GM Derek's SFS 02-03 The Withering World (Inactive)

Game Master DEREK LANE 127

Maps and Handouts

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Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

This is the discussion thread.


M Android Soldier 6 | (SP 30/54, HP 46/46, RP 9/9; EAC 25, KAC 25; F +8, R +8, W +6; Init +6, LLV, DV60'; [dice=Adv semi-auto pistol (Double Tap, Deadly Aim)]1d20+12[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]2d6+11[/dice]

Here's an example of how your character's profile should be set up. Class/Levels line of Character Profile page:

Soldier 3 (SP 24/24, HP 25/25, RP 4/4; EAC 16, KAC 17; F +4, R +4, W +3; Init +3, LLV, DV60'; Squad m gun: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 dmg: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 BLAM! : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 Dmg: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

NOTE: the dice expressions are optional, but something I like. They allow me, the player, to cut and paste frequently used attacks while on my iPhone, since typing all of that on a small phone keyboard sucks, especially the damned [brackets].

You can hit reply and see (and cut-n-paste) the code for all of the above. Or you can read the text file I will email you.


M Android Soldier 6 | (SP 30/54, HP 46/46, RP 9/9; EAC 25, KAC 25; F +8, R +8, W +6; Init +6, LLV, DV60'; [dice=Adv semi-auto pistol (Double Tap, Deadly Aim)]1d20+12[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]2d6+11[/dice]

Click on my profile link or on this link to see how a profile page should be set up. This is mostly exported straight from HeroLab Online (BBCode option). But you can type it in yourself. No need for HeroLab.

I'll email you a text file with all of this.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Some best practices for play-by-post: Doomed Hero's Guide to Play-by-Post.


Male Damaya Lashunta Envoy 3 (SP 18/18, HP 22/22, RP 3/3; EAC 16, KAC 16; F +1, R +5, W +4; Init +2; [dice=Azimuth Laser Pistol]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d4+1[/dice] [dice=Frag Grenade! ]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6[/dice]
The Analog Affair-12 wrote:

This is mostly exported straight from HeroLab Online (BBCode option). But you can type it in yourself. No need for HeroLab.

I'll email you a text file with all of this.

How do I export from Herolab?

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Xxivk wrote:
How do I export from Herolab?

Gear icon in upper right. “Generate Statblock”. Then select “BBCode” and then “Copy to clipboard”.


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

Sorry, I didn't read closely enough last night, so I didn't see the instruction to post here that I'm ready.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Bega Awar wrote:
Sorry, I didn't read closely enough last night, so I didn't see the instruction to post here that I'm ready.

Ten demerits, Severance!


Male Shirren Priest / 7th
SP: 56/56, HP: 48/48, RP: 9/9 | EAC: 21, KAC: 21 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +11 | Init +8, BS, V30' | [dice=Telekinetic Projectile Spell]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d6[/dice][dice=Mystic Cure]1d8+5[/dice]

I think my character is formatted correctly. May have a few more tweeks but for the most part ready to go.


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

Ah, man, demerits already? How do I work them off?

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Bega Awar wrote:
Ah, man, demerits already? How do I work them off?

Scotch. For the GM.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

@Palvi - before we get to the starship, do you have a starship boon you want to use?


Male Damaya Lashunta Envoy 3 (SP 18/18, HP 22/22, RP 3/3; EAC 16, KAC 16; F +1, R +5, W +4; Init +2; [dice=Azimuth Laser Pistol]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d4+1[/dice] [dice=Frag Grenade! ]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6[/dice]

Is it already boon slotting time? I thought we usually get some information before slotting boons. I have a few starship boons to choose from, so it would be good to see what the options are. Do we want faster starship travel and better maneuvering at the start of starship combat, a bonus for attacking living starship-sized enemies, or an extra Resolve Point when we get a full day's rest on board the starship? I'm inclined to get the bonus RP, but the others have advantages as well.

On a related note, I've posted all of my boons on my character sheet. Do I need to note what mods I got them from? That seems a little like giving away a few secrets from other mods, but I'm willing to go with whatever.


Male Damaya Lashunta Envoy 3 (SP 18/18, HP 22/22, RP 3/3; EAC 16, KAC 16; F +1, R +5, W +4; Init +2; [dice=Azimuth Laser Pistol]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d4+1[/dice] [dice=Frag Grenade! ]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6[/dice]

I guess that I’ll slot the Relaxation Suite Expansion Bay Starship boon since I didn’t hear from the team. A free RP for stabilizing or using in starship combat is a pretty good benefit.


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

I don't have any boons yet!


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

Derek, I was using Ukrainian for Ysoki. Your text keeps trying to translate as Russian, but it isn't working too well. What language were you using?


