Patrick Curtin |

Just spit balling a bit of backstory here for the moment.
The year: 2030
Recent timeline:
2020-2021: the Coronavirus Pandemic causes massive societal disruption and points out severe deficiencies in most governmental responses to global biothreats.
2020-2025: The Pandepression: A vaccine is eventually created for the COVID-19 Coronavirus strain, but close to 3 million people worldwide are killed. Society staggers from a six-month-long shelter in place order, but begins to bounce back in 2025. The US Congress passes the National Pandemic Act, giving government sweeping powers in the case of a declared pandemic.
2026: The H9N5 Flu pandemic: An aggressive R3-contagion Flu virus sweeps the globe, but doesn't do as much harm as it could thanks to the quick actions of world governments after their experience with the Coronavirus. Still, close to 1 million are slain, and the fragile markets are again put into a tailspin.
2026-2027: The Second Pandepression: A 'softer' depression, as the National Pandemic Act has built in stimulus packages that are triggered. Society as a whole weathers this better, and there is more confidence that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
2028-2030: A new hope. Despite a lot of societal chaos, there is room for optimism. Terrorism and war are ebbing. Workers are beginning to get better deals for their labor. Technology, especially in the medical fields has advanced significantly. in 2029 a broad-spectrum flu vaccine is released that immunizes against every strain recorded since the 1918 pandemic.
2030: Present Day
Technological changes:
Technology is more robust, and there is an emphasis on durability. Self-generation of power has become popular, as brownouts during the Coronavirus Pandemic had caused a lot of suffering and death.
Phones have become obsolete. Most people use smart glasses, which can do all the old functions of a phone, and many more. Many people have a HealthApp function which can pick up people's temperature at a distance, which aids in disease prevention.
The internet is also more robust, with most internet provided by the Starlink satellites.
Automus, a company that replaced the earlier Uber/Lyft models, is rapidly replacing cars on the roadways. AI-driven electric vehicles are readily available to call from their app. Public transportation is still popular in urban settings, but the age of the private car is waning.
Societal changes:
The rising distrust of groups and the societal shakeups has made the average person more distrustful of large groups. There is a trend towards virtuality, fueled by the next-gen smart glasses which provide excellent media immersion. Unfortunately this rising distrust has exacerbated people's feelings of xenophobia.
The prepper movement is more popular than ever. Even the average member of society keeps three months of supplies on hand in their homes. Most of the true hard-core preppers are self-isolated in rural areas, but there is a segment known as the Network that stay connected via Starlink, and pledge mutual aid during any crisis, realizing they will be juicy targets if there is a societal meltdown. Some even buy adjacent land plots in rural areas for easier mutual aid.
Nihilism is also rampant. Gangs are again on the upswing, and many hold sway in the deserted decaying city cores. A lot of young people feel like there is no future, and act accordingly.

Patrick Curtin |
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Eddie Doyle wrote:...me and Disco Pete and me were playing blackjack...That one time you make a huge typo and it ends up being completely in character...
When you posted that I immediately thought of this

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Character from Atlas2112!
Let's get this mad crazi party started!!1!
(Actually, I'm going to bed now, and I literally just finished writing down this character that I had on two post-its. I'll be more funnier tomorrow. =)

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Brian always liked to be prepared.
He had a firm belief that the difference between success and failure was having the right stuff. How easy is it to turn a screw with the right screwdriver. How hard was it without.
He had a good tour with the 251st Combat Engineers. He learned some good stuff. He took that knowledge, got a civilian degree and soon found himself in a small firm bopping around as a consultant engineer.
It paid well enough for him to mortgage a decent house in the suburbs around Green Bay with enough land to engage often in grilling and occasionally in shooting.
His next assignment made him sigh. DC. Heard bad things about that. Big crime, labyrinthine bureaucracy. He packed well before catching his flight. He just assumed they'd have supply problems with tools, food, security and shovels and brought his own, compact and high quality models. Because engineer.
With a shaved head, black goatee, mirrored shades, and hardened leather jacket he knew he looked like a badass. Which suited him fine because his personality was closer to Bozo the Clown than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Hey guys, so it seems like many of us are new to Savage Worlds?
I have played it much, and I like it, so I might have some insight into character creation.
Of course, some people don't like it when new people come and start spouting out words, so ill just put it behind a spoiler. =)
In general during character creation one can only take two minor hindrances and one major, for a total of 4 points. You can, I think, take more, but you don't get more points for it.
On page 57-ish it shows all the Edges and their prerequisites. N means Novice. S is Seasoned, which is, after 3 Advances a Novice becomes Seasoned, which 15XP.
A new character is a Novice, so unless the campaign is using the Born a Hero rule, we can't take Seasoned Edges yet, like Block.

