[PFS_CORE_Aerondor] 05-16 Destiny of the Sands part 3 (low tier) (Inactive)

Game Master Aerondor

Current map

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Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

"Before we go out, lets figure how we are going to get back in? The simplest way I can think of is if one person is invisible and walks right in with the rest of us causing a distraction. Another is to climb over the wall, but there is more risk by being seen. Anyone else have an idea?" He says as he leans on his greataxe.
"I have some gold to pitch in if we need to buy something."

Silver Crusade

Male NG Human (Garundi) Cleric of Pharasma 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 12 (9 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 10 | Fort: +4, Ref: -1, Will: +5 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Channel Positive Energy: 8/8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 |  Active conditions: None.

"I'm afraid I'm not an expert about this kind of things, I can't really imagine how we could smuggle such artifacts inside the town" says Ephram, a bit of nervousness in his voice.

Scarab Sages

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Female LN Dwarf Monk 2 - Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +8, AC 19/ touch 15/ ff 17; hp 24/24, F+6, R+5, W+6, Speed 20 ft. Skills Acrobatics 7, Appraise 1, Bluff -3, Climb 6, Diplomacy -3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist 6, Fly 2, Heal 3, Intimidate -3, Knowledge (religion) 5, Perception 8, Ride 2, Sense Motive 7, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

Shukara secures her rope to the top of the well and slowly descends.

Climb vs. Rope & Wall DC 5: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

At the bottom she looks for the goods.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

Earlier before leaving the city.

Khargrom shrugs, "well we could disguise it or hide it really good. Or lie or smoothtalk or bribe our way through. I can't afford a potion of that magnitude and frankly I don't think the guards care enough that a bribe wouldn't be a lot cheaper. Not my favorite thing to do to work for this Torch guy, but we gotta do the mission or I expect he'll end up selling the information to someone a lot worse. I'd just vote that we take our time and hide the stuff."

GM, would you allow Take 20 for a sleight of hand check to hide what we find if we took the time before heading back in?



Khargrom waits for the dwarf to get to the bottom, then slowly and carefully follows her down the rope. At the bottom, he tries to quietly scout a bit forward (10-15 ft) to leave space for their allies to get down as well. He watches for traps and other dangers while moving as quietly as possible.

Take 10 Climb w/ Braced Rope: 10 + 6 = 16

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 (Traps +1, Stonework +2, Stonetraps +3)
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Grand Lodge

Wizard 1 | AC 12+4 T 12 FF 10+4 | HP 9/9 | F +2 R +2 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +1 | Active Buffs: Mage Armor

"I think Khargrom's in the right, as much as I'd hate to admit it. I've barely got a fistful of coin to my name, but that might be enough to get a guard to look the other way. As much as I'd hate to do it."

Anthony takes his time climbing down right after the dwarf.

Climb, taking 10: 10 + 2 = 12

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

With no real plan to get back in Bossk shrugs his shoulders. He knows if things get in to too much trouble he does not have to out run the trouble just the dwarfs, and they got stubby legs.

Look down the well he watches as others make there way down before he fallows.
Take 10 climb: 10 + 7 = 17

At the bottom he takes a good look around and gets quietly gets behind Khargeom.

Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Silver Crusade

Male NG Human (Garundi) Cleric of Pharasma 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 12 (9 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 10 | Fort: +4, Ref: -1, Will: +5 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Channel Positive Energy: 8/8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 |  Active conditions: None.

"We will find a way to get back in the city, I'm sure". That said, the old man starts climbing down the well.

Climb (Take 10) DC 5: 10 - 2 = 8

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Sorcerer 3 HP 13/29 AC 14 Tch 14, FF 11; F: +1, R: +5, W: +4; Init: +5, Perc +2, SM +0; Active Conditions: none

"Maybe there's a tunnel at the bottom of the well?"

Ray waits up top, watching for any trouble and figuring the bottom of a well is too crowded for so many people. Once the way is clear and someone shouts up that there is something to see, he will descend via the rope. Climb, take 10.

