[ACG] [CAG] Curse of the Crimson Throne by Maelwys

Game Master Maelwys0

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Seelah would prefer a Weapon 1 followed by whatever the heck is left.

I'll spend my supporter feat on Thousand Bones.

Merisiel has some better options if you do 6-2 or in a couple of weeks.

deck handler

I will take one of the blessing 1s

will have to look into supporter feat

Seelah - Keith wrote:

Merisiel has some better options if you do 6-2 or in a couple of weeks.

6-2 as in, the second adventure of the current season? I guess I could divert my character for a tier.

I'm not quite sure how to parse the second part of that unless that means more swapping and/or update/conversion rulings are coming soon [fingers crossed]...

Lone Shark Games

6-2 includes an unlock of Ultimate Equipment for Merisiel, which likely works better than Rogue. That said, it's too late for _this_ Merisiel so less useful to divert.

In a couple weeks, announcing something that is more in the line of the swapping/update/conversion, yeah. At both PaizoCon and GenCon I talked about something I've been working on, which is essentially making minidecks out of Core and Curse. It's in internal playtest now, and I'm hoping to post it for external playtest (like we did the card swaps) in a blog a couple weeks from now, if we hit no major problems. You'd be able to swap (entirely) out an Ultimate and/or Class deck for those.

Oh, both of those sound fantastic, looking forward to it!

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Likewise; been following Yewstance's analysis for Quinn and though I'd be happy to continue as is, some more options will be welcome.

I'll take a Blessing 1.

I'll take the Item 1 then. I'm enjoying the harrow blessings, so I think I'll take replace my Footpad's Boots with the Sacred Candle.

Just realized I never declared my Supporter feat. I'll take:
Amin Jalento: You may bury to draw 2 new items, then banish 1 of them.

deck handler

Amin Jalento has many friends Ahmotep is one of them

Acquired Cards for Scenario 2A

Sergeant-at-arms (Ally 2)
Bodyguard (Ally 1)
Leech (Ally 1)
Droogami (Ally 1)
Merchant (Ally 0)
Mouse (Ally 0)
Acadamae Student (Ally 0)
Archer (Ally 0)
Bat (Ally 0)
Spider (Ally 0)

Magic Mithral Chain Mail (Armor 2)
Glamered Leather Armor (Armor 2)

Lamashtu's Madness (Blessing 2)
The Rabbit Prince (Blessing 1)
Nethys's Duality (Blessing 1)

Banner of the Ancient Kings (Item 2)
White War Paint (Item 2)
Horn of Blasting (Item 2)
Tangleburn Bag (Item 2)

Enlarge (Spell 2)
Good Omen (Spell 1)

Frost Longspear (Weapon 2)
Keen Starknife (Weapon 2)

And we get a bonus deck upgrade, right? RIGHT? *sigh* Oh wait, those are saved for scenarios when we only acquire five cards and they are all basic. *laugh/cry*

Good haul, though! Merisiel is definitely interested in weapon or item. Seems like a Gem of Physical Prowess would help me out a lot...

I'm pretty happy to choose after everyone takes their first pick. I've got upgrades in ally, armor, blessing, item, and weapon to consider.

Taking power feat: (☑ You may also do so if you would discard a spell for this power.)
So that it's almost always safe to use Seelah's power.

deck handler

Grabbing item 2 staff of minor healing

He spent on power add or subtract 2 from any local check by recharging a card

Merisiel FNCG wrote:
And we get a bonus deck upgrade, right? RIGHT? *sigh*

If anybody has an extra Treasure Hunter boon hanging around, this wouldn't be the worst time to use it... ;-)

Yeah, I might spend a check box on this haul. It kind of depends on what people want. And how soon the foreshadowed Core subdecks are coming. Keith, am I going to regret taking too many picks now? Or will I be able to re-spec after those release? :D

Right now leaning toward Weapon 2 (Venomous Fighting Fan +1) and spending a Treasure Hunter charge to pick up an Item 2 (Gem of Physical Prowess).

HP will be Power feat: ([X] or on a local check to acquire)

Lone Shark Games

They got delayed a couple more weeks, but my intent (and I might be overruled) is that you'd be allowed to respec so that existing characters can test with it.

