedisa will make sure the boat doesn't hit any rocks, keeping an eye out on the current

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dex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
dex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
dex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Bennet fumbles around the deck unable to really find his sea legs.

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Bocke's steady hand and quick reflexes get the boat safely through the rapids and past some jagged looking rocks. The passage begins to open up and the coast seems to be clear when suddenly Eredur spots a rock sticking up out of the water. The team quickly and efficiently push the boat out of the way and it slides by the boulder without even scrapping against it.
Great job! No failures!
The wind is fierce in the flooded tunnel, which terminates at a peninsula of sand and rock where the waves lash at the ground with stinging force. At the center of the underground island, a blue-green dragon with seahorse-like fronds and frills stands defiantly beside a rip in reality that hovers half-submerged next to the island. The water churns to a feverish cone-shaped tempest, drawing into its chaotic dance anything that floats, swims or flies. Debris creates a pile of flotsam at the back of the cave similar to the mounds of broken ships outside the cave mouth.
“Ah,” the dragon says, “you’ve passed the Trial of the Tempest, and so you’ve been judged fit to serve me. Welcome, dear mortals. You may set down your arms and kneel before your new master.”

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The dragon rears up its head and spreads its impressive leathery wings as its voice booms, “I am the Tempest Monarch, Ruler of Air and Sea. You, my adoring vassals, may call me ‘monarch,’ or ‘my ruler.’”

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Bennett's knuckles go white as he squeezes down, Monarch, your activity here has destabilized the sea activity around here. It has lead to the death of many. If you wish further adoration and worship from the local peoples, you may consider calming the seas here.
Bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

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[i]A DRAGON?!?! We have to fight a DRAGON?! Ohhhh dearrrrr.... Professor Masaendri begins to have a quiet little panic attack. Not quite realizing what she's doing, she shakily mutters something about not missing an opportunity as her trembling hands dig around in her pack. They close around the potion of Water Breathing. She grips it in a white-knuckled grip, ready for...almost anything but this.
How big is this dragon? What would she know about its kind?
Knowledge (arcana/planes/religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Subtract 4 from the result if a different knowledge check is required.

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Bedisa is hesitant, but will play along.
Oh Monarch she'll say with a bit of a sarcastic tone. How ever shall we serve you?

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Eredur studies the draconic specimen too, hoping to remember anything about its abilities.. especially its fabled breath weapon
Know Planes/Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Add on 1 for Arcana
Interesting.. Interesting and unexpected, really.

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You are dealing with a young brine dragon. It is a medium sized creature and had typical dragon immunities, including paralysis, sleep and whatever damage it's breath weapon does. Unfortunately, Eredur can't remember what kind of damage their breath weapon does. They are not necessarily evil but like most dragons they.tend to be a bit haughty.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
"I sense that some of you do not understand your new roles. You are to serve me, with the respect and reverence I am due. Sarcasm and disobedience will not be tolerated. Look towards your human friend if you'd like an example of how to behave. Human! What is your name? I chose you as my sergent! You will whip these minions into shape and make them proper servants!"
The Tempest Monarch appears to be baffled by Bocke's question and pointedly ignored it.

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"I believe there are two humans within our group. Which do you choose as your sargeant?" Bocke asks.
Bocke steers the ship towards the island.
Bocke whispers to the group, "I'm going to try to ram him."
Let me know if I need to make a roll for that.

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Bennett feels like he maybe took the bait. Friends, heed the great dragon. With our loyalty he may yet grace us with mercy as a benevolent monarch might.
bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
I am by no means a "face" so this act may dry up pretty quick.

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Zalgrim steps forward, doing his best to hide his disapproval of the dragon's attitude. Swallowing his pride he begins, "Monarch, we are honored to be in your company, and pray that our presence does not offend you. As we have proven ourselves worthy in this trial, may we look more closely upon your glory," he motions to the rift in reality, "so that we may better appreciate your eminence? Is this a product of your power? Is it what is causing these waters to become unstable?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
All of that said, Zalgrim is more than willing to throw down with a dragon.

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"W-what w-would you have us do?" The Professor is unable to keep the timid tremor from her small voice. Pull yourself together, Molvil! You wanted excitement; here it is! Grow a spine and deal with it, for crying out loud!

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First a spell of Blur, to protect meself from its breath weapon, providing I act quicker than it. Then an acid arrow, to damage the dragon. Would it have special weakness to fire, as it seems linked to water, or would that link protect it from fire? Good question.
Eredur was thinking strategically. No doubt the drake would attack, sooner or later. You can't trust a dragon. Dwarves know that. Of course there were good dragons, but that one wasn't caring for the goodness of others. It was obvious. Conflict was inevitable.