Gods of Earth and Sea (Inactive)

Game Master Nikolaus de'Shade

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Thanks for your submissions, I really liked both and didn't want to make a choice between them so I went with GM's prerogative and picked you both. Now originally I was planning for this to be a one person campaign and thought I might do a pair of individual threads and tie them together later on in the story.

Alternatively, if you'd prefer, we can turn this into a two player game if you two would prefer that. Let me know either way and then we can sort out what we want to do.

@Cyanea: can you finish Iroas off when you get a second?

For both of you if there's any last bits of shopping to do etc now is the time to do this. Hopefully we'll a consensus tomorrow and we can start on Sunday.

Looking forward to gaming with you both!

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)


Sure thing. I'm GMing my IRL Pathfinder group tonight (they're less than a month from finishing Rise of the Runelords!), but I'll get final touches made to Iroas, my shopping, etc. after game night's over. As for a one-person vs. two-person game, I don't have a strong opinion either way. I'm just happy to be playing. :)

EDIT: Actually, taking a glance now, Iroas' statblock looks to be pretty well complete. I just forgot to take "(in progress)" off the header. Oops!

Female Human

I also would be okay with either the one player or two player option. Both have their own pros and cons. I’ve played IRL games with 3 players (2 players and GM) but I haven’t played a PbP game this small yet. My shopping should be done. I do have a bunch of spare cash but I purposely kept some in order to purchase items once I know what kind of situation I’m facing. I plan on attempting to be very resourceful and researching, scouting, planning, etc. instead of running in blindly.
The only item I would have purchased but couldn’t due to the purchase limit would be a higher strength composite longbow but I can certainly work my way up to it in game.

Since we’ll be playing together, I’ll tell you a little more about myself. I’m 37 and married with a 4 year old daughter. I’ve been playing tabletop games since college. I just finished GMing a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign on these boards which lasted the last 4 years. So I was looking for a game to PC in for a change of pace before GMing again. With my IRL friends I’m currently playing a Starfinder game and an Exhalted game on altering Mondays.

I live in Nee York and I’m going to this Brew at the Zoo event at the Bronx Zoo tonight so I’ll be out late. Sunday is Father’s Day but I will definitely be able to start that day.

With the job I have, I’m typically able to post from work but if it is busy, posting in the evening is no problem either. Weekend posting is also no problem.

I am excited to get started and play with you.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

OK character sheet should be all set

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

Like Ambrus, I was intending to buy the basics and leave the rest of my money to spend once I had more information on specific circumstances we'd be going into. I'm working on making one or two last-minute purchases, then I'll be set.

Ok - initial post is up. Feel free to give as much detail as you want about the last day or so as the city has gone into 'bunker mode' and then I'll move the story on once you've both posted - meeting each other at this point is entirely optional.

Also, Cyanea - if you could put a basic stat bar on your profile like Ambrus' (or any of my aliases if you want to take a look) that would be very helpful so I can refer to things quickly when needed! :)

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

If it wasn't clear, Ambrus' shiny skin is a play on the Crystalline Form oread trait that I took. Rather than looking 'crystalline' since he also looks 'mostly human', I'm flavoring it to look oiled instead. I'm imagining like a fighter from the movie 300 or like a man in a body builder competition. To me, it gives him a Greek hero feel.

Sorry - we can assume its his general air of solidity and competence that makes him reassuring then!

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

I was looking over Cyanea's character sheet. I never played a kineticist but you have a lot of cool abilities. I also like your creative way of getting a very large badger.

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

My husband's playing an aether/air/earth kineticist in our IRL Rise of the Runelords campaign, and they are a neat class - basically a spontaneous caster taken to the ultimate extreme. You're pretty limited in the tricks you have to use, but they're pretty good tricks and you can use them all day long within reason. If I had to run one straight out of a physical book it'd be a lot harder, but using online resources that separate the talents out by element makes it a lot easier. I'm excited to see how Cyanea plays out!

First time I read the kineticist, in the hardback, I nearly died and just gave up on them for about three months - its a horrible class to play out of the book. Online resources really help!

I'm playing a couple online - a fire kinetic knight, who's in Reign of Winter so he has a thing about WITCHCRAFT! And an aether amnesiac in Strange Aeons - who sucks, not because of the class but because he never rolls higher than a 5. One hit in 9 or 10 combats...

Oh, and a kinetic chirugeon who is a god, well genius locus.

The class is really fun though - well worth investigating if you want to fight and be like a spellcaster, but not actually one.

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

I alluded to it in the gameplay post, but must not have been clear enough! My bad. Cyanea traded her spell-like ability for the amphibious quality, which means she can breathe both water and air, so she (and Iroas as well, actually) don't have to worry about drowning. Hopefully she can help make it so Ambrus and Tyresias don't have to worry about drowning too much, either. ;)

Ahh - clear :) Thanks for spelling it out - in my simplicity I appreciate it!

Kisses of life all round? ;)

@Ambrus - yes you're right, 30 rounds not 4. That seems ridiculous frankly... might make that a house rule in future... no-one can hold their breath for 3 minutes straight! And yet in Pathfinder the average child could manage at least 2 mins...

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Well also remember, it's only 30 rounds if I only take a single move action. If I take move and standard actions, it is 15 rounds (a minute and a half). Seems about right.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Ambrus probably has no chance of reaching the cyclops. But it would be out of character not to try.

If he sinks, he sinks at the same speed as the cyclops so no gaining up on him there.

If he double move swims, he only moves 10 feet. The cyclop probably sinks at least that fast so no gaining up on him there either.

If Ambrus was unarmored, the best he could do is double move swim 20 feet but it would take him 1 minute to remove the armor and by that point, the cyclops would have sunk much further away.