Keith Richmond wrote:
They got delayed a couple more weeks, but my intent (and I might be overruled) is that you'd be allowed to respec so that existing characters can test with it.

Yay! Okay, I'll proceed as usual, and keep my fingers crossed for a future respec.

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler
Keith Richmond wrote:
They got delayed a couple more weeks, but my intent (and I might be overruled) is that you'd be allowed to respec so that existing characters can test with it.

I will spend all my hero points to respec. ;)

For now, taking a power feat: you may recharge (☑ or reload) a card to use Knowledge... and take the last Item 2 (Gem of Mental Acuity).

Seelah will take a Weapon 2 for a Tripartite Spear.

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

I also never chose my supporter feat, and will select Amin Jalento.

Acquired Cards for Scenario 2B

Fortune-teller (Ally 2)
Noble (Ally 2)
Tinker (Ally 1)
Porcupine (Ally 0)
Sage (Ally 0)
Merchant (Ally 0)

Helm of the Valkyrie (Armor 2)
Shield of Resistance (Armor 2)

Norgorber's Shadow (Blessing 2)
Irori's Mastery (Blessing 1)

Iron Shackles (Item 2)
Zellara's Harrow Deck (Item 2)
Thieves' Tools (Item 0)
Caltrops (Item 0)
Compass (Item 0)

Infernal Healing (Spell 0)

Shock Glaive (Weapon 2)
Seeking Shortbow (Weapon 1)

Loot - Ausio Carowyn:

Traits: Human Loot
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 7 OR Banish A Weapon 0
On a local check to acquire, bury to add 2d12. Discard to explore. This exploration, if you are at an Urban location, when you encounter a card, you may evade it and explore again.

Equally interest in the available 2s (except Armor), so I'm willing to let others pick first and take a remaining non-Armor 2.

HP: Skill feat - Dex

Did we finish in time to roll? Just in case:

boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Yay(maybe)!

deck handler

Would like weapon 2 (quarterstaff of vaulting) or blessing 2 (master of masters) or even blessing 1 (pharasma) In that order

weapon 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 670
blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 697

HP spent on str feat

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

item 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 732

Black Marsh Spider Venom in => Compass out

Hero Point => Skill Feat: Wisdom

Okay, with this (plus Keith's comment in chat) it appears distribution is as follows:
Quinn - Item 2
Ahmotep - Weapon 2
Merisiel - Ally 2 or Item 2
Seelah - Ally 2, Armor 2, (Item 2, if Merisiel doesn't take it)

Any interest in the loot ally?

Think I'll go Ally 2.

Quartermaster -> Shy Ratani.

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

I'll carry Ausio Carowyn if no one else wants to.

deck handler

Is this in addition to our current loot allies or replacing

Seelah improves her Charisma by 1 and takes a Kabuto Helmet (Armor 2).

If no one else takes Ausio, Seelah would, but is happy for Quinn to take it.

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Seelah is probaby better for Ausio, so go for it.

Acquired Cards for Scenario 2C

Sergeant-at-arms (Ally 2)
Fortune-teller (Ally 2)
Standard Bearer (Ally 1)
Giant Slug (Ally 1)
Priest of Abadar (Ally 1)
Harrower (Ally 0)

Gray Maiden Plate (Armor 2)

The Foreign Trader (Blessing 1)
The Real Rabbit Prince (Blessing 1)
The Mountain Man (Blessing 1)
Prayer (Blessing 0)
Sands of the Hour (Blessing 0)

Token of Remembrance (Item 0)

Charm Person (Spell 1)
Magic Eye (Spell 0)

In addition to a card upgrade, each character receives a hero point an a supporter feat.

Merisiel is considering taking a Spell feat. Not sure if either of the regular casters want that Spell 1, though. Excited to try Materialize!

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

I'll take a Card Feat (Item) and add Compass back.

Ally 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 304 for Shy Ratani, otherwise I'll pick from what's left.

Sounds like from the chat that the Spell 1 is available.

Supporter Feat: Trinia Sabor
HP: Card Feat (Spell)
Upgrade: Spell 1
(null) -> Materialize

If it matters, the Mountain Man counts as a blessing 2 because it's our harrow suit.