You all are able to climb down the rope put out by Shukara which makes the 30' descent into the water fairly easy. Those of you with darkvision are able to see that the water leads into a hole in the wall that you can follow. If you don't have Darkvision, please post how you are dealing with the dark (i.e. light spell or torch).

About 2 feet of sediment-laden water occupies the bottom of the well, obscuring a submerged horizontal shaft large enough for a Medium creature to crawl through.

The bottom of the well is very cramped at 5' so you have to move into the hole and follow the water a bit just so everyone else can squeeze in. You see that the hole leads to an underground room with a leaking pool of water.

A dark pool fills the center of this vast chamber spilling out of its cracked basin. The trickle of water flows west through a short tunnel of rough-hewn stone and pools at the bottom of a collapsed well. Alcoves set in the walls give the illusion of staring at the flared hood of a cobra. Two altars face each other across the pool in the chamber’s northwest andsoutheast corners. A statue of a robed human male stands in the northeast corner, and what must have been its twin lies toppled in the southwest corner.

Knowledge(religion) DC15:
You can identify the area as an unholy shrine to Apep, a snake god of Ancient Osirion whose portfolio included dangerous rapids, drowning, and darkness that consumes all light.

Scarab Sages

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Female LN Dwarf Monk 2 - Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +8, AC 19/ touch 15/ ff 17; hp 24/24, F+6, R+5, W+6, Speed 20 ft. Skills Acrobatics 7, Appraise 1, Bluff -3, Climb 6, Diplomacy -3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist 6, Fly 2, Heal 3, Intimidate -3, Knowledge (religion) 5, Perception 8, Ride 2, Sense Motive 7, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

"This area is sacred to the followers of Apep, a snake god of Ancient Osirion whose portfolio included dangerous rapids, drowning, and darkness that consumes all light. Be on your guard and look for traps."

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

Khargrom takes her words to heart, muttering, "darkness ain't nothing, but drowning and rapids. Phew, ain't no dwarf happy with that."

He quietly searches for dangers as they move. He stops when he can see the whole room to let everyone catch up.

Path shown on the map.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 (Traps +1, Stonework +2, Stonetraps +3)

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

Bossk fallows behind Khargrom, whom appears to look like he knows what he is doing.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Sorcerer 3 HP 13/29 AC 14 Tch 14, FF 11; F: +1, R: +5, W: +4; Init: +5, Perc +2, SM +0; Active Conditions: none

As the others move in, Ray descends as well. The small sorcerer conjures some dancing lights to help light the way, willing them to zoom in and out to light the way ahead.

Grand Lodge

Wizard 1 | AC 12+4 T 12 FF 10+4 | HP 9/9 | F +2 R +2 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +1 | Active Buffs: Mage Armor

Anthony nods towards Ray after he conjures a light source. "Much appreciated, friend."

Then, he nods to Shukara. "It's good to travel with well-learned Pathfinders. We should share stories after this little endeavor. Compare teachings. Stances. Maybe learn a thing or two."

The martial artist reaches into his robes and draws a oak wood wand, tapping himself on the chest with its glowing tip. An aura of visible magic shimmers on him for half of a second before fading from sight.

"For example," he says with a grin, "enhancing your defensive stance with a magical aura. Care to partake?"

Casting Mage Armor on myself. If anyone else wants a charge, Anthony is more than willing to share.

After you all descended the well and crawled through the water and muck to enter the underground path, you notice that it is really dark. Ray your dancing lights hardly seem to work in here. magical light source is reduced by half the distance, so your lights are illuminating about 10'. They are on the map, move them around where you want.

You move further into the room. Rearrange yourself if you like, I just moved you in a bit further.


Anthony: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Bossk: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 (darkvision, scent when raging)
Ephram: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Khargrom: 19 = 19 (darkvision, +1 traps, +2 stonework, +3 stonetraps)
Ray: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Shukara: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 (darkvision)

DC5: Anthony, Bossk, Ephram, Khargrom, Ray, Shukara:
Yup, it is still dark.

