GM Dak - War for the Crown 1

Game Master Dakcenturi

Chapter 2: Songbird, Scion, Saboteur
Part 2: Scion

Pics / Combat Maps / Loot & Notes


Start Day: Oathday, 1st of Pharast, 4718
Current Day: Moonday, 12nd of Pharast, 4718

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Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

After about ten minutes Sveng finds the others. "Not undead. Fey. The mischievous kind, not the malicious kind, and for some reason they are attached to protecting this place."

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

"Hmmm... it will take up to three months to make this place noble-worthy. This is not acceptable. We need to get this done much more quickly if we hope to invite anyone of influence in these halls again..."

Looking at the town improvement you created: since it is not editable could you please include the results of our meeting with Onara? thanks! we may need to add a line/item for the Betony Estate considering what we just learned...

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

Eregos looks at Sveng, then looks at Valeria's three cats, then back to Sveng. "Do you know of any kind of fey that can turn into a cat?" he asks the priest quietly.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

"Several." Sveng can't believe he overlooked such a simple detail. Even if the cat was not an impostor, he should have at least had the suspicion.

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

So, anything you want to try and do or what are your plans now? Want me to fast forward a bit?

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

I think we want to find a way to appease the fey so they stop trying to throw us out.

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

Day 1 and 2: Val sweeps the entire mansion and its gardens with her detect magic spell for good measure, then spends a day or two cleaning the house along with her agents and making liberal use of her mending spell. Anything that's cracked, faded, rotten, moldy gets the mending treatment. Val also send two of her agents to coordinate the beginning of town improvements with Onara. If time allows Val will also go down to the Onara's pub for supper late afternoon each day, perhaps also singing a song or two with a drink afterwards, then spend most of the early evening using mending at various locations in the pub, village square, buildings, etc. Anything that's broken, and she'll spread the word she's available for this each day...

Day 3: Val goes down to the village, hopefully accompanied by the rest of the heroes, to attend the criminal trial Onara wanted us to look into.

Day 4: Prepare and then depart for Dame Crabbe's estate.

Aasimir Investigator (Empiricist)5 AC 119|T14|FF16|HP43 Init+3|Perc+12|Fort 3|Ref 7(+1)|Will 4(+2)|Darkvision 60|DR Acid, cold, elec.|

Piri would in keeping with the disguise tag along with Val and make himself as useful as possible. All the while being respectable of the estate and the town and its residents.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

If it helps, Sveng can also throw in his weight with mending spells. Besides that:

Late at night, Sveng goes into the living room and makes enticing sounds to attract the cat to him. He has fresh tuna from the market, and some heavy cream that he has poured into a dish. He makes sure nobody else is around, or is even aware of what he's planning. Once the cat is nearby and enjoying it's midnight treat, Sveng sits cross-legged on the ground.

"I wish to speak to you, fey creature that inhabits the house. We have no ill will towards you, and we do not want to step on your toes while here. We would prefer to bring each of our desire out into the open. I believe we can help each other."

Diplomacy (with guidance): 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 1 = 24

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

The cats come to your call and are happy for the food and milk. As you start to talk with them they stare at you blankily for a moment while they eat. They finish eating and lounge around a bit and you are about to walk off thinking yourself crazy when in a puff of smoke the cats are gone and instead stand three tiny men.

One of them speaks "Why should we believe someone as you? We know your secret."

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

GM Dak:
Sveng controls the smile that threatens the corners of his lips. Progress.

From my knowledge check earlier do I know more about these creatures now that I've seen them? Feel free to make another roll for me, if I roll a 10 or less I will reroll it with a +4 bonus.

"Well, that is precisely why you should believe me. Clearly you have my insight into who I am, but instead of fleeing or going on the offensive, I've decided to parlay. I wish to know what you want, why you reside here and why you have been playing tricks on us. What do you know of me, exactly?"

