Bega is overenthusiastic and worried about making a good impression on his fellow Pathfinders. As a result, he tends to charge in and attack to prove his bravery and skill.
In combat, he sets up a Trick Attack (preferably with Stealth or Acrobatics +14 and +12 respectively, no cover/darkness required), on the move if necessary, and shoots. He prefers shooting his pistols that do special damage, picking first his Subzero Hail Pistol, then his Harmonic Dirge Pistol.
He will set up shots this way even if it puts his life at risk. If he is in real danger, he will attempt to use Acrobatics to tumble away, then take a shot without the Trick Attack.
Bega is a "little buddy" type. He will find someone in each party that he looks up to and will do his utmost to impress and protect that person. To date, he has shown a preference for clergy of Sarenrae and other ysoki, but there is no particular criteria beyond that.
Trick Attack Text
[Dice=Stealth to Set Up Trick Attack]1d20+14[/Dice]
[Dice=Acrobatics to Set Up Trick Attack]1d20+12[/Dice]
[Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing Damage]1d4[/Dice][Dice=Trick Attack C&P Damage]1d4[/Dice]
[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic Damage]1d3[/Dice][Dice=Trick Attack Sonic Damage]1d4[/Dice]
Acrobatics Attack Text
[Dice=Acrobatics to Tumble Away]1d20+11[/Dice]
[Dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Cold/Piercing Damage]1d4[/Dice]
[Dice=Harmonic Dirge Pistol]1d20+4[/Dice][Dice=Sonic Damage]1d3[/Dice]