DC10: Anthony, Bossk, Ephram, Khargrom, Ray:
Are you even paying attention or just fascinated to be underground in the cool air instead of up in the heat of the desert.

DC15: Anthony, Bossk, Ephram, Khargrom, Ray:
You hear the slight tinkling of water like it might just be dripping out of the basin in front of you. But you probably figured that out because you are wet from having to crawl through the water and are standing in a little bit a water leading to the well opening.

DC20: Ray:
You hear a very faint organic sound that seems to be coming from the two alters (directly north of you and to the east of you). Kind of like a scraping sound of something organic gently scraping against the stone.

Nobody does anything, stunned into silence listening to the trickling water in the dark, feeling like they are in a sensory deprivation chamber. Thus you are all surprised except Ray.


Anthony: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Bossk: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Ephram: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Khargrom: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Ray: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Shukara: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
GM: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Status Card wrote:

Room 1 -- Current Time (0:01)

Group conditions:
Round 0 Surprise

Khargrom - dmg;
Ray - dmg;
Shukara - dmg;
Anthony - dmg; Mage Armor
Bossk - dmg;
Ephram - dmg;

Bold may act.

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

Trying to look around, but that darn dwarf's beard keeps getting in the way.

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

That's impossible, Khargrom's dark brown hair and beard are an impressive length, but always secured tightly by brown leather ties. So there! :P

Ray decides to do nothing and delays. Bot instructions says attack something but you don't see anything yet.
GM 1 red moves out from behind the alter and moves right up to Shukara and lashes out.
melee bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 miss
GM 2 green those of you with darkvision see something emerge from behind the far alter and comes right for you.

Status Card wrote:

Room 1 -- Current Time (0:01)

Group conditions:
Round 1

Khargrom - dmg;
Ray - dmg;
Shukara - dmg;
Anthony - dmg; Mage Armor
GM 1 red - dmg; Knowledge (nature) to know more
GM 2 green - dmg; Knowledge (nature) to know more
Bossk - dmg;
Ephram - dmg;

Bold may act.

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

Common Knowledge high enough to ID it?

Khargrom sees the creature biting at his ally and steps up next to it. Pulling his hammer, he attempts to squash the thing into a pancake. He nods to Shukara, "Flank it if ye can."

5-ft step, move to draw Warhammer, Standard to attack red.

MW Warhammer: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 for Bludgeoning: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Khargrom Shadowband wrote:
Common Knowledge high enough to ID it?

Yes, it is commonly called an animal. ;)

Khargrom lands a solid hit with his hammer as the "animal" hisses at him in irritation.

Status Card wrote:

Room 1 -- Current Time (0:01)

Group conditions:
Round 1

Khargrom - dmg;
Ray - dmg;
Shukara - dmg;
Anthony - dmg; Mage Armor
GM 1 red 9 dmg; Knowledge (nature) to know more
GM 2 green - dmg; Knowledge (nature) to know more
Bossk - dmg;
Ephram - dmg;

Bold may act.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Sorcerer 3 HP 13/29 AC 14 Tch 14, FF 11; F: +1, R: +5, W: +4; Init: +5, Perc +2, SM +0; Active Conditions: none

Ray directs his lights to get closer to the animal, to see if even the limited light can give anyone a clue. Then he points a finger at the green one and shouts "Pzzzt!"

Cast Ray of Enfeeblement, DC 16
Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Strength Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Ray of Enfeeblement:

A coruscating ray springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). The subject’s Strength score cannot drop below 1. A successful Fortitude save reduces this penalty by half. This penalty does not stack with itself. Apply the highest penalty instead.

