GM Ietsuna |

Yes you did. You deciphered the written word and gathered good information on the writen language of these people.

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"Well friends. I learned that The flower does not communicate with just anyone, only the high priest. The current hierophant, Lin Fen Hai, has been receiving visions and insights from the flower.
"We all want to head to the temple, but we should finish as much as we can on this side of the bridge first. So who wants the Smithy or the Training Building? Grisaia and I can take the Hostler's House."
Hostler’s House
Shrine of the Phoenix
Training Building
Weaver’s House
Boarded up House
Other Houses

GM Ietsuna |

Hostler's House
The hostler is not home right now, but you take a look around the house and the stables behind it. Here there are horses clearly bred for the plainlands which you saw just outside the jungle.
Can I have a Knowledge (geography) or Knowledge (nature) check please?

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Looking around, Nugats thinks something is off. "Are these left handed horses? No that can't be it. Are they wearing shoes? Are shoes even a thing here? What is it?" Completely perplexed, Nugats thinks of all the noble horses he has known over the years.
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
"Do you notice anything weird about these horses, Grisaia ?"

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Kenath volunteers to go to the shrine of the phoenix saying,"I'm eager to learn about their new religion and any more that we can about Zey in his new form. Rallas want to join me?"
As he heads there, assuming he has company, he wonders aloud," It is curious, time passes at the same rate in the tapestry as outside, as far as I can tell from all pathfinder chronicles on the subject. So they can't have venerated Zey for long. I suggest we go quite easy on these sorts of questions, people have a way of getting riled up about their gods... "

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"I have to admit that I have not learned animal husbandry." Running a hand through her hair, Grisaia smiles ruefully. "Something to correct when I have some time at the lodge."

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Eager to see what kind of training they do in this demi-plane, Pooka spurs Luna towards the training grounds. "Do you think they do any mounted combat here girl? Maybe we can get some pointers!"

GM Ietsuna |

Nugats recalls that the Sunsu Godae on Golarion do not train horses since they are useless in the jungles. This must then be unrelated to those traditions and so a more recent development.
This building features a shrine to the Ruby Phoenix Aram Zey, depicted in an intricate silk and gold tapestry of a phoenix. A young acolyte of Aram Zey named Gao Ni Sho tends the shrine.

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Kenath first briefly examines the shrine of Aram Zey, which must have been recently built. He then greets the acolyte,” Hello, we’re travelers interested in learning more about the Ruby Phoenix. We were told this is the best place to ask.

GM Ietsuna |

The acolyte is keen to talk about his religion. We will RP back and forth, but I will need a Diplomacy (Gather Information) check. So please roll away
Yes, yes. What would you like to know about Aram Zey? Perhaps before we begin you could turn your attention to the brazier here. The flame is purifying. Write your sins and fears onto the parchments here and throw them into the fires. As Aram Zey healed and cleansed our tapestry so too shall he repair you.

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I'll take 10 for a 21 diplomacy. Lets see if Rallas joins in before going further
Kenath replies, " An excellent ritual. I shall." He writes summoning demons, even in the service of good. and casts it into the fire. He then asks," How long ago did the great cleansing occur? The temple must have been recently constructed.

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Nugats recalls that the Sunsu Godae on Golarion do not train horses since they are useless in the jungles. This must then be unrelated to those traditions and so a more recent development.
"Hmmm I don't seem to remember horses being that useful in the jungle. I will have to make note of that.
"Grisaia, do you want to take one for a ride or should be move along?" Nugats runs a hand over the horse's gaskin, hock, and down to the cannon bone.

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So this ritual of cleansing...does it have a name? I mean, the Cleansing would be appropriate, if not a bit ambiguous. I am taking notes....hoping to expand my knowledge base. That's never a bad thing, is it? My great grandfather is somewhat of a scholar back home...seems to know a bit about almost everything. He would be thrilled to have a first hand telling of this knowledge.the elf says, scribbling notes furiously.
aid diplo: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17having a brain cramp...cant take 10 on an aid, can i? if so will do that...

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Eager to see what kind of training they do in this demi-plane, Pooka spurs Luna towards the training grounds. "Do you think they do any mounted combat here girl? Maybe we can get some pointers!"