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

Eregos will return to town to buy some cooked chicken and some cream. He takes the chicken, the cream, and a dish to his bedroom, and sets them out, with a note that says, "I do not wish to be your enemy, fey creature. I believe you do not have a malicious intent, but feel protective of the estate. We do not intend to cause any harm, and would like to work to restore it to its former glory. I am quite open to speaking with you as equals."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

He then will go to bed, and hope the note gives him a peaceful night's rest - or at least helps him avoid any pranks.

Otherwise, he assists around the estate as best he can - he doesn't have any practical skills, and cursed himself for turning to gambling and drink to support himself after his fall from grace instead of something useful, but he can be an extra pair of hands and help point out problem areas he finds. He will accompany Valeria to the trial, as well.

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |


Now that you have seen them, yes you recognize them as domovoi. Feel free to look over their stats.

One of the other tiny men speaks up "You worship a dark god." The third one chimes in "Dark gods are not good" Finally the first one adds "Thus we think you must not be good, and maybe your friends too, except the Mistress, she seems good."

They all glare at you for a second and then turn to each other to whisper among themselves before the lead one speaks up again "We hear your group talk about rebuilding town which is good, but you also talk about secrets and usurping power, not good. This house is our duty to protect. Lady Betony was our friend. So in her honor we protect this house and keep it maintained as best we can."

The second one adds "You come here now and claim this as your own, but we don't know you and we were here first. It is our duty to make sure the house does not fall into the wrong hands!"

The third one just nods along with what the others have said.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

GM Dak:
Ah, Domovoi. It makes sense, and likely it is my presence that is mostly what is upsetting them.

Not remarkably intelligent though. Should be fairly easy to outmaneuver. They lost most of their leverage when they revealed themselves to me, and even now they chatter away like monkeys instead of holding onto what little leverage they have left.

Sveng listens with rapt attention, nodding and giving small verbal responses to indicate that he's listening. He absorbs what they're saying and lets it visibly mull over in his mind.

Sveng lets silence stretch out for a moment after they are done speaking, then opens his palms with a small smile. "I must commend you for your attention to the manor, even after the original family has left. Your devotion is surely something they would have been proud of. You are no doubt a major asset as to why it has not fallen into complete disrepair."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Start with some flattery. Nothing novel, but it is a stable of negotiations for a reason.

"If you would allow me a brief spell, I would give us some privacy. I will remain seated with my weapons undrawn, I should pose no threat to all of you combined."

If allowed, Sveng will cast Silent Table to prevent any eavesdropping.

"I would be remiss if I did not correct some of your well-intentioned assumptions." Sveng reaches into his shirt, taking out his unholy symbol. "Clearly you found this where I had hidden it in my room. An unholy symbol of Norgorber, the deity of thievery, assassination, and secrets. He is indeed a dark god, and the intentions of his followers are often dark and unknown."

"Which is precisely why it is so important that I keep tabs on them." He lets this sentence fall heavily, letting them mentally digest what he just said.

"Lady Valeria, as well as the rest of us, are here to improve the town, this home, and the whole of the nation. Part of that does entail usurping power, yes, because some of those in power are corrupt and hurt those under them. There is talk of secrets yes, because dark and corrupt secrets must be brought to light so they may be burned away. As part of that, it is critical that somebody keeps tabs on the Norgorberite cults that are active in the nation, that way we can stay one step ahead of these organizations that are so involved in assassinations and secrets, which you understand is tied into the politics we find ourselves involved in." He frowns. "I take no pleasure in walking among their ranks, but it is a falsehood I must make so that I can stay one step ahead of the darkest underbelly of humankind."

Bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26 If Sveng fails this check, he will use Fool's Privilege to suffer no negative effects due to the failed check and make another new check without any penalties.

Sveng takes a deep breath. "I hope that helps to ease some of your concerns. We are truly here to do good, we want the best for the town and its people, and that includes the manse. Your help would be invaluable in that."

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

GM, let me know the results of my note and offering, if any.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

Sorry Eregos, I think I may have beat you to the punch of "enticing the fey to talk to me".

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

I know, but I figure they'll be open to additional gifts.

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Eregos your gifts were accounted for, just wrapping this up and will address when I move us forward.