Scarab Sages

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Female LN Dwarf Monk 2 - Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +8, AC 19/ touch 15/ ff 17; hp 24/24, F+6, R+5, W+6, Speed 20 ft. Skills Acrobatics 7, Appraise 1, Bluff -3, Climb 6, Diplomacy -3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist 6, Fly 2, Heal 3, Intimidate -3, Knowledge (religion) 5, Perception 8, Ride 2, Sense Motive 7, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

Shukara attacks with with open slap followed by a backhand fist to the serpent's head, taking care that the creature's eyes stay firmly pointed towards hers.

flurry of blows: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
flurry of blows: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The snake has no problem dodging the stocky dwarf lass.

Ray moves his lights into place as the "animals" hiss irritably. Everyone can clearly see them now. As he casts a spell at the "animal" it attempts to shrug off the influence Fort save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 successfully and only takes half the damage.
Shukara flails about while trying to maintain eye contact with the "animal's" eyes.
Anthony Delays

"animal" red annoyed at getting whacked by Khargrom hammer, lashes out at him.
bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 miss

"animal" green moves closer to annoying snack sized light controller and spell flinger and tries to bite Ray.
bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 miss

Status Card wrote:

Room 1 -- Current Time (0:01)

Group conditions:
Round 1

Khargrom - dmg;
Ray - dmg;
Shukara - dmg;
Anthony - dmg; Mage Armor Delayed
"animal" red 9 dmg; Knowledge (nature) to know more
"animal" green - dmg; Strength damage -2; Knowledge (nature) to know more
Bossk - dmg;
Ephram - dmg;

Bold may act.

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

Snake, why does it have to be snakes, nasty creatures but good eating.

Seeing the viper strike at the little guy. Bossk feels his anger grow, his mussels tightening up as he strikes with haltered with his Falchion to cleave the snake in two.

Rage Power Attack w/ MW Falchion: 1d20 + 8 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 2 - 2 = 25
Damage: 2d4 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 + 4 = 14

Round 1 of rage

Bossk gets angry and cleaves the "animal" so hard it splits in multiple pieces and blood and guts go flying everywhere covering him. Ray and Anthony are also covered in a fine red mist of "animal" blood which barely misses Ephram. He made a pretty big mess on the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and in the pool. Even the dancing lights seemed like they got a little bit more redish.

Status Card wrote:

Room 1 -- Current Time (0:01)

Group conditions:
Round 1

Anthony - dmg; Mage Armor Delayed
Ephram - dmg;

Round 2

Khargrom - dmg;
Ray - dmg;
Shukara - dmg;
Anthony - dmg; Mage Armor Delayed
"animal" red 9 dmg; Knowledge (nature) to know more
"animal" green 14 dmg; Strength damage -2; Knowledge (nature) to know more

Bold may act.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Sorcerer 3 HP 13/29 AC 14 Tch 14, FF 11; F: +1, R: +5, W: +4; Init: +5, Perc +2, SM +0; Active Conditions: none

"Ewwww! Why did it have to be snake blood and guts!?"

Ray steps back and spins, pointing another finger at the red snake and casting a ray of frost cantrip at him.

Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Damage, cold: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Grand Lodge

Wizard 1 | AC 12+4 T 12 FF 10+4 | HP 9/9 | F +2 R +2 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +1 | Active Buffs: Mage Armor

Anthony frowns at the red mist covering his body. It was such a surprisingly gory display, it threw him off balance!

But he gets his head back in the game soon enough. Catching sight of the other creature, he rushes over to engage it in melee. Brushing past Shukara, he tumbles along the enemy's side to line up a strike!

Moving to the square just north of Shukara, tumbling along the way to avoid an AoO

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Unarmed strike: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
damage, nonlethal: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Anthony moves and tumbles around to the other side of the pool while leaving bloody footprints everywhere he goes just to get close to the "animal" and gives is a little tap which connects.
Ray fires into combat with soft cover and barely hits his mark but manages to take down the "animal" as it lets out a final hiss in frustration.

Combat over.


Anthony: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Bossk: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 (darkvision, scent when raging)
Ephram: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Khargrom: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 (darkvision, +1 traps, +2 stonework, +3 stonetraps)
Ray: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Shukara: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 (darkvision)

Perception DC20:
You find a secret compartment in the intact statues base. The compartment contains several items: a mask, three clay tablets describing funerary practices, and a piece of petrified wood that looks like a fanged serpent.

