Urah Pyr |

I have always being using my dice rolls rolled for HP.
gives me a little more fun that way.
Gnasher and Tarak gets shield of faith.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Sorry I assumed we were waiting for Urah to post and did not read all the way down your list on Sunday..
Character sheet issues
Could you list the actual feat in your will save?
Yikes, I forgot to list the seventh level feat Iron will on the sheet at all! Done
Please put the rage affects to AC next to your AC and saves next to saves as well as under the section on Rage. In the tag line would be nice too.
I totaled up your skill ranks and I get 28 and you should be getting 24.
24 = 6(4 [class] + 0 [Int]) should say 28 = 7 [lvls](4 [class] + 0 [Int])
What is the +1 [ME] bonus to the Bardiche damage and attack. I'm guessing it is from the enhancement bonus from being a +1 weapon but what does ME stand for? Could you either spell it out or put it as a note at the top or bottom of your melee attacks section.
ME is in fact 'Magical Enhancement' I've spelled it out.
Doesn't the bonus to damage to the bardiche for raging benefit from the two-handed bonus since it is a strength bonus? I'm thinking it should say 'damage; 1d10 + 6 [str, 2 hd] + 3 [rage, 2 hd] + 1 [ME]'
While in a rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws.
Since we were using unchained rules I was showing it as a straight damage, not a 'strength bonus' if you approve of me showing it as a bonus to strength for damage I'd happily do that.
I do not see power attack added into any of your attacks. Do you prefer to do that on the fly so you have more flexibility?
Exactly, I want to keep the flexibility, If I'm using power attack I do list it in the ooc.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Thanks for checking the sheets for us miteke, I try to remember to take a good second look, but often don't.
It feels like we might be waiting on Urah, he did say here in discussion.
Gnasher and Tarak gets shield of faith.
could we go ahead and use that as his action and move up the stairs?

Urah Pyr |

Taking a week's break from all my games with great apologies.
I have fractured my finger. It involved a lego piece, a hop, another lego piece and stairs.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |


Malgrim Gryh |

Character sheet issues
Your AC lists a +9 AC from Armor, but your gear still shows a chain shirt as your armor. Could you list your armor in your gear and also in the AC by the +9 so I know where it comes from.
Your AC shows a +4 shield bonus from Shroud of Water? Shouldn't that be +3
unless you accept burn in which case it can go higher. Could you list it by the +4 shield so I know where it comes from?
There are some places where you have +4 dex as your bonus, but your dex bonus is +3. You have two sections for the 'Water Blast w/Elemental Overflow'; one says +3(4) Dex and the other just +4 Dex. What is the difference between the two and where does the additional point of dex come from? 'Point Blank Shot Water Blast' is also repeated twice.
You do not need to list the armor sources in your tag line, unless you find it useful for your own purposes.
For your light melee attacks can you add Weapon Finesse to the crunch so I know why you are using dex instead of strength.
Could you put the crunch by the skills to show how many points you have, such as 35 {7[level]*4[class]+1[int]}. It looks like you have 36 ranks and are over by 1.
* The armor has been added in to the stat line and equipment line.
* Every morning I take on 4 burn automatically and note the burn and Non-Lethal in my stat line that is shown next to my avatar. This maximizes the shield that lasts all day and gives me a +2 Size bonus to Con and Dex from Elemental Overflow. The parentheses shows the total with the boost. I have noted it comes from Shroud of Water on the sheet.
* The 3 (4) is to represent the Size bonus I get from Elemental Overflow. I take enough burn in the morning that I have this all day. I think there are some places where I got lazy and just started putting 4 because I always have it up. I will try and catch any places I did this and correct it to show 3 (4) as the correct notation. I also removed the extra Point Blank Shot Water Blast entry.
* I removed the items from my tagline to reduce clutter.
* Weapon Finesse note added to all melee attacks.
* You are correct on skills. I reduced Use Magic Device by 1 to correct the issue.

Tarak Stromblessed |

I will get all the changes you need corrected this weekend. Probably won’t get a chance tonight.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Hey if it would help, I could level Urah up. UM, but it would probably be a level of barbarian...

Malgrim Gryh |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Urah would give barbarians a bad name.

Tarak Stromblessed |

If the GM would be SUPER kind and give him Transformation a few levels early it could work.

Urah Pyr |

I just read how my companions are scheming to turn me into some super fodder.
I apologise for the wait. I'll have Urah updated by Monday latest.
Putting this here for easy access.
Sorcerer Level 5
HP Gained: 2
Skill points: 2+2 (int bonus)
FCB: 1
(Level 1)
Spells Exchanged: Snowball traded out for Magic Missile. (If not ok, I'll leave it as Snowball.)
Learnt Identify
(Level 2)
Learnt Scorching Ray (Bloodline Spell)
Learnt Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
Disable Device +1
Perception +1
Spellcraft +1
Knowledge (Planes) +1
Knowledge (Arcana +1

miteke |

You will have to be stuck with snowball for a while. You can exchange spells at even number sorcerer class levels.
There is this nice item called a page of spell knowledge! Check it out as it is very affordable for a first level spell, and giving a sorcerer spell choices is always useful.