The domovoi listen and with the complexities of what Sveng is going through it is apparent they get lost in parts, but as Sveng wraps it up the huddle around each other and talk in whispers for a moment. Frequently pointing at Sven and then turning back to one another. Eventually the lead one turns back and nods "Ok, that is very commendable we suppose. How about this then? While you work to make this place better, we shall provide assistance but in return you and your friends provide us with bread and whisky." The second one chimes in excitedly "Oh yes, it has been oh so long since we have had any delicious bread and whisky." The third one adds "Lady Betony used to share with us all the time, we do miss it so much."

The lead one looks back at the other two with a frown and then looks to Sveng putting out his tiny hand to shake on the agreement.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

GM Dak:
Sveng has to contain his surprise. That went better than expected. Sveng lets a genuine smile spread across his face. "Bread and whiskey, consider it done. And can I know each of your names so my companions may be introduced to you in the morn? I am Sveng Catus."

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

The most one holding out his hand to shakes Svengs finger says "I am Blunk." He motions to the one who seems to always talk second and notes "That is Nodd." Then points to the third "And that is Wink."

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

The Morning After:

Sveng first waits for everybody to be moving into town. Some point where the entirety of the group is outside of the house, that way there is no chance of being overheard by the fey and thus complicating his lies. Then he clears his throat.

"I have good news. I have identified and rectified our fey problem."

"Domovoi fey, helpful if sometimes mischievous creatures that are known for being helpers around houses to particular families. They've been here for a while with no family and are still around to protect the estate. They feared our intentions and what we would do while here, but I explained our goals and eased their concerns, and now they have agreed to be helpful."

"Their leader is Blunk, and there is also Nodd and Wink. They have been taking the form of the cats moving around, and they can also be invisible, have notably telekinesis and sleep abilities, and once a week can cast augury. Their true form looks like an old man with a shaggy beard about two feet tall."

"And most importantly they have agreed to be helpful now, which means now only will they act as guards against intruders and misfortune, they can also help with small chores around the house. However they did ask for bread and whiskey in return, so that should be worked into our budget, but that should be a small price to pray for the boon of their help."

Aasimir Investigator (Empiricist)5 AC 119|T14|FF16|HP43 Init+3|Perc+12|Fort 3|Ref 7(+1)|Will 4(+2)|Darkvision 60|DR Acid, cold, elec.|

Blast! I should have been able to figure that out, but it is good to know the whole issue of a 'haunted mansion'

"Very impressive and it all makes sense. It shouldn't be much of an issue handling the bread and whiskey requirement. I would love to engage them in a discussion of the history of the manse and its owners from an insider perspective."

When next I see one of those cats I shall invite them into conversation...after all we do share certain values.

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

"So, I was right that the cats were somehow involved! Well, at least now we know who and what they are, and how we can get their help. I think we can definitely buy them bread and whiskey if it means not being forcibly moved from the house."

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

"Excellent news! we will provide them anything they want! I shall go speak with them immediately!"

Valeria, eager to restore the mansion, discusses with them what building material they will require.

To be deducted from Improvement Funds yes? PS (GM Dak): improvement tracking sheet not editable from our end- could you please update it with our decisions thus far? thanks!

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

Fast Forward Time

With the mystery of the 'haunted' house resolved the group sets to work on their first week in town. The fey, now in agreement to be friendly, no longer maintain their guise as cats unless visitors come to the estate. After setting them up with bread and whisky they offer to not only help you maintain the place but as Valeria discusses repairs they offer their assistance there as well.

Getting them on your side reduces the cost of repairs to to the estate from 1000gp to 500gp and the time it takes from 3 months to just 1 month. Let me know how you plan to pay for the repairs.

After being properly introduced to the group as a whole and any of their servants/assistants, the group of fey ask you to wait as they rush off to the basement. Moments later they bring up an extremely well crafted longsword and present it to the group as a gift of friendship. After some time examining it you find it to be a +2 defending longsword, but it seems to have other powers that are dormant, very similar to the crossbow you had found below the senate.