Appraise DC 10:
The mask is a burial mask carved from rock worth 7 gp

Appraise DC 15:
The mask is a burial mask carved from lapis lazuli worth 400 gp

Appraise DC 20:
The mask is a burial mask carved from lapis lazuli worth 500 gp

Read Magic or Spellcraft DC 21:
the third clay tablet is a scroll with the spell deathwatch

Read Magic or Spellcraft DC 22:
the third clay tablet is a scroll with the spells deathwatch and false life

Spellcraft DC 25:
The piece of wood is a rod of the viper

Feel free to roll for all of the above (except the perception which is done already).

GM Spellcraft:

Anthony: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Khargrom: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Ray: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

The abnormal darkness continues to shroud the area but none of you know how to deal with it.

What do you do next?

Silver Crusade

Male NG Human (Garundi) Cleric of Pharasma 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 12 (9 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 10 | Fort: +4, Ref: -1, Will: +5 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Channel Positive Energy: 8/8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 |  Active conditions: None.

Ephram takes a defensive position with his quarterstaff in both hands, as to defend himself from any danger that comes around. He then waits his action to help possibly injured companions when their health gets visibly bad.

Ephram is fighting defensively, delays his further turns to act when healing is needed.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Sorcerer 3 HP 13/29 AC 14 Tch 14, FF 11; F: +1, R: +5, W: +4; Init: +5, Perc +2, SM +0; Active Conditions: none

Ray is too distracted by the blood on his clothes to pay too much attention to what is going on around him. But once everyone starts taking interest in what was found, he joins in to offer his "expert" opinions. He does, at least, know how to read magic, so he does describe the clay tablet.

Appraise: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

"Not exactly the easiest way to carry a spell, but this tablet has spells for deathwatch and false life. I am not really sure what they are, but I think I can cast them off this tablet if you like."

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

Khargrom searches the room after the snakes have been dispatched. At about the same time as Shukara and Ephram, he locates the hidden cache of items. Making sure they aren't trapped, he removes each and shows them to the group.

Appraise: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 (+2 from Greed)

He shrugs as he does so, "Ah good, at least you know what some of it is. Anyone have clues as to the mask and snake? I'm guessing the wooden snake is the 'rod' our temporary boss wants."

Scarab Sages

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Female LN Dwarf Monk 2 - Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +8, AC 19/ touch 15/ ff 17; hp 24/24, F+6, R+5, W+6, Speed 20 ft. Skills Acrobatics 7, Appraise 1, Bluff -3, Climb 6, Diplomacy -3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist 6, Fly 2, Heal 3, Intimidate -3, Knowledge (religion) 5, Perception 8, Ride 2, Sense Motive 7, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

Appraise, Greed: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 2 = 7

Shukara nods, agreeing with Khargrom.

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

"Maybe someone would want the mask"
Appraise: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
"We might be able to get a round of drinks for it."

Nobody is able to correctly identity the mask or stick, thus you don't think they are anything special.

You gather up your things and head back out through the well using the rope you placed earlier. Your travel back to Eto is uneventful and you join the familiar queue of travelers entering the city and awaiting their inspections. In the distance in you see your friendly customs agent Mahu.

You have a couple of minutes to prepare for your inspection while you wait in the queue.

What do you do?

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

As we asked back here, may we use take 20 with sleight of hand to hide the items?

After they get out of the well, Khargrom works to secret away all the items carefully. Taking the time to hide them well as they are expecting a search. "If'n they find em, bust out the bribes or the charm. I don't want to go to be stuck in jail as you all go on without me."

Take 20 Sleight of Hand: 20 + 6 = 26

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

"We could also separate our party and go in different groups so we are not spotted. Does anyone see our guard friend on duty? He would recognize us."

