Drakzul |
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A 1.000.000 credits bounty reduced to 20.000 credits. That's quite the abusive tax rate there !
Drakzul's power armor is quipped qith a thermal capacitor too. While they trek to the ship, he foundly remembers his military service on Vesk-3.
once they reach the wrecked ship, he silently looks at Jim's handiwork.
"I guess it's less of a diamond and more a charcoal now."
While staying aware of his surrondings, Drakzul reaches the dead shirren to look for clues or loot.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
I forgot my scanner. You can add 4 to the dice roll
5.000 Credits is what you are awarded, in the end, by the Starfinder Society.
They have a lot of overhead...
Sadly interrupted in his tales about the Vesk battles, Drakzul looks at the dead shirren--
---that is a powerful undead lich which attacks you--
--and sees that it has the shredded remnants of a space suit, with the cords and padding that goes with the position of gunner.
There is a name tag: Nelcik.
The body is severly mangled...
Drakzul |
medecine: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
"Seems like our buddy here decided to go with a bang. He blew himself with grenades. Seems a bit messy for a cover up, don't you think ? I wonder what happened."
Drakzul looks around.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Does the dead body have any identifying marks on his body or equipment to tell where he came from or who he worked for?
You see his name tag, and that it is a white uniform, for a gunner most probably, but there is nothing identifying a group or such.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose examines the poor wretches body.
"What a terrible way to go. But why now? So dejected from defeat they would want to end it in such a drastic manner? Seems odd to me." Goose muses out loud. More rhetorical than actually seeking a response.
After surveying the dead shirren, Goose looks around the hold.
Anything of value in the fenced in areas?
Goose looks towards the hold. It is hard to see because of the falling snowflakes that rapidly accumulate on your visors or smash against the force shields in front of your face.
You cannot see much detail from where you are.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose pulls out his broad spectrum scanner and advances into the hold for a closer inspection.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 14 + 4 = 34
Drakzul |
following on gosse's thoughts
"I agree. There are "cleaner" ways to kill yourself if you want to escape interrogation and let's be honest... if he wanted to kill himself as an act of desperation, he would probably have waited for us. Something is definitely weird."
"We won't gather much here. Let's enter the "ship""
Drakzul goes to the closest entrance but waits for the rest of the team before entering.
You see an opening right in front of you, that then leads to a chain link door.
There is a way around to the right, but it goes through fire...
Put up arrows to show me where you are moving to.
Huckle Jim |
Why would he blow himself up, why, didn't want questioned and captured, was fighting something nearby and try to blow it up with him?
Goose starts moving towards the vessel, scanner in hand.
The first thing he spots, as he looks around carefully, is that the starship’s internal surveillance system still functions.
Corridor and hanger corridors here and there are still moving and blinking their red lights.
Goose feels that if he physically jacked into one of them, he could try to access the entire camera system.
Goose steps onto the floor of the vessel, and sees that one can enter this way. Without being burnt by the fire.
He also stops moving, checking his feet: a pool of leaking fuel, all over the place, makes the floor slippery - as per the grease spell.
Luckily, he sees that the Gods have helped you and that fire suppressant has been mixed in with the spilled fuel, and it seems to no longer be explosive!
4 player adjustment removes the "any fire damage striking the affected area causes the fuel to explode, dealing 8d6 fire damage in a 20-ft.- radius burst
However, you see you must move carefully through the slick mix of fuel and fire retardant... to not slip.
It as though there is a --Grease spell--
Goose sees that locks secure the gates for the fences around the cargo sections, but he realizes he can either smash his way through, or pick the lock - Engineering check.
Drakzul also moved up to the entrance.
Like Goose, he sees some crates and broken crates to the left of Goose.
Finally, you see you are walking right over that monolith that the spaceship crashed into.
It extends to your right, towards the north-east.
As you examine the monolith.