After taking a couple days to get things set with the estate and the fey to get things back in order there the group heads into town to start getting it back into shape as well. The first step in the groups plan is to setup a Basic Market to help improve the economy and attract more business. By paving the village square, coordinating with local artisans and neighboring farms, and hiring a few messengers, the group works toward establishing a weekly market to attract more wealth. This improvement helps Stachys become more self-sufficient.

Near the end of the week the group starts to prepare for their trip to visit with Dame Crabbe but first stops by to talk with Onara and fulfill their other duty of holding trail. The trial will likely take most of the day and is help in Onara's pub. Onara presents the accused to the group, one Lucinia Mag who has been detained for assault public drunkenness and theft. As she goes over the details you gather that this individual is the local drunk and troublemaker and has been causing problems for years. Most recently she started a brawl in Piscum’s pub, punched the sheriff, and ran off with the night’s take—22 sp—and a bottle of oldlaw whiskey worth 20 gp. Sheriff Piscum found her passed out drunk in Jo Sini’s barn the next morning.

The woman herself doesn't seem to really have anything to say in her own defense but Onara notes that if the group wants to do any sort of investigation they can do so before making their decision this afternoon. You can use Diplomacy to talk to the townsfolk and gather information before making a decision. Before you depart though Onara lays out the most common punishments available. The acceptable punishments are generally a time in the pillory, a fine, dismemberment (especially for theft), or death; Stachys isn’t equipped to imprison anyone, and with only one sheriff, the town can’t oversee anyone performing community service unless the group deputize and pay someone for the task. Of course the group can always dismiss the charges or come up with their own alternatives as well.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

Is there any chance we may be able to get that weapon in a falcata form? I think Eregos might highly appreciate that :)

Sveng finds his work to be very hands on when helping to setup the market. On the face of it, his presence seems to be a a very wise and intelligent infrastructure coordinator, which is true, but Sveng has other plans as well. As part of setting up the market he also makes sure that goods and services are tracked in such a way that he can be made aware of anything that happens that is out of the ordinary. Expensive magic items coming in, certain goods in-fluxing in or drying up, any odd patterns of the marketplace, that way he can be one step ahead of the curve on if anything funny starts happening to the town from an economic angle.

Sveng listens to the details of the trial of Lucinia Mag. A drunk, a troublemaker. There's likely a reason behind this, there always is. Sveng actually had made quite a habit of consorting with drunks. They had usually lost everything in their lives, but were not useless people as long as he could get them away from the bottle, and it gave him a measure of power over them, so they were useful assets for simpler jobs.

As they sit and Onara lays out the possible punishments Sveng raises an eyebrow. They really are giving us the power of executioner, so swiftly. He looks to Lucinia Mag, and after some discussion from the other he clears his throat. "Ms. Mag. You have heard what is being deliberated yet you have offered no defense. You know we discuss your fate, yet you sit silently. It is reason to believe that what has been reported is true, but you do have an avenue yet left open to you. Rational. Mitigating circumstances. The law does take context into account; if a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving children, the arm of justice can be tempered. Pray tell, what is your story that has lead you here?"

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

@Sveng: believe me, having run this adventure as a GM for another group, this sword is very much worth the time and money investment for a PC to retrain a weapon focus feat or two...

@GM: Valeria will pay the 500gp from her personal funds to repair the estate, and coordinate with the fey to buy whatever they need in terms of materials, bread and whiskey. :) (100gp gems removed from Valeria's inventory: amethyst x1 red garnet x1 jade x1 jet x1 pink pearl x1)

Valeria canvasses the townsfolk during part of the morning to find information about Lucinia Mag. 1d4 ⇒ 1 hours; Diplomacy, Rising Star +2 1/day: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 16 + 2 = 19

Using some of her wealth, on her way back to the pub she secures some building materials with some providers near the newly established market.

Once back at the pub for lunch, she shares with her companions what she found out about Lucinia.

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

Toby’s favored weapon outside of the lance is the longsword, so we can get some use out of it.