Bossk looks over the guards to see if he can spot the guard, Mahu.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Sorcerer 3 HP 13/29 AC 14 Tch 14, FF 11; F: +1, R: +5, W: +4; Init: +5, Perc +2, SM +0; Active Conditions: none

”or we could just show these pieces of junk we found.”

Grand Lodge

Wizard 1 | AC 12+4 T 12 FF 10+4 | HP 9/9 | F +2 R +2 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc +1 | Active Buffs: Mage Armor

Anthony lets out a sigh and uses prestidigitation to clean himself off, offering the same service to his companions. He also takes a moment to reflect on their previous discoveries.

Appraise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
detect magic, Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

"Is there a way around them, perhaps?" Anthony shrugs, attempting to speak discreetly. "Over a wall, or even though it if we can find some sort of smuggler's tunnel?"

Untrained Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

"If Master Torch wants them, I doubt the're junk Ray."

Khargrom there is no taking a 20 on something that can fail so spectacularly.

You've all had a chance to figure out your strategy. You see the high walls but don't really know how to get over them without being noticed. You don't recall any kind of smuggler tunnels in the area. You do see Mahu on duty and checking the travelers in the group ahead of you. As you approach the check point, Khargrom hides away the items in his fantastic beard that he has untied just for this occasion.

Khargrom Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

As Mahu approaches your group, you greet him and ask him for a favor that might get him in trouble, "don't bother checking our things we were just here earlier".

Ray Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Ephram Diplomacy (aid): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Khargrom Diplomacy (aid): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

That doesn't seem to work but he does attempt to expedite your check with cursory glance at your things because he did just check you earlier in the day.

Mahu Perception: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 7 - 2 = 10 He got the -2 because you made his attitude friendly on your earlier visit

He doesn't find them and thanks you and ushers you on your way through the Sunrise Gate.

Now that you are back in the city of Eto, you can continue with your task list.

You can choose task: 1, 3, or 4. First one to three votes wins.

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

Well, that worked out!

Khargrom re-ties his beard, hands the table to Ray to use and packs the rest of the items away. "Where to next? Deal with the guy heading out on the trip so we don't miss him?"

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

"Sounds like a plan. How hard will it be to place a book on a wagon."
Cleaning the blood off his ax.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Sorcerer 3 HP 13/29 AC 14 Tch 14, FF 11; F: +1, R: +5, W: +4; Init: +5, Perc +2, SM +0; Active Conditions: none

"Doesn't sound hard at all. Let's do it!"

Ray's vote makes 3.

You head to the Eto Bazaar.

The sprawling bazaar at the heart of Eto is a riot of colorful tents, ramshackle stalls, and haphazardly parked carts and wagons surrounding the only permanent structure, the tall stone Government House home of the governor Asep Ma. With an influx of foreign explorers fueling economic growth, the city’s merchants, laborers, and artisans can provide nearly everything an adventurer could need for exploring lost ruins and tombs. Nothing in the bazaar comes without a price, though, and the Eto’s inhabitants are renowned for their ability to haggle. During the day, buyers and sellers pack this busy public area, crowding the narrow pathways between shops.

You can purchase any mundane equipment here but as you browse you also pick up some rumors.

Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) DC10+:
Madame Zelekhati recently began hiring more workers at the Dancing Dunes, though she sends away most who don’t have at least some elven blood. Also, most merchants recommend avoiding Beggar’s Alley, which is home to a gang of pickpockets known as the Hundredfingers.

Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) DC15+:
The Osirionologist Ionacu Lozar is in a terrible rush to get his expedition underway, but he is exceedingly stingy and has no patience for haggling. As a result, the few merchants who are willing to do business with him are taking their time delivering supplies to his caravan’s marshaling area.

Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) DC20+:
Something has the Hundredfingers gang spooked. The normally ubiquitous thieves have been avoiding the bazaar for a few days.

Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) DC25+:
Mistress Zelekhati of the Dancing Dunes is a collector of magical dusts and always accepts them as payment for her house’s services or her artwork. Some say that’s the secret of her magnificent tranquility garden. It may even have given the sand life as one customer claims he saw the patterns shift of their own accord.