You see that the Diamond Glow crashed into the monolith that nearly cut the starship in half, but now anchors it to the cliff.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
"Hey team. While I look at these fenced in areas and crates, can you see if you can work your mechanical magic on the starship’s internal surveillance system? With a little luck we should be be able to access the entire camera system. That would help our search a great deal." suggests the ysoki.
As he advances into the area, Goose's padded feet notice the slick surface of the floor before even his keen eyes perceive the hazard. The ysoki shrugs, however, as he is trained to ignore such minor inconveniences. To be safe, the operative engages his Personal Gravitational Redistributor to achieve better balance.
Goose auto-succeeds on the Acrobatics check for the grease. SPECIALIZATION SKILL MASTERY 7TH LEVEL. He can take 10 on the movement to move 1/2 speed. Check = 10+19+4 = 33.
Moving cautiously, yet deliberately, Goose makes it over to the gate at the cargo fence and finds it secured. The ysoki spits out his Thieves’ Tools and attempts to open the lock.
Engineering check on lock for fence gate: 1d20 + 18 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 18 + 4 = 28
Peering in, Goose is able to read the Elvish dialect on the crates and recognizes it as Drow.
”For what it’s worth, that is House Zeizerer.” mentions Goose as he points to several broken crates in the south bay. [b]”I’m unsure of the connection though to the ice wyrm.” offers Goose, referring to the white dragon they are searching for.
Lastly, Goose looks at the monolith in the area and tries to make out the markings and symbols on its surface. Before examining it, Goose pulls out his Aura Translation kit and gets to work on deciphering the hidden message.
Mysticism check on monolith: 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 14 + 4 = 32
"Oh, and the monolith is an ancient Dragon Legion path marker, a ruin of the Dragon Legion, precursors to the modern Skyfire Legion. You know, in case you might be wondering." states the ysoki, having a little laugh at his own cleverness.
Drakzul |
"Let see these recordings..." says Drakzul moving precautiously.
Acrobatics (half-speed): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
he then hacks into it using his exocortex.
computer: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37
Id-Sinitis |
After staring hard and long at the deceased shirren, Id rejoins the group. That just means those opportunistic drow were selling weapons to this lot too. Doesn't surprise me, Ceobarn is a snake. Worked a job for him once, would not recommend.
Id looks up to the Dragon Legion monolith. Now THIS is exciting! Would love to scope this place out under friendlier terms someday!
Seeing the rest of the group working toward the front door, Id goes around the back way, darting through the fire. Reflex, if necessary: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 (fire resistance 10). Mini moved. He then scans the area using his kit.
Perception (kit): 1d20 + 18 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 18 + 4 = 25
• Goose moves carefully across the slick floor of the gutted spaceship.
His saliva covered tools easily pick the lock, and the door can now be opened.
Pointing at the broken crates, that Goose recognized as being from House Zeizerer, he sees some gems, diamonds it seems... that starts to sparkle.
Goose feels something tinkering with his mind... in Drow?
But he manages to close his thoughts down and fight back.
• Meanwhile, Drakzul moved up to a camera, and managed to plug in.
Drakzul realizes there are no recordings to be accessed, but he will be able to see through all the other cameras.
After this round by round is done, remind me if needed, but I will tell you all you can see as soon as you have some time
Drakzul hears something whispering in his brain.
He cannot help but listen to it.
• Huckle Jim in the back, also hears something whispering in his mind.
He too is helpless in fighting the words back.
• To the side, Id moves carefully through the flames, that do not burn him - at least not enough to do harm.
He does not detect anything further with his scanner.
Id, distraught by the martyred body of the fellow Shirren, leaves his mind totally unguarded and feels some voice speak directly into his mind.
Open minded, he sucks whatever is said right in.
Will saves were failed by Id (with a nat' 1!) , Drakzul and Huckle Jim - in case you wish to use rerolls or whatever have you.
Id suddenly has tears come to his eyes, and thinks that he is to blame for the dead Shirren: "How could I...!"
And he smashes himself in the face with his scanner!
6 damage (you have +0 Str, correct?)
Drakzul shrugs, not understanding what the voice said.