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88
Eregos Villarius wrote:
Toby’s favored weapon outside of the lance is the longsword, so we can get some use out of it.

It's something you'll want to be wielding... all the time. PS: one of the melee characters in my campaign changed his *archetype* for it...

Aasimir Investigator (Empiricist)5 AC 119|T14|FF16|HP43 Init+3|Perc+12|Fort 3|Ref 7(+1)|Will 4(+2)|Darkvision 60|DR Acid, cold, elec.|

Piri listens intently to the court proceedings and to Sveng's questions. I would like to hear her answer. It seems as if she is a regular, probably most of the tamer punishments have been tried. Piri tries to get a feeling of the public at the trial:

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

"Could we have a reading of her past record and punishments? It seems she is a recidivist, and our past measures have not altered her behavior."

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

When Sveng asks the woman directly if she has any defense she looks at him definatly as she notes "Was jus' 'avin' meself a good time. Ya hoity-toity rish folk don't know nuthin' 'bout what it's been like 'ere over the years. I've 'ad ta make me own way in life an' it is what it is..."

Valeria talks to people around town while the group breaks to deliberate. She finds out that the woman has a long history of harassment, minor violence, and petty theft from Mag extending back to her childhood. She’s been run out of town twice in the last 10 years, but both times she came back after a few months. It is clear that Mag skirts a fine line of criminality—not violent enough for severe punishment, but never willing to reform— and most of the locals are sick of her.

Piri gets the feeling that the townsfolk are more than done with her and anything that can be done to rid the town of her at least for a time would likely satisfy the people. When Piri asks about previous crimes there is a long list of them dating back 10 plus years, most of them involve drunkenness, minor theft, a few brawls and general rowdiness, but nothing especially violent or horrible. They've tried banishment, fines, locking her up, so far nothing has been a permanent solution.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

A portion of Eregos's concept is built around the fact that he is taking the rondelero fighting style and changing it to work with Strength and heavy armor. The rondelero fighting style uses a falcata and buckler. Altering my weapon choice is altering the concept of the character. Toby can have the longsword. If it's as good as you say, he'll want to use it in place of his lance.

Eregos asks about town if Mag has any kind of employment history, or if she's constantly been unemployed.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

Sveng shakes his head. "You presume too much of where others come from, and seem immunized to the idea that those born in the gutter cannot rise up the ranks. We will adjourn until the evening, when the final decision will be made."

Sveng also goes out to gather some more information on her. He has a sneaking suspicion that there's more here than just a troublemaker.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

Eregos asks around about the woman's employment history. She's never held a job for long. Any time she gets any amount of coin it usually goes toward drinking and that's when all the troubles start. Further, at this point no one really wants to hire her which is often where the petty thieving comes in.

Sveng tries to get more details on the woman. He is greeted with a lot of stories of how much of pain she is and how people just wish she left and never came back. After talking to enough people he picks up on a few interesting tidbits. Seems the woman was orphaned at an early age and has had to fend for herself ever since. With the town in the state it is in, its not like she has had all sorts of opportunities either. However, as far as he can gather no one seems to think she has any real redeeming qualities and is just a troublemaker.

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88
Eregos Villarius wrote:
A portion of Eregos's concept is built around the fact that he is taking the rondelero fighting style and changing it to work with Strength and heavy armor. The rondelero fighting style uses a falcata and buckler. Altering my weapon choice is altering the concept of the character. Toby can have the longsword. If it's as good as you say, he'll want to use it in place of his lance.

Understood. Wondering if Toby explored the mount-less cavalier archetypes, since mounted characters may have limited options in this AP... you can still have a nice mount (Stone Destrier, various Figurines of Wondrous Power) without the need of an animal companion, for the odd times the mount would be allowed... Valeria relates the information she gathered in town to the group, disappointed that she couldn't find a silver lining. She recommends the woman pays a fine equal to double what she stole: i.e. 2 x (20gp + 22sp). In time, Onara can be reimbursed as the woman incrementally pays her debt. Until the debt is paid in full, a restraining order against her will be posted on all drinking establishments throughout the barony, and a letter will be sent to the Count to inform him of the judgement and recommend the restraining order be extended throughout the County.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

Simply too far down this path to go back. Well, it is time to offer an olive branch.