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

FYI, I don't have a picture up for Bega becasue the function to create new avatars is down across the website. Paizo knows and is working on it.
Here is the thread.


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none
Bega Awar wrote:

FYI, I don't have a picture up for Bega becasue the function to create new avatars is down across the website. Paizo knows and is working on it.

Here is the thread.

Ah, figured it out. The app was not able to translate all the sentences at once. One at at time worked fine.

How do I add my character to the game? I can see the Character and Players tab but I don't see anything to actually click on to add my character. Here is the export from Hero Labs Online.

Utility Protagonist
Male android scholar technomancer 1
N Medium humanoid (android)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1
Defense SP 6 HP 9 RP 4
EAC 13; KAC 14
Fort +1; Ref +2; Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee tactical baton +2 (1d4 B; analog, operative)
Ranged azimuth laser pistol +2 (1d4 F; burn 1d4)
Technomancer Spells Known (CL 1st; ranged +2)
. . 1st (3/day)—magic missile, supercharge weapon
. . 0 (at will)—detect affliction, energy ray, mending, psychokinetic hand
Str 10 (+0); Dex 14 (+2); Con 12 (+1); Int 17 (+3); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 8 (-1)
Skills Computers +7 (1 ranks), Engineering +7 (1 ranks), Life Science +8, Mysticism +5, Physical Science +7, Piloting +6 (1 ranks), Profession (lab Technician) +7, Sense Motive -1; (reduce the DCs of Life Science checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about specialized field)
Feats Spell Penetration
Languages Akitonian, Brethedan, Common, Triaxian, Vesk
Other Abilities constructed, spell cache (item type)
Other Gear second skin, azimuth laser pistol with 1 battery (20 charges), tactical baton, engineering tool kit, flashlight, personal comm unit, titanium alloy cable (10 ft.), credstick (277 credits)

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Starfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Bega Awar wrote:
Derek, I was using Ukrainian for Ysoki. Your text keeps trying to translate as Russian, but it isn't working too well. What language were you using?

It translated (poorly) as Russian. Now I know why.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Mike! Cool! Make a new Organized Play character. It will show up as an alias. Once you post in the gameplay thread with that alias, your Campaigns tab will show you the Campaign, marking it with a (number) showing how many new posts since you last read.

Put all of your character record sheet info from hero lab into the alias’ profile.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

For those who have boons, please slot them now. Assume that’s Xxvik and Ve’Shek.


Male Shirren Priest / 7th
SP: 56/56, HP: 48/48, RP: 9/9 | EAC: 21, KAC: 21 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +11 | Init +8, BS, V30' | [dice=Telekinetic Projectile Spell]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d6[/dice][dice=Mystic Cure]1d8+5[/dice]

Faction: Exo-Guardians Champion
Ally: Allies in the Aeon Empire
Social: Faction's Friend
Starship: Star Monster Slayer
Slotless: Marked Field Agent
Slotless: Star Sugar Heartlove!!!


Male Android Scholar Technomancer 1 (SP 4/6, HP 9/9, RP 3/4; EAC 13, KAC 14; F +1, R +2, W +3; Init +2; Darkvision 60'; [dice=Tactical Baton]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=azimuth Laser Pistol]1d20+2[/dice]

I think I have the profile created correctly. Now how do you add me to the game? :)

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Utility Protagonist wrote:
I think I have the profile created correctly. Now how do you add me to the game? :)

Yer up! Post in the Gameplay tab.


Male Damaya Lashunta Envoy 3 (SP 18/18, HP 22/22, RP 3/3; EAC 16, KAC 16; F +1, R +5, W +4; Init +2; [dice=Azimuth Laser Pistol]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d4+1[/dice] [dice=Frag Grenade! ]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d6[/dice]

Faction: Wayfinders Champion
Ally: Duskmire Allegiance
Social: Budding Media Celebrity
Starship: Relaxation Suite Expansion Bay
Slotless: Marked Field Agent
Slotless: Star Sugar Heartlove!!!
Slotless: Elixir of Renewal
Slotless: Mobile Translator
Slotless: Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment One

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Team: I'm AFK until Sunday night. Wine tasting in Baja.

In the meantime... we are getting close to a possible combat situation. The map is up (see link in profile). PLEASE CREATE an avatar for your character. See the examples already there.

1 - Find a pic you like on the Web.
2 - Copy the image.
3 - Alt-Tab to the Google docs/Map and Paste.
4 - Resize it to .18 x.18
5 - Add a border, if you'd like.
6 - Your PC is now ready to be eaten by the space dragon -- err. Nothing. Nothing to see here. Ignore.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Invited you all to edit the google slide. Also changed sharing settings to Anybody with Link: Can Edit.

