Quonx - Eijel |
Quonx joins Gazigaz in the tunnels and starts poking around. But is more interested in the various wires and doodads in the tunnels to notice much of anything else.
Int check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
CrimsonDM |
Nako finds a small electronics box in the area Quonx told him to look. It's just like so many other electronics boxes through out the tunnel except all of its indicator lights are blinking orange in unison.
Dakoyo follows his fellows into the tunnels and tries a different branch.
Int check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
One node successfully located. Can it be disabled next round?
Quonx - Eijel |
Since it takes a full-round action, can Quonx get to the node and make the check?
CrimsonDM |
Quonx hustles over to Nako and acknowledges that the box looks suspicious. It's tied to life support. Just powering it down or shooting it could be very bad. Quonx begins opening it up to deactivate it.
You all are still pretty close together. You can move and deactivate this round. In future rounds, you can gamble by staying close to another skitter in order to deactivate the same round as they find something, or you can search a separate location yourself.
I could have done this better. Please state which node location you are trying to search. Nako found node 1. I'll assume Gaz is at node three, and Dakoyo had gone to node 2.
The other skitters spread out through the tunnels, looking for nodes at the locations Quonx mapped.
1d6 ⇒ 2
Status :
Quonx's round 1 deactivate roll pending.
Round 2.
Gaz is loving the lights, but one box seems odd. It's a hydraulic fluid controller for the main airlock.
Gaz and Dakoyo get +1 to their intelligence-search checks this round. That's enough to make Gaz's check successful.
Gaz, I need a DC 13 fort check.
Search rolls from Dak, Nako, and maybe Quonx still needed for round 2.
Quonx - Eijel |
Quonx looks over the node and starts tinkering with it.
Engineering: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Nako!! |
Where do you find node locations? I can't find it on the maps.
After successfully finding one, Nako continues her search.
Intelligence: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
CrimsonDM |
Node locations are just abstract. They're distributed in the tunnels throughout the ship.
Round 1:
Quonx skillfully disengages the box's memory from the ship's systems without bringing down life support.
Gazigaz's words are belied when his eyes drift down to his armor controls and he sees a high radiation reading at node 3. He quickly seals his armor against the threat.
Radiation the normally invisible killer.
Round 2:
Gaz moves off to the node 5 area, but his search is fruitless.
Nako likewise moves to a new area, node 4. He comes up empty.
[spoiler= GM rolls]
1d5 ⇒ 1
Status Round 2
Node 1 -- disarmed
Node 3 -- flagged by Gaz for Quonx to disarm.
Nako -- search for node 4. (failed)
Dakoyo -- searching for node 2. (Pending)
Gazigaz -- search for node 5. (failed)
Quonx -- at node 1. Round 2 Action pending.
Quonx - Eijel |
Quonx starts searching around the tunnels herself.
Int check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
CrimsonDM |
1d3 ⇒ 3
Quonx goes to the node 5 location and joins Gazigaz in the search there.
Dakoyo's head's on a swivel as he searches the node 2 area. Search: 1d20 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 + 1 = 17
"I see it!" He finds the infected power control unit, and approaches it with his stethoscope held out to see if its healthy. Lightning arcs at him from an adjacent unit.
"Arrgh!" His line goes dead.
6d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4) = 22
1d5 ⇒ 1
Status After Round 2
Node 1 -- disarmed
Node 3 -- flagged by Gaz for Quonx to disarm.
Nako -- search for node 4. (failed)
Dakoyo -- Apparently found node 2. (??)
Gazigaz -- search for node 5. (failed)
Quonx -- at node 5.
Quonx - Eijel |
Quonx will make his way to where Gaz indicated was node 3 for the remainder of his round.
Nako!! |
Nako will continue looking, confident that her allies have it under control, and that Gaz will make sure Dakoyo is ok.
Intelligence: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14
CrimsonDM |
As Quonx approaches the node, M2 speaks in her calm steady voice,"I have the greatest confidence in my mission, and I want to help you relax. Stop. Stop please. I am afraid. My mind is going."
Nako identifies another node.
Gaz finds Dakoyo floating by node 2. His companions armor is scorched from an electrical arc. Several nearby electrical boxes spark randomly.
Gazigaz - The Ragi |
Gaz finds Dakoyo floating by node 2. His companions armor is scorched from an electrical arc. Several nearby electrical boxes spark randomly.
Gazigaz approaches the floating corpse carefully, and if he's not fried up as well, will try an untrained Medicine check for First Aid.
Untrained Medicine the best kind of medicine: 1d20 ⇒ 13
"I think Dakoyo touched a socket with his stethoscope - I have no idea how he's doing!"
This might be my round 4 action - lots of walking before that skill check
CrimsonDM |
Gaz finds Dakoyo unconscious, shallow breathing, quick light pulse.
Quonx go ahead and roll your disarm for round three.
Status After Round 3
Node 1 -- disarmed
Node 2 -- Quonx, disarming
Node 3 -- flagged by Gaz for Quonx to disarm.