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'Hmmm, maybe Grisaia has a point. But it would be so fun to ride the horse. Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it.'
"Very well, Grisaia. I shall heed your advice this time, but I make no promises going forward. Look at that mare, she is practically begging me to take her on a gallop." Forlorn, Nugats starts to rummage around the house.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
"Since there is nothing else to see, shall we head to the smithy or meet the others and cross the bridge?" Nugats bounces from one item to the other as he awaits Grisaia's reply.
Hostler’s House
Shrine of the Phoenix
Training Building pending
Weaver’s House
Boarded up House
Other Houses

GM Ietsuna |

In hushed tones, the acolyte speaks of the way that their home was falling apart, with the rivers drying up and tears appearing in reality. One day, this decay accelerated out of control. Monsters surged forth, and it seemed that all would be lost. Then a great voice echoed throughout the land, the voice of the god Aram Zey. The voice guided its faithful, a group known as Pathfinders, to beat back the monsters and destroy an army of blighted phoenixes. Then, Aram Zey the Ruby Phoenix manifested in the sky, and in a great surge of flame, purified and restored the land. Through continued prayer to Aram Zey, the villagers believe that their god will continue his work of repairing their home.
praying to Zey under the wise guidance of High Priest Lin Fen Hai is their route to salvation.

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take 10 on local for 28
Kenath thanks the acolyte,” Thank you for sharing your recent history with us, it has been most enlightening. Is the high priest around as well?”

GM Ietsuna |

The high priest is currently praying. She will return soon, but I can give you directions if you would prefer.

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Kenath replies " Directions would be most appreciated. Thank you again so much for all of your help."
After recieving the directions, he heads back to discuss once again with his colleagues what they've learned.
Assuming we were done with this phase, if not, obviously ignore me.

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Rallas tells of his last mission in the tapestry.
It was a difficult mission....but as a group all the agents got it done. Although the cost was high...much to high...

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I know we have limited phases and lots of places to go. Just want to bump that I stated for this phase I was going to the training grounds.

GM Ietsuna |

Noted Pooka
You reconvene and share information.

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"Friends." Nugats begins. "You won't believe what a wonderful discovery I discovered. It seems that they are breeding horses .... to ride. Not in the jungle." he smiles as he delivers the information to the other Pathfinders. "Isn't it amazing?" Once everyone calms down from his new information, he suggests they check out the smithy and cross the bridge to get to the other side.
Hostler’s House
Shrine of the Phoenix
Weaver’s House
Boarded up House
Other Houses

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Kenath relays,” We found out where the high priest is. I suggest we take one more opportunity to talk to those in the village before trying to track her down. The new religion is remarkably accurate in its depiction of what occurred, except about the point of Aram Zeys deification. I’m curious about this boarded up home, maybe I could ask a local about it. ”

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Agreed....the house could yield some information. The smithy might be worthwhile visiting as well...no telling the things they have heard...

GM Ietsuna |

Posting the boarded up house. If anyone is going to the smithy (or anywhere else) please let me know and I'll post it too.
Boarded up house
You stand outside the boarded up house. As you stand looking at it a passing villager grabs you by the shoulder and turns you away from the house. The priestess has forbidden us from entering, or even removing the boards. Please leave it alone and do not violate the teachings of our faith.

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“ Of course, we meant no offense in asking.” , Kenath replies diplomatically.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17 +9 from student of philosophy if I’m persuading the passerby. I’m guessing that is my phase 3.

GM Ietsuna |

You smooth things over. They don't need persuading at this point unless you want to still go ahead with opening it up.

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Kenath agrees,” When we meet back up with others we should suggest bringing it up. Although maybe after we secure access to the flower’s pollen.”

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While Kenath and Rallas check out the boarded up home, creating more questions than answers, Pooka sidles up to his friend Nugats. "Shall we go to the smithy? I know you are dying to ride Luna again, why don't you go ahead? My legs could use a brisk walk."

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Before the halfling finishes his sentence, the gnome vaults into the saddle of the best doggo in the world. Scratching the pooch behind the ear he leans forward like he is in a race.
"Luna, you really are the best!
"Come Grisaia, join us and let us see what the Smithy is all about. Maybe they can make me a set of full plate so I can dress as a Hellknight. Wouldn't that be something! I would need to start correcting everyone and getting in their personal business.
[i]'You sir, do you walk right in the law? Confess what crimes you have committed today and I shall only give you five lashes rather than ten.' he mocks in a fake baritone.