You continue through the Bazaar over to the Caravanserai.

More than a dozen camels are tethered outside a large pavilion tent while a score of porters pack supplies for what looks to be a grand archeological expedition. Crates of tools, coils of rope, and sacks of dried food lie in piles waiting to divided up among the beasts of burden. Within the sumptuously appointed pavilion, stacks of scrolls and hand-drawn maps lie strewn across a canopied bed. A tall, dark haired northerner with a thick eastern accent and persistent scowl supervises the storm of activity while checking over an inventory scrawled in a well-worn ledger. “Where are those amphorae of water? This expedition won’t last a week in the Pillars of the Sun without water!”

What do you do?

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

Knowledge: Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Khargrom shares his knowledge, "I don't know much about our current mark, but I doubt it is as easy as just putting a book on a cart. Maybe we'll have to convince the guy to take the book? He's an academic, so should be smart. But if lucky maybe he won't have common sense and we can just sell the book to him."

The info he learns for the group pertains to the other two missions. You all are welcome to look at the DC 10 spoiler.

Scarab Sages

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Female LN Dwarf Monk 2 - Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +8, AC 19/ touch 15/ ff 17; hp 24/24, F+6, R+5, W+6, Speed 20 ft. Skills Acrobatics 7, Appraise 1, Bluff -3, Climb 6, Diplomacy -3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist 6, Fly 2, Heal 3, Intimidate -3, Knowledge (religion) 5, Perception 8, Ride 2, Sense Motive 7, Stealth 6, Survival 3, Swim 6

Diplomacy Assist: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (11) - 3 = 8

"HHHHHRRRRRRRRMMMMM!!!" Marge Simpson Growl Activate!

Shukara walks with the others awkwardly and just seems to glare and growl at most people.

Liberty's Edge

M Half Orc Barbarian / 5 HP 7 /50 Temp HP 10 / 0 AC 20 (21 during a surprise round, 18 in Rage ) ( Touch 12 Flat 19) / Fort +8 | Ref +5 | Will +5 / CMB +8 | CMD 20 / Init +5/ Perception +7 | Rage Rounds 24 / 13 MP 9 / 7

Walking to the bazaar. "Khargrom, if we keep this Lozar ocupied. Do you think you can slip the book onboard? I don't think it's a book he wants or Master Torch would have just send flunkies to drop it off."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20
Asking around about the Bazaar and Lozar. "It appears that Lozar has a dislike for elves, and the normal thieves are not around as norma.l"
See spoiler

At the caravan’s marshaling area.
"You seem to have problems with your hired help. You need a hand?"

The Concordance

LN Dwarf Rogue 4 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Mods: Trap Spotter (talent), Step Up (feat) | HP 38 (-0) | AC/Tch/FF 18/12/-- (Uncanny Dodge, +4 vs. Giants, +1 vs. Traps) | CMD (bullrush/trip) 16 (20) | F/R/W +5/+7/+4 (+1 vs. Traps, Evasion, +2 vs. poisons/spells/spell-like, +1 vs. Fire from Boon) | Speed 20ft | Perception: +9 (+2 traps, +2 stonework, +4 stone traps, darkvision), SM: +6 | Init: +4

Khargrom takes the book as suggested and waits for his allies to distract the academic.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

As Bossk leads the group to the marshaling area, you see a man brimming with nervous energy that rarely steps away from the tent that shelters his supplies. Bossk distracts Lozar while Khargrom attempts to sneak around the back using the distraction to his advantage.

Bossk breaks the ice and asks if he can help.
Bossk Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
He seems unfriendly and declines your offer while asking you to leave him alone and get away from his caravan.

Meanwhile Khargrom successfully sneaks around the tent without anyone noticing (DC20) and attempts to place the book among the belongings.
Khargrom Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 vs. Lozar Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Success.

With some teamwork you are able to complete the current task and you can continue with your task list.

You can choose task: 3 or 4. First one to three votes wins.

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