Sveng approaches the party first; he wants to run the idea by them in private. "I believe we should show leniency to Lucinia Mag. I have seen her type before; she has been down this road for so long it is hard to see herself as anything but the drunken troublemaker. But with good economic opportunities, with stability and routine and a little oversight, reformed drunkards become very loyal. And the risk is low because they already have such a history that if they cannot be reformed they can be cut off and expunged with little question. I'm certain there's work we can find for her with all the renovations going on, we need only learn what her history of trade skills is, but failing that manual labor is always available. Thoughts?"

And so Sveng begins creating a new cohort. One that, if successful, would be indebted to them beyond a normal lackey. His benevolence conceals his perniciousness, as always.

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

"We are the leaders of this village Sveng. This is a village: not Oppara. Stachys is 50 humans, 6 halflings, 8 half-elves, 1 changeling, 1 half-orc, and 1 tiefling. These few villagers who each wake up each day wondering what they will eat today have had enough of her. We don't have the luxury of charity for those that don't want to be helped. She's past the point of being asked nicely. And besides, our first decision as leaders should be one that's in the public interest. It will set the tone that we are efficient, capable leaders that give a damn about what people need! ...and, although I'd never want to go there, may I remind you that the local by-laws for the punishment of theft are normally dismemberment???"

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

Eregos chimes in, "She's never held a job for long - when she has money, she inevitably spends it on drink, which is what causes her trouble. No one will hire her in Stachys anymore because of the trouble she causes, which is why she's resorted to petty theft.

[b]"The only way we'd be able to truly reform her would be to keep her away from drink. The only way to do that would be to set someone to watch over her day and night to prevent her from drinking."

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

Time for a vote. Our options are according to the GM: pillory, fine, dismemberment (especially for theft), death, dismissal of charges, or alternative approach. So far we have: fine/restraining order (1), some kind of supervised work (2)

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

Sveng rubs at his chin unhappily. "Clearly a half-measure would not due, the town could not stomach the resources and it wouldn't have its desired effect. But do we want to instantly resort to drastic measures?" Not that Sveng cared for the woman, but he cared about - "Imagine the optics of these newcomers suddenly putting somebody to death. Annoyance or not, that can put a sour taste in people's mouths."

And, of course, he hated to waste a potential resource.

Hmm. "Any half-measure would have to be cleverly structured, else it would be useless. Assuming we did not take a half measure, are we thinking of a more final verdict?" He asks the others with a raised eyebrow.

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

"Look, if we issue a fine and restrain her from entering Onara's pub... I think the problem will go away. Worst-case: she'll get off the sauce and beg people for food in exchange for helping out. Best case: she actually finds a job somewhere and repays Onara. Fining her does not remove her freedom, dignity and liberties, and it forces her to come to grips with reality and assume responsibility for how she carries herself as a woman. We can use some of her agents to hang in Onara's pub and serve as restraining order enforcers. I'm sure there'll be... multiple volunteers for this tavern task!" says Valeria, smiling and winking at the group.

CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

I just laid out some common punishements, you all can decide on whatever you like :). To note, if you went the route of hiring someone to watch over her it would be like paying for a hireling, which is minimal, but something to keep in mind depending on how long you plan to have them work.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

"Perhaps I'm overthinking things. In a town this small and close-knit, it should be reasonable to completely cut off the flow of liquor to an individual as long as everybody knows. Let's proceed with Valeria's plan, and we can revisit more complex or drastic resolutions should this issue arise again."