Interested in Ally 2, Armor 2, or Blessing 2, whichever is left.

deck handler

I will take card feat armour and the armour 2

Leaving Seelah the blessing 2

Great, I'll take a Blessing card feat and Blessing of Tsukiyo.

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Forgot to take a supporter feat:I will take Ishani Dhatri.

Acquired Cards for Scenario 2D

Bound Homunculus (Ally 2)
Korvosan Dandy (Ally 1)
Droogami (Ally 1)
Spider (Ally 0)

The Big Sky (Blessing 1)
The Marriage (Blessing 1)
Incitation (Blessing 0)
Sands of the Hour (Blessing 0)

Tangleburn Bag (Item 2)
Noxious Bomb (Item 0)
Holy Water (Item 0)

Aspect of the Monkey (Spell 2)
Holy Light (Spell 1)
Sonic Blast (Spell 1)
Fiery Glare (Spell 0)
Detect Evil (Spell 0)

Sling (Weapon 0)

Loot Reward

Ruan Mirukova:

Traits: Human Loot
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 12
On a local check, recharge to add 1d4 and the Magic trait. If the character succeeds, they may heal a card. Discard to explore; you may first heal a card.

Other Rewards
1 Hero Point
1 Support Feat

Merisiel would prefer a Blessing 1.
Bank HP.
Supporter Feat: Ishani Dhatri

After shuffling around with potential combinations of Adventurer's Decks, I think I'm going to keep Ultimate Equipment and trade out the Rogue CD for the Finesse AP.

After the rebuild, my deck changes will look like this:

Weapon 0 RCD Shortbow --> AP Starknife
Weapon 2 UE Venomous Fighting Fan +1 --> AP Humanbane Rapier
Weapon 1 UE Galvanic Chakram +1 --> AP Snakebite Dagger
Weapon 1 UE Double Chicken Saber +1 --> UE Double Chicken Saber +1
Spell 1 UE Materialize --> UE Materialize
Armor 0 RCD Leather Armor --> AP Studded Leather Armor
Item 0 UE Compass --> UE Compass
Item 0 RCD Thieves' Tools --> AP Thieves' Tools (Core)
Item 2 UE Gem of Physical Prowess --> UE Cloak of Daggers
Item 1 UE Sacred Candle (Core) --> AP Gem of Physical Prowess
Ally 0 UE Silver Balladeer --> UE Silver Balladeer
Ally 2 UE Shy Ratani --> UE Shy Ratani
Ally 0 RCD Standard Bearer --> UE Quartermaster
Blessing 0 UE Blessing of the Quartermaster --> UE Blessing of the Quartermaster
Blessing 0 UE Blessing of the Quartermaster 2 --> UE Blessing of the Quartermaster 2
Blessing 0 RCD Blessing of Milani --> UE Blessing of Wadjet
Blessing 1 UE Blessing of Kofusachi --> UE Blessing of Kofusachi

Then after I take my upgrade,
Blessing of the Quartermaster 2 --> The Demon's Lantern

deck handler

Ahmotep will take a spell 1

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Quinn also prefers Blessing 1.
Bank HP
Supporter Feat: Vencarlo Orisini


I'm going for a total rebuild into Alchemy/Finesse/Support. I may lean more heavily into the Alchemy-based role, given better access to the appropriate cards.

Rapier (Rogue) Weapon 0 -> Rapier (Finesse)
Rochin (UE) Weapon 0 -> Dagger (Finesse)
Sai (UE) Weapon 0 -> Starknife (Finesse)
Leather Armor (Rogue) Armor 0 -> Armored Coat (Alchemy)
Black Marsh Spider Venom (Rogue) Item 2 -> Elixir of Focus (Alchemy)
Firesticks (UE) Item 0 -> Elixir of Love (Alchemy)
Investigator's Lamp (P) Item 0 -> Investigator's Lamp (P)
Liquid Blade (UE) Item 1 -> Smoke Bomb (Finesse)
Sacred Candle (UE) Item 1 -> Harrow Deck (Support)
Gem of Mental Acuity (UE) Item 2 -> Horn of Blasting (Support)
Compass (UE) Item 0 -> Thieves' Tools (Finesse)
Burglar (Rogue) Ally 0 -> Burglar (Finesse)
Majordomo (UE) Ally 1 -> Priest of Abadar (Finesse)
Shy Ratani (UE) Ally 2 -> Flensing Jelly (Alchemy)
Blessing of Abadar (Rogue) Blessing 1 -> The Locksmith (Finesse)
Blessing of Kofusachi (UE) Blessing 1 -> The Snakebite (Alchemy)
Blessing of the Quartermaster (UE) Blessing 0 -> Sands of the Hour (Finesse)