Link here


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

Here is an explanation of how to do the border.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

@Mike: I need your mini on the map, please.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
GM Derek wrote:
@Mike: I need your mini on the map, please.

Combat is on its way. Please place your mini on the map.


Male Shirren Priest / 7th
SP: 56/56, HP: 48/48, RP: 9/9 | EAC: 21, KAC: 21 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +11 | Init +8, BS, V30' | [dice=Telekinetic Projectile Spell]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d6[/dice][dice=Mystic Cure]1d8+5[/dice]

I loaded a pic for Mike's character. If he doesn't like it then he can replace it.


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

Derek, are you sure of the encounter distance here? The conversation we've been having with the drow doesn't seem like the kind of thing that happens at 80 to 100 feet away. And she didn't seem to take a -10 penalty to her Perception check for noticing Bega trying to hide and conceal his pistol 100 feet away.

If we're closer than shown on the map, Bega probably just would have moved and drawn his pistol, rather than run. Or drawn his pistol, tried a trick shot, and fired with a range penalty if we were within say, 40 feet of one another.


Male Android Scholar Technomancer 1 (SP 4/6, HP 9/9, RP 3/4; EAC 13, KAC 14; F +1, R +2, W +3; Init +2; Darkvision 60'; [dice=Tactical Baton]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=azimuth Laser Pistol]1d20+2[/dice]

Thanks for the mini Zsolt! ;)

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Bega Awar wrote:

Derek, are you sure of the encounter distance here? The conversation we've been having with the drow doesn't seem like the kind of thing that happens at 80 to 100 feet away. And she didn't seem to take a -10 penalty to her Perception check for noticing Bega trying to hide and conceal his pistol 100 feet away.

If we're closer than shown on the map, Bega probably just would have moved and drawn his pistol, rather than run. Or drawn his pistol, tried a trick shot, and fired with a range penalty if we were within say, 40 feet of one another.

That’s a good point about the perception penalty. My bad.

The adventure is a bit ridiculous in this regard. Conversation etc, but then states the combat encounter starts with PCs at the left edge and the opponents at the other edge.

The scene in Shazam comes to mind, where the enemy is monologuing his evil plan and Shazam is 1000ft a way saying “what? What? I can’t hear you. Why do bad guys always do this so far away?”


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

It's no problem. She saw me and my pistols, even if she might not have seen me draw. It just seemed far. So I'll sick with the over-enthusiatic newbie run toward the baddies strategy.


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none

If Darkvision sees through magical darkness in this game, Bega's shot was a hit on the yellow quorlu. I assumed it was blocking his line of sight so rolled the miss chance.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Create Darkness just lowers the light level to "total darkness". Which darkvision works in.


NG (male) Ysoki (nograv) Operative 1 |SP 8/8, HP 8/8, RP 4/5|EAC 15, KAC 16|F +2 (+6 v. rad), R +6, W +2|Init +5|DV60'|[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic dmg]1d3[/Dice] [Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing dmg]1d4[/Dice] |Speed 30|Active Conditions: none
GM Derek wrote:
Create Darkness just lowers the light level to "total darkness". Which darkvision works in.

Sweet! I'm sorry I didn't think to look that up, but at least Bega hit a minion!

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Bega Awar wrote:
GM Derek wrote:
Create Darkness just lowers the light level to "total darkness". Which darkvision works in.
Sweet! I'm sorry I didn't think to look that up, but at least Bega hit a minion!

I can't find a stronger version of Create Darkness that darkvision DOESN'T work in. In Pathfinder, Deeper Darkness is a magical darkness that I believe darkvision doesn't work in.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Ve'Shek wrote:
If Ve'Shek can't see into the darkness then I would have to presume he can't see through it to target the other Quorlu.

I don't want you to think I am encouraging you to restate your action for a second time, but I read a bit about it and (I believe for rules/mechanics reasons) an area of darkness doesn't obscure things outside its radius (like behind it). That would make a darkness spell or ability VERY powerful. You could cast it in a 20ft radius and essentially darken/obscure the 20,000sq ft behind it, too!

It doesn't make any logical sense, but... there you have it. If anybody has time on their hands and can find a definitive/contrary ruling, lemme know. For now, it won't be an issue, as the darkness is expiring next round.


Well, we may all have some more time on our hands if they start quarantining everyone...