Storyteller Shadow |

"You'd think the person who does those updates just had all their blood drained out and was turned into a damned Vampire!"
Could not resist inserting that one in there Pat :-)

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I admit that I've found Eloise's thing of adding url links to the real world item itself quite good and I'm stealing it freely!
Also, GM, is it okay if I count the Leatherman as not only have a dagger, but that, unfolded, it actually has main gauche qualities and then becomes the equivalent of a rapier?

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Listen to them, the Children of the Night ...
Is the Children of the Night anything like a...Creature of the Night?

Storyteller Shadow |

Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:Listen to them, the Children of the Night ...Is the Children of the Night anything like a...Creature of the Night?
Crusader Vampire More like this!

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Oh man I love that game!
I love it so much I played and beat the sequel!
Mind you, it was more fun the second time around with a few choice mods.
I have played, O, many games. So when one moment can stay with me, it is potent stuff indeed!
I perfectly recall playing a Malkavian, and a dialogue option comes up to make an NPC start laughing madly. The cut scene goes on a good long time, and at the end he says "Uh, why were we laughing again?"
The response?
"Does one need a reason?"

Patrick Curtin |

I admit that I've found Eloise's thing of adding url links to the real world item itself quite good and I'm stealing it freely!
Also, GM, is it okay if I count the Leatherman as not only have a dagger, but that, unfolded, it actually has main gauche qualities and then becomes the equivalent of a rapier?
A Leatherman a rapier? I’m gonna have to say no on that one man. But, you want cutlery the Smithsonian is a couple blocks away ...

Storyteller Shadow |

Don’t get this game shut down before it starts
Sorry bout that!

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Fun fact #1: A Sabaton is the name for the armored boot you wear. Like a gauntlet, but for your foot!
Fun fact 2: I consider that Primo Victoria video to be the greatest thing on the internet.
2.1) They're Kingdom Come official is a close runner-up. It's a cover of a ManOWar song.
2.2) Speaking of ManoWar, this Warriors of the World vid is so good you can't find it on Youtube anymore. ^_^
And in other news, Metacafe is still a thing. Who knew?

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In the interest of making the GM's life easier (and I say this not trying to stir things up) might'nt the last post have not been spoliered and actually applied to the whole party, since all of us are walking over to the disturbance?
This would alleviate the GM's need to give us all personal updates (which is hard work, I understand) and would get the party on relatively the same page.

Patrick Curtin |

you have been hearing yelling, but the distance makes it indistinct. As soon as the next scene opens, you will be hearing gunfire, and the spoilering will be done with. Im just waiting for Dave to react first before setting off the rest of the scene, since he's the only one who went to investigate.

David M Mallon |

Question for the GM:
Normally, initiative in Savage Words involves dealing from a deck of cards. However, that seems like it would be difficult under the circumstances. How are you planning to handle things?
I ask because my character has the Quick edge, which says that if I'm dealt lower than a 5 for initiative, I can throw the card out and keep taking cards until I get higher than a 5. If we're not going to be using cards, how should we go about house-ruling that one?

Patrick Curtin |

I found an app online that simulates drawing a card from a deck. If you don’t have a smartphone, maybe draw a card from a deck you own. This is all honor system. If you feel the need to cheat, well that’s between you and your conscience. That goes for everyone. Cheating is its own punishment, it tarnishes any accomplishment your character gets.

David M Mallon |

I found an app online that simulates drawing a card from a deck. If you don’t have a smartphone, maybe draw a card from a deck you own. This is all honor system. If you feel the need to cheat, well that’s between you and your conscience. That goes for everyone. Cheating is its own punishment, it tarnishes any accomplishment your character gets.
Sounds like it could work. I was thinking of something a bit more complicated-- create a key where the numbers 1-54 each correspond to a card (including jokers), then use the forum die roller to pick one:
1d54 ⇒ 49

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Of note, I have seen that is is usually easier and faster if the GM can just post initiative for the party.
This is usually because most people can only check the boards once a day or so, and to have everyone do their own initiative can mean that a whole day (or more) can go by doing little other than posting initiative.
This can be especially useful in Savage Worlds, as it can impact the whole party if someone draws a Joker. ^_^

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Remember, for Shooting rolls, the Target number is almost always 4, baring modifiers, say for being prone.
For Fighting, you have to get over the target's Parry, which is 2 + half the fighting die. (Hence, for someone with a d4 fighting, their Parry is 4.)