Quinn has been carrying Zellara's Harrow Deck, but as his deck now has its own Harrow Deck I'm happy to let someone else take it, or continue to carry it (another level 2 card makes his recharge power better).

Decks changed to Tank, Divine, Nature Adventurer Packs.

Took Item 2 as my upgrade.

Cat o' Nine Tails -> Cruel Longsword
Tripartite Spear -> Flaming Mace
Shieldsplitter Lance -> Glorious Warhammer
Stone Skin -> Commune
Kabuto Helmet -> Gray Maiden Plate
Chain Mail -> Half-plate
Paladin's Helm
Champion's Do-Maru -> Covering Heavy Shield
Banner -> Item 2 -> Banner of the Ancient Kings
Camel -> Acolyte
Retriever -> Priest of Pharasma
Blessing of the Samurai -> Benefaction
Blessing of the Samurai -> Orison
Blessing of the Samurai -> Sands of the Hour
Blessing of the Gods -> Prayer
Blessing of Tsukiyo -> The Wanderer

Ruan is pretty great, so I'd heartily encourage someone else to take Ruan; if no one does, I'll swap out my Acolyte for it.

Not worried about any other loot, yet.

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Finishing deck:

Blessing 1 Upgrade -> Sands of the Hour replaced with The Inquisitor
Ruan Mirukova -> Stands in for Burglar
Zellara's Harrow Deck -> Stands in for Thieves' Tools

Acquired Cards for Scenario 3A

Hellknight of the Nail (Ally 3)
Noble (Ally 2)
Droogami (Ally 1)

Helm of the Valkyrie (Armor 2)

The Brass Dwarf (Blessing 1)

Wayfinder (Item 3)
Marked Cards (Item 3)
Liquid Courage (Item 2)
Banner of the Ancient Kings (Item 2)

Volcanic Storm (Spell 3)
Remove Disease (Spell 1)

Seeking Longbow (Weapon 3)

Other Rewards
1 Hero Point
If you take your third power feat, first select a role.

Kyra is happy with either Item, Spell, or Weapon 3. And since I already have a couple AD3 cards in my deck from my last adventure, I'll let everybody else pick first and I can take whatever is left from amongst those.

Hero Point will be saved, because I'm staying at Tier 3 for now (to not get too far ahead of the group).

Ally or Weapon 3 is probably my first choice. It kind of depends on who is taking up the mantle of blackjack. If Merisiel is adding two other weapons, then she's happy to let someone else have first shot at the Weapon 3.

STR d6 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10+1 (Disable +1, Knowledge +2) | Wisdom d8+1 (Perception +2) | Charisma d6 (Diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Quinn hasn't had a weapon upgrade yet, so would appreciate the Weapon 3. Additionally, though I'll probably track blackjack feats as we progress, I think Merisiel should take the cape and cowl most of the time, Quinn will focus on the Alchemical side.

Role: Epicurean

Power Feat: ☑ You are proficient with Alchemical. On your check to recharge an Alchemical item whose level is lower than #, you automatically succeed.

Final Breakdown
Kyra - Item 3, HP - Saved
Merisiel - Ally 3, HP - Unknown
Quinn - Weapon 3, HP - Power Feat
Seelah - Blessing 3, HP - Unknown

Quartermaster --> Cerulean Mastermind

HP: Power feat, Role "Liberator"
On your non-combat (☐ or combat) check at an Urban location, add 1d4.

BJ feat:
When you would recharge, shuffle, discard, or bury a boon for your character or role power, you may reload a Blackjack card instead.

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