Male Shirren Priest / 7th
SP: 56/56, HP: 48/48, RP: 9/9 | EAC: 21, KAC: 21 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +11 | Init +8, BS, V30' | [dice=Telekinetic Projectile Spell]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d6[/dice][dice=Mystic Cure]1d8+5[/dice]

In 3rd Ed Darkness blocked everything beyond it. It was very powerful.
It looks like there are 4 stages of Awareness Pg.260; Unaware, Aware of Presence, Aware of Location & Observing. It looks like it takes a separate Perception check for each stage. Blindsight is a Precise Sense & can be used as such for determining location. So I think we already were Aware of their Presence. I rolled for Aware of Location & would need 1 more roll to Observe them for targeting a creature with a ranged spell that does not require an attack roll. If I had magic missile, I could target a creature this way. So Mind Thrust should work since I am not making an attack roll but would need to make another Perception roll to get to the Observe state.
What do you think?


Male Shirren Priest / 7th
SP: 56/56, HP: 48/48, RP: 9/9 | EAC: 21, KAC: 21 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +11 | Init +8, BS, V30' | [dice=Telekinetic Projectile Spell]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d6[/dice][dice=Mystic Cure]1d8+5[/dice]

One thing I just read is that making an active Perception check is a move action. So only a maximum of 2 Perception checks can be made and that is all you can do for that round.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Ve'Shek wrote:

In 3rd Ed Darkness blocked everything beyond it. It was very powerful.

It looks like there are 4 stages of Awareness Pg.260; Unaware, Aware of Presence, Aware of Location & Observing. It looks like it takes a separate Perception check for each stage. Blindsight is a Precise Sense & can be used as such for determining location. So I think we already were Aware of their Presence. I rolled for Aware of Location & would need 1 more roll to Observe them for targeting a creature with a ranged spell that does not require an attack roll. If I had magic missile, I could target a creature this way. So Mind Thrust should work since I am not making an attack roll but would need to make another Perception roll to get to the Observe state.
What do you think?

Blindsense is different. Shirren's have blindsense. A careful reading of Line of Sight, Line of Effect, and Concealment suggests that blindsensed opponents have Total Concealment from you. Total Concealment blocks Line of Sight, but NOT Line of Effect. But to "target" a spell you only need Line of Effect. So, I think you probably could, per RAW, cast Mind Thrust on a target that you know is there, but cannot see.

Perhaps the common sense explanation is you can feel what square they're in and direct the Mind Thrust to whatever mind is in that square.


Male Shirren Priest / 7th
SP: 56/56, HP: 48/48, RP: 9/9 | EAC: 21, KAC: 21 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +11 | Init +8, BS, V30' | [dice=Telekinetic Projectile Spell]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d6[/dice][dice=Mystic Cure]1d8+5[/dice]

Ah, got them confused & was thinking they were the same. That's what happens working late nights. Lol. Read it again and makes sense. I also found this post on a search of the Forum's.

Blindsense for spell targeting?
You cannot target people that you only sense with blindsense - you need to see them with sight or blindsight. It's not about requiring a to-hit, but about seeing people to tag them. So mind thrust is not possible using blindsense.
However, Fear can at higher level be used as a cone AoE, so you no longer have to target people at all. And then you can use your blindsense to know in which direction to point the cone.

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics
Ve'Shek wrote:

Ah, got them confused & was thinking they were the same. That's what happens working late nights. Lol. Read it again and makes sense. I also found this post on a search of the Forum's.

Blindsense for spell targeting?
You cannot target people that you only sense with blindsense - you need to see them with sight or blindsight. It's not about requiring a to-hit, but about seeing people to tag them. So mind thrust is not possible using blindsense.
However, Fear can at higher level be used as a cone AoE, so you no longer have to target people at all. And then you can use your blindsense to know in which direction to point the cone.

I actually prefer that reading, but... the rules say Line of Effect to target a foe. Concealment doesn’t prevent Line of Effect, so as odd as it sounds...

Do you have a link to that Forum discussion?


Male Shirren Priest / 7th
SP: 56/56, HP: 48/48, RP: 9/9 | EAC: 21, KAC: 21 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +11 | Init +8, BS, V30' | [dice=Telekinetic Projectile Spell]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=dmg]1d6[/dice][dice=Mystic Cure]1d8+5[/dice]

Here are the links:

Blindsense Search

Direct Link to Blindsense #1

Direct Link to Blindsense #2

Hollow Mountain Roll20 |Magnimar Pics

Health check: Hope everybody is well. My boys’ schools just cancelled. So... Lots of staying at home, with no friends over. Luckily, wife and I had three kids, so a built in Society-legal table! Woot! Palvi: you’ll need to con Beth into playing if you want a legal table!

Everybody hang in there.


Now might be a good time at looking into some alternate ways of playing - Google Hangouts or Roll20? We don't know how long we will be social distancing for, so it might be time to try some of that new tech.

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