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a quick note about damage.
remember its all about meeting Toughness.
let's say a PC is attacking an NPC.
the npc has a toughness of 5.
1. The pc hits for 4 or less damage.
nothing happens. since this is less than the target's Toughness, there is no effect. he can be.hit for 4 damage all day and there is no effect.
(this is akin to shooting a tank with a pistol, or a couch potato punching a guy in armor. barring an astronomical shot, the Target just wont be seriously hurt.)
2. the pc hits for 5-8 damage.
meeting but not Raising (as in, exceeding by 4 or more) causes the Target to be.Shaken.
that means he must make a free Spirit check on his turn. failure means he can not take an action. success means he can act normally.
he does not take a Wound from being Shaken once, but if he gets Shaken again he does take a Wound.
3. the pc hits for 9-12 damage.
this causes a Wound.
for each further raise, another Wound is caused.
(even though NPCs only have one wound, this can be important if the GM wants to roll to Soak.)
remember kids, you need a bennie to Soak.

Patrick Curtin |

Just a quick bookkeeping note: this world is playing by Walking Dead rules. The zombie genre was never a developed thing here, the concept of creatures rising from the dead is unknown. So no meta gaming folks. The term ‘zombie’ is not known, except for a few people knowledgeable in obscure Haitian religions

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hey guys is a everything okay? This is a VERY interesting adventure but we seem to have issues with being able to post every day.
Since the system is Savage Worlds, I could get some new blood in here, if that's what we think we need.

Patrick Curtin |

OK. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the rules, so bear with. I get the joker and ace-duce SHDC in line. Now, I believe every round we deal another initiative? Is that right? If that’s going to be the case I believe I’ll have to pull everyone’s cards, otherwise the game will grind to a halt.
Also the combat damage progression fine-shaken-wound-Dead? Am I right on that count?

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You are correct sir!
Yes, the ever-changing initiative is a core mechanic. Also, that way everyone has a chance of pulling a joker every round also.
Everyone remember when you get a Joker you can go whenever you want, and everything you do gets a +2.
Also, everyone in the party gets a benny.
Also good about the damage thing.
Also, determining damage is done comparing the damage number to the Toughness.
Damage < Toughness. Nothing, no roll needed.
Toughness < Damage < Toughness +4, Shaken but no wound. (So, if Damage is at most equal to Toughness +3)
If you're shaken you get a FREE Spirit roll at the start of your turn to recover from it. But if you're Shaken while you're Shaken (so, Shaken twice) you get a wound.
Toughness +3 < Damage (So, damage is at least Toughness +4, which is a Raise on Damage) means a Wound.
If you get a Wound you can Spend a Bennie to Soak. You can NOT Soak a Wound if you have no bennies. So, try and keep one around.
Soaking is a Toughness roll as normal. For every success and raise you soak a wound.
Wild Cards (PCs and bosses) have three wounds. Everyone else has one.

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Couple more things:
1) For many PbP games, initiative tends to be group based. i.e. if PC's 1,2,4, and 6 go before the bad guy, it's usually speedier to just let them all go in no particular order, rather than saying that 6 can't post until 2 has. (Or else if 6 checks the boards when they can, but they have to wait until after 2 has posted, if 2's player is a slow poster, we could be waiting a whole day just for half of a combat round.)
2) Remember: : Spades are first, then Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs (reverse alphabetical order)

Patrick Curtin |

Couple more things:
1) For many PbP games, initiative tends to be group based. i.e. if PC's 1,2,4, and 6 go before the bad guy, it's usually speedier to just let them all go in no particular order, rather than saying that 6 can't post until 2 has. (Or else if 6 checks the boards when they can, but they have to wait until after 2 has posted, if 2's player is a slow poster, we could be waiting a whole day just for half of a combat round.)
2) Remember: : Spades are first, then Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs (reverse alphabetical order)
Yeah, even in PF games it's usually better to just let everyone post actions and sort it out as you go. If one person's action would contradict or be altered by another with a higher initiative I usually allow a retcon.
Yeah, SHDC for cards, but only for breaking ties, right?
i.e: Ace of clubs beats King of spades

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Brian WhiteAngel wrote:Couple more things:
1) For many PbP games, initiative tends to be group based. i.e. if PC's 1,2,4, and 6 go before the bad guy, it's usually speedier to just let them all go in no particular order, rather than saying that 6 can't post until 2 has. (Or else if 6 checks the boards when they can, but they have to wait until after 2 has posted, if 2's player is a slow poster, we could be waiting a whole day just for half of a combat round.)
2) Remember: : Spades are first, then Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs (reverse alphabetical order)
Yeah, even in PF games it's usually better to just let everyone post actions and sort it out as you go. If one person's action would contradict or be altered by another with a higher initiative I usually allow a retcon.
Yeah, SHDC for cards, but only for breaking ties, right?
i.e: Ace of clubs beats King of spades