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Pooka tilts his head back, grabbing his armored belly and laughing loudly into the air at the gnome's antics. "To the smithy!"
Pooka raises his eyebrows with a mischievous grin on his face.

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Luna drops her chest to the ground, her tail high in the air and wagging so hard her whole body shakes.
What is this ROLL OVER? I don't understand...
Jumping into the air with the gnome on her back, Luna dances in a circle, chasing her tail for a couple of circles before stopping and staring at her master.

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"That is a masterful impression of a Hellknight, Nugats. I'm sure it will prepare me well should I ever meet one for the first time." Grisaia grins, watching the pair cavort around the street.

GM Ietsuna |

The village smith, Lin Wo Got, has a small forge near the inn. You arrive to find it closed up, but only a moment later a man walks up and opens the door. He has a cart with him and on the cart is a small amount of ore. No metal in the jungle, only wood. Good for shafts and hafts, but not for heads and eating utensils. You just caught me returning from trading with the local lizardfolk. Please come inside. How can I help you?

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"Lin Wo Got. That is a strong name." Nugats gracefully leaps from Luna's back. "I am Nugats and this, Master Smith, is Luna. The best doggo in all of Golarion. She loves scratches here." and he scratches her right behind the ear. "And right here." he rubs her rump.
"So you have contact with lizard folk. What are they like? Are they nice, or are they war like and you have to walk in there likeI am a brawny smith ... don't mess with me or I'll pound your skull in! or do they invite you to their social gatherings." the gnome pauses to catch a breath. "You know that I am personal friends with the Muckmouth lizardfolk? They were nice but I didn't like all the bones they were wearing on them. Oosthic, the leader, remembers my name I bet. Nugats smiles at his friends waiting from them to compliment him on such a job well done.
Hostler’s House
Shrine of the Phoenix
Training Building
Weaver’s House
Other Houses

GM Ietsuna |

The lizardfolk are not overly aggressive. They welcome my trade and I welcome theirs. A smith with no metals is not of much use now, is he? It isn't like it was long ago. Not like when our ancestors lived in a jungle that stretched far and wide Then the jungle served as both a
wise teacher and a ruthless hunter for those who could not protect themselves. The Sunsu Godae who lived outside of its harsh wonders forgot the ways of the sword and the discipline of the mind. They became soft, and when danger loomed, they surrendered their identity to invaders without a fight, ceasing to become Sunsu Godae.

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"Lin Wo Got, your people used to live in the forest? Jungle? Copse? Is there really a difference?
"Anyway. So that was 700 years ago. I'm surprised you still remember the story so well. What do you call these people that don't live by trees anymore but used to be Sunsu Godae?"
Kn History: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Hostler’s House
Shrine of the Phoenix
Training Building
Weaver’s House
Other Houses

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The Empire of Lung Wa conquered much of Tian Xia; in particular, they are referring to the peaceful surrender of Hwangott to Lung Wa

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Is that everyone this phase since Pooka and Grisaia both went to the smithy? If that is phase 3 we have 40 minutes left of tongues. Do we want to head for the high priest or do the last 3, assuming we split up.

GM Ietsuna |

You meet up again to share notes and plan your next step.

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Kenath asks,” Don’t ask about the boarded up house, it is forbidden by their nascent high priest. We have 3 more locations, a high priest to talk to, and 40 minutes of Tongues. Do we want to head to them or seek the high priest now? If we are going to the last 3 locations , should definitely split up. I can try the weavers house.”

GM Ietsuna |

As you move about in the village the looks you are receiving are beginning to be less welcoming. The people are not outwardly hostile, but they are becoming just a little less friendly in their demeanor.
A woven net underneath this bridge catches fish and debris as they travel down the stream. The Sunsu Godae check the net regularly, placing the fish in baskets and depositing the debris outside of town. They carefully manage their use of the net, tucking it away periodically during large migrations to avoid damaging fish populations downstream. Several people stand emptying the net. A profession (fisherman) or survival check will help you learn about their fishing techniques
This is the home of one of several prominent weavers in the village. Weaving is a prized art in Onhae, with weavers making tools such as fishing nets, durable blankets, and elaborate brocade clothing. The weaver comes to the counter. Hello. What do you want?
An appraise, a Profession (merchant), or relevant Craft or Profession check to learn about the weaving techniques.