Goose looks around, wondering why the people would listen to the voice.
And Huckle Jim is so distraught because of what was said that he rams the butt of his gun into his stomach.
5 damage (you have +1 Str, correct?)
Combat Music - Round 1
(BOLD can act)
the Voice
Drakzul (-6)
Huckle Jim (-5)
Will DC 14 Id: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Will DC 14 Drakzul: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Will DC 14 Huckle Jim: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Id: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Drakzul: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Huckle Jim: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Id: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Drakzul: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Huckle Jim: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Id: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Hukcle Jim: 1d8 ⇒ 4
[ooc]And quick step back in time. I forgot to say that:
Looking at the body of the Shirren, you see that this Nelcik wears a suit of Vesk armor, some overplate II, and has an adamantine microserrated longsword in hand.
The armor withstood the explosion of the grenades - but did not protect the Shirren.
If any wish, they can look into using these.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Knowledge Check: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Goose has +14 Mysticism and +18 in Physical and Life Sciences. I can also reroll one of these as a Scholar if necessary.
In his Mystical studies, Goose has heard about soul-trapping Eoxian diamonds.
They are used to read people's thoughts, and harm them.
But it seems that when the crash broke their container they must have damaged them, and so the gems must now be unstable and are targeting the spirits of nearby creatures, confusing them.
They might also be overheating.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose squeaks in a very unmanly nature in the presence of necromancy in action. He warns the others to get away!
But can Goose stop the imminent danger from harming the others?
We are in Round 1. Not sure if I can still act or not until Round 2...
That was just a Recall Knowledge check, you can still act.
They do not seem to be red hot yet...
But do they need to be red hot to do damage?
All can act now, in Round 1
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose makes a bold, split-second decision. His educated guess leads him to believe that these precious gems are hostile in nature, are harming his team, and were likely caused by proximity to their location. Since several of his team were adversely affected, he feels it would be easier to move them than to clear out his team from the area.
That all being said, Goose rushes over to snatch up the diamonds with the intent of leaving the area and throwing them as far away as possible.
Id-Sinitis |
Correct, +0 Str. I think Id has -6 SP, not Drazkul. Can I attempt another save?
Will save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Other than that, if Id has control of his faculties, he'll just move get away from his allies so he's not tempted to attack them.
Sorry, to clarify things:
Drakzul hears the voice in his head, but, right now it says nothing to him so he is free to do as he wishes normally.
Full round to act
Goose resisted the voice.
Full round to act
Goose moves over to the diamonds.
He feels there are too many to pick up, split up in the various crates, some under packaging and such--
Move action used ; a Move and a Swift action left in this round
--but he can maybe look around at how to use his Mystic powers to deactivate them?
Can attempt a Perception check to see how to deactivate with Mysticism next round?
Huckle and Id listened to the voice and wounded themselves, but can now move around.
A Move and a Swift action left in this round
Id tries to fight off the voice, but it in his head for good, maybe forever!
Id can move away, though he has no id-ed the spell
Round 1
(BOLD can act)
the Voice
Goose (a Move and a Swift action left)
Id (-6) (a Move and a Swift action left)
Huckle Jim (-5)(a Move and a Swift action left)
Id-Sinitis |
In that case: Id shakes about not knowing how to rid himself of the fell voices!
Guarded step away, moved on map already.
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose, seeing the futility in trying to grab and run with the gems, focuses on trying to shut down the effects. Using his Broad Spectrum Scanner, Goose works quickly to figure out how.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 14 + 4 = 29
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Goose juggles around with his utility kits, spitting some out, dropping others, yanking one as he moves around.
But, in the end, thanks to his broad spectrum tool, he manages to figure out how he might be able to move the diamonds around to cut out their polarization... and prevent them from blowing up.
Mysticism to deactivate a trap next round
Round 1
(BOLD can act)
the Voice
Id (-6)
Huckle Jim (-5)
Drakzul |
Tentatively, Drakzul will try to disarm the trap.
mysticism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
But the voice in his head doesn't stop and he can't concentrate.
