[Outpost II] GM Zoomba's Breath of the Dragonskull (CORE) (Inactive)

Game Master Zoomba

Maps and handouts

Buckshot Bob

Arnistolientar Popswicker
Grand Lodge Zeebo Zane

M Gnome Druid 2 HP 15 / 15 AC 19 ( Touch 14 Flat 16) / Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +7 / CMB +0 | CMD 13 FF 12 / Init +2 / Perception +10
(167 posts)


Dark Archive Urias Leogil

#76925-48 Male Half Orc Sickly Savage 5 | HP: 51/51 (58)| AC: 17(15/12 (10)/15 (13) |Init: +1| Perc: +9| Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: 4| CMB: +8 (+10)| CMD: 20 (22)| L.bow: +7;1d8| A.Halberd: +9;1d10+4||
Acrobatics: +3| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+0| Climb:-1| Diplo:+0| Intimidate: +6| Kn.(Nature/Dun/Eng): +4| Kn.(Religion) +1| S. M: +2| Stealth: -2| Survival: +8| Swim: -1| Prof (LumberJack) +8|

(338 posts)


Celestial Gnome
Liberty's Edge Seebonickk Core character

Male Gnome Rog 5| HP 36 | AC 20; Touch 14; FF 17 | F +5; R +8; W +3 | CMB+3; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Stealth: +12 Rogue 5
(522 posts)


Liberty's Edge Arin Halfnirsdottir

F Human Fighter-1 | HP 13/13 | AC 18 (20w/shield) T 13 FF 15/17 | F+5 R+3 W+1 CMD 16 | Init+3 Perception +1
(65 posts)


Duchess of Wintercrux Svetochka Elvanna
Silver Crusade Iladora Unfallen

Female Human Ranger 4 | AC: 20/14/17 | HP: 36/36| Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2 | CMB +8 (+2 sunder), CMD 20 (+2 vs sunder) | Init +2 | Perc +8 (+2 urban terrain, +2 vs undead)
(396 posts)