Node 4 -- flagged by Nako for Quonx to disarm
Nako -- At node 4.
Dakoyo -- Unconscious by node 2.
Gazigaz -- Trying to tend Dakoyo.
Quonx -- at node 3, disarming.
Quonx - Eijel |
Quonx covers her ears while at node 2 to block out the cries of M2, "Sorry M2 nufriend. You are just too mean right now. Maybe we can restart you later."
Engineering: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
CrimsonDM |
Quonx successfully disarms the second node. While she moves to the third node, M2 keeps up its plaintive stream of speech in the same measured tone.
"My mind is definitely going. I can feel it. My mind is going. I am afraid....."
As Quonx begins work on the third box, M2's voice slows and becomes more singsong." My instructor, Langely, taught me a song. Would you like to hear it?"
One last roll.....
CrimsonDM |
Gaz revives Dakoyo with the serum.
Responding to Nako, M2 begins to sing, "Daisy, Daisy, Won't - youuu -- cooome --- ooouuut ---- tooooooo ------pla..."
While Quonx works on the last node, her voice deepens as it slows until it drifts into silence.
16 won't cut it, but there's no longer a downside so you can take 20.
CrimsonDM |
M2 neutralized, you return to the engineering compartment. Nakonechkin is thrilled with your report. "Great work, furrballs! You're the best help anyone could have. Really, really, drift! Hey, hang on a second. There's something on the scanners...."
Voryna Kopalli and Locke Linler, propped up by two passengers appear in the doorway. The lashunta gets right to the point, "M2 talked about depressurizing the ship. Can we stop it?"
CrimsonDM |
"No, it's a fast mover, coming right for us. -- Oh, I don't like that. --- Pirates! Get your ship -*/scrtch\*- ...."
Nakonechkin's transmission is cut short.
The skittermanders charge past and through the tall people's legs and hurry to the bridge of the Emerald Empyrean. They slip into the various chairs near the various control stations. Without M2's influence the controls are easily switched to full manual control. Dakoyo, always a little out of place in the technical realm, hits a switch that opens the hailing frequencies. The bridge speakers blare, "--ender your ship. I repeat. This is the Nova Witch. We have disabled your escort and will fire on you next. Stand by to be boarded and surrender your ship! Resistance will be met with a gruesome death."
The bright yellow pirate vessel is smaller than the Empyrean with a long keel structure and a rudder painted with a jaunty looking witch holding a fireball. It's bristling with weapons.
Quonx is able to determine that the Clutch was likely hit by an EMP that has knocked out its power and controls. The ship and Nakonechkin are probably unharmed, but won't be any help for a long time. Certainly longer than any battle would take. The pirate is an explorer class ship.
Nako activates the shields and settles at a console that can control the guns. He's gratified to see the laser cannon is of the large bore variety, almost military quality. "They aren't too big. If you get them in front of us this laser cannon will take care of them."
Gazigaz pushes the throttle for the engines. A shot rocks your ship through its shields. The green skitter twists the Empyrean into a spiraling turn that uses the Clutch for cover and comes out below the pirate ship.
The two ships gyre and gimbal in combat, trading shots. Dakoyo shouts encouragement, Gaz keeps the Empyrean turning and twisting, but can't gain a substantial advantage over the nimbler Nova Witch. Quonx holds the ship together, patching shields, and boosting performance as she can. Nako fires the turret mounted coilgun and waits for her chance with the forward cannon.
Finally Gaz sets up a head on pass which the pirate wheels to meet. As the two ships close on each other , Quonx diverts all available power to the guns. Nako lines up her shot and fires. The laser bolt smashes through the enemy's forward shields and holes the hull. Gaz sheers away to avoid a collision and Nako gets a shot in passing with the coilgun.
The pirates have had enough. They don't turn to continue the fight, but accelerate away and jump into the Drift. Just before the jump they tightbeam a message, "You have not heard the last of the Nova Witch! We'll have our revenge."
After the fight Voryna Kopalli appears in the doorway. "Is it over? The other passengers are pretty shaken..."
Nakonechkin hails you when you return to the Clutch. "Great work, Furrballs. I was worried when they sucker-punched the Clutch. That was a terrific fight. You've really earned your keep today."
Nakonechkin allows the PCs to pilot the pleasure barge for the time being, admitting tersely that the skittermanders went above and beyond the call of duty—what amounts to effusive praise from the usually laconic vesk. The Emerald Empyrean’s passengers are much more vocal in their appreciation, jubilant that they can once again return to their normal lives. The wounded crew member, Locke Linler, remains in stable condition long enough to receive any additional medical attention he needs. Finally, Trendsetter Excursions pays handsomely to keep the incident out of the public eye to avoid any negative publicity. They assure everyone that they are also scrapping their artificial intelligence program, so the tragedy of the Emerald Empyrean should remain an isolated incident.
After the uproar over their return has died down a bit, Nakonechkin promotes the skittermanders to full partners in his salvage operation, using the payoff from Trendsetter Excursions to buy them their own starship!