Drakzul, I moved your mini over, to be where you can try to disarm
Id moves away, while Huckle Jim, Goose and Drakzul move closer.
Goose spots what can be down and shares the information.
Drakzul tries to disarm... in vain.
The voices keep on speaking in the heads of most of the people.
Drakzul looks Huckle Jim in the eye, and says: "Bllllbblblblblblblblblbbllblbbl!"
Huckle Jim smiles, and answers: "Bllllbblblblblblblblblbbllblbbl!"
And the two keep on going like that, babbling incoherently, all round long...
Over in his corner, Id keeps on bashing himself in the face with his sensor.
5 damage
Id can still move if he so desires, but sadly he can no longer hit himself in the face as he wishes to.
Round 2
(BOLD can act)
the Voice
Huckle Jim (-5)
Id (-11) - move & swift left
Goose - act as normal
Huckle Jim: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Drakzul: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Id: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose, seeing how the negative energy is adversely affecting his companions works quickly to make the necessary adjustments to align the crystals so that they don't try to suck our souls.
Taking a deep and steadying breath, Goose works to manipulate the gems. But before doing so, he realizes he has a kit for that! Goose finds it easily in his Starfinder backpack and pulls it out - a trapsmith kit.
Mysticism check to disarm the trap: 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 14 + 4 = 35
Move action to retrieve kit. Standard action to disable trap. Since my hands are somewhat full already, GM's decision if I can retrieve the kit in time.
Goose pulls out his trapsmith kit... wow, it was right there, at the top!
And he manages to shuffle around with the diamonds, and he sees that they start to lose their reddish color, and their heat.
Seems they will not explode.
And probably not start casting more spells.
You can always drop an item as a free action, and pick it up later
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
You can always drop an item as a free action, and pick it up later
Oh yeah! Good point. :D
Interesting question on the Starfinder backpack. Would Quick Draw allow getting something out as a swift action?
Id-Sinitis |
Id slows down and tries to calm his self-flagellation. No action.
Round 3
Those around the diamonds see that they are rapidly losing their heat and shine, going inert again.
Huckle Jim keeps on staring at Drakzul, and babbling: ""Bllllbblblblblblblblblbbllblbbl!"
But Drakzul no longer hears voices in his mind, so, he can answer what he wants, or do something else.
Id, who took a step to the side, still keeps on banging himself in the face.
5 damage
I will skip the actions of those who can do things this round. If you have something you wanted to do, tell me and we will retcon it.
Round 4
You see that all danger is gone from the diamonds.
These soul- trapping Eoxian diamonds were damaged by the crash, and became unstable, attacking the spirits of nearby creatures, confusing them, and were going to overload and explode.
Now they are inert, and totally spent and useless.
Id no longer hears voices in his head.
Huckle Jim knows he still has voices in his head, but they do nothing.
The only one still Confused), this was his last round of Confusion, and I rolled that he can act normally, so I'll just end this encounter.
End of "Combat"
Huckle Jim (-5)
Id (-16)
Again, tell me if there was something you wanted to do during those two rounds.
I will let you tell me if you want to do anything now, and then, once that is done, tell Drakzul what he sees through the camera feed.
Huckle Jim: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Huckle Jim again: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Id: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose blinks a few times and wipes his brow. "Wow. That was...umm...interesting."
He packs up his kits, keeping out the Broad Spectrum Scanner, placing them gently in his Starfinder backpack.
Goose then goes to Id and checks him out. "You might want to sit down and rest for a few minutes while Drakzul checks out the camera system. Is there anything I can do to help?"
While Drak works on the cameras, Goose will continue investigating the area, now that the immediate danger has passed.
Id-Sinitis |
Id shakes his head and rubs the sore spot from where he struck himself. Ow. He stows his scanner and returns to the group. I'll have to check that for damage later.
Now I'm mad. Where is this dragon? I want to give her a piece of my mind.