Urah Pyr |

There. I updated Urah.
I think I still have about 10k more to spend but other then purchasing more wands of healing...I'm out of ideas though that spell page was a good tip.
Let me know if I underpaid Headband of Charisma as I know we found the +2 version. and it's half price.
I forgot if the upgrade to +4 is half price as well.

Malgrim Gryh |

You could do a Bag of Trics (Rust). Then when you are about to run away you can chuck a random wolf or wolverine at the enemy as ablative wounds on the run. A Figurine of Wondrous Power could also do something similar.

Urah Pyr |

That is so Urah, I'm going to do it.
It costs 4.2k too.

Malgrim Gryh |

The Bag of Rust is 8500. Are you looking at crafting it?

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

So did miteke clear buying 'new stuff'? I thought we were just leveling up then 'purchasing stuff' once we return to civilization. Which is not the same as using the items we've found here in this building.

Malgrim Gryh |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think Urah just prepared his list for when we can buy. I do not think we can until we get back to civilization.

Urah Pyr |

Urah is making a shopping list. Urah needs more ways to run away.
and oh I was looking at the lower costs bag.
Can't craft anything. No feats for that yet.

miteke |

Gnasher is right. I just need the level up stuff. The gear will have to wait for an opportunity unless it was looted, like the headband.
Just make sure your tagline does not include stats for anything you will have to wait for.
Your tag line and character sheet say
did you mean to put
instead? Not sure why there are empty parenthesis. It's the type A in me that makes me ask.
Your HP
Seem to total up to 43. I assume this is because the two rolls of two have been rounded up to 4? If so please put 4s in the roll list instead of 2's. We do not need to remember what the actual rolls were. At least I don't :)
Please include the crunch for your saves. Oracle gives you +0/0/3 and Sorcerer +1/1/4, sp how did you get to +4/5/7. With a cloak of r3esistance the ref and fort look too large and the will looks too small.
Your resist fire is listed as 5, but elemental sorcerer gives you a 10 resistance.
Please include crunch for your attacks.
Point blank shot is listed twice under feats. I'm betting you forgot to replace the last one with your 7th level feat.
Spells. Now that you have a charisma of 21 you get 2 bonus 1st level spells instead of 1.
for your oracle class that means you can cast 4+4 = 6 spells per day. for your sorcerer class you can cast 8/day. And you can cast 4+1= 5 second level spells per day. Remember to add magic missile to your spell list and add a notation that it comes from the page of spell knowledge like you did for the bloodline spells. I do not see that the spell provided by your mystery listed (burning hands).
Your wands are listed as 50/50 charges. Remember we do wands differently and they have 5 charges but may be recharged.
The page of spell knowledge costs 2000 gp, not 1000 gp. Half price is only for items that were looted like the headband, ring of protection +1, and cloak of resistance +1. As a note for the rest of you there was also an amulet of natural armor +1 that was looted so that is a half price item. That means a deduction on costs for the advanced versions of each too. So a ring of protection +2 would only cost 7000 instead of 8000.

Urah Pyr |

Will make the changes so as not to trigger type A too much.
Few things to address.
HP: Forgot to account for Con Bonus. 14 Con with +2 bonus. I think that's the missing link.
Wis 8 so -1 penalty
Con 14 so +2 bonus
Dex is 16 so +3 bonus.
So saves with Cloak of resistance +1 lol is +4/+5/+7.
Fire Resistance 5 due to race.
Cold Resistance 10 due to Class. I'm a Sorceror with Elemental Bloodline Water so Cold is my game. Burning hands and Scorching Ray are Cold descriptor not fire for Urah.
Screwed up on Feats. Yes. level 7 should have being something other then point blank. Maybe Precise shot. The dice bots know Urah needs all the help he could get with attack rolls.
Spells: Here's the funny thing. Urah has never equipped the headband so It's being sitting there in his inventory all these while so 17 is correct. Also Headband is +2 for now until we can get it upgraded which isn't possible now isn't it? we level up but items don't get touched.
I'll make the changes to Burning Hands as It's a special case for Urah.
Burning Hands from Sorcerer is Cold Energy.
Burning Hands from Oracel Flame Mystery is fire type.
So yes Urah has two types of Burning Hands.
Items and wands. Yes will make changes to those as pointed out. Just give me some time to do so.
Pain killer and broken fingers have enlightened me on how irritating it is to type and change stuff.
Also question on items:
ring of Protection +1 is 2000 gp.
looted ring of protection +1 is 1000 gp.
Upgrade looted ring of Protection +1 to +2 is 7000gp due to 1000gp discount correct? Not half price the whole thing unless we loot a ring of protection +2.