I can't take the run action unless I have a swim speed.

Its going to be up to Cyanea I think.

If Cyanea can get to him and at least slow his sinking rater then Ambrus could make it down and help get him back to the surface - even with the water helping cyclops are heavy!

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Nikolaus, I noticed you had "Rounds Left" listed for Tyresias.

I don't know his actual status, but if he is unconscious, he'd probably fall under the part of the drowning rules that says:

"Unconscious characters must begin making Constitution checks immediately upon being submerged (or upon becoming unconscious if the character was conscious when submerged). Once she fails one of these checks, she immediately drops to –1 (or loses 1 additional hit point, if her total is below –1). On the following round, she drowns."

If so, he'll need to make Constitution checks until we wake him up somehow or get him above water.

It starts with a DC 10 (+1/round).

A standard cyclop has a Fort save +9. If he has class levels, it's probably even better, so we should hopefully still have a few rounds to rescue him anyway unless the dice gods make him roll a 1.

Thanks for keeping me honest Ambrus! :)

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Happy to help. Feel free to ignore me too. =)

I GM a lot too so I'm fairly familiar with most of the rules but I'm also good with hand-waving the rules for the sake of story too. Whatever optimizes the fun, is my opinion.

Well I very much apologise for the natural 20 and the following 30 damage crit I just hit you with then!

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

That's okay. First combat!

Also I noticed a correction to my previous statement on swimming. I thought it was a move action to move at half speed but it is actually a full round action, so I can't double move. So alas, my swim speed is stuck at 5 ft./round, which I suppose is all well and good for a 'rock'.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Does the merfolk have any visible weapons besides the trident? If he has a ranged weapon, I'm F***ed. But don't tell him that. Shh!

No - just his spear.

Your breathing count agrees with mine by the way.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

We don't need a map at the moment, but will you be using maps for more complex combats?

I've found Google Drawings works well if you need a suggestion.

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

Can Ambrus talk underwater? It doesn't seem to be compatible with breath-holding...haha.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Probably to some extent. I know I can speak underwater in my swimming pool although somewhat muffled. If it costs extra breath, that’s okay with me. Or if GM says I can’t. No problem either.

Also I don’t care if we kill the merfolk or not. It is just a thought.

Sorry about not posting this weekend. My computer died on Friday night so I spent the weekend getting a new one. Will have a post up later today.

Speaking underwater costs a round of breath - excessive speechifying will cost more. :)

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

No worries! Real life happens. :)

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Sounds fair to me. And thanks for the update.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

What's the plural of cyclops?

Also I had asked, what is the temple that we are in, and is it to a specific deity? I don't have knowledge (local) yet, but if this is the largest temple in the city, it is probably common knowledge for a citizen of that city.

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

Can't help with the temple, but I do know the plural of cyclops is cyclopes, which is a *very* random bit of knowledge, haha.

It's not devoted to any particular God. It's the home of the cyclopes, it's more a temple to them and their traditional role as seers and guides of Iblydos than anything else.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10


LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Happy 4th of July

They never should have left Britannia's loving embrace...

But yes, Happy Fourth if you celebrate such things. ;P

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

Now you're mad, we know what for, you lost the Revolutionary War!

Happy 'Murica Day. :p

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

I didn't know you were British, Nikolaus. Learned something new.

"You'll be back, time will tell
You'll remember that I served you well
Oceans rise, empires fall
We have seen each other through it all
And when push comes to shove
I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!"

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)


Da da da da daaa...

Saw it in London and King George did the opening announcements.

"Hello Everybody, and welcome to MY show!"

Quick question for you both - what would you like out of this campaign? Lots of combat? Lots of social intrigue? Puzzles? Since its a small party and I'm making it all up there's plenty of room to customise.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

I like a little bit of all of those things. Ranking them, I'd say 1) Combat, 2) Puzzles, and 3) Social Intrigue. I'm not a very social person =) so social intrigue is not my strong point, but it definitely makes for a good story, so some should be included.

I've enjoyed everything you've done so far.

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:

Saw it in London and King George did the opening announcements.

"Hello Everybody, and welcome to MY show!"

That makes me jolly. :)

Quick question for you both - what would you like out of this campaign? Lots of combat? Lots of social intrigue? Puzzles? Since its a small party and I'm making it all up there's plenty of room to customise.

I like a good mix, and I prepared for a little of everything since she was built for solo adventuring. Create to your heart's content.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

Still with us, Nikolaus?

Yeah - sorry. Been busy and have had to work out where the story is going from here. Luckily work is mostly done and I have an idea so...!

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

No worries. Oh that reminds me. I'll be on vacation this Saturday July 13 through Tuesday July 16 and won't have a computer. I may be able to post via my cellphone but letting you know.

Female Undine Kineticist 5 | 55/55 hp, 5 NL | AC 23, T 16, FF 23 | +8 F, +10 R, +5 W | CMD 17 | Init +5, Perc +11 | Burn 1/6 | Active: Shroud (+3 shield), Elemental Overflow (+1 atk/+2 dmg)

No worries on both counts! Life happens.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

I'm back from vacation. I'll get a post up sometime today.

Sorry about the slowness, I'm right at the end of the school year (two more days) and trying to finish everything off and just drag over the finish line. Combined with the article on Iblydos Hero Gods in Midwives to Death I'm rethinking some of my ideas. I'll have a post up tomorrow. Sorry again.

LG Oread Fighter 5/M1 | 80/80 hp | AC 20, T 13, FF 18 | F +7, R +4, W +3 | CMD 22 |Init +2, Perc + 10

No problem. Thanks for the update.

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