Goose sets out to investigate--
Can you put an arrow as to where you are going?
--while Huckle Jim is wishing for some Bethesdan aspirin, and Id is seething while trying to soothe his wounds.
Drakzul has tapped into the video system, and now takes time to view the areas covered by the CCTV.
He first sees what is in the room just to the right of where you are now, and south of where Id is.
It is some sort of storage room, and you imagine the starship’s crew used the lockers inside to store their personal supplies and equipment.
The crash and subsequent fires partially collapsed these shelves, resulting in the destruction of most of the lockers.
Then Drakzul checks out the room just across to the north, the one in front of which Id is standing rubbing his bruised face.
Drakzul tells Id that this is a lavatory, with six bathroom stalls lining the north wall.
The remnants of the smashed communal shower spews water along the east wall.
Id could wash up and freshen up in there.
After which Drakzul taps into the feed showing the inside of the two rooms just to the north west of where Id is now, the ones close to the crashed part, at the end of the chain link fence close to Id.
This used to be the Mess Hall, that caters to the tastes of the various humanoid members of Norys’s crew, who took their meals here.
Rubble and wreckage occupy the east half of the room.
Drakzul now goes to see what is in the biggest structure, the one in the center of the "floor", the big detached square in the middle.
Well, it is obviously the Power Core.
And the starship’s power core chamber stretches the height of the vessel, with corrugated walkways connected to rung ladders stretching up and down the core’s housing.
Cracks crisscross the reaction chamber and brief flashes of plasma discharge sear the air.
No, it sure does not look good to you.
Nor does it look good to the group of several of Norys’s crew, who survived the crash, and are now frantically work to stabilize the power core.
Drakzul cuts to the next cameras, the one showing the room that is to the west of the power core, the furthest to the west, overlooking the void.
This is, or was, some sort of access corridor, probably leading to the bridge.
Wherever it led, it is now abruptly cut off over the precipice and a drop to the ground 300 feet below!
A few strips of the hull still cling to the bridge, which hangs 50 feet down.
An overturned, but functioning hoverloader sits tucked near the door.
Finally, Drakzul checks out the room that is just to your west, the one to the south-most of the wreckage.
This is - was - the gunnery station.
Drakzul's best guess is that some weapon, probably the power coil of the coil gun, snapped... and ignited the ammunition, causing the chamber to burst into roaring flames.
The weapon is inoperable.
The charred corpses of the Diamond Glow’s gunners still sit at the firing controls.
And the whole room is a giant blaze.
Drakzul cycles through all again, and realizes that that is all there is left to see.
Drazul tells Id there is no sign of the dragon!
Do you all decide she is dead, and go home?
Drakzul |
"If it's alive, wherever the wyrm's hiding, it doesn't seem to be in the ship. That being said, i guess there could be some places you can't look at with the cameras ?"
"Finding Norys doesn't seem a problem to me anyway. The way I see it, if it's alive, it will find us. Itlooked petty enough to do it. We ruined its plans and revenge should be tempting to it."
Silently, Drakzul orders his IA to keep a connection with the cameras. If his comrades want to explore the ship, he'd like to keep "a third eye" just in case.
"I'm not the charitable kind, but, if you want to search the ship, we should try to help the surviving crew in the power core room. They're trying to stabilize the core. It could possibly wipe them all. Plus, I'd like to explore without a time bomb ready to explode. And if we can settle things peacfully, we could get some interesting informations from them."
"So what's the plan ? Should we prioritize our lives and leave ? Attempt a rescue mission to have time to get bank our data ? Or risk it and go straight to our objective ?"
Mon "Goose" Tavvi |
Goose nods affirmatively as Drakzul makes his case.
"Yup. I agree. The immediate concern is keeping this place from exploding. Can't get our payload if it is blown to heck."
Drakzul |
Drakzul follows Huckle Jim, his weapon in hand.
@GM : I'm not really sure where the power core room is on the map...
The plan is to go directly to the power core room.