Tarak Stromblessed |

Hope your fingers heal well, and quickly. Legos are the bane of every parents existence!
(Also dog bones and nylon/hard chew toys, those are toe killers)

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

I'm sort of waiting for Urah to chime in, he's the highest charisma, if anyone can convince (this reads bluff) the Janni that we'd do what he asked it's Urah. I'm all for lying to him to get him to help us kill the slave girl.
And to think, gnasher showed her all his good knife tricks.

Urah Pyr |

I'm trying to think how Urah is going to respond here.
outright flee.
or cut a deal.

Urah Pyr |

Do we have a spare scroll or such I can swap with sleight of hand and attempt to bluff them that I burnt it?

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

So it doesn't sound like were going to be able to talk them into killing each other and leaving us out of it....

miteke |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, not by threating him with scroll destruction, but they are definitely not friends and are using each other. With some appropriate skill rolls and creative thinking you may be able to get something to happen to your advantage besides them both attacking you at once. But it is up to you to come up with ideas. You know threatening the scroll will not work. You tried suggesting they just leave you alone, and that did not work. You tried threatening them both and, you guessed it, that did not work. But there has to be a way of playing them off against one another and I'm hoping you come up with a creative way of doing that between the 4 of you.

Malgrim Gryh |

Unfortunately, our group would have trouble convincing a McDonald's to sell us their so called food. Partly, because the workers would run in terror from most of us, and partly because we decided being sociable was not for us.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Hey, Gnasher is very sociable, well, I mean for a gnoll....
But there has to be a way of playing them off against one another and I'm hoping you come up with a creative way of doing that between the 4 of you.
Ok, let's put our collective brains, in game and out, together to figure out how to do this without fighting the two of them at the same time.
Who's the best liar? We can tell the Jinn we'll give him the scroll if he kills the Pairaka and well help.
Any other ideas?

Malgrim Gryh |

Urah is our best liar. He could do that or he could try and seduce one of them in return for aiding us.
I actually think our best bet would just be to get one to stay out of it while we dealt with the other. Perhaps if Urah could convince the guy that we want/need to take care of her for lying to us and then we will hand over the scroll to get past him he might be willing to sit it out.

Tarak Stromblessed |

We all know we’ll be fighting them both anyway, with our “social skills”.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

yeah but one at a time would be nice. I realize the reason things have slowed is were hoping for some way to get them to face off, miteke did say it was possible

Urah Pyr |

Hmmm I got an idea but let's see if it works.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

I don't know if I can get them to fight each other but if we have to fight both, getting the robes of the Janni might reveal that he wears red and that might get the Div to attack him first. The Div alone outmatches us.
You mean because they are the robes of desna or something else?
Miteke said there was a way to get them against each other, let's keep thinking of ideas. Urah's right, it looks like the Div is tough let alone without the Jinn.
We've encountered Jinn before, what do we know that can help us with him?

miteke |

Urah knows some about Jann in general, though this one is not a normal Janni. Here is what he knows:
The jann (singular janni) are the weakest of the genies. Jann are formed out of all four elements and must therefore spend most of their time on the Material Plane. Some lore even casts the janni as the most “human” of the genie races, although most jann are quick to correct this insult, usually with the edge of a sword. A janni is human-sized, standing about 6 feet tall and weighing about 180 pounds.
Jann are physically strong and courageous, and do not take kindly to insult or injury. Most are quite prone to seeing insult even when none is intended by the speaker. If overwhelmed in battle, they escape using flight and invisibility, returning later with reinforcements.
Jann enjoy their privacy, preferring the solitude of the deep desert and isolated oases. They are usually suspicious of humans, but are often willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Jann have a strong cultural tradition of hospitality, and will never turn away someone in need of food, water, or shelter, though they might expect payment in the form of a favor at some later date.
Among the other genie races, jann generally have good relations with both djinn and shaitans. While not actively enemies, jann dislike the proud and aloof marids. Jann have a distinct aversion to the efreet, who often try to enslave them or conscript them into their armies.

Urah Pyr |

I'm basing off what I read about this particular Div and found that they dislike Red. Now Urah is Red naturally.
so............It's in my best interest to see that she targets someone else first.

miteke |

I was thinking his hair is orange. Is it really red?
Remember , though, that I said "With that roll you can weasel out some specifics on one topic and can read all about Divs in general." Not Parikas specifically. You only get one thing about Parikas, specifically, so no reading the entire description. I'm going with the one topic you knew was the color intolerance :)

Urah Pyr |

Although Urah wears a hood, his hair is an orangey bluish shade with streaks of red. His eyes though are Ruby Red.