Aasimir Investigator (Empiricist)5 AC 119|T14|FF16|HP43 Init+3|Perc+12|Fort 3|Ref 7(+1)|Will 4(+2)|Darkvision 60|DR Acid, cold, elec.|

"I feel like Valeria's plan doesn't go quite far enough. Her past indicates that these attempts have been successful in the short term before, but inevitably led to a repeat. I think we demonstrate to our citizens that we are serious about making their lives better. I love her ban on the pub and a letter to the entire barony. I think in addition to the suitable fine proposed we also banish her from the county and the letter to the Count reflect such."

"Regarding supervised work, if as a alternative to banishment, the only acceptable work would be constantly supervised and quite possibly draconically so. Perhaps having her work at the Estate and be supervised by the Fey, for which we will compensate the Fey. They should be given full control over her and her duties, and they will selfishly keep her from stealing a drink."

"Of the two options thus far, I would vote for Valeria's suggestion, I just think it needs to be bolstered just a bit to satisfy the public. Let them know we got rid of the problem and will not tolerate the continual assault on the public."

Grand Lodge

Cav Charge w/ PA [dice=cavalier's charge power attack]d20+12; 3d8+27[/dice] [dice=longsword w PA]d20+9; d8+10[/dice]
"Sir William Osbourne", Human Cavalier 49/49 HP; 2/2 Challenges; Init +0; Perception +9; [24 AC][10 Touch][24 FF]; [Fort 6][Reflex 1][Will 1],[CMD:19, vs. bullrush/reposition 21] [buffs:
35/35 HP; Perception +5; [22 AC][11 Touch][21 FF]; [Fort 7][Reflex 8][Will 2],[CMD:21, vs. trip 25]

Toby chimes in, but does not speak as eloquently as the others. "I think we should banish her from the town. Give her food and money to last a couple of months, and send her on her way."

Male Alias: "Sir Kalegos Seldry" | Human Vigilante (avenger) 7 | HP 53/53| AC 26 | T 14 | FF 21 | CMD 22 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +8 | Init +2 | Perception +11; low-light vision

Eregos was not voting for supervised work. He was just pointing out that she would need constant supervision to keep her from going to drink.

"They've run her out of town before, though, and she just comes back. We could banish her under pain of death, but then we'll actually have to carry out that threat if she returns. We also have to think about the precedent we set. For good or ill, the outcome of this trial will begin to cement Valeria's reputation as the baroness of Stachys - kind or cruel, merciful or tyrannical, fair or harsh. The judgement rendered today will be used by others when they consider whether or not to commit a crime.

"I favor Valeria's plan, personally. We should also circulate her picture to all merchants, and make it known that she is forbidden from purchasing alcohol from anyone in Stachys."

Eregos remembered when his father had been teaching Marcus about rendering judgement - it was one of the few lessons Eregos had been present for. Of course, that had been because his father had him playing the role of an accused thief, not because his father had actually intended to teach him anything. Still, he remembered what his father had said about precedent. Once a judgement was rendered, it went to all the people's opinions of you. Too harsh, and you would be known as a tyrant. Too merciful, and the law ceased to have meaning. It was a difficult balance to achieve - one that few aristocrats truly succeeded to find.

Male Human Cleric 5 | HP 28/28 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | CMD 12 | Fort +5 | Ref +3 | Will +9* | Init +2 | Perc +13
-1 vs compulsion (see drawback)

"Of course one can just reason that she's already had a history of theft so she will likely attempt to resort to stealing liquor."

"If we do not banish her, then we need to find something for her to spend her time on. If she doesn't have a job, something taking up her hours, she will resort to causing trouble again."

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

"A combination of fine and banishment then? the fine would dissuade her from ignoring the banishment. We have a multitude of aides and agents that can keep her in line now, should she choose to return against legal order."

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CotCT | HR | MM | RoA | RotRL1 | SD | SS1 | SS2 | WftC_1 | WftC_2 |

So banishment on the threat of paying a fine if she returns?

CG Female Human Bard 5 | Speed 30 ft. | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | hp 33/33 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | Init +11 | Percep +11* | CMD 16 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 3/3 Bardic Performance 17/17 | Reroll @ +3 1/1 | Conditions*: Heroism Wand CLW x88

That sounds lovely

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